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Collinson, A.E.
Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium, Cadarache, France, April 12-16, 19761976
Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium, Cadarache, France, April 12-16, 19761976
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). International Working Group on Fast Reactors; p. 92-94; Jun 1976; p. 92-94; Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium; Cadarache, France; 12 - 16 Apr 1976; Short communication only.
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Collinson, A.E.
UKAEA Reactor Group, Risley1976
UKAEA Reactor Group, Risley1976
[en] Cavitation tests are described on multi-hole nozzle plates and wire meshes approximately 100 mm diameter in water at 200C and sodium at 3000C. The performance of a plug seated in a cylindrical bush with a small annular clearance is also given. These pressure dropping elements were mounted in recirculating loops where cavitation was induced by lowering the background pressure at constant flow. Cavitation was detected acoustically using wall mounted piezoelectric microphones, the signal being displayed on a ratemeter recording individual cavitation events. For nozzle plates cavitation started intermittently as the pressure was lowered, the noise level suddenly increasing at a critical cavitation number sigmasub(i). For meshes and the plug-bush unit the intermittent region was absent. For all cases values of sigmasub(i) in water and sodium were similar, the poorest agreement being for the plug-bush unit. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 1976; 10 p; IAEA specialist meeting of the Working Group on Fast Reactors; Cadarache, France; Apr 1976
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
7 Feb 1973; 4 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 1305903/B/
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Collinson, A.E.
IAEA specialist meeting on flow induced vibrations in fast breeder reactors, Paris, France, 22-24 October 19861986
IAEA specialist meeting on flow induced vibrations in fast breeder reactors, Paris, France, 22-24 October 19861986
[en] Considerable effort has been devoted to understanding flow interaction in tube bundles as these feature prominently in heat exchangers (Steam Generator Unit, SGU and Intermediate Heat Exchanger, IHX) also in CDFR core support and above-core structure. Excitation data has been obtained at Reynolds Numbers Re 0.4-4x105 for a range of triangle pitch geometries appropriate to heat exchangers and at Re up to 2x108 for above core structure. In this paper basic tube-bundle development work is described first, to be followed by application to the various parts of the reactor to which it is appropriate, along with other vibration experimental work and future intentions
Primary Subject
Perez, M.A. (ed.); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); 296 p; Oct 1986; p. 203-209; IAEA specialists' meeting on flow induced vibrations in fast breeder reactors; Paris (France); 22-24 Oct 1986; 4 refs, 6 figs.
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Collinson, A.E.
Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium, Cadarache, France, April 12-16, 19761976
Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium, Cadarache, France, April 12-16, 19761976
[en] It is necessary to develop pressure dropping devices for the control of flow in LMFBR sub-assemblies and other components in and around the core. It is generally required that these devices should have a high flow rate, high pressure loss, occupy a very limited space and not be prone to cavitation. If it is intended to detect coolant boiling acoustically then it is important that there should be no cavitation noise background which would result in reduced sensitivity of the boiling noise monitor. This paper describes a series of tests conducted in water and sodium for the development of cavitation noise-free pressure dropping components for PFR. Initial tests were conducted on single ISA nozzles, being followed by the more practical multi-hole nozzle plates and wire meshes. Tests of a plug in a cylindrical bush are described as an example of a sealing unit with an annular gap
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). International Working Group on Fast Reactors; p. 33-41; Jun 1976; p. 33-41; Specialists meeting on cavitation in sodium and studies of analogy with water as compared to sodium; Cadarache, France; 12 - 16 Apr 1976
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
6 Sep 1972; 4 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 1288258/B/
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Collinson, A.E.; Warneford, I.P.
