Douard, Pascal; Nataf, Jean-Michel; Pipien, Gilles; Sauvant, Alain
Ministere de l'environnement, de l'energie et de la mer, Conseil general de l'environnement et du developpement durable - CGEDD (France)2017
Ministere de l'environnement, de l'energie et de la mer, Conseil general de l'environnement et du developpement durable - CGEDD (France)2017
[en] After a recall of the definition of the factor 4 as objective of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, of the content of a first report on this issue published in 2013, this report which updates this report, first proposes an overview of the situation in terms of important evolutions of the context of struggle against the greenhouse effect, of commitments, objectives and projections, and of evolution of temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions. Then, it briefly reports evolutions in the main sectors: agriculture and soil use, use changes, and forest (knowledge development, evolution of accounting rules, difficulties to reach a factor 2 in agriculture and forestry), building (a key sector, renovation of existing buildings, new buildings), energy production (electric power production, development of electric and thermal renewable energies, progress of smart grids, adaptation of and to the demand), industry, and transports (inertia of the sector, levers). These themes are also more precisely presented and discussed in large appendices
Le present rapport procede a une actualisation du rapport du Conseil general de l'environnement et du developpement durable (CGEDD) en date de fevrier 2013, intitule 'le facteur 4 en France: la division par 4 des emissions de gaz a effet de serre (GES) a l'horizon 2050'. Un important corpus d'annexes comprenant des analyses sectorielles (agriculture, industrie du batiment, production d'energie, industrie hors energie, transport) et une comparaison internationale completent le rapport. La plupart des observations du rapport de 2013 restent valables, compte tenu de l'inertie des emissions a l'echelle d'un pays. Le contexte a cependant change et semble plus favorable: loi relative a la transition energetique pour la croissance verte (LTECV), strategie nationale bas carbone (SNBC) et programmation pluriannuelle de l'energie (PPE) en France, Accord de Paris au niveau international, baisse constatee des couts de production de l'electricite d'origine photovoltaique et des batteries, sensibilisation accrue des populations aux problematiques climatiques et a la necessite d'un prix du carbone refletant l'impact negatif des emissions de GES. Les difficultes subsistent cependant. La fiabilite et la facilite d'utilisation des donnees d'emissions de GES sont ameliorables. Les scenarios de reduction des emissions restent fragiles, notamment face a des ruptures (par exemple variations importantes du prix des energies). La determination de l'echelle pertinente en matiere d'action et de gouvernance est delicate. De maniere generale, l'atteinte du facteur 4 repose a ce stade sur des hypotheses necessitant une amelioration des signaux prix, des progres technologiques, des obligations reglementaires, et des comportements differents. L'approche sectorielle est de plus reductrice face a certains sujets comme l'autoproduction d'electricite -ou le vehicule electrique- qui ressortissent aux domaines batiment, energie -et transports, ou les sujets transversaux comme les comportements ou les developpements integres a l'echelle locale. L'analyse secteur par secteur souligne plusieurs limitations dans la reduction des emissions de GES. L'agriculture reste difficile a decarboner et un progres des connaissances (sols, UTCF) demeure necessaire. Le secteur du batiment est tres en retard par rapport aux ambitions affichees en matiere de renovation, souffre de l'insuffisance de donnees fiables sur l'effet des renovations effectuees et necessite un accompagnement de proximite voire quelques obligations pour les acteurs importants afin de declencher l'acte de renover. En matiere de production d'energie, le deploiement des energies renouvelables intermittentes/deconcentrees ou des nouveaux vecteurs energetiques n'est pas aise et pose la question des reseaux intelligents, pour piloter le stockage, l'effacement, la stabilisation, et la securite. L'industrie doit evoluer vers encore plus d'efficacite grace a l'economie circulaire et travailler sur le stockage du carbone. Les transports, gros emetteurs de GES, sont un secteur qui evolue lentement. Ils peuvent diminuer leurs emissions grace a une meilleure efficacite energetique, des sources d'energies moins carbonees reposant sur l'electrification, les carburants alternatifs issus de biomasse ou l'hydrogene, voire de nouvelles formes de mobilites permises notamment par les techniques de l'information et de la communication. La diminution des emissions d'un facteur 4 en 2050 par rapport a 1990 reste donc delicate, suppose des decisions et de la continuite tant au niveau de l'etat et des collectivites que des acteurs economiques et individuels et n'est pas garantie. L'essentiel des efforts reste encore a faireOriginal Title
Actualisation des analyses sectorielles du rapport du CGEDD no. 008378-01 de fevrier 2013 relatif a la division par 4 des emissions de gaz a effet de serre a l'horizon 2050 + Annexes thematiques sur: l'agriculture et l'utilisation des terres, leurs changements et la foret (UTCF); le batiment; la production d'energie; l'industrie (hors secteur de production d'energie); le parangonnage international UE, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Californie, Chine; les transports
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Feb 2017; 770 p; CGEDD--008378-02; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] As France is about to publish the second National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC) which takes carbon neutrality objectives into account, this publication comments the opinion expressed by the Environment Authority (AE) which stated recommendations to improve this strategy. The objective is there to be sure that measures to improve the greenhouse gas emission assessment will not create impacts on other issues like biodiversity or various pollutions, and also to be sure that the ambitious trajectory will be actually met. Thus, the AE noticed and outlined limitations for some activity sectors, the necessity to take the global carbon print of a product or activity into account, the necessity of a better articulation between local plans, and the necessity of support social measures with a well designed use of tax revenues
Original Title
La strategie nationale bas carbone. Comment adopter une trajectoire vertueuse?
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Preventique; ISSN 2262-2144; ; (no.165); p. 46-48
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Banoun, Sylvie; Bertrand, Nathalie; Bour-Desprez, Barbara; Clement, Marc; Douard, Pascal; Dumoulin, Virginie; Hubert, Louis; Jean, Christine; Ledenvic, Philippe; Letourneux, Francois; Muller, Serge; Pascal, Michel; Viu, Annie; Wormser, Veronique
Autorite environnementale, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2021
Autorite environnementale, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2021
[en] After a presentation of the context, of the EPR project and of the associated environmental stakes noticed by the Ae (environmental Authority), this document reports a critical analysis of the impact study provided by EDF: remarks on the study content, discussion of various aspects (non-radioactive atmospheric releases and climate factors, surface waters and non-radioactive aqueous releases, soils and underground waters, impacts of radioactive releases on the environment, biodiversity, population and human health, human activities, material and waste management), analysis of cumulated impacts, assessment of impacts on Natura 2000 sites. It comments the content of the risk management study: risk management for the first phase of the project, return on experience from other types of reactor, return on experience from EPR reactors, risk management at the commissioning phase
L'avis de l'Ae sur le reacteur nucleaire EPR de Flamanville (50) est sollicite dans le cadre de sa mise en service, prevue desormais en 2022. L'EPR, d'une puissance de 1600 MW, est le troisieme reacteur de ce centre nucleaire de production d'electricite (CNPE), les deux premiers d'une puissance de 1300 MW chacun ayant ete mis en service en 1985 et 1986. Sa conception se veut plus securitaire que celle des precedents reacteurs, mais la construction de ce nouveau type de reacteur s'est revelee difficile a Olkiluoto (Finlande) et a Flamanville. Le principal enjeu de la mise en service de ce reacteur est la surete et la securite. Il s'agit d'un reacteur reposant sur des techniques nouvelles. Les principaux enjeux environnementaux du projet sont, dans ce contexte: - la protection durable des populations contre les rayonnements ionisants; - la qualite des milieux aquatiques; - la protection de la biodiversite; - la production de matieres et de dechets nucleaires et les incidences environnementales de leur gestion; - la securite du site. L'etude d'impact initiale n'est pas fournie. Ce qu'EDF presente comme sa mise a jour est clair et didactique, mais trop restreint dans son objet, qui se focalise sur la seule mise en service de l'EPR. Ni la phase de construction, ni la ligne electrique a tres haute tension Cotentin Maine, necessaire a l'exploitation de l'EPR et deja construite, ne sont incluses. L'etude d'impact devrait correspondre a une actualisation des etudes d'impact precedentes, rappelant en particulier les autorisations dont beneficie le projet, l'etat d'avancement de chacune de ses composantes et les incidences effectives a l'echelle globale du projet sur l'environnement. Elle devrait rappeler les raisons des choix retenus et expliciter les options remises en cause ou susceptibles d'evoluer a la lumiere du retour d'experience depuis que les premieres autorisations ont ete accordees. Pour tous les volets, l'evaluation des incidences ne prend en compte que les valeurs limites des rejets. Si elle permet ainsi de demontrer que ces incidences restent compatibles avec le bon etat du milieu et la sante humaine, appliquer la demarche 'eviter, reduire, compenser' (ERC) aux valeurs moyennes de rejets, en coherence avec le principe d'optimisation de la radioprotection, constituerait un facteur de progres qui doit pouvoir trouver sa traduction dans les autorisations de rejets (par exemple en specifiant des valeurs cibles aussi basses que raisonnablement possibles). Elle vaudrait alors demarche d'optimisation pour les rejets radioactifs. L'Ae recommande de rappeler l'evolution des rejets reels de tous les polluants chimiques et radionucleides depuis le debut des travaux, puis de presenter l'evolution attendue des valeurs limites et des rejets reels du fait de la mise en service de l'EPR. L'Ae formule plusieurs autres recommandations: expliciter les combustibles qui seront utilises et etendre le chapitre 'gestion des dechets' a toutes les matieres radioactives: developper l'analyse des incidences et les mesures ERC pour les gaz a effet de serre: assurer un suivi de la biodiversite terrestre. L'etude de maitrise des risques est d'un acces plus difficile que l'etude d'impact, consistant essentiellement en un rappel theorique des principes de la demarche de surete et des caracteristiques prevues pour y repondre, sans evoquer en detail les specificites de l'EPR de Flamanville. L'Ae recommande, a la veille de la mise en service du reacteur, de recapituler les ecarts, incidents et accidents qu'a connus I'EPR en lien avec la surete nucleaire pendant sa phase de construction et d'expliciter les mesures prises pour y repondre, en particulier pour ce qui concerne la cuve du reacteur. Elle recommande egalement de presenter le retour d'experience des EPR d'Olkiluoto (Finlande) et de Taishan (Chine) et de specifier la facon dont l'EPR va le prendre en compte, dans le cadre de la mise en service mais aussi pour anticiper les incertitudes liees a ce nouveau type de reacteur. L'ensemble des observations et recommandations de l'Ae est presente dans l'avis detailleOriginal Title
Avis delibere de l'Autorite environnementale sur l'installation nucleaire de base no. 167 - Flamanville 3 (reacteur EPR) - EDF (50)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
22 Dec 2021; 38 p; 187 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dupont-Kerlan, Elisabeth; Douard, Pascal; Palus, Patrick; Leyrit, Christian; Bouyoux, Philippe; Clement, Daniel; Daviau, Jean-Francois; King, Christine; De Conninck, Frederic; Rouede, Emmanuel; Dupont-Kerlan, Elisabeth; Auverlot, Dominique; Bouyoux, Philippe; Esteve, Christian; Griot, Alain; Tormachio, Ferdinand
Ministere de l'ecologie, du Developpement durable, des Transports et du Logement, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 la Defense cedex (France)2011
Ministere de l'ecologie, du Developpement durable, des Transports et du Logement, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 la Defense cedex (France)2011
[en] After a presentation of the programme of future investments by the General Commission on investment, an intervention of an operator (ADME), this publication gathers interventions which illustrate projects funded by this programme in the field of urban planning and construction, of transports and of energy. These projects notably concern the development of a sea energy demonstrator (the Sabella tidal turbine project), or urban development projects in Strasbourg for an eco-city
Original Title
Les investissements d'avenir - Matinee d'etudes du 9 decembre 2011
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 2011; 184 p; Morning of studies of the 9 December 2011 on future investments; Matinee d'etudes du 9 decembre 2011 sur les investissements d'avenir; La Defense (France); 9 Dec 2011; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Benoit, Guillaume; Madignier, Laurence; Roy, Claude; Bonduelle, Antoine; Bourcier, Vincent; Brun, Eric; Duvernoy, Jerome; Mondon, Sylvain; Goodur, Uttamsingh; Li, Xin; Caude, Geoffroy; Guespereau, Martin; Lavarde, Patrick; Viora, Mireille; Douard, Pascal; Dameron, Vincent; Fages, Bertille; Loquet, Maryline; Dameron, Vincent; Grimfeld, Alain; Jouzel, Jean; Le Maho, Yvon; Planton, Serge; Toussaint, Jean-Francois; Cailleton, Romain; Carrega, Marie; Dupuis, Pascal
Direction generale de l'energie et du climat - DGEC, Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc, MTE/DGEC/SCEE/Onerc, Tour Sequoia, 1 place Carpeaux, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France); La documentation Francaise, Direction de l'information legale et administrative, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2016
Direction generale de l'energie et du climat - DGEC, Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc, MTE/DGEC/SCEE/Onerc, Tour Sequoia, 1 place Carpeaux, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France); La documentation Francaise, Direction de l'information legale et administrative, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2016
[en] The assessment of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAP), produced by the General Advisory Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development, has highlighted the plan's flagship achievements and identified areas in need of improvement and the most significant shortcomings. Since much of this first plan was exploratory and therefore concentrated primarily on developing knowledge and experience in newly emerging subjects, it helped to provide a clearer picture of the issues involved in climate change adaptation in many different fields. It also pinpointed certain aspects that France will need to focus its efforts on, both in terms of the themes that are given attention and in terms of the work of local and regional authorities and public bodies. One of the areas that will need to be worked on is to bring the way economic sectors are structured into line with future climate-related issues. Some of the cross-sector work carried out under the framework of the NAP, such as the opinion on risk acceptability and governance produced by the Prevention and Precaution Committee, or the five volumes of 'The French Climate in the 21. Century', have themselves provided material for discussions about France's adaptation process and contributed to highlighting the newly emerging area of climate services. The opinion issued by the Advisory Council on Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs in 2014 offers further general insights, both from the point of view of the various sectors concerned and in terms of translating the adaptation process into practice at local and regional levels. One of the aspects it flags up is the specific issues affecting the French Overseas Territories. The action taken by France can also be viewed in the European context and the work of the European Environment Agency, underlining the positive effects of sharing experience and methods between Member States and the benefits of cross-border cooperation between neighbouring EU countries. The international cooperation aspect that is so necessary in the field of adaptation has been reflected in Article 7 of the Paris Agreement, produced in the closing stages of the 21. Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Agreement on Climate Change. In addition to the cross-cutting evaluations, several of the actions led to examining the plan or making recommendations for adaptation actions from the point of view of specific subjects. For example, the Scientific Advisory Council on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity stressed that the plan did not pay sufficient attention to biodiversity and the complex interactions between biodiversity and climate. The General Advisory Council on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas highlighted the need to address climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation together, within a framework of local-level projects and a broad vision of the agriculture, forestry and other land uses sector. Meanwhile, the Public Health Council pointed to the fact that the health issues surrounding adaptation of the population tie in closely with the subject of individual and collective behaviour. By giving a significant amount of feedback on public policy, identifying a wide range of issues and making well-supported recommendations, this report provides the public bodies with a springboard for strengthening France's adaptation process. All the stakeholders concerned will be able to take it on board in detail with the help of the in-depth analyses
Original Title
Adaptation au changement climatique - Evaluation de la demarche nationale et recommandations. Rapport au Premier ministre et au Parlement
Primary Subject
2016; 288 p; ISBN 978-2-11-010344-4; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Beeker, Etienne; Glita, Marc; Laffaille, Didier; Perrin, Marion; Cahuet, Eric; Fessler, Pierre; Coudyser, Michael; Boissier, Fabrice; Douard, Pascal; Visier, Jean-Christophe; Heuze, Loic; Nille, Thierry; Campana, Mireille
Ministere de l'economie, de l'industrie et du numerique, Conseil general de l'economie, de l'industrie, de l'energie et des technologies (France)2017
Ministere de l'economie, de l'industrie et du numerique, Conseil general de l'economie, de l'industrie, de l'energie et des technologies (France)2017
