[en] Incidence of post-radiotherapy pericarditis has been studied in 579 patients treated by mantle fields with Cobalt gamma rays for Hodgkin's Disease. The pericarditis was the most serious and frequent complication found after these irradiations. The most important factor is the dose received at the anterior pericardial surface: the incidence of pericarditis is zero for a dose of less than 4,500 rads at this level, 9.2% at 4,500 rads and nearly 20% at 5,000 rads. The factors which increase the dose at the anterior pericardium are the nominal dose in the mediastinum (zero incidence of pericarditis at less than 4,000 rads, 3% at 4,000 rads and nearly 20% at 4,500 rads and above) and the distribution of dose between the anterior and posterior incident beams (it is important not to give more than 60% by the anterior field). Thickness (separation) of the patient and width of the field are of relatively less importance. On the other hand the patient's age and overall time (pericarditis appears above a dose corresponding to 1,355 rets in the mediastinum) are more important. A new protocol, which associates initial intensive chemotherapy, allowing irradiation to be given to a mediastinum cleared of tumour, and therefore avoiding doses above 4,000 rads, and even more important modification of the dose distribution so that not more than 60% of the dose is given by the anterior field, have reduced the incidence of pericarditis to zero. A rigorous dosimetric study is necessary in every case, and it is desirable to use a radiation beam of energy greater than that provided by cobalt 60, if the thickness of the subject makes this necessary
L'incidence des pericardites post-radiotherapiques a ete etudiee sur 579 malades traites par champ en mantelet de cobaltherapie pour maladie de Hodgkin. La pericardite fut la sequelle la plus importante et la plus frequente au cours de ces irradiations. Le facteur le plus important est la dose recue au niveau du pericarde anterieur: le taux de pericardite est nul pour une dose de moins de 4500 rads a ce niveau, 9,2% a 4500 rads et pres de 20% a 5000 rads. Les facteurs qui augmentent la dose au pericarde anterieur sont la dose nominale au mediastin (0% de pericardite a moins de 4000 rads, 3% a 4000 rads et pres de 20% a 4500 rads et plus) et la repartition de la dose entre faisceau anterieur et posterieur (il ne faut pas depasser 60% par le faisceau anterieur). Les autres facteurs ont un role accessoire: epaisseur du sujet, largeur du champ. Par contre, deux facteurs ont une certaine importance: l'age, l'etalement de la dose dans le temps (les pericardites apparaissent a partir d'une dose NSD de 1355 rets au mediastin). Le protocole actuel associant une chimiotherapie prealable vigoureuse permettant d'irradier un mediastin 'blanchi', evitant les surdosages au-dela de 4000 rads et surtout la modification de la repartition de la dose anterieure et posterieure (ne depassant pas 60% par le faisceau anterieur) ont permis de faire tomber a 0 le pourcentage de pericardites. Une etude dosimetrique rigoureuse est necessaire dans tous les cas avec recours a un rayonnement de plus grande energie que celui du cobalt 60 si l'epaisseur du sujet le necessiteOriginal Title
Les pericardites apres irradiation du mediastin par grands champs pour la maladie de Hodgkin
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
J. Radiol., Electrol., Med. Nucl; v. 59(5); p. 335-341
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
J.P. Jorda; M. Authier; Maud Baylac; Etienne Burtin; Ch. Cavata; Jian-ping Chen; N. Colombel; P. Deck; A. Delbart; Nicholas Falletto; Bernard Frois; P. Girardot; J. Jardillier; F. Marie; Jacques Martino; P. Mangeot; Damian Neyret; Stephane Platchkov; Thierry Pussieux; J.C. Sellier; P. Rebourgeard; C. Veyssiere; G. Zavattini
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)1998
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)1998
[en] In this paper, we present the principle and the studies for a new type of Compton polarimeter based on the use of power buildup Fabry-Perot cavity to get a 3% measurement of the Jefferson Lab electron polarization within minutes
Primary Subject
1 Jan 1998; 10 p; 36. International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics; Bormio (Italy); 26-31 Jan 1998; DOE/ER--40150-2264; AC05-84ER40150; Available from PURL: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/802177-dbK8Q0/native/
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Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue