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Bottoni, M.; Chang, F.C.
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
[en] The computer code COMMIX-1C/ATM, which describes single-phase, three-dimensional transient thermofluiddynamic problems, has provided the framework for the extension of the standard k-var-epsilon turbulence model to a six-equation model with additional transport equations for the turbulence heat fluxes and the variance of temperature fluctuations. The new, model, which allows simulation of anisotropic turbulence in stratified shear flows, is referred to as the Anisotropic Turbulence Model (ATM) has been verified with numerical computations of stable and unstable stratified shear flow between parallel plates
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1993; 19 p; Pressure vessels and piping conference; Denver, CO (United States); 25-29 Jul 1993; CONF-930702--38; CONTRACT W-31109-ENG-38; OSTI as DE93015541; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Bottoni, M.; Lyczkowski, R.W.
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
[en] The theoretical and computational bases of the BACCHUS-3D/TP computer program are reviewed. The computer program is used for thermal-hydraulic analyses of nuclear fuel bundles under normal and accident conditions. The present program combines two models and solution procedures previously used separately, namely, the Improved Slip Model (ISM) and the Separated-Phases Model (SPM). The former model uses mixture equations with accounting for slip between the phases, whereas the latter uses separate continuity and momentum equations. At the present stage of development, both assume thermodynamic equilibrium. Techniques used to affect smooth transition between the two models are described. including treatment of frictional pressure drop and solution of the Poisson and momentum equations. A detailed derivation of the computation of mass transfer between the phases is given because it is a central and novel feature of the model
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Jan 1992; 38 p; CONTRACT W-31109-ENG-38; Also available from OSTI as DE94008473; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Bottoni, M.; Dorr, B.; Homann, C.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Reaktorsicherheit1992
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Reaktorsicherheit1992
[en] The three-dimensional single-phase flow version of the BACCHUS code, which describes the thermal behaviour of a coolant in hexagonal bundle geometry, developed earlier, provided the basis for the development of the two-phase flow version documented in this report. A detailed description is given of the two-phase Slip Model (SM), and of the Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) as a subcase, which presents several improvements from both viewpoints of physical modelling and numerical treatment, with respect to usual models found in the literature. The most advanced Separated Phases Model (SPM) is then described in all analytical details necessary to fully understand its implementation in the code. Poblems related to the link between the two above models into an integrated code version are then discussed. The code provides an additional option for modelling of active or passive, permeable or impermeable blockages. This option is documented separately. New numerical methods for solving the algebraic systems of equations derived from the linearization of the fundamental equations have completely superseded previous ones and are explained in detail. Eventually a section is dedicated to an overview of the code verification, made over several years, which goes from steady state single-phase unheated bundle experiments up to fast transient two-phase flow experiments in electrically heated 37-pin bundles. (orig.)
Die frueher entwickelte dreidimensionale einphasige Version des Rechenprogrammes BACCHUS zur Beschreibung der Thermohydraulik eines Kuehlmittels in hexagonaler Buendelgeometrie lieferte die Grundlage fuer die Entwicklung der zweiphasigen Version, die in diesem Bericht dokumentiert wird. Das Zwei-Phasen-Schlupfmodell mit dem Spezialfall des homogenen Gleichgewichtsmodells wird detailliert beschrieben. Im Vergleich zu den ueblichen Modellen, die in der Literatur beschrieben werden, enthaelt es mehrere Verbesserungen sowohl in der physikalischen Modellierung als auch in der numerischen Behandlung der Grundgleichungen. Das Modell der getrennten Phasen fuer hoehere Dampfgehalte wird in allen analytischen Einzelheiten beschrieben, die zum vollen Verstaendnis seiner Implementierung im Rechenprogramm noetig sind. Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Uebergang zwischen den beiden Modellen in einer integrierten Programmversion werden anschliessend diskutiert. Das Rechenprogramm enthaelt eine zusaetzliche Option zur Modellierung von aktiven und passiven, durchlaessigen und undurchlaessigen Blockaden. Diese Option wird zusaetzlich dokumentiert. Neue numerische Methoden zur Loesung des algebraischen Gleichungssystems, das durch die Linearisierung der Grundgleichungen entsteht, haben die Methoden, die frueher fuer die einphasige Version des Rechenprogramms benutzt wurde, vollstaendig ersetzt und werden in diesem Bericht detailliert beschrieben. Anschliessend ist ein Abschnitt einem Ueberblick ueber die Verifikation des Programms gewidmet, die sich ueber mehrere Jahre erstreckt und von stationaeren einphasigen unbeheizten Buendelexperimenten bis zu schnellen transienten zweiphasigen Experimenten in elektrisch beheizten 37-Stabbuendeln geht. (orig.)Primary Subject
Apr 1992; 457 p
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Bottoni, M.; Lyczkowski, R.; Ahuja, S.
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] Numerical simulation of subcooled boiling in one-dimensional geometry with the Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) may yield difficulties related to the very low sonic velocity associated with the HEM. These difficulties do not arise with subcritical flow. Possible solutions of the problem include introducing a relaxation of the vapor production rate. Three-dimensional simulations of subcooled boiling in bundle geometry typical of fast reactors can be performed by using two systems of conservation equations, one for the HEM and the other for a Separated Phases Model (SPM), with a smooth transition between the two models
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1995; 27 p; National heat transfer conference; Portland, OR (United States); 5-9 Aug 1995; CONF-950828--16; CONTRACT W-31109-ENG-38; Also available from OSTI as DE95014098; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Bottoni, M.; Struwe, D.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorentwicklung1982
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorentwicklung1982
[en] The computer programme BLOW-3A describes sodium boiling phenomena in subassemblies of fast breeder reactors as well as in in-pile or out-of-pile experiments simulating different failure conditions. This report presents a complete documentation of the code from three main viewpoints: the theoretical foundations of the programme are first described with particular reference to the most recent developments; the structure of the programme is then explained in all details necessary for the user to get a rapid acquaintance with it; eventually several examples of the programme validation are discussed thus enabling the reader to acquire a full picture of the possible applications of the code and at the same time to know its validity range. (orig.)
Das Rechenprogramm BLOW-3A beschreibt Natriumsiedephaenomene sowohl in Brennelementen von schnellen Brutreaktoren als auch in Experimenten, in denen in Testreaktoren oder Versuchsstaenden unterschiedliche Fehlerursachen der Kuehlung simuliert werden. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt eine vollstaendige Dokumentation des Rechenprogramms dar. Drei Bereiche werden hervorgehoben: Darstellung der theoretischen Grundlagen des Rechenprogramms unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung neuerer Entwicklungsarbeiten; Detaillierte Erklaerung der Programmstruktur, um den Benutzer mit BLOW-3A bekannt zu machen; Diskussion einiger Anwendungsbeispiele des Programms, die zur Programmvalidierung herangezogen wurden. Dadurch kann der Leser einen vollen Ueberblick ueber den moeglichen Anwendungsbereich des Programms und seine Grenzen bekommen. (orig.)Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 1982; 336 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bottoni, M.; Struwe, D.