[en] This document gathers Power Point presentations as contributions to a colloquium. These contributions first addressed equipment for the production of renewable energies: increase of the French share of renewable energies installed in France; the French industry in emerging sectors like floating wind and sea energies; an industrial newcomer on the already mature market of wind turbines; the role of a cluster in the industrial development of a sector. The second set of contributions addressed the management of electric power grids at the scale of territories (Smart Grids recommendations to the Commission for Energy Regulation; research axes in storage and grids as prerequisites to an industrialisation; the development of a power grid at the scale of an economic activity area; flywheel-based storage and its industrial expectations; exploitation of photovoltaic solar plant with storage and industrial perspectives). The last set of contributions addressed building thermal renovation, heating equipment and home automation (challenges for a renovation massification; the necessary relationship between heating and home automation; structuring and development of an industrial sector; the contribution of State estate to sector structuring)
Original Title
Potentialites industrielles de la transition energetique
Primary Subject
Mar 2017; 41 p; Colloquium on industrial potentialities of energy transition; Colloque sur les Potentialites industrielles de la transition energetique; Paris (France); 2 Mar 2017; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bellin, Isabelle; Bourcier, Vincent; Brun, Eric; Duvernoy, Jerome; Lasfargues, Sylene; Mondon, Sylvain; Cazenave, Anny; Colas, Sebastien; Costa, Stephane; Deschamps, Jean-Karl; Warin, Clotilde; Douez, Olivier; Idier, Deborah; Le Cozannet, Goneri; Petit, Vincent; Gaufres, Pierre; Laborie, Vanessya; Roche, Amelie; Sergent, Philippe; Guignard, Mireille; Hardiman, Nick; Hissel, Francois; Hubert, Thierry; Jourdan, Didier; Tanguy, Yves-Marie; Lafitte, Antoine; Laroche, Roseline; Leclerc, Boris; Leymarie, Regis; Pauthonnier, Alexandre; Paz, Olivier; Planton, Serge; Santurette, Patrick; Douard, Pascal; Jouzel, Jean
Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc/National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming (France); La documentation Francaise, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2015
Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc/National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming (France); La documentation Francaise, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2015
[en] The coastline of France faces a range of highly specific challenges, in terms of demographics, urbanisation, socio-economic activities and the environment. The attractiveness of coastlines, and the ever-growing trend for soil sealing, is making these territories increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The main impacts of climate change are rising temperatures, changing rainfall and cyclone patterns, the acidification of water and rising sea levels - an impact that is addressed in detail in this work. Data gathered since the early 20. century reveal a significant trend, namely that sea levels rose substantially and quickly during the last century, at a rate five times faster than in previous millennia. In statistical terms, the average sea level rose by 1.7 ± 0.2 mm per year between 1901 and 2010, and by 3.2 ± 0.4 mm per year between 1993 in 2014. All current climate models predict that average global sea levels will rise at a rate faster than that observed between 1971 and 2010 during the 21. century. This means that, in addition to the 20 cm rise in sea levels observed in the last 150 years, the sea is expected to rise by a further 26 to 82 cm by the end of this century. The exact rise will depend on the success of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although the rise in average sea levels in the last 150 years may seem insignificant when compared with the height of waves and tides, the IPCC's summary report (2014) suggests that an average rise in sea levels of 0.5 m would, without suitable adaptation and protection measures, result in flooding occurring between 10 and 100 times more often. This report presents: 1 - The main impacts of climate change on the coastline 2 - Climate change and sea level: from the planet to the French coastline 3 - Adaptation - from crisis management to planning: 'Waves and flooding' warnings; Cost of coastal natural disasters and the insurance mechanism; Regulating territories exposed to coastal flooding risks; A national coastal erosion anticipation strategy; Experimental relocation of activities and property: towards spatial reconfiguration of territories threatened by coastal risks; Scientific knowledge, today and tomorrow; The LiCCo project and the perspectives of elected officials on both sides of the Channel
Original Title
Le littoral dans le contexte du changement climatique - Rapport au Premier ministre et au Parlement
Primary Subject
2015; 185 p; ISBN 978-2-11-010037-5; ; 93 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue