Chassande-Mottin, Eric
Universite Paris Denis Diderot, AstroParticule et Cosmologie - APC, UMR 7164, 10 rue Alice Domon et Leonie Duquet, case postale 7020, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13 (France)2014
Universite Paris Denis Diderot, AstroParticule et Cosmologie - APC, UMR 7164, 10 rue Alice Domon et Leonie Duquet, case postale 7020, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13 (France)2014
[en] The theory of General Relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves which are radiative solutions of the Einstein's equations that govern space-time dynamics. Thanks to interferometric detectors such as Virgo, we are probably close to the first direct detection of gravitational waves, that will confirm the indirect evidences collected so far. These detectors allows the observations of gravitational waves from violent cosmic phenomena such as the merger of neutron star and/or black hole binary. In the course of my researches, I contributed, at various levels, to the development and scientific exploitation of these detectors. First, I participated in the instrument starting phase, specifically to the development of a set of pre-analysis tools for the instrumental noise characterization. I also proposed a new method to search for quasi-periodic gravitational signals following an alternative approach to the reference method using matched filtering. The introduction of a Markovian model based on a time-frequency graph allows to reformulate the problem of optimally detecting such signals in a combinatorial optimization problem, for which an efficient search algorithm exists. This new method proves to be particularly useful when the complexity of the targeted signal is large and prohibits the use of matched filtering techniques. Finally, I realized several 'multi-messengers' search projects that couple gravitational wave observations to that from other channels in the electromagnetic and neutrino spectra. (author)
La theorie de la Relativite Generale predit l'existence des ondes gravitationnelles qui sont des solutions radiatives aux equations d'Einstein regissant la dynamique de l'espace-temps. Grace aux detecteurs interferometriques tels que Virgo, nous sommes vraisemblablement proche de la premiere detection directe des ondes gravitationnelles qui viendra confirmer les preuves indirectes recueillies jusqu'ici. Ces detecteurs permettent l'observation des ondes gravitationnelles provenant de phenomenes cosmiques violents comme les coalescences de binaires d'etoiles a neutrons ou de trous noirs. Au cours de mes recherches, j'ai contribue, a differents niveaux, au developpement et a l'exploitation scientifique de ces detecteurs. J'ai d'abord participe a la phase de mise en service de l'instrument, et plus specifiquement au developpement d'un ensemble d'outils de pre-analyse pour la caracterisation du bruit instrumental. J'ai ensuite propose de nouvelles methodes de recherche de signaux gravitationnels quasi-periodiques suivant une approche alternative a la methode de reference basee sur le filtrage adapte. L'introduction d'un modele markovien s'appuyant sur un graphe temps-frequence permet de reformuler le probleme de la detection optimale de ces signaux comme un probleme d'optimisation combinatoire pour lequel il existe un algorithme de recherche efficace dont nous montrons les bonnes performances. Cette nouvelle methode est particulierement utile lorsque la complexite du signal vise est grande rendant prohibitif le cout calculatoire du filtrage adapte. Finalement, j'ai realise plusieurs projets de recherche 'multi-messager' couplant les observations en ondes gravitationnelles avec celles qui proviennent d'autres canaux dans le spectre electromagnetique ou neutrino. (auteur)Original Title
Contributions a la detection directe des ondes gravitationnelles avec Virgo. Caracterisation du detecteur, analyse de donnees et astrophysique multi-messager
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2 Jul 2014; 182 p; 173 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Memoire d'Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches
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Chassande-Mottin, Eric, E-mail:
Ligo Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration2010
Ligo Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration2010
[en] Many of the astrophysical sources and violent phenomena observed in our Universe are potential joint emitters of gravitational waves and high-energy cosmic radiation, in the form of photons, hadrons, and also neutrinos. This has triggered a collaborative analysis project between gravitational wave detectors and high-energy neutrino telescopes. In this article, we review some of the motivations for having pursuing science jointly and present the effort's status.
Primary Subject
14. gravitational waves data analysis workshop; Rome (Italy); 26-29 Jan 2010; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 243(1); [8 p.]
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Chassande Mottin, Eric; Miele, Miriam; Mohapatra, Satya; Cadonati, Laura, E-mail: ecm@apc.univ-paris7.fr2010
[en] Gravitational wave (GW) burst detection algorithms typically rely on the hypothesis that the burst signal is 'locally stationary', that is with slow variations of its frequency. Under this assumption, the signal can be decomposed into a small number of wavelets with constant frequency. This justifies the use of a family of sine-Gaussian wavelets in the Omega pipeline, one of the algorithms used in LIGO-Virgo burst searches. However, there are plausible scenarios where the burst frequency evolves rapidly, such as in the merger phase of a binary black-hole and/or neutron-star coalescence. In those cases, the local stationarity of sine Gaussians induces performance losses, due to the mismatch between the template and the actual signal. We propose an extension of the Omega pipeline based on chirplet-like templates. Chirplets incorporate an additional parameter, the chirp rate, to control the frequency variation. In this paper, we show that the Omega pipeline can easily be extended to include a chirplet template bank. We illustrate the method on a simulated data set, with a family of phenomenological binary black-hole coalescence waveforms embedded into Gaussian LIGO/Virgo-like noise. Chirplet-like templates result in an enhancement of the measured signal-to-noise ratio.
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Secondary Subject
S0264-9381(10)56424-4; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The list of putative sources of gravitational waves possibly detected by the ongoing worldwide network of large scale interferometers has been continuously growing in the last years. For some of them, the detection is made difficult by the lack of a complete information about the expected signal. We concentrate on the case where the expected gravitational wave (GW) is a quasiperiodic frequency modulated signal i.e., a chirp. In this article, we address the question of detecting an a priori unknown GW chirp. We introduce a general chirp model and claim that it includes all physically realistic GW chirps. We produce a finite grid of template waveforms which samples the resulting set of possible chirps. If we follow the classical approach (used for the detection of inspiralling binary chirps, for instance), we would build a bank of quadrature matched filters comparing the data to each of the templates of this grid. The detection would then be achieved by thresholding the output, the maximum giving the individual which best fits the data. In the present case, this exhaustive search is not tractable because of the very large number of templates in the grid. We show that the exhaustive search can be reformulated (using approximations) as a pattern search in the time-frequency plane. This motivates an approximate but feasible alternative solution which is clearly linked to the optimal one. The time-frequency representation and pattern search algorithm are fully determined by the reformulation. This contrasts with the other time-frequency based methods presented in the literature for the same problem, where these choices are justified by 'ad hoc' arguments. In particular, the time-frequency representation has to be unitary. Finally, we assess the performance, robustness and computational cost of the proposed method with several benchmarks using simulated data
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
(c) 2006 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We derive a conservative coincidence time window for joint searches of gravitational-wave (GW) transients and high-energy neutrinos (HENs, with energies ≥100 GeV), emitted by gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The last are among the most interesting astrophysical sources for coincident detections with current and near-future detectors. We take into account a broad range of emission mechanisms. We take the upper limit of GRB durations as the 95% quantile of the T90's of GRBs observed by BATSE, obtaining a GRB duration upper limit of ∼ 150 s. Using published results on high-energy (≥100 MeV) photon light curves for 8 GRBs detected by Fermi LAT, we verify that most high-energy photons are expected to be observed within the first ∼ 150 s of the GRB. Taking into account the breakout-time of the relativistic jet produced by the central engine, we allow GW and HEN emission to begin up to 100 s before the onset of observable gamma photon production. Using published precursor time differences, we calculate a time upper bound for precursor activity, obtaining that 95% of precursors occur within ∼ 250 s prior to the onset of the GRB. Taking the above different processes into account, we arrive at a time window of tHEN - tGW is in the range of [500 s,+500 s]. Considering the above processes, an upper bound can also be determined for the expected time window of GW and/or HEN signals coincident with a detected GRB, tGW - tGRB ≅ tHEN - tGRB is in the range of [350 s,+150 s]. These upper bounds can be used to limit the coincidence time window in multi-messenger searches, as well as aiding the interpretation of the times of arrival of measured signals. (authors)
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 90 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Astroparticle Physics (Print); ISSN 0927-6505; ; v. 35(no.1); p. 1-7
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The searches of impulsive gravitational waves (GW) in the data of the ground-based interferometers focus essentially on two types of waveforms: short unmodeled bursts from supernova core collapses and frequency modulated signals (or chirps) from inspiralling compact binaries. There is room for other types of searches based on different models. Our objective is to fill this gap. More specifically, we are interested in GW chirps ''in general,'' i.e., with an arbitrary phase/frequency vs time evolution. These unmodeled GW chirps may be considered as the generic signature of orbiting or spinning sources. We expect the quasiperiodic nature of the waveform to be preserved independently of the physics which governs the source motion. Several methods have been introduced to address the detection of unmodeled chirps using the data of a single detector. Those include the best chirplet chain (BCC) algorithm introduced by the authors. In the next years, several detectors will be in operation. Improvements can be expected from the joint observation of a GW by multiple detectors and the coherent analysis of their data, namely, a larger sight horizon and the more accurate estimation of the source location and the wave polarization angles. Here, we present an extension of the BCC search to the multiple detector case. This work is based on the coherent analysis scheme proposed in the detection of inspiralling binary chirps. We revisit the derivation of the optimal statistic with a new formalism which allows the adaptation to the detection of unmodeled chirps. The method amounts to searching for salient paths in the combined time-frequency representation of two synthetic streams. The latter are time series which combine the data from each detector linearly in such a way that all the GW signatures received are added constructively. We give a proof of principle for the full-sky blind search in a simplified situation which shows that the joint estimation of the source sky location and chirp frequency is possible.
Primary Subject
(c) 2008 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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Salafia, Om Sharan; Colpi, Monica; Ghirlanda, Giancarlo; Branchesi, Marica; Chassande-Mottin, Eric; Ghisellini, Gabriele; Vergani, Susanna D., E-mail:, E-mail: omsharan.salafia@gmail.com2017
[en] The electromagnetic (EM) follow-up of a gravitational-wave (GW) event requires scanning a wide sky region, defined by the so-called “skymap,” to detect and identify a transient counterpart. We propose a novel method that exploits the information encoded in the GW signal to construct a “detectability map,” which represents the time-dependent (“when”) probability of detecting the transient at each position of the skymap (“where”). Focusing on the case of a neutron star binary inspiral, we model the associated short gamma-ray burst afterglow and macronova emission using the probability distributions of binary parameters (sky position, distance, orbit inclination, mass ratio) extracted from the GW signal as inputs. The resulting family of possible light curves is the basis for constructing the detectability map. As a practical example, we apply the method to a simulated GW signal produced by a neutron star merger at 75 Mpc whose localization uncertainty is very large (∼1500 deg2). We construct observing strategies for optical, infrared, and radio facilities based on the detectability maps, taking VST, VISTA, and MeerKAT as prototypes. Assuming limiting fluxes of , (AB magnitudes), and () for ∼1000 s of exposure each, the afterglow and macronova emissions are successfully detected with a minimum observing time of 7, 15, and 5 hr respectively.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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