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[en] The development of a new olive oil based chocolate filling was carried out. In this study three different types of virgin olive oil were tested, in three different concentrations in the production of chocolate fillings. An instrumental analysis was carried out for chemical analyses, such as moisture and pH. The color analysis included the CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space and RGB color space. The rheological analysis included the evaluation of flow curve, flow index (n), consistency (K) and dynamic moduli (G’ and G’’). No influence was detected on the moisture or pH of chocolate fillings, due to the concentration or type of olive oil. However, the use of olive oil decreased consistency from 1371 Pasn to 148 - 559 Pasn , even using olive oil concentrations of 20% w/w. Also, G’ registered a similar correlation, where a decrease was observed from 4.42 x 106 Pa to values around 1.70-2.51 x 106 Pa, for 20% w/w olive oil. The fillings presented a darker yellow-green color when using olive oil produced with Galega and Cordovil de Serpa varieties, but olive oil produced with the Arbequina variety did not affect color significantly, although further studies will be required to evaluate the impact of ripening stage.
Ha sido desarrollado un nuevo relleno basado en aceite de oliva. En este estudio se testaron tres tipos diferentes de aceite de oliva, en tres concentraciones diferentes en la producción de rellenos de chocolate. El análisis instrumental incluyó análisis químico, como humedad y pH. El análisis del color incluyó el espacio CIE 1976 L*a*b* y el espacio RGB. El análisis reológico incluyó la evaluación del índice de flujo (n), consistencia (K) y módulos dinámicos (G’ y G’’). Ni se detectó influencia en la humedad ni el pH de rellenos debido a la concentración o el tipo de aceite. Sin embargo, el uso de aceite de oliva disminuyó la consistencia desde 1371 Pasn a 148 - 559 Pas, incluso usando concentraciones bajas de aceite como 20% m/m. Por otra parte, también G’ presentó una correlación similar, donde se observó una disminución de 4.42 x 106 Pa para valores alrededor de 1.70-2.51 x 106 Pa, también con 20% m/m aceite. Los rellenos presentaron un color más oscuro amarillo-verde cuando se utilizó el aceite producido con las variedades Galega y Cordovil de Serpa, pero el aceite producido con la variedad Arbequina no afectó significativamente al color, no obstante, serán necesarios más estudios para evaluar el impacto de la maduración.Original Title
Impacto del uso del aceite de oliva en las propiedades físicas de relleno de chocolate.
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Grasas y aceites; ISSN 0017-3495; ; v. 67(3); 8 p
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Portugal Ferreira, M.; Matos Dias, J.M.
Vein-type and similar uranium deposits in rocks younger than proterozoic1982
Vein-type and similar uranium deposits in rocks younger than proterozoic1982
[en] The association of pitchblende-fluorite veinlets with pink-coloured episyenites is here reported as a new type of uranium deposit in Portugal. It is located at Aljao, 9km northwest of Gouveia (central Portugal). The feldspatic episyenitic lenticular body that crops out along 250m and goes down to 80m, grades abruptly to the encasing Hercynian planar-foliated biotite-muscovite medium-fine-grained monzonitic granite. This granite has sharp contacts against the surrounding Hercynian post-tectonic coarse-grained porphyritic biotite granite; NE-SW, E-W and ENE-WSW bearing quartz veins and basic dyke rocks, some of them with uranium mineralization, cut across these latter granites. Pegmatitic and aplitic pods and stringers affiliated with the coarse-grained porphyritic granite are common. Arkoses and conglomerates make up the Ceno-Antropozoic unit which has been mapped at the northern margin of this ore deposit. The albite + K feldspar + chlorite assemblage and the conspicuous cataclastic granular fabric of the episyenite replace the quartz + K feldspar + oligoclase + biotite + muscovite assemblage and the faintly strained planar fabric of the granite. As far as the major elements are concerned a remarkable loss of SiO2 is reported and an overall balance of the other elements. The episyenite has lower density and higher porosity and permeability than the parental granite. This deposit was discovered by ground radiometric survey and further evaluated by drilling. The uranium mineralization occurs as disseminated phosphates, mostly autunite within the episyenite, as well as under the form of veinlets of pitchblende + fluorite that tend to be more frequent on the transition zone between the episyenites and the granites. The genetic aspects and the guides for prospection which arise with this new type of uranium deposit are considered. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Panel proceedings series; 395 p; ISBN 92-0-041082-0; ; 1982; p. 311-320; IAEA; Vienna; Technical committee meeting on vein-type and similar uranium deposits in rocks younger than proterozoic; Lisbon, Portugal; 24 - 28 Sep 1979; IAEA-TC--295/6
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[en] Vein-type uranium deposits in Portugal demonstrate a broad temporal and physical spectrum from intragranitic hydrothermal jasper-type veins formed at moderately high temperatures, through lower temperature quartz veins and peribatholithic disseminated mineralization of 'Iberian-type', to undoubted supergene enrichments in surface-related planar traps such as weathered basic dikes. All appear to be in close spatial relationship to 'fertile' Hercynian granites in which uraninite of low thorium content is the main contributor to the enriched uranium levels. The availability of this large source of labile uranium, a pervasive fracture network and a series of tectonic and intrusive events which could generate hydrothermal circulation, allow several alternative genetic models for the mineralization. It now appears that the classic hydrothermal pitchblende veins within the granite are most likely of late-Hercynian age. Many of the mineralogical and depositional characteristics of the lower temperature 'Iberian-type' deposits suggest a temporal continuity to this mineralization but, as yet, no supporting age data are available. It is conceded, therefore, that a considerable time-gap could occur between the two episodes, with the peribatholithic mineralization resulting from later rejuvenation of the hydrothermal convective system. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 423 p; Jan 1986; p. 181-191; 23 refs, 1 fig.
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No abstract available
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Panel proceedings series; p. 129-142; 1970; IAEA; Vienna; Panel on uranium exploration geology; Vienna, Austria; 13 Apr 1970
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Dias, J.M.; Oliveira e Silva, L.; Mendonca, J.T.
Proceedings of the first JAERI-Kansai international workshop on ultrashort-pulse ultrahigh-power lasers and simulation for laser-plasma interactions1998
Proceedings of the first JAERI-Kansai international workshop on ultrashort-pulse ultrahigh-power lasers and simulation for laser-plasma interactions1998
[en] A detailed comparison between the photon acceleration diagnostic technique and the frequency-domain interferometric technique for laser wakefield diagnostics, by using ray-tracing equations is presented here. The dispersion effects on the probe beam and the implications of an arbitrary phase velocity of the plasma wave are discussed for both diagnostic techniques. In the presence of large amplitude plasma wave and long interaction distances significant frequency shifts can be observed. The importance of this effect on the determination of the phase and frequency shifts measurements given by each of the two diagnostic techniques, is also analyzed. The accuracy of both diagnostic techniques is discussed and some of their technical problems are reviewed. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo (Japan); 200 p; Mar 1998; p. 1-24; 1. JAERI-Kansai international workshop; Kyoto (Japan); 14-18 Jul 1997; Joint ICFA/JAERI-Kansai international workshop '97; Kyoto (Japan); 14-18 Jul 1997
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[en] The heavy ion beam diagnostic (HIBD) has proven to be a powerful non-perturbing tool for studying basic plasma parameters, such as the electron density (ne) and temperature (Te), the poloidal magnetic field (Bp) and the plasma potential (φ). The method is based on time, space and energy resolved detection of secondary particles, generated by electron impact ionisation of a high-energy ion beam which is injected into the plasma. In this way information on the plasma state at the different ionisation points is obtained. The purpose of the present diagnostic is to measure in ISTTOK (a=0.085 m, R=0.46 m, Bt≅0.5 T, Te(0)≅150 eV, ne(0)≅5x1018 m-3, Ip≅ 6 kA) the profiles of ne, Bp and φ. From poloidal field measurements information on the current density profile (j) can be obtained. Furthermore, fluctuation analysis of the signals will be undertaken to obtain a better understanding of particle and heat transport mechanisms. (author) 2 refs., 4 figs
Primary Subject
1992 international conference on plasma physics; Innsbruck (Austria); 29 Jun - 3 Jul 1992
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Europhysics Conference Abstracts; ISSN 0378-2271; ; CODEN ECABDW; v. 16C(Part II); p. II-1111-II-1114
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Nero, J.M.; Dias, J.M.; Torrinha, J.A.; Pereira, A.J.; Neves, L.J.
Environmental contamination from uranium production facilities and their remediation. Proceedings of an international workshop2005
Environmental contamination from uranium production facilities and their remediation. Proceedings of an international workshop2005
[en] The extensive information available from decades of exploration, exploitation and ore milling, as well as information acquired during characterization activities, have allowed the development of a database that includes data from 61 radioactive mining areas. Development of a management strategy for radioactive wastes is, generally, a complex process that aims at achieving a reasonable balance between two often conflicting objectives: maximization of risk reduction and minimization of costs. The process is one of optimization of the protection, in which the available alternatives are evaluated and compared, taking into account all the associated benefits and some restrictions, such as the setting of a maximum annual admissible radiation dose. It was necessary to define a methodology for the determination of the contaminated areas that allows the distinction between the anomalies in water, soil and stream sediments that are due either to natural processes or to mining activities. Multi-variant methods of analysis were used, capable of identifying and distinguishing the global geochemical signature inherent to natural processes from the anthropogenic contamination. The results of that characterization made it possible in some cases to propose effective remediation projects, both in technical and economic terms, according to standards recommended by different international organizations. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, Vienna (Austria); 272 p; ISBN 92-0-104305-8; ; Oct 2005; p. 145-158; International workshop on environmental contamination from uranium production facilities and their remediation; Lisbon (Portugal); 11-13 Feb 2004; ISSN 0074-1884; ; Also available on-line:; For availability on CD-ROM, please contact IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit, E-mail:; Web site:; 7 refs, 2 figs, 4 tabs
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Silva, M.R. da; Gargarella, P.; Spinelli, J.E.; Bolfarini, C., E-mail:
Associacao Brasileira de Ceramica (ABCERAM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Associacao Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineracao (ABM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Associacao Brasileira de Polimeros (ABPol), Sao Carlos, SP (Brazil)2016
Associacao Brasileira de Ceramica (ABCERAM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Associacao Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineracao (ABM), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Associacao Brasileira de Polimeros (ABPol), Sao Carlos, SP (Brazil)2016
[en] Cu-based shape memory alloys (SMA) present a good shape memory effect (SME), good thermal stability and high transformation temperatures. To produce these alloys a rapid cooling is necessary in order to avoid the formation of equilibrium phases and obtain the metastable phase, which is responsible for the SME. An alternative route for this procedure is to perform slow solidification followed by isothermal heat treatments and quenching. The aim of this work is produce an ingot of Cu-11.8Al-3.2Ni-3Mn (% wt.) SMA casting by stationary directional solidification followed by heat treatment, with a view to investigate the microstructural evolution, as well as the thermal and mechanical properties. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Vickers microhardness. Directional solidification has not been able to produce the metastable phase responsible for the SME, which are formed only after heat treatments. (author)
Original Title
Solidificacao direcional seguida de tratamentos termicos da liga com memoria de forma Cu-Al-Ni-Mn
Primary Subject
2016; 12 p; 22. CBECIMAT: Brazilian congress of engineering and materials science; 22. CBECIMAT: congresso brasileiro de engenharia e ciencia dos materiais; Natal, RN (Brazil); 6-10 Nov 2016
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[en] A plasma waveguide scheme for high-intensity laser guiding with densities and lengths suitable for laser-plasma particle accelerators is presented. This scheme uses a laser-triggered high-voltage discharge, presents negligible jitter, allows full access to the plasma, and can be scaled to large distances. Experimental results showing the feasibility of this scheme are presented
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(c) 2003 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics; ISSN 1063-651X; ; CODEN PLEEE8; v. 68(3); p. 035402-035402.4
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[en] A multi-terawatt, ultra-short laser pulse was used to create a large, well-defined relativistic ionization front, and the collision of a probe laser pulse with it was studied. Due to the good definition of the ionization front it was also possible to isolate the probe frequency up-shift due to the collision, unlike in previous experiments. A good agreement with the theoretical model for photon acceleration was found. Furthermore, we report novel measurements of ionization front velocities, based on the photon acceleration effect, in excess of 0.99c. (authors)
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Available from doi:; 11 refs.
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