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
[en] Experimental and theoretical analyses of sodium boiling behavior performed at the Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe have led to the development of the computer program BLOW-3A which describes sodium boiling phenomena under accident conditions in one-dimensional geometry by means of a heterogeneous multi-bubble slug ejection model. The main characteristics of the code are explained with particular emphasis on the analysis of the transient fuel behavior and on the methods used for the numerical solution of the set of equations describing the separated phases in the two-phase flow model. Some representative results from the theoretical interpretation of single-pin and 7-pin in-pile and out-of-pile experiments are shown to provide a validation of the theoretical basis of the computer program. Future developments of the model to more-dimensional description of sodium boiling in bundle geometry are presented
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; p. 1836-1851; 1980; p. 1836-1851; ANS/ASME topical meeting on reactor thermal-hydraulics; Saratoga, NY, USA; 9 - 12 Oct 1980; Available from NTIS
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bottoni, M.; Dorr, B.; Homann, C.; Struwe, D.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorentwicklung1983
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorentwicklung1983
[en] The computer programme BACCHUS implemented at KfK includes a steady-state version, a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional transient single-phase flow version describing the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the coolant (sodium or water) in bundle geometry under nominal or accident conditions. All versions are coupled with a pin model describing the temperature distribution in fuel (or electrical heaters) and cladding. The report describes the programme from the viewpoints of the geometrical model, the mathematical foundations and the numerical treatment of the basic equations. Although emphasis is put on the three-dimensional version, the two-dimensional and the steady state versions are also documented in self-consistent sections. (orig.)
Das Computerprogramm BACCHUS, das im KfK implementiert ist, enthaelt eine stationaere, eine zwei- und eine dreidimensionale transiente einphasige Version zur Beschreibung der Thermohydraulik eines Kuehlmittels (Natrium oder Wasser) in einer Buendelgeometrie unter Nominal- oder Unfallbedingungen. Alle Versionen sind mit einem Stabmodell zur Beschreibung der Temperaturverteilung im Brennstoff (oder dem elektrischen Heizer) und der Huelle gekoppelt. Im Bericht wird das Programm hinsichtlich des geometrischen Modells, der mathematischen Grundgleichungen und ihrer numerischen Behandlung beschrieben. Obwohl die dreidimensionale Version im Vordergrund steht, werden auch die zweidimensionale und die stationaere Version in sich abgeschlossen dokumentiert. (orig.)Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 1983; 193 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bottoni, M.; Struwe, D.
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
[en] Experimental and theoretical analyses of sodium boiling behavior performed at the Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe have led to the development of the computer program BLOW-3A which describes sodium boiling phenomena under accident conditions in one-dimensional geometry by means of a heterogeneous multi-bubble slug ejection model. The main characteristics of the code are explained with particular emphasis on the analysis of the transient fuel behavior and on the methods used for the numerical solution of the set of equations describing the separated phases in the two-phase flow model. Some representative results from the theoretical interpretation of single-pin and 7-pin in-pile and out-of-pile experiments are shown to provide a validation of the theoretical basis of the computer program. Future developments of the model to more-dimensional description of sodium boiling in bundle geometry are presented
Primary Subject
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; p. 1836-1851; 1980; p. 1836-1851; ANS/ASME topical meeting on reactor thermal-hydraulics; Saratoga, NY, USA; 9 - 12 Oct 1980; Available from NTIS
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[en] The problem of temperature distribution in case of change of aggregation state is considered in cylindrical coordinates for a melting clad. The series expansion method introduced by Pekeris and Slichter for a problem of ice formation around a pipe is applied. The limiting assumption that the temperature in one region equals the fusion temperature has been removed. The analytical treatment is therefore generalized and temperature distributions in both phases are considered. A theoretical analysis of an in-pile experiment with clad melting and comparison of results with a discrete numerical approach confirms the applicability of the method to problems with fast transient conditions. (Auth.)
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Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering and Design; v. 43(2); p. 249-257
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The computer program BLOW-3A, describing sodium boiling phenomenon with a multi-bubble slug ejection model, has been used for theoretical interpretation of out-of-pile and in-pile 7-pin bundle experiments. Analysis demonstrates the applicability of the code to a wide range of experimental conditions and the possibility to model a bundle geometry by means of equivalent one-dimensional channels. It is shown that a single channel representation is sufficiently accurate for conservative evaluation of consequences of hypothetical accident situations. 5 refs
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 2492-2501; 1979; p. 2492-2501; American Nuclear Society; La Grange Park, IL; International meeting on fast reactor safety technology; Seattle, WA, USA; 19 - 23 Aug 1979
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