Belokopytov, Yu.A.; Dikij, V.M.; Kaminskij, L.G.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1982
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij1982
[en] A mathematical model for the control program of the minicomputer in the many-computer complex oriented for primary analysis of track detector films is offered. The choice for this model is based on application of the concept of logic input devices as well as in the introduced concept of virtual devices of typical graphic object scanning and interruption processing. This enables to represent the model as a system of finite automata
Original Title
Avtomatizirovannaya sistema obrabotki snimkov RTFAS. Upravlyayushchaya programma abstraktnogo proektora
Primary Subject
1982; 20 p; 14 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dikij, V.M.; Nekipelova, G.D.; Shakhbazyan, V.V.; Yurpalov, V.D.
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst., Erevan (USSR)1990
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst., Erevan (USSR)1990
[en] The tasks, structure and aspects of realization of servodrivers of the PUOS-4 measuring projector (measuring carriage, tape transport) on the installed ELEKTRONIKA-60 microcomputer operating in the multi-machine system of film information preprocessing, are considered. Realizability of drivers is estimated under rigid operation conditions using the RTM60 real time monitor. The problem of the projector testing is also considered. 11 refs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab
Original Title
Programmnoe obespechenie mikroEhVM EhLEKTRONIKA-60, vstroennoj v apparaturu upravleniya prosmotrovo-izmeritel'nym proektorom PUOS-4
Secondary Subject
1990; 28 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Goncharov, V.A.; Dikij, V.M.; Kurkin, Yu.L.; Longinov, V.D.; Nekipelova, G.D.; Yurpalov, V.D.
Proceedings of the second all-union seminar on physical information processing1977
Proceedings of the second all-union seminar on physical information processing1977
[en] Discussed is the structure of the software of scanning measuring projectors controlled by a minicomputer. Functionally the software can be divided into four parts: service programs for the projectors, terminal drivers for servicing the peripherals of the minicomputer, dialog and check-out programs. Detailed are the problems of organization of the display and console teletype operation. The described structure of the software is realized in the PUOS-2M projector with unified electronic control on the basiS of the RTS8 real-time system of the PDP8/E computer
Original Title
Struktura programmnogo obespecheniya prosmotrovo-izmeritel'nykh proektorov s maloj EhVM i alfavitno-tsifrovym displeem
Primary Subject
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 363-368; 1977; p. 363-368; 2. All-union seminar on physical information processing; Erevan, USSR; Sep 1977; 2 refs.; 4 figs.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue