Brossard, Clement
Sorbonne Universite, ecole Doctorale 394 - Physiologie, Physiopathologie et Therapeutique (France); Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire - IRSN, Laboratoire de Radiobiologie des expositions Medicales - LRMed, IRSN/PSE-Sante/Seramed/LRMed, F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)2022
Sorbonne Universite, ecole Doctorale 394 - Physiologie, Physiopathologie et Therapeutique (France); Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire - IRSN, Laboratoire de Radiobiologie des expositions Medicales - LRMed, IRSN/PSE-Sante/Seramed/LRMed, F-92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)2022
[en] Chronic radiation cystitis (CRC) is a pathology following pelvic irradiation characterized by chronic inflammation that can progress to fibrosis with symptoms of pain and bleeding. Our previous studies on radiation cystitis have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) limit the chronic effects of radiation. The objective of this thesis was to set up a rat model of CRC and to evaluate the efficacy of MSCs and their mechanisms of action. CRC was induced by a single dose localized irradiation of the whole bladder with two beams, guided by tomography. A dose range of 20 to 80 Gy with a follow-up of 3 to 12 months after irradiation allowed us to characterize the dose effect and kinetics of radiation cystitis. We observed that the intensity and frequency of hematuria are proportional to the irradiation dose with a threshold at 40 Gy. For the treatment, the dose of 40 Gy was retained. To potentiate the effect of treatment, the MSC were injected intravenously during the phase prior to the establishment of the chronic phase. Three injections of 5 million of MSC were administered every two weeks. Physiological, histological, and molecular follow-up was performed for 12 months after irradiation. MSCs delayed the onset of hematuria, decreased vascular damage, and reduced damage to the bladder epithelium. This result is a proof of concept of the effectiveness of MSCs. This first study will require further study of the mechanisms, but it is a real hope for all the patients suffering from chronic radiation cystitis resistant to conventional treatments. (author)
La cystite radique chronique (CRC) est une pathologie consecutive a l'irradiation pelvienne caracterisee par une inflammation chronique pouvant evoluer vers une fibrose avec des symptomes de douleur et de saignements. Nos etudes anterieures sur la cystite radique ont montre que les cellules souches mesenchymateuses (CSM) limitent les effets chroniques de l'irradiation. L'objectif de cette these a ete de mettre en place un modele de CRC chez le rat puis d'evaluer l'efficacite des CSM et leurs mecanismes d'action. La CRC a ete induite par une irradiation localisee en dose unique de la vessie entiere avec deux faisceaux, guidee par la tomographie. Une gamme de doses de 20 a 80 Gy avec un suivi de 3 a 12 mois apres l'irradiation a permis de caracteriser l'effet dose et la cinetique de la CRC. Nous avons observe que l'intensite et la frequence des hematuries sont proportionnelles a la dose d'irradiation avec un seuil a 40 Gy. Pour le traitement, la dose de 40 Gy a ete retenue. Afin de potentialiser l'effet des CSM ont ete injectees par voie intraveineuse avant la phase chronique. Trois injections de 5 millions de CSM ont ete administrees toutes les deux semaines. Un suivi physiologique, histologique et moleculaire a ete realise pendant 12 mois apres l'irradiation. Les CSM ont permis de diminuer les lesions vasculaires ainsi que les atteintes de l'urothelium. Ces resultats sont une preuve de concept de l'efficacite des CSM. Cette premiere etude demandera a etre approfondie au niveau des mecanismes, cependant il s'agit ici d'un reel espoir pour l'ensemble des patients souffrants de la cystite radique chronique resistant aux traitements conventionnels. (auteur)Original Title
Traitement par therapie cellulaire de la cystite radique chez le rat
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
6 Jul 2022; 325 p; [440 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These de doctorat de biologie cellulaire et moleculaire
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ramard, Dominique; Laffaille, Didier; Lextrait, Herve; Richard, Pascal; Loyen, Richard; Gautier, Charles Antoine; Concas, Giorgia; Djahel, Thierry; Dehaese, Olivier; Rolland, Nicolas; Brossard, Clement; Labrune, Sylvere; Landais, Sebastien; Laurans, Bernard; Autric, Thierry; Mingant, Sylvie; Lamy, Marie-Laure; Lorant, Jacky; Woodrow, Mariana; Alazard, Raymond; Mathieu, Antoine; Ricaud, Claude; Lacirignola, Martino
Enerplan - syndicat des professionnels de l'energie solaire, Le Forum B, 515 avenue de la Tramontane, Zone Athelia IV, 13600 La Ciotat (France)2017
Enerplan - syndicat des professionnels de l'energie solaire, Le Forum B, 515 avenue de la Tramontane, Zone Athelia IV, 13600 La Ciotat (France)2017
[en] During this forum dedicated to photovoltaic (PV) self-consumption in Brittany region (Western France), the following topics were debated: - the direct generation of green electricity to cover ones' own needs and to share surplus with neighbours in economically interesting conditions; - the economical and legal frameworks of self-consumption in the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors and their evolution; - from individual to collective self-consumption: experience feedbacks and evaluation tools in France and in Europe. This document brings together the presentations (slides) given at this forum. A project structuring guide for photovoltaic (PV) self-consumption projects was elaborated after the forum and is presented in introduction
Original Title
Actes du Forum dedie a l'autoconsommation PV le 8 fevrier a Rennes
Primary Subject
Feb 2017; 219 p; Self-consumption forum 2017 - Short energy supply circuits; Forum de l'autoconsommation 2017 - Circuits courts de l'energie; Rennes (France); 8 Feb 2017; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue