[en] The applicability study of the best countermeasures for the restoration of environments contaminated by the accidental liberation of radionuclides, requires the assessment of the space and the temporal flow of radionuclides. The objective of the multinational project TEMAS (Techniques and Management Strategies for environmental restoration and their ecological consequences), that is carried out under EU-CIEMAT contract n. TI4-CT95-0021, is the development of management tool that provides the necessary support in the selection of the best strategies of environmental restoration after a nuclear accident, considering all the possible affected environments (urban, agricultural, semi natural and forest). In the forest environment,CIEMAT is working with the University of Lund (Sweden) and the Physical Science Faculty of the University of Seville in the prognosis of the distribution of Cesium and Strontium in forest ecosystems and through the associated production systems. This paper summarizes the study of the response of two different models, FORM and FORESTPATH to predict the radionuclides flow in the event of an accidental contamination of a forest. The comparison of results has been carried out over a period of 100 years after deposition on a coniferous forest. Although the approaches are different, the results obtained (using generic parameters) indicate that either model could to be selected for the analysis of the intervention in TEMAS. (Author) 14 refs
Original Title
Evaluacion de la dinamica de radionucleidos en ecosistemas forestales en el proyecto TEMAS
Primary Subject
1977 p; 1998; p. 51-61; Senda Editorial; Madrid (Spain); 24. Annual meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society; Valladolid (Spain); 14-16 Oct 1998
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[en] The differences shown in the radiological efficiency applying the same agrochemical interventions on a range of contaminated agricultural scenarios by long-live radionuclides have conducted the radioecological studies to quantify the influence of local characteristics on the soil-to-plant transference. In the framework of the Decision Support Systems for post-accidental environmental restoration, a semi-mechanistic approach has been developed to estimate the soil-to-plant transfer factor from the major properties underlying the bioavailability of radiocaesium in soils and the absorption capacity by the crop. The model describes, for each soil texture class, the effects of time and K status on the transference of radiocaesium to plants. The approach lets to estimate the actual and the available minimum transference and to calculate the optimum amendment warranting the maximum radiological efficiency on an specific soil-crop combination. The parameterization and validation of the model from a database providing information about experimental transference studies for a collection of soil-crop combinations are shown. (Author) 4 refs
Original Title
Validacion de un modelo de eficiencia radiologica de contramedidas aplicables a suelos agricolas contaminados por radiocesio
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioproteccion (Madrid); CODEN RDPREY; v. 26(VII); p. 24-29
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[en] TEMAS (Techniques and Management Strategies for Environmental Restoration) is a user friendly decision aiding computerised system to help in th e selection of the best local strategy of restoration when a post-accidental environmental contamination with long lived radionuclides (''137 Cs, ''134 Cs and ''90 Sr) must be faced. TEMAS provides answer for complex scenarios (urban, agricultural and forest) with different specific levels of contamination, uses and dimensions. The computerized system is structured in three main modules: Databases containing those parameters required to identify and to provide results for typical potential cases of intervention (elemental cases); the evaluation module that uses a limited number of inputs to compose a virtual representation of the real contaminated scenario, in terms of elemental cases, and then calculates the required decision factors (residual individual doses, averted collective doses, costs and other secondary effects after each applicable intervention options); and the decision module which manages these factors according to a certain criteria to select and rank interventions as the recommended strategy. This document describes the contain of the databases, the main calculations of the different procedures and its correlation with databases, schematic draws of the fluxes of calculations, and one simulation of intervention to exemplify inputs and outputs of the system. (Author)
Original Title
Temas (Version 2.1): Herramienta de Decision para Restauracion Medioambiental tras Accidentes Nucleares. Desarrollo Informatico
Primary Subject
2001; 179 p
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Diaz, F. J.; Claver, F.; Moraleda, M.; Vazquez, C.
Proceedings of the 24. Annual meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society1998
Proceedings of the 24. Annual meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society1998
[en] Decontamination countermeasures may generate high amounts of wastes. The management of wastes (meaning all those actions to be carried out until its final disposal) should be taking into account during the selection of the optimum restoration strategy. TEMAS Project (Techniques and Management Strategies for environmental restoration and their ecological consequences) considers waste management in the selection of optimized intervention. The management of wastes can follow an stepped process (disposal route) from the origin of waste to its final disposal. Each potential waste can be managed throughout one or more of these disposal routes. These processes must be characterized in the following terms: cost (machinery; manpower and consumables) and added dose for workers. This work deals with the obtention of this type of information required to evaluate the applicability of disposal routes including composting as one step in the management of organic wastes generated during the intervention. (Author) 11 refs
Original Title
Valoracion del empleo de compostaje en la gestion de residuos de la intervencion
Primary Subject
1977 p; 1998; p. 67-75; Senda Editorial; Madrid (Spain); 24. Annual meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society; Valladolid (Spain); 14-16 Oct 1998
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] TEMAS is an user-friendly decision aiding computerised system to help in the selection of the best local strategy of restoration when a post-accidental environmental contamination with long lived radionuclides (''137 Cs and ''90 Sr) must be faced TEMAS provides answer for complex scenarios on whichever place of the European Community territory ( urban agricultural and forest) with different specific levels of contamination, uses and dimensions. The initial version was the result of the TEMAS project (Techniques and Management Strategies for Environmental Restoration) supported by the EU during the 4th Framework Program. Some Aspects of the methodology are at present being improved. This document applies to the computerised version 2.1 (VAZ01). (Author)
Primary Subject
2001; 80 p; Editorial Ciemat; Madrid (Spain)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
The environmental restoration in the management of radiological accidents with off site consequences
Vazquez, C.; Montero, M.; Moraleda, M.; Diaz, J.; Claver, F.; Valles, O.; Rodriguez, N.; Gutierrez, J.
Risk analysis: opening the process1998
Risk analysis: opening the process1998
[en] Radiological accidents are among the potential cases of environmental contamination that could have consequences on the health of the population. These accidents, associated with an increase in the level of radiological exposure surpassing the natural background, have been investigated in greater depth than other conventional accidents. This investigation has included the evaluation of their probability, magnitude and consequences in order to establish safety norms. Nevertheless, the social perception of this type of risk appears to be disproportionately high. The development of a comprehensible and adequate standardized system for the evaluation of the radiological risk and the applicability of corrective actions to reduce this type of risk at local level, will undoubtedly contribute to increase the public confidence in the advised options for the restoration of environments contaminated with the long lived radionuclides. This system should consider the local specificity of each contaminated place, and take into account the associated unwanted consequences for each option. This paper presents the first results of a system to help the decision makers in the quantitative evaluation of the radiological risk produced by long lived radionuclides Cs 137, Cs 134 and Sr 90 spread over urban, agricultural and semi-natural environments and the applicable options to reduce it. The evaluation of these applicable options is made considering the reduction of dose that can be reached, the monetary costs and the significant associated secondary effects if there are any. All these factors are integrated for a time period depending on the half-life of the contaminants and on their strength and distribution on the scenario when intervention is being planned. (authors)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Hubert, Ph. (CEA/Fontenay-aux-Roses, Inst. de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire, IPSN, 92 (France)); Mays, C. (Institut Symlog, 94 - Cachan (France)); 1791 p; ISBN 2-7272-0202-4; ; ISBN 2-7272-0203-2; ; 1998; (v.1) p. 489-490; 1998 the annual 8. conference risk analysis: opening the process; Paris (France); 11-14 Oct 1998
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