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Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for lead for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 137 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 < S-1 < 1 and concrete thicknesses up to 170 cm. (orig./HP)
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 2; Numerical results for 137 radionuclides
Primary Subject
Feb 1982; 116 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, MAthematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
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Numerical Data
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Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for ordinary concrete for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 137 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 < S-1 < 1 and concrete thicknesses up to 170 cm. (orig./HP)
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 5; Numerical results for 137 radionuclides
Primary Subject
Apr 1982; 108 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
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Numerical Data
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Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for iron for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 137 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 < S-1 < 1 and concrete thicknesses up to 170 cm. (orig./HP)
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 3; Numerical results for 137 radionuclides
Primary Subject
Mar 1982; 108 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for baryte concrete for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 137 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 < S-1 < 1 and concrete thicknesses up to 136 cm. (orig./HP)F
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 4; Numerical results for 137 radionuclides
Primary Subject
Apr 1982; 119 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Arbeitsgruppe fuer Technischen Strahlenschutz1982
[en] Point kernel shielding calculations have been performed for water for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 137 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 < S-1 <1 and water thicknesses up to 340 cm. (orig./HP)
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 6; Numerical results for 137 radionuclides
Primary Subject
Apr 1982; 101 p
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Numerical Data
Report Number
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[en] Published in summary form only
Secondary Subject
Feldt, W. (ed.); Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz e.V., Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.); Publication series: Progress in radiation protection; 609 p; ISBN 3-88585-668-9; ; 1989; p. 388; Verl. TUEV Rheinland; Koeln (Germany, F.R.); 15. regional congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) on the radioecology of natural and artificial radionuclides; Visby (Sweden); 10-14 Sep 1989
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[en] An example is presented of the radiation protection organization at German universities. It is a part of a draft recommendation given by the working group 'issues of law' of the Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz. Typical structural conditions and the tasks of universities are considered. (orig.)
Dargestellt wird ein Beispiel zur Strahlenschutzorganisation an Hochschulen in Deutschland. Es ist dem Entwurf einer Beispielsammlung entnommen, die als Empfehlung des Arbeitskreises Rechtsfragen des Fachverbandes fuer Strahlenschutz geplant ist. Es beruecksichtigt die besonderen Gegebenheiten der Struktur und Aufgaben einer Hochschule. (orig.)Original Title
Die Organisation des Strahlenschutzes an deutschen Hochschulen. Ein Beispiel aus der ''Empfehlung des Arbeitskreises Rechtsfragen zur Strahlenschutz-Organisation''
Primary Subject
Winter, M.; Henrichs, K.; Doerfel, H. (eds.); 574 p; ISBN 3-8249-0494-2; ; 1998; p. 1040-1045; 30. annual meeting of Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz e.V.: Radioactivity in man and environment and industrial exhibition; 30. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes fuer Strahlenschutz e.V.: Radioaktivitaet in Mensch und Umwelt und Industrieausstellung; Lindau (Germany); 28 Sep - 2 Oct 1998; ISSN 1013-4506;
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Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information mbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information mbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for pure iron with a density of 7.87 g cm-3 for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 494 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8 ≤ S-1 ≤ 1 and iron thicknesses up to 64 cm. Calculations for further shielding materials are in preparation. (orig.)
Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 3
Primary Subject
Physik Daten/Physics Data; no. 28-3; 1986; 275 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information mbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for pure lead with a density of 11.35 g cm-3 for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 494 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8≤S-1≤1 and lead thicknesses up to 32 cm. (orig./HP)
Es sind Schwaechungskurven fuer 494 Radionuklide wiedergegeben, die den Schwaechungsfaktorbereich zwischen 1 und 108 ueberdecken. Die Rechnungen beruecksichtigen die Gammastrahlung, die charakteristische Strahlung sowie die interne Bremsstrahlung der Radionuklide. Ausserdem werden die im Quellenmaterial entstehende Vernichtungsstrahlung und die externe Bremsstrahlung erfasst. Ausser den Schwaechungskurven sind tabellarisch nuklidspezifische Dosisleistungskonstanten angegeben, wodurch die Ermittlung von Dosisleistungen hinter Abschirmungen oder die Bemessung von Wanddicken ermoeglicht wird. (orig./HP)Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 2
Primary Subject
Physik Daten; no. 28-2; 1986; 274 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)
Record Type
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Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dorner, R.; Vogt, H.G.
Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)1986
[en] Shielding calculations have been performed for baryte concrete with a density of 3.5 g cm-3 for the photons of radioactive nuclides, comprising gamma rays, characteristic X-rays, annihilation photons as well as internal and external bremsstrahlung. The calculations refer to an isotropic point source and an infinite homogeneous medium. The results are presented for 494 radionuclides by tables of dose rate constants and sets of figures of the reciprocal attenuation factor S-1. The shielding curves cover the range of 10-8≤S-1≤1 and baryte concrete thicknesses up to 170 cm. (orig./HP)
Es sind Schwaechungskurven fuer 494 Radionuklide wiedergegeben, die den Schwaechungsfaktorbereich zwischen 1 und 108 ueberdecken. Die Rechnungen beruecksichtigen die Gammastrahlung, die charakteristische Strahlung sowie die interne Bremsstrahlung der Radionuklide. Ausserdem werden die im Quellenmaterial entstehende Vernichtungsstrahlung und die externe Bremsstrahlung erfasst. Ausser den Schwaechungskurven sind tabellarisch nuklidspezifische Dosisleistungskonstanten angegeben, wodurch die Ermittlung von Dosisleistungen hinter Abschirmungen oder die Bemessung von Wanddicken ermoeglicht wird. (orig./HP)Original Title
Schwaechung der Photonenstrahlung von Radionukliden. T. 4
Primary Subject
Physik Daten; no. 28-4; 1986; 268 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik G.m.b.H., Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.)
Record Type
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Numerical Data
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