Gasquet, Isabelle; Dufournet, Charline; Sidler, Olivier; Gayet, Mathilde
Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France); Cler-Reseau pour la transition energetique, Mundo M, 47 avenu Pasteur, 93100 Montreuil (France)2022
Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France); Cler-Reseau pour la transition energetique, Mundo M, 47 avenu Pasteur, 93100 Montreuil (France)2022
[en] A first document reports a study which aimed at identifying operation conditions which are required for a heat pump to be installed instead of a boiler, and eventually the optimal conditions of such a substitution. It describes operation principles of a heat pump, briefly describes the use of heat pumps in a new building, recalls some technical aspects of building renovation, briefly presents the case of housing heated by electric convectors, and discusses the replacement of existing boilers by heat pumps. It also discusses how to efficiently use a heat pump instead of a boiler, and comments measurements performed in various social or collective housings. Based on this study, the second document states several political recommendations to be applied at the national and European levels to support the combined implementation of an efficient renovation and of a heat pump installation in order to reach the objective of climate neutrality and to phase out fossil energies in the building sector
Original Title
Role de la pompe a chaleur dans la strategie de renovation. Pompes a chaleur et renovation performante, une combinaison gagnante - Note d'orientation sur les conditions garantissant un role efficace des pompes a chaleur dans la decarbonation des batiments
Primary Subject
Nov 2022; Jan 2023; 76 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Barbier, Carine; Bringault, Anne; Chatelin, Stephane; Clairet, Stephanie; Couturier, Christian; Dufournet, Charline; Gassin, Helene; Hanau, Thierry; Jacob, Adrien; Jedliczka, Marc; Lebert, Nicolas; Letz, Thomas; Marignac, Yves; Matagne, Thomas; Quirion, Philippe; Rauzier, Emmanuel; Rieser, Thierry; Salomon, Thierry; Sidler, Olivier; Signoret, Stephane; Toledano, Adrien; Toulouse, Edouard
Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France)2021
Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France)2021
[en] In a first part, this publication outlines the present critical situation of the world, presents the negaWatt scenario as a compass for action, outlines that the method adopted for this scenario is rigorous, coherent and fruitful (a bottom-up approach, economy at the right place, carbon print and material assessment), outlines the need of a wider approach in space and in time, and the independence of this collective approach. The second part defines the objective as a more sustainable and fairer society with a global reduction of the environmental print (climate neutrality, renewable energies, reduction of material consumption, protection of biodiversity and of water resources), new economic dynamics (competitiveness of renewable energies, new industrial strategies, value creation at territorial scale, activities generating diversification and growth), perspectives of social progress (job creation, struggle against vulnerabilities and hunger, limitation of inequalities), improvement of living conditions (better health and well-being, a healthier environment, living better with less), a shared governance at all scales (democracy and efficient regulating institutions, education and information, partnerships, focus on local action). The third part details various sector-based measures (building renovation, mobility, industrial strategy, food transition and methanization, territorial development of photovoltaic, acceleration of wind energy development, a well managed nuclear phasing out), and transverse measures (governance, support to job evolutions and to ecological conversions, financing of energy transition). A fourth document proposes a synthetic presentation of these same elements
Original Title
Scenario negaWatt 2022: 1 - La transition selon Negawatt: une approche consolidee; 2 - Vers une societe plus durable et plus equitable; 3 - Les mesures structurantes a engager dans le prochain quinquennat. La transition energetique au coeur d'une transition societale - Synthese du scenario NegaWatt 2022
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2021; 75 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Metivier, Simon; Signoret, Stephane; Chatelin, Stephane; Dufournet, Charline; Renaud, Eva; Antoine, Loic; Bodineau, Luc; Deswaziere, Antoine; Dewez, Romain; Houngbe, Michelle; Mari, Elliot
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France); Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France)2023
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France); Association negaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, 26958 Valence Cedex 9 (France)2023
[en] Hydrogen will be an essential part of the energy transition. Indeed, it's possible to stop producing this molecule from fossil fuels by using water electrolysis. Since 2020, the European Union and France have committed to ambitious plans for the decarbonized production of hydrogen and for its new uses. This paper analyzes the particular weight of industrial uses in the framework of the energy transition scenario of the negaWatt Association. The interest of this systemic scenario is to evaluate the multiple interactions of hydrogen with the consumption of electricity from renewable sources, the balance of the electrical network, the industrial processes that need this H2 material, the production of synthetic methane, and certain direct uses such as heavy transportation. Hydrogen consumption, in the negaWatt scenario, develops progressively to reach 91.5 TWh PCS in 2050. This level is consistent with those estimated in the ADEME and RTE scenarios. Three industrial sectors alone capture 56% of this hydrogen volume: ammonia, which already uses hydrogen and must move from 'carbon-based' to 'low-carbon' by investing in electrolyzers; primary steel from blast furnaces, which must migrate to the DRI (direct reduced iron) technology currently being tested; and olefins for chemicals, which must go through new synthesis routes combining hydrogen and CO2. As the needs of these three industrial activities will be structuring the future of the hydrogen industry, this paper lists a series of recommendations. Some are specific to them: reconfiguring current public aid for hydrogen to accelerate the steps of the three sectors of ammonia, steel and olefins; specifically supporting the steel sector (development of DRI, purchase of decarbonized steel, greater recycling of scrap metal); identifying access to sources of CO2 that will be useful to the chemical sector and to power-to-gas (methanation). Other recommendations target support for the global renewable hydrogen production system: establish national hydrogen development objectives in line with the needs of industry and heavy transport, in order to aim for possible production autonomy; secure the supply of electricity from renewable sources (in terms of quantity and price level), for example via the PPAs, and eventually integrate the flexibility of electrolyzers into the tools for regulating the supply/demand balance on the electricity grid. Finally, a few recommendations are more general, so that French and European public policies are generally favorable to more sufficient and efficient consumption patterns, a sine qua non condition for the decarbonization of the economy, and particularly of industry: developing ecodesign and recycling more strongly, and imposing eco-conditionality criteria on companies receiving public support; prioritizing the development of wind power and photovoltaics to have the additional renewable electricity power needed for water electrolysis; informing consumers by implementing mandatory environmental labelling on consumer goods
L'hydrogene sera un vecteur incontournable de la transition energetique. En recourant a l'electrolyse de l'eau, il est en effet possible de ne plus produire cette molecule a partir d'energies fossiles. L'Union europeenne et la France ont engage depuis 2020 des plans ambitieux tant pour la production decarbonee d'hydrogene que pour ses nouveaux usages. Ce cahier d'acteur analyse le poids particulier des usages dans l'industrie, dans le cadre du scenario de transition energetique de l'Association negaWatt. L'interet de ce scenario systemique est de permettre d'evaluer les multiples interactions de l'hydrogene avec la consommation d'electricite d'origine renouvelable, l'equilibre du reseau electrique, les process industriels ayant besoin de cette matiere, la production de methane de synthese, et certains usages directs comme le transport lourd. La consommation d'hydrogene, dans le scenario negaWatt, se developpe progressivement pour atteindre 91,5 TWh PCS en 2050. Ce niveau est coherent avec ceux estimes dans les scenarios de l'ADEME et de RTE. Trois secteurs industriels captent a eux seuls 56 % de ce volume d'hydrogene: l'ammoniac, qui utilise deja de l'hydrogene et doit passer du carbone au bas-carbone en investissant dans des electrolyseurs; l'acier primaire des hauts-fourneaux, qui doit migrer vers la technologie DRI (direct reduced iron) en cours d'experimentation; les olefines pour la chimie, qui doit passer par de nouvelles voies de synthese combinant hydrogene et CO2. Comme les besoins de ces trois activites industrielles vont etre structurants pour l'avenir de la filiere hydrogene, ce cahier d'acteur liste une serie de recommandations. Certaines leurs sont specifiques: reconfigurer les aides publiques actuelles a l'hydrogene pour accelerer les demarches des trois secteurs de l'ammoniac, de l'acier et des olefines; soutenir specifiquement le secteur de l'acier (developpement du DRI, achat d'acier decarbone, plus grand recyclage des ferrailles); identifier l'acces a des sources de CO2 qui seront utiles au secteur de la chimie et a la methanation. D'autres recommandations ciblent un appui au systeme global de production d'hydrogene renouvelable: etablir des objectifs nationaux de developpement de l'hydrogene en phase avec les besoins de l'industrie et du transport lourd, afin de viser une possible autonomie de production; securiser la fourniture d'electricite d'origine renouvelable (en quantite et en niveau de prix), par exemple via les PPA; et integrer a terme la flexibilite des electrolyseurs dans les outils de regulation de l'equilibre offre/demande sur le reseau electrique. Enfin, quelques recommandations sont plus generalistes afin que les politiques publiques francaises et europeennes soient globalement favorables a des modes de consommations plus sobres et plus efficaces, condition sine qua non de la decarbonation de l'economie et particulierement de l'industrie: developper plus fortement l'eco-conception et le recyclage, et imposer des criteres d'eco-conditionnalite aux entreprises beneficiant de soutiens publics; donner priorite au developpement de l'eolien et du photovoltaique pour disposer de la puissance additionnelle d'electricite renouvelable necessaire a l'electrolyse de l'eau; informer les consommateurs par la mise en place un affichage environnemental obligatoire sur les biens de consommationOriginal Title
Priorisation des besoins de l'hydrogene dans l'industrie. Hydrogene renouvelable en 2050: la place prioritaire des secteurs industriels de l'acier primaire, de l'ammoniac et des olefines. Rapport Final + Synthese, Fevrier 2023
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Feb 2023; 74 p; 23 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue