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Chavan, A.; Sikarwar, A.; Tidke, V.; Thorat, B.
IDS'2018 21st International Drying Symposium. Proceedings2018
IDS'2018 21st International Drying Symposium. Proceedings2018
[en] Solar conduction dryer (SCD) is a unique technology that uses conduction, convection and radiation mechanism of heat transfer making it one of the most efficient drying system. The SCD is one of the most effective piece of equipment’s designed indigenously and it has tremendous potential to capitalize in erstwhile nations of tropical and torrid region where there is abundance of solar insolation. SCD, the most cost-effective dryer which runs on no electricity has already made inroads in the global market. In the present study, CFD studies were carried out for a given geometry and the corresponding boundary conditions. (Author)
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2064 p; 2018; 8 p; IDS'2018: 21. International Drying Symposium; Valencia (Spain); 11-14 Sep 2018; Available
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[en] Since about ten years now, abdominal aortic aneurysms can be treated with endoluminal or femoral arteriotomy. Following an initial euphory about the new therapy, practical experience has revealed the difficulties involved so that today, sober assessment of risks and benefits and careful performance of endoluminal grafting of the infrarenal aorta are preconditions for a successful, minimal invasive repair of aneurysms. The publication summarizes results and risks reported so far and explains the various commercially available endovascular grafts, as well as their pros and cons, and the crucial aspects of the selection of appropriate patients. Possible complications are discussed together with approaches for prevention. Based on a critical evaluation of the literature, proposals for optimization are given. (orig./CB)
Bauchaortenaneurysmen (BAA), die traditionell offen chirurgisch behandelt wurden, koennen seit etwa 10 Jahren auch endoluminal ueber eine femorale Arteriotomie versorgt werden. Nach einer initialen Euphorie ist eine gewisse Ernuechterung bezueglich dieser neuen Therapieform eingetreten. Bei entsprechender Patientenselektion und sorgfaeltiger Durchfuehrung steht mit der endoluminalen Stent-Versorgung der infrarenalen Aorta dennoch ein sehr qualifiziertes, minimal invasives Verfahren zur Versorgung rupturgefaehrdeter Aneurysmen zur Verfuegung. Diese Arbeit will einen aktuellen Ueberblick ueber die Ergebnisse und Risiken der endoluminalen Versorgung des Bauchaortenaneurysmas geben. Zudem werden die verschiedenen, kommerziell erhaeltlichen Endoprothesen mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen vorgestellt. Hinweise zur korrekten Patientenselektion und -vorbereitung sowie zur moeglichst komplikationslosen Durchfuehrung des Eingriffs werden gegeben. Moegliche Komplikationen, die in den bisherigen Nachbeobachtungen aufgetreten sind, werden aufgezeigt - genauso wie die Moeglichkeiten ihrer Vermeidung. Basierend auf einer kritischen Analyse der Ergebnisse in der Literatur werden Vorschlaege zur Optimierung der Ergebnisse dieser Therapieform aufgezeigt. (orig.)Original Title
Endoluminale Versorgung von Bauchaortenaneuerysmen
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Journal Article
Radiologie up2date; ISSN 1616-0681; ; v. 2(1); p. 65-92
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[en] Endoluminal therapy is indicated in lower extremity ischaemia with Fontaine grades IIb, III and IV. In the presence of significant limitations, interventions are carried out even in grade IIa claudicants. In addition to the TASC A and B lesions, TASC C and D lesions are increasingly being treated endoluminally as well. Presently, technical success rates of revascularization procedures are above 90% in the iliac vessels and between 79% and 95% in the femoro-popliteal segments. Concentric, non-calcified iliac stenoses are primarily treated with balloon angioplasty (PTA) followed by optional stenting when necessary. For occlusions and heavily calcified lesions, primary stenting is recommended. Primary PTA is the mainstay of treatment in femoro-popliteal vessels with stents being used as a ''bail-out'' option in case of suboptimal PTA. However, initial reports proving the superiority of primary stenting over PTA with optional stenting have already appeared. Results of PTA with drug-coated balloons for prevention of early restenosis are promising. In the near future, primary PTA with optional stenting in the femoro-popliteal segments may give way to drug-coated balloon angioplasty or primary stenting. (orig.)
Endoluminal wird ab dem Stadium IIb nach Fontaine interveniert; bei starkem Leidensdruck sogar im Stadium IIa. Neben TASC-A- und -B-Laesionen werden zunehmend TASC-C- und -D-Laesionen ebenfalls endoluminal versorgt. Gegenwaertig liegen die primaeren technischen Erfolgsraten bei der Rekanalisation im Iliakalbereich ueber 90% und im femoropoplitealen Bereich zwischen 79 und 95%. Bei konzentrischen, nicht verkalkten Iliakalstenosen wird primaer eine Ballonangioplastie (PTA) mit optionalem Stenting durchgefuehrt. Im Gegensatz hierzu wird bei stark verkalkten Stenosen und Verschluessen primaer gestentet. Im femoropoplitealen Bereich wird primaer die PTA eingesetzt, bei unzureichendem Ergebnis ein Stent implantiert. Die ersten Berichte ueber die Ueberlegenheit des primaeren Stentings gegenueber diesem ''Standardverfahren'' sind jedoch bereits erschienen. In Hinblick auf die Vermeidung von Restenosen sind die Ergebnisse der PTA mit medikamentenbeschichteten Ballons im femoropoplitealen Bereich viel versprechend. Kuenftig koennte sich im femoropoplitealen Bereich das Gewicht von der herkoemmlichen PTA mit optionalem Stenting auf PTA mit medikamentenbeschichteten Ballons oder auf das primaere Stenting verlagern. (orig.)Original Title
Arterielle Verschlusskrankheit der Becken- und Oberschenkelarterien. State-of-the-art-Rekanalisation
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Chourashiya, M.G.; Chavan, A.; Jamale, A.; Bhardwaj, S.; Jadhav, L.D.
Proceedings of second DAE-BRNS international symposium on materials chemistry2008
Proceedings of second DAE-BRNS international symposium on materials chemistry2008
[en] Commercialization enforced research for intermediate or low temperature SOFCs (IT-or LT-SOFCs) demonstrated that doped ceria is a most promising candidate for implantation in IT-SOFC as electrode and/or solid electrolyte, due to its high ionic conductivity and good catalytic activity at comparatively lower temperatures. The ionic conductivity of ceria-based electrolytes is generally depends upon dopant, composition, microstructure, local structure, impurity and processing etc. and hence the electrical conductivity of ceria were reported to vary widely in the literature. In recent past years, Gd doped ceria (GDC) has proved its importance as solid electrolyte to be used in IT-SOFCs. Recently, Ma et al. showed that grain conductivity as well as the grain boundary conductivity is dependent on the sintering temperature for Gd-doped CeO2 solid solutions. Hence, in current research we have investigated the effect of different Gd doping % on GDC solid solution prepared with the optimum sintering temperature (1500 deg C) and duration (8h), obtained from EDAX studies. GDC with different Gd doping % were prepared using conventional solid state reaction method
Primary Subject
Nigam, S.; Banerjee, A.M.; Bhattacharyya, K.; Varma, S.; Bharadwaj, S.R.; Jain, V.K.; Das, D. (Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)) (eds.); Society for Materials Chemistry, Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India); Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); 504 p; ISBN 81-88513-26-1; ; Dec 2008; p. 108; ISMC-08: 2. DAE-BRNS international symposium on materials chemistry; Mumbai (India); 2-6 Dec 2008; Abstract prepared. 6 refs., 1 fig.
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[en] Photoaffinity labeling analogs of the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin (PF) have been synthesized, purified and tested for their effect on preparations of membrane-bound, Lubrol solubilized and forskolin affinity-purified adenylate cyclase (AC). All analogs of forskolin significantly activated AC. However, in the presence of 0.1 to 0.3 microM forskolin, the less active forskolin photoaffinity probes at 100 microM caused inhibition. This inhibition was dose-dependent for PF, suggesting that PF may complete with F for the same binding site(s). After cross-linking [125I]PF-M to either membrane or Lubrol-solubilized AC preparations by photolysis, a radiolabeled 100-110 kDa protein band was observed after autoradiography following SDS-PAGE. F at 100 microM blocked the photoradiolabeling of this protein. Radioiodination of forskolin-affinity purified AC showed several protein bands on autoradiogram, however, only one band (Mr = 100-110 kDa) was specifically labeled by [125I]PF-M following photolysis. The photoaffinity-labeled protein of 100-110 kDa of AC preparation of rat adipocyte may be the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase of rat adipocyte itself as supported by the facts that [a] no other AC-regulatory proteins are known to be of this size, [b] the catalytic unit of bovine brain enzyme is in the same range and [c] this PF specifically stimulates AC activity when assayed alone, and weekly inhibits forskolin-activation of cyclase. These studies indicate that radiolabeled PF probes may be useful for photolabeling and detecting the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase
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Journal Article
Second Messengers Phosphoproteins; CODEN SMEPE; v. 12(5-6); p. 209-223
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[en] The aim of this study was to develop a technique for precise determination of the aortic length using volumetric CT data for potential use prior to endovascular stent-graft placement. The study population consisted of 20 patients (38 measurements) with already performed endoluminal grafting. This allowed for in vivo evaluation of our technique. Its length according to the graft specifications served as a gold standard for our own measurements. The implemented graft length varied between 120 and 195 mm. Computed tomography angiography was performed with 3-mm slice collimation, 5-mm table feed and a reconstruction interval of 2 mm. Following semi-automatic segmentation of the aorta and its large side branches, the median centerline (skeleton) of the vessels was determined employing a modified three-dimensional thinning algorithm. The algorithm was validated by comparing the calculated length of the resulting skeleton with the specifications of the grafts. The calculated length was sufficiently precise despite the limiting reconstruction interval of 2 mm of our CT data which only permitted an assessment of stent length in 2-mm steps. The differences in the measured length and graft length were in the range between 0 and 8 mm (< 5 %) with a mean fractional error of 2.46 ± 2.37 mm. The use of an intelligent region growing algorithm capable of coping with variable arterial enhancement significantly reduced operator post-processing time. The average time necessary for segmentation was 7 min (range 3-10 min). Our algorithm provides a non-invasive method for objective and precise measurement of aortic length apparently even in tortuous vessels. It has the potential to replace angiography for aortic and iliac length measurements with calibrated catheters prior to endovascular intervention. (orig.)
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With 5 figs., 1 tab., 8 refs.
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[en] Purpose. In the endoluminal therapy of abdominal aortic aneurysms, a short proximal aneurysm neck, endoleaks and the large size and stiffness of the introducer systems are responsible for many of the complications and sub-optimal outcomes. The purpose of the present review article is to to suggest strategies to minimize these complications based on the results of experimental studies in animals. Material and methods. After implanting various types of stents across the renal artery origins, the functional and morphological changes in the kidneys and renal vessels were studied by various authors. In order to prevent progressive widening of the proximal aneurysmal neck and graft dislocation, Sonesson et al. performed a laparoscopic banding around the proximal neck in pigs. To study the effects of endoleaks, Marty, Schurink and Pitton carried out pressure measurements in experimental aneurysms with and without endoleaks. Sakaguchi and Pavcnik developed the 'Twin-tube endografts' (TTEG) and the 'Bifurcated drum occluder endografts' (BDOEG) and tested them in dogs. Results. Up to 3 months after suprarenal stent placement, Chavan et al. detected no significant fall in the mean inulin clearance in sheep (140±46 ml/min before, 137±58 ml/min after). Nasim et al. and Malina et al. reported similar observations with respect to renal function. Suprarenal fixation may result in isolated thrombotic occlusions of the renal arteries and microinfarcts in the kidneys. Mean aortic diameters at the level of banding were significantly smaller in the animals with aortic banding as opposed to those in the control group without banding (8 mm vs 11 mm, p=0.004). The banding caused a secure proximal fixation of the stent-graft. Persistent endoleaks resulted in significantly higher intraaneurysmal pressures. Although the TTEG and the BDOEG stent-grafts required smaller sheaths, occlusions were observed in 8% (TTEG) and 60% (BDOEG) of the graft limbs. (orig.)
Zielsetzung. Bei der endoluminalen Versorgung des Bauchaortenaneurysmas (BAA) stellen der kurze infrarenale Aneurysmahals, die Endoleckage und die grossen steifen Einfuehrsysteme wesentliche Problemstellen dar, die zu Komplikationen bzw. suboptimalen Ergebnissen fuehren. Ziel der vorliegenden Uebersichtsarbeit ist es, mit Hilfe der tierexperimentellen Literaturergebnisse Vorgehensweisen bzw. Empfehlungen zur Vermeidung dieser Komplikationen vorzustellen. Material und Methode. Nach Ueberdeckung der Nierenarterien mit verschiedenen Stentarten wurden die Auswirkungen auf die Nierenfunktion sowie auf die Nierenmorphologie von verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen untersucht. Um eine progressive Erweiterung des proximalen Aneurysmahalses und somit eine Endograftdislokation zu vermeiden, wurde von Sonesson ein laparoskopisches 'Banding' der Aorta im Bereich des proximalen Halses bei Schweinen durchgefuehrt. Zur Ueberpruefung der Auswirkung von Endoleckagen fuehren Marty, Schurink und Pitton Druckmessungen in experimentellen Aneurysmen mit und ohne Endoleckagen durch. Zur Verkleinerung der Einfuehrbesteckgroessen wurden von Sakaguchi und Pavcnik die 'Twin-tube endografts' (TTEG) und die 'Bifurcated drum occluder endografts' (BDOEG) entwickelt und deren Effektivitaet bei Hunden ueberprueft. Ergebnisse. Chavan et al. beobachteten keinen signifikanten Abfall der mittleren Inulinclearance in Verlauf von 3 Monaten nach Ueberdeckung der Nierenarterienabgaenge (140±46 ml/min vorher, 137±58 ml/min nachher). Nasim et al. und Malina et al. beobachteten aehnliche Ergebnisse bzgl. der Nierenfunktion. Die suprarenale Verankerung fuehrte zu vereinzelten thrombotischen Verschluessen und Mikroinfarkten. Nach 'Banding' der Aorta waren die Aortendurchmesser der Versuchsgruppe in Hoehe des Bandes signifikant kleiner als die der Kontrollgruppe (8 mm Versuchsgruppe, 11 mm Kontrollgruppe, p=0,004). Das Banding sorgte fuer eine sichere Verankerung des Stentgrafts. Persistierende Endoleckagen fuehrten zu signifikant hohen intraaneurysmatischen Drucken. Obwohl die TTEG- und die BDOEG-Stentgrafts kleinere Einfuehrbestecke benoetigten, wurden Schenkelverschlussraten von 8% (TTEG) und 60% (BDOEG) beobachtet. (orig.)Original Title
Konzepte zur Optimierung der Stentgraftversorgung von Bauchaortenaneurysmen auf der Basis tierexperimenteller Ergebnisse
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Numerical Data
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[en] To evaluate the value of CT in clarifying the nature of complications after orthopedic liver transplantation, we restrospectively evaluated the files of 88 patients in light of the clinical course and all available diagnostic data. The liver tranplantations were performed in the years 1986 and 1987. As a rule, the examinations comprised of continuous 8 mm-thick CT sections of the abdomen. In the majority of the cases, contrast medium was administered for opacification of the bowel loops, either orally or through a tube. Bowel movement was reduced by intravenous (i.v.) Buscopan. In our series an increase in the periportal hypodensities was found to be an unfavourable prognostic sign. A high percentage of patients with this CT finding subsequently progressed to graft failure due to reasons other than graft rejection. Hence in the final analysis, the CT sign is non-specific and does not permit the definitive diagnosis of graft rejection. Nevertheless, CT is important for excluding conditions that demand surgical intervention, in particular abscess formation. (orig./MG)
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[en] Evaluation of clinical relevance of the arterial stimulation procedure with venous sampling (ASVS) in the preoperative localization of insulinoma. Thirteen patients with endogenous hyperinsulinism underwent preoperative transabdominal ultrasound (US), helical CT (CT), MRI, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and angiography (DSA) in conjunction with the ASVS-test for the detection of insulinoma. The results were compared with intraoperative findings, intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) and histology. Sensitivity was as follows: US 8%, MRI 27%, CT 46%, EUS 50%,DSA 69%,and ASVS 92%.Intraoperative palpation and IOUS yielded a sensitivity of 77%. In 3 patients the tumors were neither palpable nor detectable by IOUS, the mode of resection was based on preoperative diagnostics.The ASVS procedure as a functional test was superior to all other modalities for the preoperative tumor detection. The ASVS was the most sensitive diagnostic modality. It should especially be considered in terms of health economical aspects when CT or MRI do not yield conclusive results. (orig.)
Bestimmung des Stellenwertes des arteriellen Stimulationstests mit venoeser Blutentnahme (ASVS) zur praeoperativen Lokalisation von Insulinomen.Methodik Dreizehn Patienten mit endogenem Hyperinsulinismus wurden bei nichtkonklusiver externer Vordiagnostik praeoperativ mittels transabdominellem Ultraschall (US), Spiral-CT (CT),MRT, endoskopischem Ultraschall (EUS), digitaler Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA) in Verbindung mit dem ASVS-Test untersucht. Die Resultate wurden mit intraoperativen Befunden und den histologischen Ergebnissen korreliert.Ergebnisse Die Sensitivitaeten betrugen fuer US 8%,MRT 27%, CT 46%, EUS 50%,DAS 69% und ASVS 92%.Die intraoperative Palpation und Ultraschall (IOUS) erzielten eine Sensitvitaet von 77%.Bei 3 Patienten war das Insulinom intraoperativ weder palpabel noch durch IOUS lokalisierbar, die Resektion erfolgte anhand der praeoperativen Diagnostik. Der ASVS-Test als funktionelles Verfahren war in der Detektion den praeoperativen bildgebenden Verfahren ueberlegen.Schlussfolgerungen Der ASVS-Test erwies sich als das zuverlaessigste Verfahren fuer die Lokalisationsdiagnostik.Vor dem Hintergrund gesundheitsoekonomischer Ueberlegungen sollte er bei negativer Schnittbilddiagnostik fruehzeitig eingesetzt werden. (orig.)Original Title
Der Kalziumstimulationstest (ASVS) bei Insulinomen des Pankreas: Vergleich mit der bildgebenden Lokalisationsdiagnostik
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[en] Purpose: Purpose of the study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of various display modalities in the detection of renal artery stenosis. In particular, the difference between hard-copy reading and interactive analysis at the workstation was assessed. Materials and Methods: Selected patients (n=31) with expected suboptimal conditions for CT angiography due to long-standing hypertension and compromised renal function were included. Six radiologists evaluated independently a total of 77 renal arteries with 49 renal artery stenoses proven by angiography. Image analysis included: Mode A: interactive display, analysis of multiplanar reformats and axial sections at the workstation, Mode B: visualization of MIPs in the coronal and axial planes as hard copies only, Mode C: visualization of MIPs and axial sections as hard copies only. Results: The following sensitivities and specificities were found for internal readers and (readers from outside institutions): Mode A: 94.8%, 87.9%, Mode B: 97.7% (95.1%), 80.3% (75.4%); Mode C: 97.0% (95.3%), 78.8% (76.6%). The differences were statistically not significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: Standardized hard copies of MIPs plus axial CT provide sufficient accuracy to detect renal artery stenosis compared to interactive imaging even in this highly selected group of patients. (orig.)
Zielsetzung: Ziel der Studie war es, Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet unterschiedlicher Auswertemodalitaeten der CT-Angiographie bei der Diagnostik der Nierenarterien zu ueberpruefen und insbesondere die Ergebnisse einer interaktiven Monitorbefundung mit denen einer allein Hardcopy-gestuetzten Befundung zu vergleichen. Material und Methode: Die Untersuchung wurde retrospektiv an einem selektionierten Patientengut (n=31) mit mehrjaehriger Hypertonie und eingeschraenkter Nierenfunktion vorgenommen, um besonders schwierige Ausgangsbedingungen fuer die CT-Angiographie zu haben. Die CT-Angiographien wurden nach einem einheitlichen Protokoll durchgefuehrt. Insgesamt wurden 77 Nierenarterien mit 49 angiographisch gesicherten Stenosen von 6 Radiologen unabhaengig voneinander ausgewertet. Drei unterschiedliche Darstellungsmodalitaeten wurden gegeneinander getestet: Modus A: Interaktive Monitorauswertung an der Workstation, Modus B: Hardcopy-Auswertung ausschliesslich auf der Basis von MIP, Modus C: Hardcopy-Auswertung auf der Basis von MIP und axialen Schnittbildern. Ergebnisse: Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet waren wie folgt (Angaben fuer Leser externer Institute in Klammern): Modus A: 94,8%, 87,9%, Modus B: 97,7% (95,1%), 80,3% (75,4%), Modus C: 97,0% (95,3%), 78,8% (76,6%). Die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Auswertemodalitaeten und den Lesern waren statistisch nicht signifikant (p>0,05). Schlussfolgerung: Hardcopies der relevanten axialen Schnittbilder in Kombination mit MIP-Rekonstruktionen in Standardprojektionen sind bei der CT-Angiographie der Nierenarterien einer interaktiven Monitorauswertung diagnostisch aequivalent. (orig.)Original Title
Leistungsfaehigkeit verschiedener Darstellungsmodalitaeten der CT-Angiographie beim Nachweis von Nierenarterienstenosen
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Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 0936-6652; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 171(3); p. 200-206
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