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Conradt, R.; Roggendorf, H.
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1985
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1985
[en] In the present report, the inactive HLW glass SM 58 LW 11, doped with simulated 'radioactive' waste, was investigated under the following corrosion conditions: temperatures up to 2000C; pressure of 130 bar; corrosion in Q-solution, a highly concentrated salt brine. The aim of the investigations was to identify the rate controlling step of the corrosion process and to determine the correct type of time dependence of the whole process for long times. In particular, the effects of layers formed on the corroding glass and of reaction products accumulated in the leachant, had to be examined for this purpose. The basic mechanism is a network dissolution process proceeding proportional to the corrosion time. The initial period is followed by an intermediate one during which the process proceeds slower than linearly with time. The duration of this period depends on the amount of leachant per glass surface area. Finally, a linear time law is observed again, proceeding at a rate smaller than the initial one. By no means, a permanent stop of the whole process must be expected. The intermediate deviations from a linear time law are due to the accumulation of reaction products in the leachant. Any layers formed during the corrosion process are unprotective against the further corrosion attack. (orig.) With 11 refs., 16 tabs., 8 figs
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das inaktive, d.h. mit simuliertem 'radioaktivem' Abfall beladene HLW-Glas SM 58 LW 11 untersucht (Korrosionsbedingungen: Temperaturen bis 2000C; Druck von 130 bar; Korrosion in Q-Loesung, einer konzentrierten Salzloesung). Ziel der Untersuchungen war die Identifizierung des geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Teilschrittes des Korrosionsprozesses und die Ermittlung der zutreffenden Zeitabhaengigkeit des Prozesses fuer lange Zeiten. Dazu wurden insbesondere die Wirkungen der auf dem korrodierenden Glas entstehenden Reaktionsschichten sowie der Akkumulation von Reaktionsprodukten in der Loesung untersucht. Der Grundmechanismus, der am Anfang auch ungestoert ablaeuft, ist eine direkt proportional zur Zeit fortschreitende Netzwerkaufloesung. Nach einer Zwischenphase, deren Dauer von der Menge der pro Glasoberflaeche zur Verfuegung stehenden Loesung abhaengt und in der sich das Glas langsamer als linear mit der Zeit aufloest, wird wieder der Uebergang zu einem linearen Zeitgesetz beobachtet, allerdings mit einer kleineren als der anfaenglichen Steigung. Keinesfalls darf mit einem andauernden Stillstand des Prozesses gerechnet werden. Die zwischenzeitlichen Abweichungen vom linearen Verhalten sind der Akkumulation von Reaktionsprodukten in der Loesung zuzuschreiben. Sich ausbildende Schichten zeigen keine Schutzwirkung gegen den weiteren Korrosionsangriff. (orig.) With 11 refs., 16 tabs., 8 figsOriginal Title
Ermittlung der Korrosionsmechanismen an HLW-haltigem Glas
Primary Subject
21 Mar 1985; 45 p; CONTRACT BMFT KWA 830313
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Conradt, R.; Roggendorf, H.
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.)1985
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.)1985
[en] The purpose of the reported work was to determine the corrosion behaviour of the inactive HLW glass SM 58 LW 11 in Q-solution at temperatures up to 2000C and elevated pressures up to 13 MPa. In particular, a parametric study on the effects of time, temperature, pressure, crystallization, metallic impurities a.o. was performed. Further tests helped to identify the rate determining steps in the entire process and the most likely long-term corrosion law. (orig./RB)
Primary Subject
11 Mar 1985; 33 p; CONTRACT WAS-232-81-53 D (B); WAS-323-83-53 D (B)
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Roggendorf, H.; Conradt, R.; Ostertag, R.
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1987
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1987
[en] This interim report deals with first results of corrosion investigations of HLW simulation glass (COGEMA glass SON 68) in quinary salt solutions of different concentrations; the aim of these investigations was to find out about the corrosion mechanism at the surface of the glass and the quantitative registration of the corrosion products. It became obvious that the surface layers developed can be easily removed and that a determination of weight losses becomes possible thereby. The corrosion rates for a test period of 30 days were determined. (RB)
In diesem Zwischenbericht wird ueber erste Ergebnisse von Korrosionsuntersuchungen an HLW-Simulatglas (COGEMA Glas SON 68) in quinaeren Salzloesungen unterschiedlicher Konzentration berichtet, bei denen der Korrosionsmechanismus an der Oberflaeche des Glases und die quantitative Erfassung der Korrosionsprodukte zum Ziel gesetzt waren. Es zeigte sich, dass die entstandenen Oberflaechenschichten sich leicht entfernen lassen und somit eine Bestimmung von Massenverlusten moeglich wird. Die Korrosionsraten fuer eine Versuchszeit von 30 Tagen wurden ermittelt. (RB)Original Title
Untersuchungen des Langzeitverhaltens von HLW-Glas unter endlagerrelevanten Bedingungen
Primary Subject
31 Mar 1987; 23 p; CONTRACT BMFT KWA 76039; KEG FI1W/028
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Conradt, R., E-mail: conradt@ghi.rwth-aachen.de2001
[en] The paper points out how the accumulated knowledge of glass corrosion and the latest understanding of the glassy state need to be merged in order to improve the predictive power of existing corrosion models. In specific, two areas are identified which require substantial improvement. These are, firstly, an adequate description of the effects of glass composition, and, secondly, an explicit formulation of the pH dependence of the forward reaction rate. The former problem is solved by employing a constitutional approach to the Gibbs energy of the glass. The latter problem is tackled by taking into account the occupation of the glass surface by charged species (H+, OH-, R+, etc.). (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0022311501005748; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Romania
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Roggendorf, H.; Sebastian, K.; Conradt, R.; Ostertag, R.
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1990
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung (ISC), Wuerzburg (Germany, F.R.); Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.)1990
[en] This report explains corrosion examinations of HLW glass (COGEMA glass SON 68) in three different salt solutions. The corrosion temperatures varied between 110 and 190deg C. The corrosion rates for this glass were determined for an experimental time of 30 to 250 days. In addition, long-term corrosion experiments (up to 5 years) with the HLW glass SM 58 are reported. Corrosion conditions: temperatures of 80 to 200deg C, pressure of 130 bar, quinary salt solution. (MM)
Berichtet wird ueber Korrosionsuntersuchungen an HLW-Glas (COGEMA-Glas SON 68) in drei verschieden zusammengesetzten Salzloesungen. Die Korrosionstemperaturen variierten von 110 bis 190deg C. Die Korrosionsraten fuer dieses Glas wurden fuer eine Versuchszeit von 30 bis 250 Tagen ermittelt. Des weiteren wird ueber Langzeitkorrosionsversuche (bis zu 5 Jahre) des HLW-Glases SM 58 berichtet. (Korrosionsbedingungen: Temperaturen von 80 bis 200deg C, Druck von 130 bar, quinaere Salzloesung). (MM)Original Title
Untersuchung des Langzeitverhaltens von HLW-Glas unter endlagerrelevanten Bedingungen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
31 Mar 1990; 86 p; CONTRACT BMFT KWA 76039; KEG FI1W/028
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An evaluation of a broad set of HLW glass corrosion data implies that adequate corrosion models must also take into account kinetics slower than √t. Solubility limits may not give a sufficient explanation for these cases. Before all, the long-term leach rates are not infinitely small. A proposal is made how ''slow'' kinetics can be included in a model. 15 refs., 5 figs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jantzen, C.M.; Stone, J.A.; Ewing, R.C. (eds.); Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Co., Aiken, SC (USA); New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque (USA); p. 155-162; ISBN 0-931837-09-X; ; 1984; p. 155-162; Materials Research Society; Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Materials Research Society annual meeting; Boston, MA (USA); 26-29 Nov 1984
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The long-term corrosion behavior of the German HLW glass SM 58 LW 11, doped with 11 wt.% of inactive waste, was investigated in a simulated carnallite/rock salt environment. The experimental conditions were defined with respect to a hypothetical water entrance to a rock salt repository, i.e. temperatures up to 2000C and a pressure of 130 bar were applied; a specific brine from the quinary system MgCl2-MgSO4-NaCl-KCl-H20 (the so-called Q-brine served as leachant. The effects of the corrosion were determined by weight loss measurements, by analyses of the leachates, and by the application of surface analytical techniques. 11 references, 6 figures, 1 table
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
McVay, G.L. (ed.); p. 9-15; 1984; p. 9-15; Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc; New York, NY (USA); Materials Research Society annual meeting; Boston, MA (USA); 14-17 Nov 1983
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We have investigated various aspects of the wetting behavior of hydrogen films (including the heavier isotopes) using surface plasmon resonance, light scattering, and photoelectron emission. Studies in the vicinity of the triple point (T3(H2)=13,96 K) confirmed the known << triple point wetting >>, and gave no indications for a prewetting transition in this range. At low temperatures (T< T3/3) the equilibrium film thickness reaches only a few monolayers. Thicker films, prepared by quench-condensation of H2 gas at 1.5 K, undergo a dewetting process during annealing: most of the film material contracts to clusters, and in between the films thins down to its equilibrium thickness. This surface diffusion process is thermally activated, with an activation energy of 23 K (in the case of H2). The dewetting kinetics has not revealed any indication for a surface-molten layer on the solid films at low temperatures, or for a superfluid component
International Workshop on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals (CC'95); Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan); 29 Aug - 2 Sep 1995
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] The intent of the investigations was to determine the additional amount of NaCl which can be dissolved at high temperatures in the so-called Q solution (a set of salt brines of definite composition). The experiments show that the Q-solution investigated is able to take up notable amounts of NaCl at temperatures up to 2000C. The data presented can be used to enhance the simulation of the accidental case of water entrance to a rock salt deposit. It must however be noted that the experimental procedure presumes a rather quick equilibration between the phases involved. All cases in which longer periods of time are needed to establish a thermodynamic equilibrium are not covered. The data are valid for the experimental conditions specified. There are some experimental observations requiring further investigations to make sure whether thermodynamic equilibrium is reached or not under these conditions
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Secondary Subject
Lutze, W. (ed.); p. 487-490; 1982; p. 487-490; North-Holland; New York, NY; 5. international symposium on the scientific basis for radioactive waste management; Berlin (Germany, F.R.); 7 - 10 Jun 1982
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Conradt, R.; Roggendorf, H.; Ostertag, R.
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg1986
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg1986
[en] During the years 1975 to 1984, the Commission of the European Communities organized and promoted an R and D programme on the testing and evaluation of solidified high-level waste forms with the purpose of providing a scientific basis for the management and storage of radioactive waste. A fair number of materials were tested under a broad variation of experimental data. The Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Silicatforschung, Wuerzburg, has undertaken to perform a synoptic evaluation of the above data. The purpose of this evaluation is: - to compile the data from the individual national contributors (as presented in the joint annual reports of the EC) with respect to: the materials, or the experimental parameters, or further aspects, and to harmonize them with respect to their presentation, choice of units, etc., - to compare the results to the international state of information, - to elaborate and demonstrate common features of the diverse materials, e.g. common patterns of the corrosion behaviour, - to check the validity of present models, - to define shortcomings and questions that are still open
Primary Subject
1986; 223 p; ISBN 92-825-6560-2; ; CONTRACT 440-85-53-WAS-D
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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