Merckel, Olivier; Attia, Dina; Thieriet, Nathalie; Saddoki, Sophia; Gaudaire, Francois; Letertre, Thierry; Calderon, Carolina; Mann, Simon; Bounouh, Alexandre; Bruguiere, Pierre; Couturier, Frederic; Gaffet, Eric
Agence francaise de securite sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail - Afsset, 253 Avenue du General Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France); Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 27-31 avenue du general Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2009
Agence francaise de securite sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail - Afsset, 253 Avenue du General Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France); Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 27-31 avenue du general Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2009
[en] Anses was asked by Ademe in 2008, and by the Ministries of Consumer Affairs, Health and the Environment in 2011, to assess human exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). In response to Ademe's request, the Agency published a report in February 2009 presenting an analysis of existing and relevant methodologies for measuring the electromagnetic fields emitted by CFLs. A simple, rigorous measurement solution was proposed, with a view to carrying out a one-off campaign to assess exposure to these fields, at a distance of more than 30 cm from the lamps. Subsequent lamp measurement campaigns were carried out by the Scientific and technical center for building (CSTB). In January 2011, the Consumer Safety Commission (CSC) issued an opinion on compact fluorescent lamps, recommending that consumers avoid any prolonged exposure to these lamps within a proximity radius set at a minimum distance of 30 cm. In response to a request from the ministries in charge of consumer affairs, health and the environment, the Agency published a notice in 2013. This presents an analysis of existing and relevant methodologies for measuring the electromagnetic fields emitted by CFLs, particularly at less than 30 cm from the lamps. In its opinion, the Agency refers to the new provisions recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (Icnirp), which published new guidelines for the 1 Hz-100 kHz frequency range in 2010. Pending the results of future campaigns, Anses recommends limiting exposure to less than 30 cm from CFLs. Finally, the Anses also recommends that current regulations concerning exposure of the general population to electromagnetic fields emitted by equipment used in telecommunications networks or by radioelectric installations be extended to other sources of artificial emissions of non-ionizing radiation (from 0 to 300 GHz), and in particular to CFLs
Original Title
Analyse des champs electromagnetiques associes aux lampes fluorescentes compactes - Protocole de mesure de l'exposition humaine aux champs electromagnetiques emis par des lampes fluorescentes compactes - Rapport, Fevrier 2009. Champs electromagnetiques emis par les lampes fluorescentes compactes - Mise a jour de l'evaluation des risques - Avis de l'Anses, Rapport d'expertise collective, Fevrier 2013
Primary Subject
Feb 2009; Feb 2013; 123 p; ISBN 978-2-11-129716-6; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pereira De Vasconcelos, Anne; Ndagijimana, Fabien; Yardin, Catherine; Letertre, Thierry; Bruguiere, Pierre; Douki, Thierry; Senard, Jean-Michel; Claudepierre, Thomas; Dore, Jean-Francois; Falcon, Jack; Flahaut, Emmanuel; Paradis, Anne-Lise; Rols, Marie-Pierre; Simonneaux, Valerie; Gaudaire, Francois; Guseva-Canu, Irina; Hours, Martine; Lelong, Joel; Larabi, Chaker; Moati, Frederique; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Ndagijimana, Fabien; Soyez, Alain; Toppila, Esko; Torriglia, Alicia; Vienot, Francoise; Yardin, Catherine; Merckel, Olivier; Migault, Lucile; Saddoki, Sophia; Debuire, Brigitte
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2019
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2019
[en] Testing of exposure to waves emitted by mobile telephones was modified in 2016 to take changes in models and uses into account. Since then, manufacturers have been required to assess exposure under realistic conditions of use, i.e. when the telephone is placed very close to the body, at a maximum distance of 5 mm. However, many telephones complying with the earlier regulations, and still in use, generate high levels of exposure when placed close to the body. ANSES was therefore asked to assess the possible health effects associated with these exposure conditions. Following its expert appraisal, ANSES recommends that measures be taken to ensure that users are no longer subject to high levels of exposure when telephones are carried close to the body
Le controle de l'exposition aux ondes emises par les telephones mobiles a ete modifie en 2016, afin de tenir compte de l'evolution des modeles et des usages. Depuis, les fabricants sont tenus d'evaluer l'exposition dans des conditions realistes d'utilisation, a savoir lorsque le telephone est place tres pres du corps, au maximum a 5 mm de distance. Or, un nombre important de telephones conformes a la precedente reglementation encore utilises presentent des niveaux d'exposition eleves lorsqu'ils sont places pres du corps. L'Anses a ainsi ete sollicitee afin d'evaluer les eventuels effets sur la sante lies a ces conditions d'expositions. Suite a son expertise, l'Anses recommande que des mesures soient prises afin que les utilisateurs ne soient plus exposes a des niveaux eleves lorsque les telephones sont portes pres du corpsOriginal Title
Telephones mobiles portes pres du corps et sante. Avis de l'Anses, Rapport d'expertise collective, Juillet 2019 - edition scientifique
Primary Subject
Jul 2019; 130 p; ISBN 979-10-286-0312-0; ; 160 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cardis, Elisabeth; Dore, Jean-Francois; Marc-Vergnes, Jean-Pierre; Agnani, Jean-Benoit; Bruguiere, Pierre; Crouzier, David; Debaz, Josquin; Debuire, Brigitte; Deltour, Isabelle; LE Drean, Yves; Ledoigt, Gerard; Letertre, Thierry; Marchand, Dorothee; Massardier-Pilonchery, Amelie; Nadi, Mustapha; Pereira De Vasconcelos, Anne; Hours, Martine; Fite, Johanna; Merckel, Olivier; Roth, Olivia; Vergriette, Benoit; Saddoki, Sophia
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - ANSES, 27-31 av. du General Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2013
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - ANSES, 27-31 av. du General Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2013
[en] In a context of development of new technologies of wireless communications, and therefore of radio-electric signals used to transmit information, this voluminous document reports a detailed study on the effects of radiofrequency on health. It is notably based on a large literature survey and on an assessment of the level of proof of these effects by experts (proved, possible, probable, insufficiently proved, or no effect on mankind). These effects can be either biological or on health. The report presents the context, scope and modalities of the expertise study, presents the main artificial and natural sources of radiofrequency radiation, gives a detailed presentation of new exposure sources (new signals, new radio-electric networks and their applications like mobile phones, pads, mobile television, local wireless networks, RFID, so on). It describes metrology and dose measurement techniques for electromagnetic fields (exposure characterization in laboratory, characterization of the electromagnetic environment, individual exposure measurement devices, digital dosimetry). It addresses the efficiency of anti-wave devices. The next part presents the literature survey (method, analysis, results). The authors then report an assessment of the risk level related to radio-frequencies for the central nervous system (neurotoxicity mechanisms, cognitive functions, memory and behaviour, sleep and circadian rhythms, hearing functions, neurological and neuro-degenerative diseases), and an assessment of the risk level of radio-frequencies for other non-carcinogenic effects (possible mechanisms, reproduction, immunology, endocrine system, and so on). They discuss the researches on potential carcinogenic mechanisms. They give an overview of the evolutions of regulations and management measures in France, and propose a set of recommendations
Original Title
Radiofrequences et sante. Mise a jour de l'expertise. Avis de l'Anses. Rapport d'expertise collective
Primary Subject
Oct 2013; 461 p; 535 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marc-Vergnes, Jean-Pierre; Dore, Jean-Francois; Ducimetiere, Pierre; Agnani, Jean-Benoit; Bruguiere, Pierre; Douki, Thierry; Crouzier, David; Debaz, Josquin; Debuire, Brigitte; Deltour, Isabelle; Demarquoy, Jean; Le Drean, Yves; Ledoigt, Gerard; Letertre, Thierry; Libert, Jean-Pierre; Massardier-Pilonchery, Amelie; Pereira De Vasconcelos, Anne; Senard, Jean-Michel; Barthe, Yannick; Mirabel-Sarron, Christine; Hennaux, Catherine; Gaudaire, Francois; Boulenguez, Pierre; Hours, Martine; Lelong, Joel; Bounouh, Alexandre; Feltin, Nicolas; Flahaut, Emmanuel; Lafaye, Murielle; Moati, Frederique; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Ndagijimana, Fabien; Soyez, Alain; Toppila, Esko; Yardin, Catherine; Baudas, Lea; Merckel, Olivier; Roth-Delgado, Olivia; Ormsby, Jean-Nicolas; Vergriette, Benoit; Viet, Marine; Fite, Johanna; Varret, Clemence; Saddoki, Sophia; Boix, Severine
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2018
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2018
[en] Radiofrequency electromagnetic waves have been a major health, environmental and societal concern for several years now, in France and abroad. Despite the measures taken to regulate and monitor the levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields, for several decades the scientific literature has regularly reported cases of people suffering from various disorders attributed to exposure to fields emitted by household appliances, electrical facilities and communicating devices. In this context, the Agency has published several opinions and collective expert appraisal reports, particularly in 2003, 2005, 2009, 2013 and, most recently, in 2016, on the potential health risks of exposure to radiofrequency waves. It also wished to pay due attention to the issue of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), by devoting a specific in-depth expert appraisal to this subject. This expert appraisal, whose results are published in this report, was based on an analysis of the scientific literature and on numerous hearings (with hospital and general practitioners, researchers, associations and the people concerned). It was also supplemented with data based on more than 500 additional comments from scientists and stakeholders, in the framework of the open public consultation that ran from 27 July to 15 October 2016, and which was based on a preliminary expert appraisal report. The Agency's expert appraisal showed the great complexity of the issue of electro-hypersensitivity. First of all, there are currently no validated diagnostic criteria for EHS, and the expert appraisal found that it is only possible to define EHS on the basis of self-reporting by individuals. The Agency also concluded that the pain and suffering (headaches, sleep, attention and memory disorders, social isolation, etc.) expressed by the people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive is a reality of life, requiring them to adapt their daily lives to cope with it. The 40 experts, who worked on this expert appraisal for almost four years, investigated many hypotheses in an attempt to understand these symptoms. However, current scientific knowledge shows no cause and effect relationship between the symptoms of people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive and their exposure to electromagnetic waves. Nevertheless, these symptoms, which can have a significant impact on the quality of life of these people, require and warrant suitable care by health and social service players. To this end, the Agency recommends asking the French National Authority for Health to consider the relevance of formulating recommendations for health professionals to ensure suitable care for people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive. The Agency also recommends developing training for health professionals on the issue of electro-hypersensitivity and training for social service professionals in supporting and counselling people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive, as well as taking their questions and expectations into account in their practices and fostering greater coordination between the players involved in their care. The Agency also recommends continuing research: - by strengthening the interactions between scientists and associations of people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive; - by supporting the establishment of research infrastructure suitable for investigating EHS, mainly in order to conduct long-term follow-up studies, while ensuring that the experimental conditions are controlled and take into account the circumstances of people declaring themselves as electro-hypersensitive; - by securing long-term funding for research work on the health effects of radio-frequencies.
Original Title
Hypersensibilite electromagnetique ou intolerance environnementale idiopathique attribuee aux champs electromagnetiques. Avis de l'Anses - Rapport d'expertise collective
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mar 2018; 765 p; 484 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue