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Cucinotta, F.A.
Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA (USA)1988
Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA (USA)1988
[en] The interaction of high energy alpha particles with atomic nuclei is considered using multiple scattering theories. Semi-classical solutions to coupled-channel equations derived from Watson's form of the nucleus-nucleus multiple scattering series are shown to be equivalent to the Glauber multiple scattering series. Second-order solutions for the elastic amplitude are developed and used to study the effects of short-range correlations in nuclear scattering. The Jastrow method is used to model the two-particle density for 4He and to construct one and two particle form factors. Excellent agreement with experimental data for angular distributions, and total and reaction cross sections is found. The inclusive momentum distribution for projectile fragmentation is developed in terms of Lorentz invariant three-particle phase space. The participant-spectator description of the fragmentation of α particles is formulated using direct reaction theory. Overlap functions for the virtual dissociation of α particles are considered
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1988; 104 p; Old Dominion Univ; Norfolk, VA (USA); University Microfilms, PO Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, Order No.88-25,495; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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Cucinotta, F.A.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1993
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1993
[en] The transport of galactic cosmic-ray helium nuclei and their secondaries through bulk shielding is considered using the straight-ahead approximation to the Boltzmann equation. A data base for nuclear interaction cross sections and secondary particle energy spectra for high-energy light-ion breakup is presented. The importance of the light ions H-2, H-3, and He-3 for cosmic-ray risk estimation is discussed, and the estimates of the fractional contribution to the neutron flux from helium interactions compared with other particle interactions are presented using a 1977 solar minimum cosmic-ray spectrum
Primary Subject
Nov 1993; 33 p; NASA-TP--3354; L--17225; NAS--1.60:3354; RTOP 199-45-16-11; Also available from CASI HC A03/MF A01
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[en] Studies of the structure of particle tracks have led to models of track effects based on radial dose and radiobiological target theory that have been very successful in describing and predicting track effects in physical, chemical, and biological systems. For describing mammalian cellular inactivation two inactivation modes are required, called gamma-kill and ion-kill, the first due to synergistic effects of delta rays from adjacent ion paths thus resembling the effects from gamma rays, and the second to the effects of single ion transits through a cell nucleus. The ion-kill effect is more severe, where the fraction of cells experiencing ion kill is responsible for a decrease in the oxygen enhancement ratio, and an increase in relative biological effectiveness, but these are accompanied by loss of repair, hence to a reduction in the efficiency of fractionation in high LET therapy, as shown by our calculations for radiobiological effects in the 'spread out Bragg Peak'
Primary Subject
S1350448799000980; Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cucinotta, F.A.; Wilson, J.W.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1985
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1985
[en] Computer subroutines to calculate human exposure to trapped radiations in low Earth orbit (LEO) on the basis of a simple approximation of the human geometry by spherical shell shields of varying thickness are presented and detailed. The subroutines calculate the dose to critical body organs and the fraction of exposure limit reached as a function of altitude of orbit, degree of inclination, shield thickness, and days in mission. Exposure rates are compared with current exposure limits
Primary Subject
Feb 1985; 26 p; NASA-TM--86324; L--15865; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The authors consider an on-shell model for including the effects of inelastic two-body channels in the fragmentation of 4He on hydrogen targets. Included in their calculation are the NN→NΔ and NN→dπ channels. An estimate of final state interactions effects is also made. Comparisons to inclusive fragmentation data for mass 3 production are made with the multiple scattering in the elastic NN sector included in the comparisons
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1993 joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers; Washington, DC (United States); 12-15 Apr 1993; CONF-9304297--
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cucinotta, F.A.; Townsend, L.W.; Wilson, J.W.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1992
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1992
[en] The quasi-elastic scattering of two nuclei is considered in the high-energy optical model. Energy loss and momentum transfer spectra for projectile ions are evaluated in terms of an inelastic multiple-scattering series corresponding to multiple knockout of target nucleons. The leading-order correction to the coherent projectile approximation is evaluated. Calculations are compared with experiments
Primary Subject
May 1992; 23 p; NASA-TM--4362; L--17036; NAS--1.15:4362; CONTRACT RTOP 593-42-21-01; NTIS HC/MF A03; INIS
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Wilson, J.W.; Cucinotta, F.A.; Shinn, J.L.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1992
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1992
[en] A multilesion cell kinetic model is derived, and radiation kinetic coefficients are related to the Katz track structure model. The repair-related coefficients are determined from the delayed plating experiments of Yang et al. for the C3H10T1/2 cell system. The model agrees well with the x ray and heavy ion experiments of Yang et al. for the immediate plating, delaying plating, and fractionated exposure protocols employed by Yang. A study is made of the effects of target fragments in energetic proton exposures and of the repair-deficient target-fragment-induced lesions
Primary Subject
Mar 1992; 14 p; NASA-TP--3185; L--16988; NAS--1.60:3185; NTIS HC/MF A03; INIS
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cucinotta, F.A.; Townsend, L.W.; Dubey, R.R.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1993
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (United States). Langley Research Center1993
[en] Charge-exchange reactions for scattering to the continuum are considered in a high-energy multiple scattering model. Calculations for (p,n) and (He-3,H-3) reactions are made and compared with experimental results for C-12, O-16, and Al-27 targets. Coherent effects are shown to lead to an important role for inelastic multiple scattering terms when light projectiles are considered
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nov 1993; 22 p; NASA-TM--4522; L--17277; NAS--1.15:4522; RTOP 199-45-16-11; Also available from CASI HC A03/MF A01
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cucinotta, F.A.; Townsend, L.W.; Wilson, J.W.; Khandelwal, G.S.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1990
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1990
[en] Calculations of inclusive inelastic scattering distributions for heavy ion collisions are considered within the high energy optical model. Using ground state sum rules, the inclusive projectile and complete projectile-target inelastic angular distributions are treated in both independent particle and correlated nuclear models. Comparisons between the models introduced are made for alpha particles colliding with He-4, C-12, and O-16 targets and protons colliding with O-16. Results indicate that correlations contribute significantly, at small momentum transfers, to the inelastic sum. Correlation effects are hidden, however, when total scattering distributions are considered because of the dominance of elastic scattering at small momentum transfers
Primary Subject
Nov 1990; 22 p; NASA-TP--3026; L--16793; NAS--1.60:3026; NTIS HC/MF A03; INIS
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cucinotta, F.A.; Norbury, J.W.; Townsend, L.W.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1988
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA (USA). Langley Research Center1988
[en] The Coulomb dissociation contributions to fragmentation cross sections in relativistic heavy ion collisions, where more than one nucleon is removed, are estimated using the Weizsacker-Williams method of virtual quanta. Photonuclear cross sections taken from experimental results were used to fold into target photon number spectra calculated with the Weizsacker-Williams method. Calculations for several projectile target combinations over a wide range of charge numbers, and a wide range of incident projectile energies, are reported. These results suggest that multiple nucleon knockout by the Coulomb field may be of negligible importance in galactic heavy ion studies for projectiles lighter than Fe-56
Primary Subject
Nov 1988; 7 p; NASA-TM--4070; L--16466; NAS--1.15:4070; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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