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[en] Neon gas at pressures ranging from 0.8 to 6 torr is excited and ionized by means of microwave pulses of duration 2μs and with a repetition rate of 800Hz. Partial local thermodynamic equilibrium could not be found when studying neon line intensities. But when introducing helium as an impurity it was possible to determine an electron temperature from helium line intensities. A temperature Tsub(e)=2350+-250K is obtained during the microwave discharge and Tsub(e)=2400+-250K in the early afterglow (5μs). An interpretation is proposed for the variation of Tsub(e) with time in a Ne-He mixture
Un plasma de neon est cree par des ondes centimetriques, pour une gamme de pression de 0,8 a 6 torr. Des mesures d'intensite de raies n'ont pas permis de determiner un equilibre thermodynamique local partiel; cependant en introduisant de l'helium comme impurete dans le neon, il est possible de mesurer une temperature electronique. On obtient Tsub(e)=(2350+-250)K pendant la decharge et (2400+-250)K dans la postluminescence proche (5μs). On propose une interpretation de la variation de Tsub(e) dans le temps, dans les melanges He-NeOriginal Title
Temperature electronique dans une postluminescence proche de neon a une pression de quelques torrs
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
J. Phys. (Paris), Lett; v. 37(9); p. L.201-L.203
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[en] Helium is excited by microwaves to set up a pulsed discharge at a pressure of a few torrs. Local partial thermodynamical equilibrium exists in the early afterglow. This fact is used to determine the electronic temperature, the value of which is 2800+-500K. During the first ten microseconds after the pulse it does not vary much. This result suggests that the gas temperature is 700+-100K
L'existence d'un equilibre thermodynamique local partiel dans une postluminescence proche d'helium excite par des impulsions d'ondes centimetriques, a des pressions de quelques torrs, a permis d'obtenir une temperature electronique de 2800+-500K. Elle ne varie pas notablement pendant la dizaine de microsecondes qui suit la decharge, ce qui permet de montrer que la temperature du gaz est alors de 700+-100KOriginal Title
Temperature d'equilibre dans une postluminescence proche d'helium a une pression de quelques torrs
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
J. Phys. (Paris); v. 37(4); p. 359-364
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[en] Helium is excited by a pulsed microwave surfaguide at a pressure of a few Torr. A local partial thermodynamic equilibrium exists in the early afterglow-an equilibrium between the rotational levels of the He2 molecules and another equilibrium between the high-lying atomic levels of helium (nsub(j) >= 4) and the electrons. Rotational temperature and an electronic temperature are thus deduced; rotational temperature is maximal near the wall (Tsub(r) is approximately equal to 700 +- 60 K) and the electronic temperature is spatially independent (Tsub(e) is approximately equal to 2500 +- 700 K). (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. B, Atomic and Molecular Physics; ISSN 0022-3700; ; v. 15(3); p. 485-489
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Bouvier, A.; Lardy, J.-P.; Bouvier, A.
ESCAMPIG - Third Europhysics study conference on atomic and molecular physics of ionized gases
ESCAMPIG - Third Europhysics study conference on atomic and molecular physics of ionized gases
No abstract available
Primary Subject
p. 112; nd; 3. Europhysics study conference on atomic and molecular physics of ionized gases; Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; 24 - 26 Aug 1976; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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[en] Vibration-rotation interaction coefficients Fsub(vJ) were calculated for the e 3PIsub(g)- a 3Σsub(u)+ and E 1PIsub(g)-A 1Σsub(u)+ transitions of He2 on the basis of a Morse-Pekeris potential and a polynomial expansion of the dipole-moment function M(r) Σsub(i)Msub(i)(r - rsub(e))sup(i) reduced to the first two terms. Owing to the importance of Fsub(vJ) they cannot be neglected when determining the rotational temperature of He2 by spectroscopic methods involving line-intensity measurements. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. B, Atomic and Molecular Physics; ISSN 0022-3700; ; v. 11(7); p. 1227-1233
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
14. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases (ICPIG-14); Grenoble, France; 9 - 13 Jul 1979; Published in abstract form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Journal de Physique. Colloque; ISSN 0449-1947; ; v. 1(7); p. C7.197-C7.198
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Bouvier, A.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1995
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1995
[en] This process and device for positron computed tomography imaging enhances time of flight method. The determination of gamma pair trajectory and disintegration position determines the memory position in which the event is recorded. This recording system avoids the use of reconstruction algorithms. It can build a high signal to noise ratio image with a simplified detection system (instead of costly detector rings), thus with a reduced cost detection system. (D.L.). 8 refs., 7 figs
Original Title
Procede et dispositif d'imagerie par detection de desintegration de positions
Secondary Subject
29 Sep 1995; 25 Mar 1994; 31 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2717909/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 9403546; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 25 Mar 1994
Record Type
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Paraf, E.; Bouvier, A.; Vacher, J.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Grenoble, 38 (France). Direction des Technologies Avancees1993
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Grenoble, 38 (France). Direction des Technologies Avancees1993
[en] VOLUCAM is a new 3D Time Of Flight (TOF) Positron Emission Tomograph (PET) under investigation. As an aid to design this PET camera Monte Carlo simulation was developed to study its sensitivity performances. The simulation program is based on ITS 3.0, a general coupled electron-photon transport code that was adapted to obtain the results specific of PET design. The simulation follows each gamma ray, from creation in the phantom to detection in crystals or final escape by scoring every interaction, either in the phantom or in the crystals. (R.P.) 2 figs
Primary Subject
1993; 3 p; IEEE 1993: Nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference; San Francisco, CA (United States); 30 Oct 1993 - 5 Nov 1993
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Campagnolo, R.E.; Lecomte, J.L.; Bouvier, A.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France)1984
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France)1984
[en] Recent progresses in fast time coincidence technique have permitted the use of time of flight (TOF) information in positron Emission Tomography. We describe the basic concept of positron time of flight imaging and introduce new concepts in order to incorporate the TOF data in the reconstruction process. An algorithm to recover positron activity is then proposed. We describe the image reconstruction in the TTVO1 time of flight camera, the system architecture and the special purpose operators. The time of flight tomography offers large development possibilities and we look forward the new high resolution, high signal-to-noise TOF camera
C'est grace a la decouverte recente de scintillateurs efficaces et rapides que la technique du temps de vol a pu etre appliquee a l'imagerie par emission de positons. Nous exposons succinctement les principes physiques de base de la tomographie positon avec mesure du temps de vol. Nous introduisons les concepts necessaires a la formalisation du probleme de la reconstruction d'image. Un algorithme de reconstruction est alors deduit, et nous presentons sa realisation dans le cadre de la camera temps de vol TTVO1. Nous donnons l'architecture et les performances du systeme de reconstruction. Nous concluons par un regard prospectif sur la seconde generation de camera positon temps de volOriginal Title
Reconstruction d'images en tomographie par emetteurs de positons utilisant la technique du temps de vol
May 1984; 5 p; 1. Symposium on image processing, synthesis and technology applications; Biarritz (France); 23-25 May 1984
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Campagnolo, R.E.; Bouvier, A.; Chabanas, L.; Robert, C.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et du Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1985
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et du Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1985
[en] A new generation of Time Of Flight (TOF) positron tomograph with high resolution and high count rate capabilities is under development in our group. After a short recall of the data acquisition process and image reconstruction in a TOF PET camera, we present the data acquisition system which achieves a data transfer rate of 0.8 mega events per second or more if necessary in list mode. We describe the reconstruction process based on a five stages pipe line architecture using home made processors. The expected performance with this architecture is a time reconstruction of six seconds per image (256x256 pixels) of one million events. This time could be reduce to 4 seconds. We conclude with the future developments of the system
Primary Subject
Jun 1985; 6 p; International symposium on computer assisted radiology (CAR 85); Berlin (Germany, F.R.); 26-29 Jun 1985
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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