UKAEA, Springfields. Nuclear Power Development Labs1978
UKAEA, Springfields. Nuclear Power Development Labs1978
[en] The vibrational characteristics of a 7 span straight tube and a 26 span U-tube have been investigated for the effects of fluid medium (air/water), tube-grid clearance, tube-grid contact force, vibration transmission and scale. Measured frequency response and mode shapes compared favourably with theoretical values, vibration with pin-pin tube support being most readily excited. The frequency reduction on immersion in water corresponded to an added mass equivalent to the liquid displaced mass. Dynamic magnifiers varied in the range 12 to 135 with mean values of 30 to 40 in water and 45 to 60 in air. Principal vibration modes and damping values were reproducible in a half-scale model of a U-tube. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 1978; 25 p; British Nuclear Energy Society/UK Atomic Energy Authority conference on vibrations in nuclear plant; Keswick, UK; 9 - 12 May 1978
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[en] Reactor fuel element assemblies are described having axial flow cavitation suppressing impedances. The latter comprise a tubular member housing a series of flow defining plates arranged transversely to the longitudinal axis of the tubular member, the series being formed from a first and a second set of plates clamped into face-to-face abutment and arranged so that a plate of one set alternates, as viewed in the direction of flow, with a plate of the other set. The first set of plates is of woven wire mesh construction and the second set have aligned cylindrical apertures that define the present impedance flow area. The arrangement is particularly suitable for liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactors. (author)
Primary Subject
10 May 1978; 7 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 1510127/A/; Available from The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AY
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[en] The present invention is intended for LMFBR type reactors. The fuel assembly according to the invention comprises an impedance suppressing the cavitation in the axial flow; said impedance consists of a tubular body containing a series of plates for defining the flow, arranged in perpendicular relationship to the longitudinal axis of said body. In addition to the cavitation suppressing impedance, the fuel assembly comprises a fuel bundle located inside a tubular jacket extending the tubular body at one end, hinge pins being provided at the other end of said body for locating the fuel assembly inside the reactor core. The fuel assemblies are arranged side by side onto a grid and the coolant is circulated upwards through the jackets. Said variable impedances are sturdy enough to endure the vibration forces generated from coolant circulation through narrow passages
La presente invention s'applique a un reacteur du type rapide-surregenerateur refroidi par un metal liquide. L'assemblage combustible comprend, une impedance suppresseuse de cavitation dans l'ecoulement axial, ladite impedance est constituee d'un corps tubulaire renfermant une serie de plaques definissant l'ecoulement qui sont disposees perpendiculairement a l'axe longitudinal du corps. Outre l'impedance suppresseuse de cavitation, l'assemblage combustible comprend un faisceau de combustible loge dans une enveloppe tubulaire qui forme un prolongement du corps a une extremite, des broches etant disposees a l'autre extremite du corps pour positionner l'assemblage dans le coeur du reacteur. Les assemblages combustibles sont disposes cote-a-cote sur une grille et le fluide caloporteur circule de bas en haut dans les enveloppes. Les impedances sont variables et suffisamment robustes, pour supporter les forces de vibration engendrees par la circulation du fluide caloporteur dans des passages resserresOriginal Title
Assemblage combustible pour reacteur nucleaire; LMFBR type reactors
Primary Subject
30 Dec 1975; 10 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2296918/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 31 Dec 1974, UK.
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Collinson, A.E.
Two phase flow and cavitation in power generation systems. Grenoble, 30 March-2 April 19761976
Two phase flow and cavitation in power generation systems. Grenoble, 30 March-2 April 19761976
[en] Cavitation tests on multi-hole nozzle plates and wire meshes approximately 100mm diameter in water at 20 deg C and sodium at 300 deg C are described. These pressure dropping elements were mounted in recirculating loops where cavitation was induced by gradually lowering the back-ground pressure at constant flow. Cavitation was detected acoustically using wall mounted piezoelectric microphones, the signal being displayed on a ratemeter recording individual cavitation events. For nozzle plates, cavitation started intermittently as the pressure was lowered, the noise level suddenly increasing at a critical cavitation number sigma. For meshes the intermittent region was absent. Values of sigma for nozzles and meshes were similar in water and sodium for the conditions prevailing during the tests. It was apparent that cavitation took place on the axes of vortices both in the free stream and close to nozzle curved surfaces
Primary Subject
p. 399-407; 1976; Societe Hydrotechnique de France; Paris; Symposium on two phase flow and cavitation in power generation systems; Grenoble, France; 30 Mar 1976
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