Caritg, S.; Tourliere, B.; Bourgine, B.
Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Direction des Georessources, 3, avenue Claude Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans cedex 2 (France)2018
Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Direction des Georessources, 3, avenue Claude Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans cedex 2 (France)2018
[en] One of the objectives of this atlas project is to support the development of geothermal energy in France, notably from deep aquifers. The atlas aims to locate medium temperature geothermal targets (above 90 deg. C) likely to be exploited for the production of electric power and heat (and/or cold) in cogeneration in France. Initially, a synthesis of the cartographic data available on 'aquifer' and 'fault' type reservoirs was carried out using bibliographic data as well as data from internal BRGM projects. As the data on 'fault' type reservoirs turned out to be too incomplete and the expected results too uncertain, only the data available on 'aquifer' type reservoirs in sedimentary basins or collapse pits were retained. Three main types of data available were thus collected: paper maps resulting from major syntheses on sedimentary basins, digital data in GIS format from various projects, as well as 2D or 3D grids from models. These data were geo-referenced and integrated into a unique GIS support for each sedimentary basin. To do this, different processing, more or less complex, had to be carried out to convert these data from their very different original formats to a GIS format harmonized in the same coordinate system (GCS RGF 93 / Lambert 93). This harmonization work was based on the creation of a large database, codified on the scale of all the sedimentary basins and collapse pits of mainland France. Once the database has been integrated into the GIS support for each sedimentary basin or collapse pit, an exhaustive work of formatting these data has been carried out. It made it possible to restore harmonized maps in terms of legend and scale aimed at facilitating the interpretation of the results. In particular, a single color chart was adopted to represent the temperature at the roof of the aquifers of all the sedimentary basins or metropolitan collapse pits. Finally, to locate and better characterize geothermal targets of temperature above 90 deg. C, maps of facies, temperature, depth and thickness were carried out to the extent of available data, for each aquifer or formation of interest, and for each sedimentary basin or collapse pit
Le projet Atlas-CoGTH a ete propose dans le cadre des conventions Ademe-BRGM 2016 (no. 1605C0010) et 2017 (no. 1705C0006). Un des objectifs de ces conventions est d'accompagner le developpement de l'energie geothermique en France, utilisant notamment les ressources geothermales venant d'aquiferes profonds. L'atlas realise dans le cadre de ce projet vise a localiser les cibles geothermiques de moyenne temperature (superieure a 90 deg. C) susceptibles d'etre exploitees pour la production d'electricite et de chaleur (et/ou de froid) en cogeneration, en France metropolitaine. Il s'inscrit donc dans cette demarche. Dans un premier temps, une synthese des donnees cartographiques disponibles sur les reservoirs de type 'aquiferes' et 'failles' a ete realisee a partir des donnees bibliographiques mais aussi des donnees issues de projets internes au BRGM. Les donnees sur les reservoirs de type 'failles' s'etant averees trop lacunaires et les resultats escomptes trop incertains, seules les donnees disponibles sur les reservoirs de types 'aquiferes' des bassins sedimentaires ou fosses d'effondrement ont ete retenues. Trois grands types de donnees disponibles ont ainsi pu etre recoltes: des cartes papiers issues de grandes syntheses sur les bassins sedimentaires, des donnees numeriques sous format SIG issues de differents projets auxquels le BRGM a participe, ainsi que des grilles 2D ou 3D issues de modeles geologiques realises au BRGM. Dans un deuxieme temps, ces donnees ont ete georeferencees et integrees dans un support SIG unique pour chaque bassin sedimentaire. Pour ce faire, differents traitements, plus ou moins complexes, ont du etre realises pour convertir ces donnees depuis leurs formats d'origine tres differents vers un format SIG harmonise dans un meme systeme de coordonnees (GCS RGF 93/Lambert 93). Ce travail d'harmonisation s'est appuye sur la creation d'une importante base de donnees, codifiee a l'echelle de l'ensemble des bassins sedimentaires et fosses d'effondrement de la France metropolitaine. Dans un troisieme temps, une fois la base de donnees integree au support SIG pour chaque bassin sedimentaire ou fosse d'effondrement, un travail exhaustif de mise en page de ces donnees a ete realise. Il a permis de restituer des cartes harmonisees en termes de legende et d'echelle visant a faciliter l'interpretation des resultats. Une charte de couleur unique a notamment ete retenue pour representer la temperature au toit des aquiferes de tous les bassins sedimentaires ou fosses d'effondrement metropolitains. Enfin, pour localiser et mieux caracteriser les cibles geothermales de temperature superieure a 90 deg. C, des cartes de facies, temperature, profondeur et epaisseur ont ete realisees dans la mesure des donnees disponibles, pour chaque aquifere ou formation d'interet, et ce, pour chaque bassin sedimentaire ou fosse d'effondrement. Le projet Atlas Co-GTH a permis de realiser un travail de synthese des donnees numeriques consequent, supporte par un SIG, sur les aquiferes/formations des bassins sedimentaires et fosses d'effondrement cibles pour la geothermie de moyenne temperature du territoire metropolitain. Outre la creation d'une importante base de donnees numeriques associee, ce travail a permis de mettre en evidence une meconnaissance de la structure geologique profonde de ces objets sedimentaires ayant pour consequence une grande imprecision quant a leur potentiel d'exploitation en tant que ressource geothermale. Leur interet en tant qu'energie renouvelable n'en reste pas moins evident et meriterait d'etre demontre par l'acquisition de nouvelles donnees lors de forages d'exploration geothermiqueOriginal Title
Cartographie des cibles geothermales de moyenne temperature pour la production d'electricite et de chaleur par cogeneration en France metropolitaine - Projet Atlas-CoGTH, Notice explicative et atlas
Primary Subject
Mar 2018; 258 p; BRGM-RP--67853-FR; 22 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Caritg, S.; Bourgine, B.; Foissard, D.; Lopez, S.; Allanic, C.; Zammit, C.
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France)2014
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France)2014
[en] Unlike the Dogger carbonate aquifer, which is now widely exploited in geothermal energy for the direct use of its heat, the Lusitanian aquifer, located 100 to 150 m above, remains unexploited and poorly understood. The LUSITANIEN project aims to estimate the geothermal potential of this carbonate aquifer in the light of all the oil and geothermal drilling data currently available. To achieve this, three successive stages have been carried out, at two different scales: - The first step consists in estimating the geothermal resource of the Lusitanian by calculating its exploitable heat from the combination of depth, thickness and temperature maps of the Lusitanian; - The second step aims to estimate the energy needs expressed on the surface, either from a map of population density surveyed in 2009 on the scale of the Paris basin, or from a predictive map of energy consumption accessible to geothermal energy by 2020 on the scale of the Ile-de-France region; - The third step proposes to evaluate the geothermal potential of the Lusitanian by comparing the maps estimating the resource at depth with those of the energy needs expressed on the surface. The result of these two estimates of the geothermal potential of the Lusitanian at the scale of the Paris Basin and the Ile-de-France region shows that two favorable zones can be highlighted: the Meaux target and the Lagny-Fontainebleau target. Both have temperatures of between 55 and 65 deg. C and useful thicknesses of around 40 to 80 m. Finally, an additional step was proposed to characterize the petrophysical parameters of this aquifer by processing the logs to calculate the porosity along the Lusitanian lithological column in the exploitable boreholes
Original Title
Projet LUSITANIEN - Evaluation du potentiel geothermique du Lusitanien du bassin de Paris pour la production de chaleur: mise en adequation entre ressource et besoins - Rapport final
Primary Subject
Feb 2014; 143 p; BRGM-RP--63244-FR; 24 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bourgine, B.; Denis, L.; Filhine-Tresarrieu, T.; Monnot, P.; Nguyen-The, D.; Robelin, C.
