[en] Purpose of this study is to present a new method of quantifying objectively the height of all discs in lateral radiographs of the lumbar spine and of analysing the normal craniocaudal sequence pattern of lumbar disc heights. Methods: The new parameter is the ventrally measured disc height corrected for the dependence on the angle of lordosis by normalisation to mean angles observed in the erect posture of healthy persons. To eliminate radiographic magnification, the corrected ventral height is related to the mean depth of the cranially adjoining vertebra. In this manner lumbar disc heights were objectively measured in young, mature and healthy persons (146 males and 65 females). The craniocaudal sequence pattern was analysed by mean values from all persons and by height differences of adjoining discs in each individual lumbar spine. Results: Mean normative values demonstrated an increase in disc height between L1/L2 and L4/L5 and a constant or decreasing disc height between L4/L5 and L5/S1. However, this 'physiological sequence of disc height in the statistical mean' was observed in only 36% of normal males and 55% of normal females. Conclusion: The radiological pattern of the 'physiological sequence of lumbar disc height' leads to a relevant portion of false positive pathological results especially at L4/L5. An increase of disc height from L4/L5 to L5/S1 may be normal. The recognition of decreased disc height should be based on an abrupt change in the heights of adjoining discs and not on a deviation from a craniocaudal sequence pattern. (orig.)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen neuen Parameter zur objektiven Messung der Hoehen aller auf einer seitlichen Uebersichtsaufnahme der LWS erkennbaren Bandscheiben vorzustellen und die physiologische kraniokaudale Diskushoehensequenz neu zu dokumentieren. Methode: Bei dem neuen Messverfahren wird die Bandscheibenhoehe ventral gemessen, zur Korrektur ihrer Haltungsabhaengigkeit auf Standardwinkel (mittlere Winkel im aufrechten Stand) umgerechnet und in Einheiten der mittleren Tiefe des kranial angrenzenden Wirbelkoerpers skaliert. Auf diese Weise wurden die lumbalen Bandscheibenhoehen eines Kollektivs junger, skelettreifer, gesunder Personen (146 Maenner, 65 Frauen) objektiv bestimmt. Die kraniokaudalen Diskushoehensequenzen wurden anhand der Mittelwerte des gesamten Kollektivs und der Hoehendifferenzen benachbarter Bandscheiben jeder untersuchten LWS analysiert. Ergebnisse: Im Mittel zeigte sich eine kraniokaudale Zunahme von L1/L2 bis L4/L5 und eine Hoehenkonstanz bzw. -abnahme von L4/L5 nach L5/S1. Diese 'physiologische Diskushoehensequenz' wurde bei den einzelnen Personen jedoch nur in 36% der Maenner und 55% der Frauen beobachtet. Schlussfolgerung: Das radiologische Muster der 'physiologischen Diskushoehensequenz' fuehrt zu falsch-positiven Befunden insbesondere bei L4/L5. Eine Hoehenzunahme von L4/L5 nach L5/S1 kann durchaus physiologisch sein. Bei der qualitativen Beurteilung lumbaler Bandscheiben sollte eher auf sprunghafte Hoehenaenderungen als auf Hoehensequenzen geachtet werden. (orig.)Original Title
Physiologisches Muster lumbaler Bandscheibenhoehen
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Neuen Bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 0936-6652; ; CODEN RFGVEF; v. 167(1); p. 11-15
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[en] The relation between height of lumbar discs (measured from lateral radiographic views) and disc degeneration (classified from MR images) deserves attention in view of the wide, often parallel or interchanged use of both methods. The time sequence of degenerative signs and decrease of disc height is controversial. To clarify the issue, this cross-sectional study documents the relation between disc degeneration and disc height in a selected cohort. Forty-three subjects were selected at random from a cohort examined for potential disc-related disease caused by long-term lifting and carrying. From each subject a lateral radiographic view of the lumbar spine as well as findings from an MR investigation of (in most cases) levels T12/L1 to L5/S1 were available; thus, n = 237 lumbar discs were available for measurement and classification. Disc height was measured from the radiographic views with a new protocol compensating for image distortion and permitting comparison with normal, age- and gender-appropriate disc height. Degeneration as well as disc height were classified twice from MR images by independent observers in a blinded fashion. Disc degeneration classified from MR images is not related to a measurable disc height loss in the first stage of degeneration, whereas progressive degeneration goes along with progressive loss of disc height, though with considerable interindividual variation. Loss of disc height classified from MR images is on average compatible with loss of disc height measured from radiographs. In individual discs, however, classification of height loss from MR images is imprecise. The first sign of disc degeneration (a moderate loss of nucleus signal) precedes disc height decrease. As degeneration progresses, disc height decreases. Disc height decrease and progress of degeneration, however, appear to be only loosely correlated. (orig.)
Primary Subject
With 4 figs., 5 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Testing 98 motion segments we investigated the possibility of a prediction of the compressive strength of thoraco-lumbar vertebrae by QCT. The ultimate compressive strength can be predicted from the density of the trabecular bone and from the size of the endplates - both determined by QCT - with an error of 1 kN. The increase of compressive strength in cranio - caudal direction is calculated at approximately 0.3 kN per anatomical level. This variation is due to the increase of the endplate areas. (orig.)
In einer In-vitro-Untersuchung an 98 Bewegungssegmenten thorakolumbaler Wirbelsaeulen wird gezeigt, dass die Kompressionsfestigkeit der Wirbelkoerper vom Produkt Spongiosadichte x Endplattenflaeche abhaengt. Da sowohl die Dichte als auch die Endplattenflaeche computertomographisch bestimmt werden koennen, erlauben die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung eine In-vivo-Vorhersage der Kompressionsfestigkeit mit einem Fehler von 1 kN. An 53 thorakolumbalen Wirbelsaeulen aus dem gleichen Kollektiv wird untersucht, wie die Spongiosadichten und Endplattenflaechen in kranio-kaudaler Richtung variieren. Im Mittel nimmt die Spongiosadichte um 1,4±2,6 mg/ml K2HPO4 pro anatomischen Level ab, waehrend die Endplattenflaeche um 0,5±0,19 cm2 ansteigt. Hieraus resultiert eine Zunahme der Kompressionsfestigkeit von annaehernd 0,3 kN pro anatomischen Level. (orig.)Original Title
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur quantitativen computertomographischen Vorhersage der Kompressionsfestigkeit thorakolumbaler Wirbelkoerper
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 0936-6652; ; v. 151(3); p. 322-325
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The ultimate compressive strength of 36 thoracolumbar vertebrae was determined experimentally. In addition, the trabecular bone mineral content was measured by single energy quantitative computed tomography. The areas of fractured endplates were also determined by computed tomography. The results show that a linear relationship exists betwen the compressive strength and the product of bone density and endplate area. These data allow an in vivo prediction of vertebral body strength using a noninvasive method with a standard error of estimate amounting to less than 0.95 kN. (orig.)
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Vertebral insufficiency fractures may result from excessive loading of normal and routine loading of osteoporotic spines. Fractures occur when the mechanical load exceeds the vertebral compressive strength, i.e., the maximum load a vertebra can tolerate. Vertebral compressive strength is determined by trabecular bone density and the size of end-plate area. Both parameters can be measured non-invasively by quanti-tative computed tomography (QCT). In 75 patients compressive strength (i.e., trabecular bone density and endplate area) of the vertebra L3 was determined using QCT. In addition, conventional radiographs of the spines were analysed for the prevalence of insufficiency fractures in each case. By relating fracture prevalence to strength, 3 fracture risk groups were found: a high-risk group with strength values of L3<3 kN (kilo Newton) and a fracture risk of 100 percent, an intermediate group with strength values from 3 to 5 kN and a steeply increasing risk with decreasing strength, and a low-risk group with strength values >5 kN and a fracture risk near 0 percent. Biomechanical measurements and model calculations indicate that spinal loads of 3 to 4 kN at L3/4 will be common in everyday activities. These data and the results described above suggest that spines with strength values of L3<3 kN are at an extremely high risk of insufficiency fractures in daily life. Advantages of fracture risk assessment by strength determination over risk estimation based on clinically used trabecular bone density measurements are discussed. (author). 18 refs.; 4 figs
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Journal Article
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[en] The polarization of the recoil proton from the reaction γp → π0p has been measured for photon energies between 600 and 1,200 MeV and pion c.m. angles between 900 and 1500. (orig.)
Die Polarisation der Rueckstossprotonen aus der Reaktion γp → π0p wurde fuer Photonenenergien von 600 und 1.200 MeV und Pionen-c.m.-Winkel zwischen 900 udn 1500 gemessen. (orig.)Primary Subject
9 figs.; 1 tab.; 7 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Z. Phys., A; v. 277(3); p. 311-316
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue