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[en] A simple calculation for the case of a refrigeration compressor shows how to specify the limit of acceptability in helium mass spectrometry testing. The most important techniques of leak tightness testing are outlined with their specific applications
Un calcul simple dans le cas d'un compresseur frigorifique montre comment on specifie la limite d'acceptabilite lors du controle par spectrometrie de masse a helium. On passe en revue rapidement les principales methodes de controle de l'etancheite et on indique leur specificiteOriginal Title
Le controle d'etancheite a l'helium (problemes et tendances)
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Journal Article
Ingenieurs et Techniciens; (no.306); p. 24-29
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[en] The current effort in controlling the HERA ring at DESY with PCs is described. To date, the major portion of beam diagnostic controls, RF controls, proton collimators, and the quench protection system for the superconducting proton ring are all incorporated in a control system based on PCs in a NOVELL network. Magnet control is still confined to the Nord mini-computer of yore, however the likely upgrade of the magnets to PC control is also discussed, in the context of the promising all-PC control of the HERA pre-accelerator PETRA. (author). 3 refs., 3 figs
Primary Subject
Dasgupta, S.; De, S.K.; Roy, A. (eds.); Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta (India); 154 p; 1994; p. 61-71; Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre; Calcutta (India); International conference on current trends in data acquisition and control of accelerators; Calcutta (India); 6-8 Dec 1994
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Lorius, C.; Merlivat, L.; Duval, P.; Jouzel, J.; Pourchet, M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Recherche et Analyse1979
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Recherche et Analyse1979
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1979; 1 p; International symposium on sea level, ice sheets and climatic changes; Canberra, Australia; 2 - 15 Dec 1979; Published in abstract form only.
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[en] A conventional turbomolecular pump utilizes an electronic power supply or frequency converter that provides start-up power (frequency ramp), speed regulation and protection controls dedicated to an individual turbo-pump. Nuclear physics accelerators or other large installations will benefit from a new concept, that provides a turbomolecular pump with an autosynchronous hysteresis motor that does not require an individual power supply. A solution is described which allows groups of turbomolecular pumps to be operated from a central power source that provides a stable voltage and frequency supply. The turbomolecular pumps can be connected directly into the power source, significantly lowering the initial purchase and installation costs for larger users of turbomolecular pumps. (author)
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[en] A classic Turbomolecular pump uses an electronic power supply or frequency converter that provides start-up power (frequency ramp), speed regulation and protection controls dedicated to an individual Turbo-pump. Nuclear Physics accelerators or other large installations will benefit from a few concept, that provides a turbomolecular pump with an Auto-Synchronous Hysteresis motor that does not require an individual dedicated power supply. We describe a solution which allows multiples of turbomolecular pumps to be operated from a central power source that provides a stable voltage and frequency supply. The Turbomolecular pumps can be connected directly into the power source, significantly lowering the initial purchase and installation costs for large users of Turbomolecular pumps
Les pompes turbomoleculaires, de facon classique, sont alimentees par un dispositif convertisseur de frequence qui assure egalement le pilotage et le controle; ces alimentations sont, le plus souvent, constituees de transistors. Les accelerateurs modernes sont de plus en plus grands et l'energie des particules augmente considerablement, ce qui entraine des contraintes nouvelles pour tous les equipements resultant du niveau eleve de radiation. Il se trouve que tous les dispositifs a transistor sont sensibles aux radiations ionisantes et il est donc indispensable d'eloigner les convertisseurs de frequence des pompes qu'ils sont charges d'alimenter, ce qui conduit a des installations couteuses lorsque le nombre de pompe a mettre en oeuvre est grand. Nous avons developpe une gamme de pompes turbomoleculaires qui utilisent toutes un moteur a Hysteresis dont l'alimentation est moins contraignante que celle des moteurs utilises classiquement, et qui autorise la realisation de circuits beaucoup moins sensibles aux radiationsOriginal Title
Pompes turbomoleculaires avec moteur a Hysteresis pour accelerateurs de particules
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[en] Experience has shown that imaging software and hardware installations at accelerator facilities needs to be changed, adapted and updated on a semi-permanent basis. On this premise the component-based core architecture of Video System 3 was founded. In design and implementation, emphasis was, is, and will be put on flexibility, performance, low latency, modularity, inter operability, use of open source, ease of use as well as reuse, good documentation and multi-platform capability. In the past year, a milestone was reached as Video System 3 entered production-level at PITZ, Hasylab and PETRA III. Since then, the development path has been more strongly influenced by production-level experience and customer feedback. In this contribution, we describe the current status, layout, recent developments and perspective of the Video System. Focus will be put on integration of recording and playback of video sequences to Archive/DAQ, a standalone installation of the Video System on a notebook as well as experiences running on Windows 7-64 bit. In addition, new client-side multi-platform GUI/application developments using Java are about to hit the surface. Last but not least it must be mentioned that although the implementation of Release 3 is integrated into the TINE control system, it is modular enough so that integration into other control systems can be considered. (authors)
Primary Subject
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF, 38 Grenoble (France); 1423 p; ISSN 2226-0358; ; 2012; p. 427-430; 13. International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems - ICALEPCS 2011; Grenoble (France); 10-14 Oct 2011; 9 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Langlet, J.P.; Eon-Duval, P.; Menet, O.
Chemistry in water reactors: operating experience and new developments. Volume 21994
Chemistry in water reactors: operating experience and new developments. Volume 21994
[en] Operational experience on pressurized water reactors (PWRs) throughout the world, including at EDF, has confirmed the importance of monitoring and controlling secondary-circuit chemistry to protect steam generators (SG) against risks of corrosion. Consequently, EDF was led to impose particularly strict operating specifications to guarantee that the water in SGs was always as pure as possible. These specifications applied at several points on the circuit where the secondary fluid is continuously analyzed. The main specification concerns the cationic conductivity and sodium concentration at the SG blowdown. Various operating zones, some with time limits depending on the pollution concentrations reached, are imposed. Instructions state that, if some of these limits are exceeded, the load must be immediately reduced. However, corrosion problems encountered on the secondary-side of SG tubes, at the tube support plate level, in certain EDF reactors showed that strict compliance with the standards was not enough to avoid this type of corrosion. Consequently, the health physics ALARA principle must be applied to chemistry to protect steam generators against the risk of corrosion due to weak, but long-term pollution. In general, the operator is not capable of this type of ''on-line'' analysis since it requires thorough knowledge of the physico-chemical phenomena involved and because the raw data required to interpret them is fed to a number of recorders whose output is relatively imprecise. To satisfy plant operators' requests, the Laboratories Group, responsible for preparing the Power Generation and Transport Division's (DEPT) policy and the Design and Research Data Processing and Applied Mathematics (IMA) department undertook joint development of the expert system. Work on the product described here began in 1988. (authors). 5 refs
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 361 p; 1994; p. 541-544; Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire; Paris (France); International Conference on Chemistry in Water Reactors: Operating Experience and New Developments; Nice (France); 24-27 Apr 1994
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Duval, P.; Lomperski, M.; Bobnar, J.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS 20152016
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS 20152016
[en] A mature control system will provide central services such as alarm handling, archiving, location and naming, debugging, etc. along with development tools. It has become common to refer to the collection of these services as a 'studio'. Indeed Control System Studio (CSS) strives to provide such services independent of the control system protocol. Such a 'one-size-fits-all' approach is likely, however, to focus on features and behavior of the most prominent control system protocol in use, providing a good fit there but perhaps offering only a rudimentary fit for 'other' control systems. TINE is for instance supported by CSS but is much better served by making use of TINE Studio. We report here on the rich set of services and utilities comprising TINE Studio. (author)
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Secondary Subject
Riches, Kathleen (ed.) (Synchrotron Light Source Australia, Melbourne, VIC (Australia)); Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, VIC (Australia); Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Lucas Heights, NSW (Australia); 1225 p; ISBN 978-3-95450-148-9; ; Jan 2016; p. 1017-1020; ICALEPCS 2015: 15. International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems; Melbourne, VIC (Australia); 17-23 Oct 2015; Also available online from; 6 refs., 9 figs.
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Eon-Duval, P.; Fiquet, J.M.; Hannedouche, P.; Menet, O.
Expert systems applied at nuclear power plant1990
Expert systems applied at nuclear power plant1990
[en] The characteristics and the objectives of the expert system SODEXPERT are presented. SODEXPERT proposes a diagnostic when the chemical sensors detect an abnormal increase in the composition of the secondary circuit water. In case of doubt, SODEXPERT gives several possibilities for pollution causes. The ALOUETTE expert system generator is applied and an analysis time of about one minute is required. SODEXPERT can perform only static and instantaneous analysis. The integration of dynamic and previsional aspects of pollution are discussed
Les caracteristiques et les objectifs du systeme expert SODEXPERT sont presentes. SODEXPERT propose un diagnostic en cas de montee en valeur anormale des automates chimiques controlant la composition de l'eau du circuit secondaire d'une centrale REP. SODEXPERT peut fournir, en cas de doute, plusieurs causes possibles de pollution. Le systeme utilise le generateur de systemes experts ALOUETTE et son interrogation est de l'ordre de la minute. Dans sa forme actuelle SODEXPERT analyse une situation statique et instantanee. La prise en compte de l'aspect dynamique et previsionnel d'une pollution est considereeOriginal Title
SODEXPERT: Un systeme expert en salle de commande pour le diagnostic des pollutions chimiques du circuit secondaire d'une tranche REP
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 275 p; 1990; p. 97-110; Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire; Paris (France); SFEN Days on Expert Systems Applied at Nuclear Power Plants; Journees sur les Systemes Experts Appliques aux Activites des Centrales Nucleaires; Paris (France); 6-7 Dec 1989
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Eon-Duval, P.; Fiquet, J.M.; Hannedouche, P.; Menet, O.
Proceedings of the 1991 JAIF international conference on water chemistry in nuclear power plants1991
Proceedings of the 1991 JAIF international conference on water chemistry in nuclear power plants1991
[en] SODEXPERT is an expert system designed for use as a tool by PWR control room supervisors. It proposes a diagnostic if an abnormal value is detected by the on-line devices monitoring the chemistry of the secondary system water. If the rise is large, interrogating SODEXPERT must not represent an additional workload for the operator. But a slightest rise in the parameters indicating latent pollution must result in its activation. For these reasons, SODEXPERT is preceded by an auxiliary expert system which automatically processes the sensor data relayed to the control room and determines whether the diagnostic procedure is to be activated, according to suitable criteria. SODEXPERT makes a diagnostic on the basis of an analysis of on-line monitors reading variations and requires minimal input from the operator simply consisting of replying to questions concerning the operating conditions of the unit at the time of the interrogation. When an ingress of raw water is detected, it gives an estimate of the flowrate ; for other cases of contamination - the ingress of sodium hydroxide, trisodium phosphate or acid - it normally locates the source of the contamination. The diagnostic is, insofar as possible, supplemented by operating instructions. Chemical contamination affecting the secondary system generally begins in the condenser and progressively spreads to the steam generators, which are the parts of the system the most vulnerable to corrosion. SODEXPERT thus provides the operator, in addition to the diagnostic, with information on the probable development of the contamination of the steam generators, giving the final value and the hour at which it will be reached. SODEXPERT runs on a PC compatible microcomputer under MS-DOS. (J.P.N.)
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Secondary Subject
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Tokyo (Japan); 811 p; 1991; p. 416-422; Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc; Tokyo (Japan); 1991 JAIF international conference on water chemistry in nuclear power plants; Fukui (Japan); 22-25 Apr 1991
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