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Service geologique regional Lorraine, 1, avenue du Parc de Brabois, 54700 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France)2007
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Service geologique regional Lorraine, 1, avenue du Parc de Brabois, 54700 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France)2007
[en] A multi-criteria approach was used to draw up an atlas of the energy resources of the main 'accessible' groundwater aquifers in the Lorraine region. This was made possible by the use of a geographic information system to characterize the Tithonian limestone, Oxfordian limestone, Dogger limestone, Muschelkalk limestone and Lower Triassic sandstone aquifers. The parameters taken into account are varied. They reflect the hydrodynamic characteristics of the aquifers and the qualitative characteristics of the associated water tables. For some parameters, and flow rates in particular, the lack of available data meant that it was not possible to sort them systematically, which sometimes led to processing difficulties. As an atlas is, by definition, made up of maps, particular attention was paid to the mapping of parameters, ensuring that a consistent scientific approach was always followed. The spatial variability of parameters was therefore studied. For most aquifers, geostatistical kriging of parameters was carried out. However, the flow rate results obtained from the study are only indicative. The atlas is in fact a decision-making tool for very low-energy geothermal energy, providing guidance on the potential for exploiting the aquifers. The following points in particular must be taken into account, as they may limit the precision of variographic analysis and the quality of interpolations: - carbonate formations are heterogeneous (fissured or even karstified), and so are the flow data collected; - the flow estimates do not take into account the interference between pumping operations. As a result, the flow interpolation results may not be representative of reality. In any case, these results do not constitute a project feasibility study. In addition, the existence of zones restricting use or works (as in the case of drinking water supply catchment protection zones, for example), and the possibility of a water table being in disequilibrium (as in the case of the Lower Triassic sandstone water table, which is overexploited), must be taken into account in a project. Once these restrictions on use have been taken into account, a heat pump potential map has been produced for each of the five aquifers. These documents have been standardized by the same reference, and presented according to a single scale of results, so that they can be compared. Finally, when several aquifers coexist, the atlas can be used to direct the reader towards the most interesting groundwater resource
Original Title
Atlas du potentiel geothermique des aquiferes lorrains - Rapport final
Primary Subject
Jun 2007; 85 p; BRGM-RP--54987-FR; 65 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Wuilleumier, A.; Monnot, P.; Conil, P.; Prognon, F.; Lacquement, F.; Bourgine, B.; Baudouin, V.
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 6009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Service geologique regional Pays de Loire, 1, rue des Saumonieres, BP 92342, 44323 Nantes Cedex 3 (France)2009
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 6009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Service geologique regional Pays de Loire, 1, rue des Saumonieres, BP 92342, 44323 Nantes Cedex 3 (France)2009
[en] The urban community of Nantes Metropolis wished to have an assessment of the very low-energy geothermal potential of its territory. This assessment was carried out on a cartographic basis - using a Geographic Information System - for the potential of vertical probes and groundwater pumping. In both cases, a statistical approach by functional unit was adopted. The maps proposed and presented in the report therefore provide a probabilistic view of the geothermal potential of the rocks exploitable by structures. When using these maps, decision-makers should take into account the highly discontinuous nature of the majority of the rocks which make the Nantes Metropolis area. The geothermal potentials presented for other techniques - probe fields energy piles and horizontal probes - have been described and compared with each other and with the two previous techniques in the body of the report. These information will enable decision-makers to choose the most suitable technique. This information in no way replaces a feasibility study, which must of course be carried out before any work. In addition to these elements, a description of the operation of the various geothermal processes is given. It is supplemented by summary sheets presenting the various low-energy geothermal techniques described in the body of the report
Original Title
Evaluation du potentiel geothermique tres basse energie sur le territoire de Nantes Metropole - Rapport final
Primary Subject
Mar 2009; 253 p; BRGM-RP--56333-FR; 28 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Genter, A.; Castaing, C.; Gros, Y.; Chiles, J.P.; Bourgine, B.
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); Agence nationale pour la gestion des dechets radioactifs - Andra, 1/7, rue Jean Monnet, Parc de la Croix-Blanche, 92298 Chatenay-Malabry Cedex (France)2000
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); Agence nationale pour la gestion des dechets radioactifs - Andra, 1/7, rue Jean Monnet, Parc de la Croix-Blanche, 92298 Chatenay-Malabry Cedex (France)2000
[en] Within the framework of a study of granite fracturing, and more particularly of the characterisation of surface fractures or while using sounding data, by focussing on the analysis of geometrical properties of fractures at different scales, by studying the organisation of the first fracture networks and their reactivation at different stages of the granite geological history, a first report tries to examine fracturing sequences on several crystalline massifs in order to assess their impact on the geometric properties of fracture networks. The second document reports studies performed within the framework of the Welltest project which aimed at more precisely defining a methodology of water test interpretation in order to better identify the fracture network structure and its hydraulic characteristics. Thus, after a recall of the main factors influencing flows in a granite fractured environment, a definition of some typical cases of fracture network geometric organisation, it reports geometrical simulation of typical networks
Original Title
Differences et invariants dans l'organisation de la fracturation des granites. Partenariat dans le domaine de la recherche et developpement en sciences de la terre: Structures des reseaux types de fractures dans les granites et simulations geometriques pour les ecoulements (Projet Welltest - Phase 2)
Primary Subject
Apr 2000; 253 p; BRGM-RP--50115-FR; BRGM-RP--50616-FR; 113 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Assessment of the underground geothermal potential requires the knowledge of deep temperatures (1-5 km). Here, we present new temperature maps obtained from oil boreholes in the French sedimentary basins. Because of their origin, the data need to be corrected, and their local character necessitates spatial interpolation. Previous maps were obtained in the 1970's using empirical corrections and manual interpolation. In this study, we update the number of measurements by using values collected during the last thirty years, correct the temperatures for transient perturbations and carry out statistical analyses before modelling the 3D distribution of temperatures. This dataset provides 977 temperatures corrected for transient perturbations in 593 boreholes located in the French sedimentary basins. An average temperature gradient of 30.6 deg. C/km is obtained for a representative surface temperature of 10 deg. C. When surface temperature is not accounted for, deep measurements are best fitted with a temperature gradient of 25.7 deg. C/km. We perform a geostatistical analysis on a residual temperature dataset (using a drift of 25.7 deg. C/km) to constrain the 3D interpolation kriging procedure with horizontal and vertical models of variograms. The interpolated residual temperatures are added to the country-scale averaged drift in order to get a three dimensional thermal structure of the French sedimentary basins. The 3D thermal block enables us to extract isothermal surfaces and 2D sections (iso-depth maps and iso-longitude cross-sections). A number of anomalies with a limited depth and spatial extension have been identified, from shallow in the Rhine graben and Aquitanian basin, to deep in the Provence basin. Some of these anomalies (Paris basin, Alsace, south of the Provence basin) may be partly related to thick insulating sediments, while for some others (southwestern Aquitanian basin, part of the Provence basin) large-scale fluid circulation may explain superimposed cold and warm anomalies. (authors)
Original Title
Cartographie des temperatures du sous-sol des bassins sedimentaires francais: nouvelles compilation de donnees et interpolation
Primary Subject
46 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France; ISSN 0037-9409; ; CODEN BSGFAE; (no.4t.181); p. 377-390
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Picot, J.; Pira, K.; Bourgine, B.; Herniot, P.; Louart, J.; Louart, O.; Beckelynck, J.; Bonduelle, A.; Delacroix, D.
