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1972; 305 p; Physik Verl; Weinheim, F.R. Germany; ISBN 3876640148; ; 176 figs.; 11 tabs.; 202 refs.
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[en] In the first part of this general paper, the present state of the theory of superconductivity is dealt with, while the technical applications of superconductivity (magnets, cables, motors, and generators) are discussed in the second. (HPOE/AK)
Im ersten Teil dieses Uebersichtsvortrags wird der gegenwaertige Stand der theoretischen Beschreibung der Supraleitung behandelt, im zweiten Teil wird auf die technische Anwendung der Supraleitung (Magnete, Kabel, Motoren und Generatoren) eingegangen. (HPOE)Original Title
Aktuelle Probleme der Supraleitung
Primary Subject
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Akademie der Wissenschaften; no. 241; 1974; 26 p; Westdeutscher Verl; Opladen, F.R. Germany; ISBN 3531082418; ; 13 figs.; 15 refs. Presented at the 221. meeting, Duesseldorf, F.R. Germany, 9 Jan 1974.
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[en] This plenary lecture briefly reviews the principles and elementary aspects of superconductivity and the advancement towards high-Tc superconductors. (MM)
In diesem kurzen Uebersichtsvortrag wird ueber die Grundlagen der Supraleitung und ueber die Entwicklung von Hochtemperatursupraleitern berichtet. (MM)Original Title
Superaleitung ueber 100 K - eine wissenschaftliche Sensation mit grossem technischen Potential
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Gesellschaft Energietechnik, Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.); VDI-Berichte; no. 733; 442 p; ISBN 3-18-090733-9; ; 1989; p. 3-14; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.); Technical meeting on superconductivity in power engineering: Status, concepts, new aspects, with exhibition; Fachtagung Supraleitung in der Energietechnik: Stand, Konzepte, Neue Aspekte und Ausstellung; Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.); 14-15 Jun 1989
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Comprehensive and easy to understand, this introductory text on superconductivity was especially written for the non-specialist. The author, an active researcher in the field for more than forty years, first presents the fundamental considerations - without too much mathematics. He describes the various phenomena connected with the superconducting state, provides experimental facts and discusses numerous examples for modern applications. The new high-temperature superconductors are also dealt with in detail. For almost two decades now, the German version of this book - currently in its fourth edition - has been the best-selling standard work on superconductivity. (orig.)
1991; 339 p; VCH Verlagsges; Weinheim (Germany); ISBN 3-527-27893-1;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The author discusses the following topics:- 1) A15-superconductors, 2) PdH(D) and Pd-alloys charged with H(D), 3) (SN)sub(x)-the first polymer superconductor, 4) Metastable structures produced by ion-beam sputtering, ion implantation, and by quenched condensation. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Krusius, M.; Vuorio, M. (eds.); v. 5 p. 150-171; ISBN 0720493064; ; 1975; North-Holland; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 14. international conference on low temperature physics; Otaniemi, Finland; 14 Aug 1975
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Issues on energy problems have gained extraordinary importance in the past 10 years - not only for experts but, quite generally, also in public. Relevant data have become of particular consequence in this context. Such data can be found in numerous publications of any kind but finding them quickly is not so easy for users. That is why this bibliography has tried to provide a worldwide compilation of the most important data compilations, standard works, handbooks, etc. from the field of energy industry and technology. The bibliography differentiates between periodical publications and monographs. They are arranged according to countries and international organizations. This 2nd issue of the bibliography 'Data Compilations in Energy' contains the information presented in the first issue, brought up to date by new information on literature and data from the field of energy recently published worldwide. (orig./IO)
Fragen zur Energie haben in den letzten 10 Jahren ausserordentlich an Bedeutung gewonnen, dies nicht nur bei Fachleuten sondern auch ganz allgemein im oeffentlichen Bewusstsein. Wichtig sind in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem relevante Daten geworden. Solche Daten sind zwar zahlreichen Publikationen jeder Art zu entnehmen, fuer den Benutzer ist es jedoch nicht einfach, sie schnell zu finden. Mit dieser Bibliographie ist daher versucht worden, weltweit die wichtigsten Datensammlungen, Standardwerke, Handbuecher aus Energiewirtschaft und -technik zusammenzustellen. In der Bibliographie wird zwischen periodisch erscheinenden Publikationen und Monographien unterschieden. Sie sind nach Laendern und internationalen Organisationen geordnet. Diese 2. Ausgabe der Bibliographie 'Datensammlungen in der Energie' enthaelt den Inhalt der ersten Ausgabe, ergaenzt durch neuere weltweit erscheinende Publikationen auf dem Gebiet der Energie. (orig./IO)Original Title
Datensammlungen in der Energie
Primary Subject
Energie Daten; no. 1-2; 1986; 271 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Picraux, S.T. (ed.); p. 35-45; 1974; Plenum Publishing Corp; New York; International conference on applications of ion beams to metals; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; 2 Oct 1973
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[en] The authors present the fundamental considerations without the need for extensive mathematics, describing the various phenomena connected with the superconducting state, with liberal insertion of experimental facts and examples for modern applications. While all fields of superconducting phenomena are dealt with in detail, this new edition pays particular attention to the groundbreaking discovery of magnesium diboride and the current developments in this field. In addition, a new chapter provides an overview of the elements, alloys and compounds where superconductivity has been observed in experiments, together with their major characteristics. The chapter on technical applications has been considerably expanded to accommodate microelectronics, while the key aspects of critical currents as well as Josephson junctions now each have their own chapter
Physics Textbook; 2004; 475 p; Wiley-CH; Weinheim (Germany); ISBN 3-527-40349-3;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Picraux, S.T. (ed.); p. 3-13; 1974; Plenum Publishing Corp; New York; International conference on applications of ion beams to metals; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; 2 Oct 1973
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Bi--12 at. percent Sb; Pb--33 at. percent Bi
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Timmerhaus, K.D.; O'Sullivan, W.J.; Hammel, E.F. (eds.); p. 437-440; 1974; Plenum Publishing Corp; New York; 13. international conference on low temperature physics; Boulder, Colorado, USA; 21 Aug 1972
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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