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[en] This book deals with radiologic examination of the hand. After a study of the common variants of the normal condition, pathologic conditions caused by trauma, rheumatic illness and endocrine and metabolic disorders are shown, as are congenital malformations, tumors and infections. The book takes the form of a collection of radiodiagnostic exercises; each condition is presented separately with radiographic images and accompanying text which includes explanatory schematics. The purpose of the book is to develop the reader's capacity for interpretation of radiographs: it requires the reader to scrutinize each image, to identify the anomalies, to take due account of all its aspects and to attempt a diagnosis of the condition behind it
Primary Subject
1986; 230 p; Springer-Verlag New York Inc; New York, NY (USA); ISBN 0-387-16537-1;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this report, the authors evaluate the indications of the different imaging techniques of the face and the adjacent deep and superficial regions. Thus, CT stays the first examination of the paranasal sinuses completed by MRI especially when an inflammatory pathology is associated with a benign or malignant tumor. Traumatisms of the face must be investigated by CT with an emphasis on the frontal and sagittal reformated sections. The study of the superficial areas of the face (parotid gland) is best explored by US and MRI. MRI gives better results than CT in the exploration of the deep regions of the face. Arteriography remains obligatory in the study of certain tumours specially the nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
Original Title
L'imagerie actuelle du massif facial
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This book deals with radiologic examination of the hand. After a study of the common variants of the normal condition, pathologic conditions caused by trauma, rheumatic illness and endocrine and metabollic disorders are shown, as are congenital malformations, tumors and infections. These topics are not treated in separate chapters; rather the book proceeds progressively through the different groups of pathologic states. Very characteristic anomalies that are easy to recognize are included with conditions that are much more difficult to diagnose or in the early stages. Both common and rare conditions are illustrated and discussed. The book takes the form of a collection of radiodiagnostic exercises; each condition is presented separately with radiographic images and illustrated text including explanatory schematics. (orig./MG)
Primary Subject
Exercises in radiological diagnosis; 1987; 213 p; Springer; Berlin (Germany, F.R.); ISBN 3-540-16537-1; ; Translated from French. With 284 figs.
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[en] Only two to four percent of all radiological examinations are made to investigate the hand. The book in hand is meant to reveal to the interested reader the surprisingly manifold and differentiated aspects of the pathology of the hand. The main purpose pursued is to present useful information for better interpretation of radiological findings. In the first part of the textbook, radiological findings without further clinical or pathological background data are given, with the second part stepwise leading the reader to come to the appropriate diagnostic decisions. (orig./MG)
Nur 2 bis 4% aller radiologischen Untersuchungen entfallen heute auf die Hand. Dieser Band soll dem Leser zeigen, wie ueberraschend vielfaeltig und verschieden die Pathologie der Hand ist. Das Hauptaugenmerk wird auf das Erlernen der Interpretation roentgenologischer Befunde gelegt. Zunaechst wird der Arzt mit dem Roentgenbefund ohne klinische oder pathologische Vorinformation konfrontiert. Anschliessend, im zweiten Teil des Buches, wird er schrittweise an die Diagnose herangefuehrt. (orig./MG)Original Title
Radiologie der Hand
Primary Subject
1987; 213 p; Springer; Berlin (Germany, F.R.); ISBN 3-540-16538-X; ; Translated from French. With 284 figs.
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Veillon, F.; Meriot, P.; Bintner, M.; Baur, P.; Bourjat, P.
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
[en] This paper reports on CT in the pathologic stapes. The radiologic aspect of the stapes was analyzed in 287 patients with noncholesteatomatous chronic otitis media (n = 46), cholesteatoma (n = 162), malformations (n = 52), and otosclerosis (n = 27) by using axial and, occasionally, coronal sections. Two CT scanners (M1 and M2) that differ in spatial resolution were used. The radiologic and surgical results are presented. In chronic cholesteatomous otitis, we analyzed two populations, P1 and P2. In the P1 population, (n = 92), studied on the M1 unit, there was stapes destruction in 39% (n = 36), versus 38% (n = 27) in the P2 population (n = 70), studied on the M2 unit. In P1, the diagnostic sensitivity was 97% and specificity was 78%. In P2, the sensitivity was 100% and specificity was 95%. The specificity of P2 was greater than that of P1 because of the smaller number of false-positive diagnoses with the M2 unit. Equivalent results are obtained in the malformation (n = 29) and trauma (n = 16) cases. In stapedo-vestibular otosclerosis, studied only with M2, the sensitivity was 92% and specificity was 100%
Primary Subject
Anon; 469 p; 1991; p. 93; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (United States); 77. scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; Chicago, IL (United States); 1-6 Dec 1991; CONF-911201--; Radiological Society of North America Inc., 1415 West 22 St., Oak Brook, IL 60521 (United States)
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The topics of advanced training of radiologists in France are treated. The author reports on the diploma of the ''CES de Radiologie'', the final examination for specialiced physicians, medical practice, internship and the future specialiced training by the ''Internat qualificant'' after 1983. (APR)
Behandelt werden die Themenkomplexe in der Weiterbildung der Roentgenologen in Frankreich. Berichtet wird ueber das Diplom des ''CES de Radiologie'', die Fachaerztliche Schlusspruefung, die Ausuebung des Berufes, die Assistententaetigkeit und die zukuenftige fachaerztliche Weiterbildung durch das ''Internat qualifiant'' nach 1983. (APR)Original Title
Die Weiterbildung der Roentgenologen in Frankreich
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Roentgenpraxis; ISSN 0035-7820; ; v. 35(9); p. 343-346
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The combination of sonography (A and B mode) and computed tomography with direct axial and coronal cuts allows excellent differentiation of almost all orbital tumors. At the same time it significantly increases the validity of the lesions' etiology. (orig.)
Die Kombination von Sonographie im A- und B-Mode mit der Computertomographie in axialer und koronaler Schnittfuehrung erlaubt eine ausgezeichnete Differenzierung fast aller Orbitatumoren und verbessert wesentlich die Artdiagnostik der zugrundeliegenden Laesion. (orig.)Original Title
Roentgendiagnostisches Vorgehen bei Orbita-Tumoren
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] At present, diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine are independent special branches concerning university courses and degrees as well as the health care system. In the private sector there are few radiologists practicing diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy concurrently. (orig.)
Die Roentgendiagnostik, die Strahlentherapie und die Nuklearmedizin sind zur Zeit selbstaendige Fachdisziplinen sowohl als Unterrichtsfaecher und Diplome als auch fuer die Krankenversorgung. Im privaten Bereich arbeiten wenige Radiologen, die zu gleicher Zeit Roentgendiagnostik und Radiotherapie ausueben. (orig.)Original Title
Die Radiologie in der Krankenversorgung in Frankreich
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] All inflammatory rheumatoid variants may involve the cervical spine. After progressive destruction and narrowing of the intervertebral disks, spondylitis and spondylodiscitis does result in subluxation and fusion of vertebral bodies, and anterior corners squarring. These variants of the vertebral bodies involvements are here described. (orig.)
An allen entzuendlichen Polyarthritiden kann die Halswirbelsaeule beteiligt sein. Nach progressiver Erosion und Destruktion der Disci, entstehen anteriore Subluxationen, Wirbelbloecke, und viereckige Umwandlungen der Wirbelvorderkanten. Diese Wirbelkoerperveraenderungen werden hier beschrieben. (orig.)Original Title
Zervikale Diszitis, Spondylitis und Spondylodiszitis bei chronischer Polyarthritis
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiologe; ISSN 0033-832X; ; v. 25(7); p. 318-323
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The radiological features of the main tumors and pseudotumors of the sphenoid bone with CT and MRI are described in detail. The lesions are classified as tumors and pseudotumors of the sphenoid bone and sphenoid sinus and as neighboring tumors and pseudotumors with secondary sphenoid invasion. Metastases, chondromas, fibrous dysplasia, myelomas, plasmocytomas and chordomas are the most frequent sphenoid lesions. Tumors and pseudotumors of the sphenoid sinus mainly include mucoceles and cholesterin granulomas. Neighboring tumors are of intracranial origin (pituitary adenoma, meningioma, aneurysm) or originate in the nasopharynx (nasopharyngeal fibroma, malignant tumors) or the nasosinusal cavities (inverted papillomas, invasive aspergillosis, malignant tumors). The radiological features do no always allow diagnosing the tumoral type. However, the merits of CT and, even more, of MRI for an accurate assessment of extension is indisputable. (authors). 41 refs., 12 figs
Original Title
Scanographie et IRM des tumeurs et pseudo-tumeurs du sphenoide
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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