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[en] The Titan ion source generates wide-aperture beams of both gaseous and metal ions of various materials. The above possibility is realized on the account of combining two types of arc discharge with cold cathodes in the source discharge system. The vacuum arc, initiated between the cathode accomplished from the ion forming material, and hollow anode, is used for obtaining the metal ions. The pinch-effect low pressure arc discharge, ignited on the same hollow anode, is used for obtaining gaseous ions. The composition of ion beams, generated by the Titan source through the specially designed time-of-flight spectrometer, is studied. The spectrometer design and principle pf operation are presented. The physical peculiarities of the source functioning, influencing the ion beam composition, are discussed
Ионный источник Титан генерирует широкоапертурные пучки как газовых, так и металлических ионов различных материалов. Данная возможность реализуется за счет совмещения в разрядной системе источника двух типов дуговых разрядов с холодными катодами. Для получения ионов металла используется вакуумная дуга, инициируемая между катодом, выполненным из ионообразующего материала, и полым анодом. Для получения газовых ионов используется контрагированный дуговой разрад низкого давления, зажигаемый на тот же полый анод. Исследуются состав ионных пучков, генерируемых источником Титан, при помощи специально созданного времяпролетного масс-спектрометра, приводятся конструкция и принцип работы спектрометра, обсуждаются физические особенности функционирования источника, влияющие на состав ионного пучкаOriginal Title
Issledovanie ionnogo istochnika Titan vremyaproletnym mass-spektrometrom
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20 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab.
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[en] A thermoelement comprising a homogeneous n-type semiconductor and a metallic load resistance is considered. In the approximation of quasineutrality and equilibrium of the phonon subsystem, an expression for the temperature-current characteristic (the relation between the thermoelectric current density averaged over the cross section and the externally imposed temperature difference) is derived and analyzed; it is nonlinear, on account of heating. It is found that the thermoelement may operate either sublinearly or superlinearly, according to the particular relationship between the electric circuit branch parameters. The change in the characteristic caused by the application of a magnetic field transverse to the thermoelectric current is investigated
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Soviet Physics - Semiconductors; v. 14(3); p. 263-266
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Bugaev, A.S.; Oks, E.M.; Yushkov, G.Y.; Brown, I.G.
The 26th IEEE international conference on plasma science1999
The 26th IEEE international conference on plasma science1999
[en] In the investigation of ion charge state distributions (CSD) in vacuum arc plasmas, good correlation between increase in arc operating voltage and mean ion charge state has been established. Therefore, to increase the mean charge state of a vacuum arc plasma, it is necessary to find ways to increase the arc operating voltage. The voltage can be increased via transients associated with the arc current by means of which a rather high operation voltage can be established across the discharge gap. Experiments were performed both in Tomsk and Berkeley with the discharge system of a vacuum arc ion source. To effect a step current rise an additional power supply was connected to the usual vacuum arc supply. This power supply made it possible to increase the vacuum arc current up to 1 kA for several micros. As a rule the current jump was produced after 100--200 micros into the main discharge pulse when all principal parameters of the vacuum arc were already established. To measure the CSD a time-of-flight method was used. As followed from experiments, superposition of a short, high current pulse to the vacuum arc current pulse is accompanied by a jump in arc operation voltage. Subsequently during the current step the voltage falls exponentially to one hundred volts after the completion of the current jump, and the arc voltage takes its conventional value (20--40V). Because of this increase in arc operation voltage, an enhancement of high charge station ion fractions was observed. For example, with a Ti-cathode with conventional arc parameters there is only very small value to Ti4+ ion fraction in the vacuum arc plasma. Applying strong magnetic field increases the fraction of these ions up to 20% of the total beam current. The current jump enhanced this value up to 40%
Primary Subject
High Current Electronics Inst., Tomsk (Russian Federation); 342 p; ISBN 0-7803-5224-6; ; ISSN 0730-9244; ; 1999; p. 269; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc; Piscataway, NJ (United States); 1999 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science; Monterey, CA (United States); 20-24 Jun 1999; Also available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 (US); $130.00
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Bugaev, A.S.; Oks, E.M.; Hushkov, G.Yu.; Anders, A.; Brown, I.G.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director, Office of Science (United States)1999
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director, Office of Science (United States)1999
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1 Jul 1999; [vp.]; 8. International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS); Kyoto (Japan); 6-10 Sep 1999; AC03-76SF00098; Available from Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 (US)
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Report Number
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[en] The effect of the exchange spin waves interaction with the acoustic waves on the magnetoelastic waves in the ferrite film-dielectric substrate planar structure is theoretically considered. The strong magnetoelectric interaction was observed in the narrow section of the magnetoacoustic waves, wherein the phase synchronism of the exchange magnetostatic and acoustic waves takes place. It is shown, that possibility of exciting the exchange-acoustic waves in the films with free surface spins constitutes the results of strong rearrangement of the structure of the magnetization vector proper vibrations and elastic shifts in the area of the phase synchronism of the exchange spin and acoustic waves
Теоретически рассмотрено влияние взаимодействия обменных спиновых волн с акустическими волнами на спектр магнитоупругих волн в планарных структурах ферритовая пленка - диэлектрическая подложка. Сильное магнитоупругое взаимодействие наблюдалось на узком участке спектра магнитоакустических волн, где имеет место фазовый синхронизм обменных магнитостатических и акустических волн. Показано, что возможность возбуждения обменно-акустических волн в пленках со свободными поверхностными спинами является результатом сильной перестройки структуры собственных колебаний вектора намагниченности и упругих смещений в области фазового синхронизма обменных спиновых и акустических волнOriginal Title
Vliyanie magnitouprugogo vzaimodejstviya obmennykh spinovykh voln na spektr magnitoakusticheskikh kolebanij v planarnykh strukturakh
5. International conference. Fullerenes and atomic clusters; 5. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya. Fullereny i atomnye klastery; Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 2-6 Jul 2001; 13 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bugaev, A.S.; Gushenets, V.I.; Nikolaev, A.G.; Oks, E.M.; Yushkov, G. Yu.; Anders, A.; Brown, I.G.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Building System Design (United States)2003
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Building System Design (United States)2003
No abstract available
Primary Subject
LBNL--53133; AC03-76SF00098; Journal Publication Date: 2002
Record Type
Journal Article
NATO Science Series. Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry; ISSN 1568-2609; ; v. 88; [10 p.]
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[en] Experimental analysis was performed with respect to the effect of acoustic conductivity sign variation in crystals of indium antimonide at gelium temperature in strong electric fields. The basic regularities responsible for the effect were shown to be associated with the nature of electron gas heating with a sound wave, namely the presence of an electron temperature wave accompanying the sound wave
Original Title
O smene znaka ehffekta akustoprovodimosti v n-InSb
6 refs.; for English translation see the journal Sov. Phys. - Solid State.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Tverdogo Tela; v. 19(2); p. 508-512
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[en] A joint research and development effort whose ultimate goal is to develop steady-state intense ion sources to meet the needs of the two energy extremes of ion implanters (mega-electron-volt and of hundreds of electron-volt) has been in progress for the past two years. Present day high-energy ion implanters utilize low charge state (usually single charge) ion sources in combination with rf accelerators. Usually, a MeV linear accelerator is used for acceleration of a few milliamperes. It is desirable to have instead an intense, high charge state ion source on a relatively low-energy platform (dc acceleration) to generate high-energy ion beams for implantation. This endeavor has already resulted in very high steady-state output currents of higher charge states antimony and phosphorous ions. Low-energy ion implantation is performed presently by decelerating high-energy extracted ions. Consequently, output currents are low due to space charge problems. Contamination is also a problem due to gases and plasmas employed to mitigate the space charge issues. Our efforts involve molecular ions and a plasmaless/gasless deceleration method. A program overview is presented in this article. Although source specifics are described in accompanying papers, only this article contains our most recent results
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
11. international conference on ion sources; Caen (France); 12-16 Sep 2005; (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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External URLExternal URL
[en] A joint research and development effort whose ultimate goal is to develop steady-state intense ion sources to meet the needs of the two energy extremes of ion implanters (mega-electron-volt and of hundreds of electron-volt) has been in progress for the past two years. Present day high-energy ion implanters utilize low charge state (usually single charge) ion sources in combination with rf accelerators. Usually, a MeV linear accelerator is used for acceleration of a few milliamperes. It is desirable to have instead an intense, high charge state ion source on a relatively low-energy platform (dc acceleration) to generate high-energy ion beams for implantation. This endeavor has already resulted in very high steady-state output currents of higher charge states antimony and phosphorous ions. Low-energy ion implantation is performed presently by decelerating high-energy extracted ions. Consequently, output currents are low due to space charge problems. Contamination is also a problem due to gases and plasmas employed to mitigate the space charge issues. Our efforts involve molecular ions and a plasmaless/gasless deceleration method. A program overview is presented in this article. Although source specifics are described in accompanying papers, only this article contains our most recent results
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
11. international conference on ion sources; Caen (France); 12-16 Sep 2005; (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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External URLExternal URL
Slapovskij, D.N.; Pavlov, A.Yu.; Bugaev, A.S.
Scientific session of NRNU MEPHI-2012. Abstracts. In three volumes. Volume 2. Problems of fundamental science. Strategic information technologies2012
Scientific session of NRNU MEPHI-2012. Abstracts. In three volumes. Volume 2. Problems of fundamental science. Strategic information technologies2012
No abstract available
Original Title
Mnogoslojnaya sistema metallizatsii v kontakte metall-poluprovodnik dlya struktur s metamorfnym buferom
Secondary Subject
Ministerstvo Obrazovaniya i Nauki Rossijskoj Federatsii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya po Atomnoj Ehnergii Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); Natsional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Yadernyj Univ. MIFI, Moscow (Russian Federation); 388 p; ISBN 978-5-7262-1626-3; ; 2012; p. 208; MEPHI-2012: Scientific session of NRNU; Nauchnaya sessiya NIYaU MIFI-2012; Moscow (Russian Federation); 2012
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