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Hershcovitch, A.; Kponou, A.; DeVito, B.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1990
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1990
[en] Since the last workshop in Montana, Switzerland, output of the BNL cold atomic beam has improved by more than an order of magnitude to a flux of over 1020 H0/sr/s. Spin selection and focusing by three different magnets: a superconducting solenoid lens, a long permanent magnet sextupole, and a system consisting of two short permanent and electromagnet sextupoles, have been tried. Results indicate that the latter scheme is best for our particular needs. 6 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1990; 7 p; International workshop on the polarized ion sources and polarized gas jets; Tsukuba-shi (Japan); 12-17 Feb 1990; CONF-900289--3; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE90008513; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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DeVito, B.; Jensen, J.E.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. (USA)1972
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. (USA)1972
No abstract available
1972; 17 p; Cryogenic engineering conference; Boulder, CO; 8 Aug 1972; CONF-720803--1
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DeVito, B.; Jensen, J.E.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. (USA)1971
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. (USA)1971
No abstract available
Primary Subject
12 Jul 1971; 15 p
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Kponou, A.; Alessi, J.; Hershcovitch, A.; DeVito, B.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1992
[en] Polarized protons have been available for acceleration in the AGS for the high energy physics program since 1984. The polarized H- source, PONI-1, has routinely supplied a 0.4 Hz, 400 μsec pulse having a nominal intensity of 40 μA. Polarization is ∼80% out of the ion source. After PONI- 1 became operational, a program was initiated to develop a more intense source based on a cold ground state atomic beam source, followed by ionization of the polarized H degrees beam by D- charge exchange. Various phases of this work have been fully reported elsewhere, and only a summary is given here
Primary Subject
1992; 6 p; Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams; Upton, NY (United States); 9-13 Nov 1992; CONF-921145--5; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; OSTI as DE93007282; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Alessi, J.G.; DeVito, B.; Hershcovitch, A.; Kponou, A.; Meitzler, C.R.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1990
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1990
[en] A review is given of the BNL polarized source development occurring since the 1986 Workshop in Montana, Switzerland. The polarized source in operation for the AGS produces ∼40 μA of rvec H- with 75--80% polarization. Development of a cold atomic beam for a higher intensity source has concentrated on studies of spin selection and focusing with both a superconducting solenoid and sextupoles. Ionization of HO by D- charge exchange using the ring magnetron ionizer seems to be hindered by gas scattering, and work is in progress to improve this
Primary Subject
1990; 8 p; International workshop on the polarized ion sources and polarized gas jets; Tsukuba-shi (Japan); 12-17 Feb 1990; CONF-900289--2; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE90008523; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Danby, G.; DeVito, B.; Jackson, J.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1985
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1985
[en] Mechanically integrated, magnetically decoupled storage rings were designed for a heavy ion collider for 100 GeV/amu Au, at B = 2.7T. New concepts were developed, including detailed engineering design and cost estimates. A ''unicell'' contains a half-cell of both rings within a single He vessel. The unicell design is optimized for economical mass production. Survey pads welded to the laminations provide external fiducials to locate the magnet cores. Roller bearing self aligning supports accommodate cool-down shrinkage. The design tolerates relative motion of components resulting from longitudinal shrinkage in the approx.15 m long unicell without affecting performance. Magnetic and physical lengths are the same, eliminating waste space. ''Achromatic'' quadrupoles with sextupoles at both ends are located on a common precision beam tube which aligns and supports a pick-up electrode. The unicell accommodates longer dipoles compared to conventional designs, reducing B/sub max/, stored energy, and the volume of iron and superconductor. Applications to future machines will be discussed
Primary Subject
1985; 4 p; Particle accelerator conference; Vancouver (Canada); 13-16 May 1985; CONF-850504--147; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE85013303
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Alessi, J.G.; DeVito, B.; Hershcovitch, A.; Kponou, A.; Meitzler, C.R.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1988
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1988
[en] The present AGS polarized H- source employs a ground state atomic beam source and Cs/degree/ charge exchange ionizer. It produces 30-40 μA of /rvec char/H- at 75-80% polarization, in 500 μs pulses, 0.5 Hz. Up to 60 μA has at times been produced when the cesium beam is performing optimally. Work in progress to produce a higher intensity /rvec char/H- source includes cooling of the H/degree/ beam to 6 K and ionzation of the polarized atoms via charge exchange with D-. Experiments to test the possibility of spin selection and focusing of H/degree/ using a superconducting solenoid have been completed, and have led us back to the more conventional approach of sextupoles. 6 refs., 3 figs
Primary Subject
1988; 6 p; 8. international symposium on high energy spin physics; Minneapolis, MN (USA); 12-17 Sep 1988; CONF-880983--6; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE89002175; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hershcovitch, A.I.; Alessi, J.G.; DeVito, B.; Kponou, A.E.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1991
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1991
[en] A new ground state source of negative hydrogen ions with polarized nuclei (rvec H-) is being developed at BNL. Extensive developmental research has been aimed at improving each element of (rvec H-) production: cold H degrees beam, spin selection and focusing magnets, and ionizer. These elements have recently been integrated into a source. A first test with the accommodator nozzle cooled only to liquid nitrogen temperatures resulted in 5 μA of H-. Tests at liquid helium temperatures are now beginning. 7 refs., 1 fig
Primary Subject
28 Aug 1991; 10 p; 4. international conference on ion sources; Bensheim (Germany); 30 Sep - 4 Oct 1991; CONF-910943--2; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; OSTI as DE92000134; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kponou, A.; Hershcovitch, A.; Alessi, J.G.; DeVito, B.; Meitzler, C.R.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1989
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1989
[en] A program to develop a high intensity polarized H- ion beam for injection into the AGS is under way at this laboratory. The approach we are following is essentially the polarization and ionization of a very cold and intense atomic hydrogen beam. This paper reports on the magnetic focusing of the cold atomic hydrogen beam we have produced. 4 refs., 4 figs
Primary Subject
1989; 7 p; CONTRACT AC02-76CH00016; NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE90008524; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Alessi, J.; DeVito, B.; Herschcovitch, A.; Kponou, A.; Meitzler, C.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1988
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1988
[en] Polarized protons have been accelerated in the AGS to 22/yield/ GeV. The polarized source presently used produces 30-40 μA of /rvec char/H- at 75-80% polarization, in 500 μs pulses, 0.5 Hz. This is three orders of magnitude lower in intensity than normal H- operation, and higher intensities are desired. There is a program in the AGS department to develop a higher intensity source. This is a ground state atomic beam source with an atomic beam cooled to 6 K, spin selection and focusing via a superconducting solenoid (shown) or a sextupole system, and an ionizer for /rvec char/H- production based on the charge exchange of /rvec char/H/degree/ with D-. Work is in progress on all three components, and will be described in this paper. 6 refs., 7 figs
Primary Subject
1988; 6 p; 1. European particle accelerator conference; Rome (Italy); 7-11 Jun 1988; CONF-880695--27; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE88013786; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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