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Direction regionale Hauts-de-France, Synergie Park, 6 ter rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 59260 Lezennes (France)2011
Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres - BRGM, Direction regionale Hauts-de-France, Synergie Park, 6 ter rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 59260 Lezennes (France)2011
[en] A first report presents the general principles of geothermal energy (geothermal resources, types of geothermal energy in terms of energy level, technologies of exploitation), proposes an overview of geothermal production in the world, Europe and France (geothermal heat world, European and French production, stakes in France, development perspectives in France, world, European, French and local energetic objectives to limit greenhouse gas emissions), presents the main support mechanisms and incentive procedures for the development of geothermal energy, gives an overview of the regulatory context (mining code, code of the environment, code of public health, general code of territorial communities). The second volume presents the regional context (landscape and natural regions, topography, nature, geometry and structure of aquifers), describes the atlas design methodology (general methodology, calculation of the 'depth of access to the water resource' criterion, calculation of the 'drilling exploitation flow rate' and 'temperature' criteria, assessment of water quality), reports an assessment of the geothermal potential of aquifers in Nord-Pas-de-Calais with respect of the geological formation type. The third document presents the geological context of low-energy geothermal and the context of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining area, reports an inventory of aquifers and mine waters and the results of the first data analyses performed in deep aquifers and in mine waters, proposes a recall of regulatory constraints, and reports an assessment of heat needs. Some returns on experience of low-energy geothermal and of mine waters are reported
Original Title
Atlas du potentiel geothermique tres basse energie des aquiferes de la region Nord-Pas de Calais: Tome 1: Generalites et aides a la geothermie; Tome 2: Methodologie et conception de l'Atlas - Rapport final. Recueil de donnees pour l'etude du potentiel de la geothermie basse energie et du potentiel des eaux de mines en Nord-Pas de Calais - Rapport intermediaire - 1ere etape du projet
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2011; Jun 2016; 404 p; BRGM-RP--60244-FR; BRGM-RC--65992-FR; 68 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Genter, A.; Dezayes, Ch.; Guillou-Frottier, L.; Thinon, I.; Courrioux, G.; Bouchot, V.; Tourliere, B.; Jorand, C.; Lopez, S.; Millot, R.; Bialkowski, A.; Colnot, A.; Castillo, C.; Kervevan, C.; Le Guenan, T.; Rigollet, C.; Beccaletto, L.; Capar, L.; Caritg, S.; Castagnac, C.; Gabalda, S.; Hamm, V.; Lerouge, C.; Bader, A.G.; Bonte, D.; Bourgine, B.; Caritg, S.; Guillou-Frottier, L.; Haffen, S.; Peter-Borie, M.; Beccaletto, L.; Blaisonneau, A.; Bourquin, S.; Carre, C.; Thiery, D.; Jacquemet, N.; Veillerette, A.
Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Departement Geothermie, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Departement Geothermie, Service Metrologie Monitoring Analyse, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Direction des Georessources, Division Geothermie, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Service Eau, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France)2007
Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres - BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Departement Geothermie, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Departement Geothermie, Service Metrologie Monitoring Analyse, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Direction des Georessources, Division Geothermie, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France); BRGM, Centre scientifique et technique, Service Eau, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin, BP 36009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 (France)2007
[en] This set of 10 detailed scientific documents notably reports geological studies performed within the framework of the Clastiq and Clastiq 2 programmes which aimed at assessing the geothermal resource of deep clayey-sandstone reservoirs of the French metropolitan territory within an energy perspective of heat production and, if possible, electric power production (low to medium temperature geothermal in sedimentary basins), and at assessing problems of re-injection in clayey-sandstone aquifers (based on successful or failed experiences in Europe and in France). Some specific regions are considered: the Upper Rhine Plain, the Paris Basin, the Bresse basin
Original Title
Projet Clastiq: Clayed Sandstone in Question - Rapport d'avancement + final. Estimation du potentiel geothermique des reservoirs clastiques du Trias dans le Fosse rhenan - Rapport final. Evaluation du potentiel geothermique du reservoir clastique 'Buntsandstein' du bassin bressan, France - Rapport final. Problematique de reinjection des fluides geothermiques dans un reservoir argilo-greseux: retour d'experiences et apport de l'etude des fluides du Trias du Bassin de Paris - Rapport final. Clastiq-2: projet de recherche sur les ressources geothermales des reservoirs clastiques en France (bassin de Paris et fosse rhenan) - Rapport d'avancement no. 1 et 2 + final. Etude de la partie Trias-Permien-toit du socle dans le Fosse rhenan pour des applications de geothermie profonde - Rapport final. Impact geochimique de l'injection des saumures triasiques dans le Dogger carbonate (bassin de Paris, France) - Rapport final
Primary Subject
Jan 2007; Nov 2012; 1107 p; BRGM-RP--55379-FR; BRGM-RP--56626-FR; BRGM-RP--55729-FR; BRGM-RP--56462-FR; BRGM-RP--56630-FR; BRGM-RP--57717-FR; BRGM-RP--59077-FR; BRGM-RP--61472-FR; BRGM-RP--60387-FR; BRGM-RP--61122-FR; 555 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue