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[en] Several substances have been used in an attempt to sclerose biliary ducts associated with persistent biliary-cutaneous fistula (BCF). The AMPLATZER Vascular Plug (AVP; AGA Medical, USA) system is a recently developed endovascular occlusion device, introduced as an alternative to permanent embolic materials (metallic coils or acrylic glue), in the occlusion of large and medium-calibre arteries and veins. We report a successful use of the AVP to embolize BCF, developed after the removal of an internal-external biliary drainage.
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15 refs, 1 fig
Record Type
Journal Article
Korean Journal of Radiology; ISSN 1229-6929; ; v. 14(5); p. 801-804
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[en] A pulmonary artery aneurysm is a common manifestation and the leading cause of mortality in Behcet's disease. We describe a case of spontaneous rupture of a pulmonary artery aneurysm that, due to the inadequacy of medical therapy and the disadvantages of surgery, became the ideal candidate for endovascular management and was successfully performed by using the Amplatzer Vascular Plug 4.
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11 refs, 1 fig
Record Type
Journal Article
Korean Journal of Radiology; ISSN 1229-6929; ; v. 14(2); p. 283-286
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[en] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of percutaneous ultrasound (US)-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICCA) in a small, nonrandomized series. From February 2004 to July 2008, six patients (four men and two women; mean age 69.8 years [range 48 to 83]) with ICCA underwent percutaneous US-guided RFA. Preintervetional transarterial embolization was performed in two cases to decrease heat dispersion during RFA in order to increase the area of ablation. The efficacy of RFA was evaluated using contrast-enhanced dynamic computed tomography (CT) 1 month after treatment and then every 3 months thereafter. Nine RFA sessions were performed for six solid hepatic tumors in six patients. The duration of follow-up ranged from 13 to 21 months (mean 17.5). Posttreatment CT showed total necrosis in four of six tumors after one or two RFA sessions. Residual tumor was observed in two patients with larger tumors (5 and 5.8 cm in diameter). All patients tolerated the procedure, and there with no major complications. Only 1 patient developed post-RFA syndrome (pain, fever, malaise, and leukocytosis), which resolved with oral administration of acetaminophen. Percutaneous RFA is a safe and effective treatment for patients with hepatic tumors: It is ideally suited for those who are not eligible for surgery. Long-term follow-up data regarding local and systemic recurrence and survival are still needed.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC and the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose. To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysm (SAAs). Materials and methods. Between May 2000 and June 2003 we treated 11 true SAAs in 9 patients (7 females and 2 males; mean age 58 years), 8 saccular and 3 fusiform, 4 located at the middle tract of the splenic artery, 5 at the distal tract and 2 intra-parenchymal. The diagnosis was performed with colour-Doppler ultrasound and/or CT-angiography; 7 patients were symptomless, 1 had left hypochondriac pain, and 1 had acute abdomen caused by a ruptured SAA. Four SAAs were treated by micro coil embolisation of the aneurysmal sac with preservation of splenic artery patency; in 2 cases this was associated with transcatheter injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Four cases were treated by endovascular ligature, with sectoral spleen ischaemia. One ruptured SAA received emergency treatment with splenic artery cyanoacrylate embolisation. Two intra-parenchymal SAAs were excluded, one by cyanoacrylate embolisation of the afferent artery and the other by transcatheter thrombin injection in the aneurysmal sac. Results. Technical success was observed in all cases (in 10/11 at the end of the procedure; in 1/11 at CT performed 3 days after the procedure). The follow-up (mean 18 months; range 6-36) was performed by colour-Doppler ultrasound and/or CT-angiography 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure and subsequently once a year; the complete exclusion of the aneurysms was confirmed in 11/11 cases. The complications were: 4 cases of mild pleuritis; fever and left hypochondriac pain 1 day after the procedure (in the same 4 patients and in one other case); 5 cases of sectorial spleen ischaemia and 1 case of diffuse spleen infarction with partial revascularization by collateral vessels. No alteration of the levels of pancreatic enzymes was found; a transitory increase in platelet count occurred only in the patient with diffuse spleen infarction. Conclusions. Using different techniques, endovascular treatment is feasible in nearly all SAAs. It ensures good immediate and long term results, and no doubt presents some advantages in comparison to surgical treatment, as it less invasive and allows the preservation of splenic function
Scopo. Verificare l'efficacia del trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica (AAS). Materiale e metodi. Nel periodo compreso tra maggio 2000 e giugno 2003 sono stati trattati 11 AAS veri in 9 pazienti (7 femmine e 2 maschi; eta media 58 anni), 8 sacciformi e 3 fusiformi, 4 localizzati al tratto medio, 5 al tratto distale e 2 intrasplenici. La diagnosi e stata effettuata con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC ed e risultata occasionate in 7 pazienti e conseguente a dolore in ipocondrio sinistro in 1 caso; un AAS e stato riscontrato in fase di fissurazione. Quattro AAS sono stati esclusi mediante embolizzazione della sacca con microspirali, con preservazione della continuita dell'asse vascolare; in 2 casi e stata associata l'iniezione transcatetere di cianoacrilato. In 4 casi e stata effettuata una legatura endovascolare, con ischemia settoriaie della milza. Un AAS fisstirato e stato trattato in urgenza con embolizzazione massiva mediante cianoacrilato dell'arteria splenica. I 2 aneurismi intrasplenici sono stati esclusi, l'uno mediante embolizzazione dell'arteria afferente con cianoacrilato e l'altro con iniezione transcatetere di trombina nella sacca aneurismatica. Risultati. E stata ottenuta la devascolarizzazione completa di tutti gli AAS (in 10/11 al termine della procedura; in 1/11 al controllo TC, effettuato dopo 3 giorni). Il follow-up (durata media 18 mesi; range 6-36 mesi) e stato espletato con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC a 3, 6, 12 mesi e successivamente una volta all'anno; la completa esclusione degli aneurismi e stata confermata in 11/11 casi. Le complicanze riscontrate sono state: 4 casi di pleurite sinistra di modesta entita; febbre e dolore in ipocondrio sinistro il giorno successivo alla procedura (negli stessi 4 pazienti e in un altro caso). Si sono osservati 5 casi di ischemia settoriale e 1 caso di infarto massivo della milza con parziale rivascolarizzazione splenica da parte di circoli collaterali. Non si sono verificate alterazioni degli enzimi pancreatici; e stata rilevata una piastrinosi transitoria solo nel paziente con ischemia diffusa della milza. Conclusioni. Il trattamento endovascolare risulta attuabile, con tecniche differenti, in pressoche tutti gli AAS; garantisce ottimi risultati sia immediati che a distanza, presentando indubbi vantaggi nei confronti del trattamento chirurgico, in relazione alla minore invasivita e alla conservazione della funzionalita splenicaOriginal Title
Trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica
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Record Type
Journal Article
Radiologia Medica; ISSN 0033-8362; ; v. 110(1-2); p. 77-87
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Purpose. To evaluate the role and the effectiveness of interventional radiology in the treatment of renal transplant complications. Materials and methods. From 1996 to 2004 a total of 288 kidney transplants from cadavers were performed in our Institute. The kidney was always collocated in iliac fossa by creating a vascular anastomosis with the external iliac artery and vein; in all cases the ureter was implanted into the recipient bladder. During the follow-up, 34 complications were observed. Twenty-seven complications in 25 patients (20 males and 5 females; age 35-65 years) were treated by a radiologic procedure: 9 renal artery stenosis and 1 native external iliac artery stenosis (by PTA), 5 ureteral obstructions (by nephrostomy and ureteral stenting), 8 ureteral leaks (by nephrostomy, in 2 cases associated to ureteral stenting) and 4 limphoceles (by percutaneous ultrasound-guided catheter drainage). Results. Primary technical success was obtained in 20/27 cases (74%). Success was obtained with a second interventional procedure in 3/27 cases, 2 limphoceles and 1 ureteral fistula (secondary technical success: 85.2%), with a clinical final success in 23/27 cases (85.2%). We observed a peri-procedural complication rate of 3.7% (1 renal artery post-PTA dissection during a restenosis treatment). Four cases (1 renal arterial post-PTA dissection, 1 ureteral obstructions, 1 ureteral leak and llimphocele) needed a surgical correction (14.8%). Conclusions. Interventional radiology is the first therapeutic approach to treat renal transplant complications. It shows good technical and clinical results and a low complication rate. Surgery had to be considered only if minimally invasive procedures are infeasible or ineffective
Scopo. Valutare l'efficacia delle procedure di radiologia interventistica nel trattamento delle complicanze del trapianto renale. Materiale e metodi. Dal 1996 al 2004 sono stati eseguiti, presso il nostro centro 288 trapianti renali da cadavere. L'organo e stato in tutti i casi posizionato in fossa iliaca con confezionamento delle anastomosi vascolari a livello dei vasi iliaci esterni e impianto dell'uretere sulla vescica del ricevente. Durante il follow-up clinico-strumentale sono state osservate 34 complicanze. Sono stati sottoposti a trattamento radiologico-interventistico 25 pazienti (20 maschi e 5 femmine; eta 35-65 anni) portatori di 27 complicanze: 9 stenosi dell'arteria renale e 1 stenosi dell'arteria iliaca esterna nativa (tutte trattate con angioplastica), 5 ostruzioni ureterali (trattate con posizionamento di nefrostomia e stent ureterale), 8 fistole urinose (trattate con nefrostomia, associata in 2 casi a stent ureterale) e 4 linfoceli trattati con drenaggio percutaneo eco-guidato. Risultati. E stato ottenuto un successo tecnico primario in 20/27 casi (74%); in 3/27 casi (2 linfoceli e 1 fistola urinosa) il successo e stato ottenuto con una seconda procedura interventistica (successo tecnico secondario: 85,2%) con successo clinico complessivo in 23/27 casi (85,2%). E stato osservato un tasso di complicanze peri-procedurali del 3,7% (1 caso di fissurazione dell'arteria renale post-PTA durante il trattamento di una restenosi). In 4 casi (1 fissurazione dell'arteria renale post-PTA, 1 stenosi ureterale, 1 fistola urinosa e 1 linfocele) e stato necessario il ricorso all'intervento chirurgico (14,8%). Conclusioni. La radiologia interventistica costituisce l'approccio terapeutico di prima scelta nel trattamento delle complicanze del trapianto renale con buoni risultati tecnici e clinici e una bassa incidenza di complicanze. Il trattamento chirurgico deve essere riservato ai casi in cui l'approccio interventistico non sia fattibile o sia risultato inefficaceOriginal Title
Ruolo della radiologia interventistica nel trattamento delle complicanze del trapianto renale
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiologia Medica; ISSN 0033-8362; ; v. 110(3); p. 249-261
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Lagana, Domenico; Mangini, Monica; Fontana, Federico; Nicotera, Paolo; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Fugazzola, Carlo, E-mail:, E-mail: monica.mangini@tin.it2009
[en] The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of percutaneous endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) previously treated by EVAR. In the last year, two male patients with AAAs, treated 8 and 23 months ago with bifurcated stent-graft, were observed because of lumbar pain and hemorragic shock. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) showed a retroperitoneal hematoma; in both cases a type III endoleak was detected, in one case associated with a type II endoleak from the iliolumbar artery. The procedures were performed in the theater, in emergency. Type II endoleak was treated with transcatheter superselective glue injection; type III endoleaks were excluded by a stent-graft extension. The procedures were successful in both patients, with immediate hemodynamic stabilization. MDCT after the procedure showed complete exclusion of the aneurysms. In conclusion, endovascular treatment is a safe and feasible option for the treatment of ruptured AAAs previously treated by EVAR; this approach allows avoidance of surgical conversion, which is technical very challenging, with a high morbidity and mortality rate.
Primary Subject
BSIR 2008: Annual meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe; Manchester (United Kingdom); 5-7 Nov 2008; Copyright (c) 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Ierardi, Anna Maria; Duka, Ejona; Radaelli, Alessandro; Rivolta, Nicola; Piffaretti, Gabriele; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo, E-mail: gcarraf@gmail.com2016
[en] AimTo evaluate the feasibility of image fusion (IF) of pre-procedural arterial-phase CT angiography or MR angiography with intra-procedural fluoroscopy for road-mapping in endovascular treatment of aorto-iliac steno-occlusive disease.Materials and MethodsBetween September and November, 2014, we prospectively evaluated 5 patients with chronic aorto-iliac steno-occlusive disease, who underwent endovascular treatment in the angiography suite. Fusion image road-mapping was performed using angiographic phase CT images or MR images acquired before and intra-procedural unenhanced cone-beam CT. Radiation dose of the procedure, volume of intra-procedural iodinated contrast medium, fluoroscopy time, and overall procedural time were recorded. Reasons for potential fusion imaging inaccuracies were also evaluated.ResultsImage co-registration and fusion guidance were feasible in all procedures. Mean radiation dose of the procedure was 60.21 Gycm2 (range 55.02–63.75 Gycm2). The mean total procedure time was 32.2 min (range 27–38 min). The mean fluoroscopy time was 12 min and 3 s. The mean procedural iodinated contrast material dose was 24 mL (range 20–40 mL).ConclusionsIF gives Interventional Radiologists the opportunity to use new technologies in order to improve outcomes with a significant reduction of contrast media administration
Primary Subject
IROS 2015: Interventional Radiological Olbert Symposium; Berlin (Germany); 15-17 Jan 2015; Copyright (c) 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New York and the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE);; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] To compare the diagnostic performance of cone-beam CT (CBCT)-guided and CT fluoroscopy (fluoro-CT)-guided technique for transthoracic needle biopsy (TNB) of lung nodules. The hospital records of 319 consecutive patients undergoing 324 TNBs of lung nodules in a single radiology unit in 2009-2013 were retrospectively evaluated. The newly introduced CBCT technology was used to biopsy 123 nodules; 201 nodules were biopsied by conventional fluoro-CT-guided technique. We assessed the performance of the two biopsy systems for diagnosis of malignancy and the radiation exposure. Nodules biopsied by CBCT-guided and by fluoro-CT-guided technique had similar characteristics: size, 20 ± 6.5 mm (mean ± standard deviation) vs. 20 ± 6.8 mm (p = 0.845); depth from pleura, 15 ± 15 mm vs. 15 ± 16 mm (p = 0.595); malignant, 60 % vs. 66 % (p = 0.378). After a learning period, the newly introduced CBCT-guided biopsy system and the conventional fluoro-CT-guided system showed similar sensitivity (95 % and 92 %), specificity (100 % and 100 %), accuracy for diagnosis of malignancy (96 % and 94 %), and delivered non-significantly different median effective doses [11.1 mSv (95 % CI 8.9-16.0) vs. 14.5 mSv (95 % CI 9.5-18.1); p = 0.330]. The CBCT-guided and fluoro-CT-guided systems for lung nodule biopsy are similar in terms of diagnostic performance and effective dose, and may be alternatively used to optimize the available technological resources. (orig.)
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[en] The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in endoleak classification after endovascular treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm compared to computed tomography angiography (CTA). From May 2001 to April 2003, 10 patients with endoleaks already detected by CTA underwent CEUS with Sonovue (registered) to confirm the CTA classification or to reclassify the endoleak. In three conflicting cases, the patients were also studied with conventional angiography. CEUS confirmed the CTA classification in seven cases (type II endoleaks). Two CTA type III endoleaks were classified as type II using CEUS and one CTA type II endoleak was classified as type I by CEUS. Regarding the cases with discordant classification, conventional angiography confirmed the ultrasound classification. Additionally, CEUS documented the origin of type II endoleaks in all cases. After CEUS reclassification of endoleaks, a significant change in patient management occurred in three cases. CEUS allows a better attribution of the origin of the endoleak, as it shows the flow in real time. CEUS is more specific than CTA in endoleak classification and gives more accurate information in therapeutic planning
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Copyright (c) 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.;; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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No abstract available
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Copyright (c) 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC and the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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