Crane, G.R.; Hannaman, G.W.
Proceedings of the international ANS/ENS topical meeting on thermal reactor safety1986
Proceedings of the international ANS/ENS topical meeting on thermal reactor safety1986
[en] The LaSalle comprehensive probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) includes external events and internal events with explicit treatment of human actions during operations, maintenance, and surveillance. It includes common-cause considerations and dependencies covering all support functions. These human sections are included in the same fault trees applicable to both external and internal events. Realism is incorporated into the PRA via measurable values of plant parameters in contrast to license-base values, via real-time behavior of primary containment which provides more realistic operator response intervals, and via actual measurements of operator responses during engineering simulator exercise of plant-specific transient and accident events. Preliminary correlations of operator responses via the HCR measurements method indicate that measured operator unreliabilities are consistently ten to one hundred times lower than best-estimate values used in earlier PRA's. Some operator responses may indicate an unreliability measure of one thousand less than reported estimates of non-performance (omission failures). Measurements of operator response during plant recovery scenarios are currently being correlated for subsequent inclusion via SHARP methods into the LaSalle PRA. These degraded core event scenarios were defined from the PRA dominant transient and accident cut-sets leading to degraded cores with potential fission product release
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Anon; p. X1.1-X1.17; ISBN 0-89448-121-5; ; 1986; p. X1.1-X1.17; American Nuclear Society; La Grange Park, IL (USA); International ANS/ENS topical meeting on thermal reactor safety; San Diego, CA (USA); 2-6 Feb 1986
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Frederick, L.G.; Massin, H.L.; Crane, G.R.
Probabilistic safety assessment and risk management PSA '87. Vol. 21987
Probabilistic safety assessment and risk management PSA '87. Vol. 21987
[en] A probabilistic safety analysis has been performed for LaSalle County Station, a twin-unit General Electric BWR5 Mark II nuclear power plant. A primary objective of this PSA is to provide engineers with a useful and useable tool for making design decisions, performing technical specification optimization, evaluating proposed regulatory changes to equipment and procedures, and as an aid in operator training. Other objectives are to identify the hypothetical accident sequences that would contribute to core damage frequency, and to provide assurance that the total expected frequency of core-damaging accidents is below 10-4 per reactor-year in response to suggested goals. (orig./HSCH)
Primary Subject
European Nuclear Society, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland); Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Kernfachleute (SGK), Bern (Switzerland); American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (USA); Risk and safety; 396 p; ISBN 3-88585-417-1; ; 1987; p. 743-748; Verl. TUEV Rheinland; Koeln (Germany, F.R.); International topical conference on probabilistic safety assessment and risk management (PSA '87); Zurich (Switzerland); 31 Aug - 4 Sep 1987
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Chan, A.; Bellomo, P.; Crane, G.R.; Emma, P.; Grunhaus, E.; Luchini, K.; MacGregor, I.A.; Marsh, D.S.; Pope, R.; Prickett, P.; Rago, C.; Ratcliffe, K.; Shab, T.; SLAC
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
[en] The LCLS project databases provide key nomenclature information while integrating many engineering and physics processes in the building of an accelerator. Starting with the elements existing in the beam line optics files, the engineers add non-beam-line elements, and controls engineers assign ''Formal Device Names'' to these elements. Inventory, power supplies, racks, crates and cable plants are databases that are being integrated into the project database. This approach replaces individual spreadsheets and/or integrates standalone existing institutional databases
Primary Subject
6 Jul 2007; 3 p; Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07); Albuquerque, NM (United States); 25-29 Jun 2007; AC02-76SF00515; Available from; PURL:
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Hannaman, G.W.; Crane, G.R.; Worledge, D.H.
Probabilistic safety assessment and risk management PSA '87. Vol. 11987
Probabilistic safety assessment and risk management PSA '87. Vol. 11987
[en] The La Salle simulator was used to measure data for reliability assessments of human actions during accident sequences. The objectives of these measurements were to support the human reliability analysis (HRA) of the La Salle probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), to validate the effectiveness of the EPGs and to apply EPRI-developed human reliability models during the measurement and analysis process. This paper presents results of data gathering and analysis of control room crew responses to simulated emergency situations. This is the first time that the EPRI models were applied in collection and analysis of crew responses. (orig./HSCH)
Primary Subject
European Nuclear Society, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland); Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Kernfachleute (SGK), Bern (Switzerland); American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (USA); Risk and safety; 424 p; ISBN 3-88585-417-1; ; 1987; p. 126-130; Verl. TUEV Rheinland; Koeln (Germany, F.R.); International topical conference on probabilistic safety assessment and risk management (PSA '87); Zurich (Switzerland); 31 Aug - 4 Sep 1987
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue