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Egusa, Fumi; Scoville, Nick; Koda, Jin, E-mail: fegusa@ir.isas.jaxa.jp2011
[en] We present sensitive and high angular resolution CO(1-0) data obtained by the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy observations toward the nearby grand-design spiral galaxy M51. The angular resolution of 0.''7 corresponds to 30 pc, which is similar to the typical size of giant molecular clouds (GMCs), and the sensitivity is also high enough to detect typical GMCs. Within the 1' field of view centered on a spiral arm, a number of GMC-scale structures are detected as clumps. However, only a few clumps are found to be associated with each giant molecular association (GMA) and more than 90% of the total flux is resolved out in our data. Considering the high sensitivity and resolution of our data, these results indicate that GMAs are not mere confusion with GMCs but plausibly smooth structures. In addition, we have found that the most massive clumps are located downstream of the spiral arm, which suggests that they are at a later stage of molecular cloud evolution across the arm and plausibly are cores of GMAs. By comparing with Hα and Paα images, most of these cores are found to have nearby star-forming regions. We thus propose an evolutionary scenario for the interstellar medium, in which smaller molecular clouds collide to form smooth GMAs at spiral arm regions and then star formation is triggered in the GMA cores. Our new CO data have revealed the internal structure of GMAs at GMC scales, finding the most massive substructures on the downstream side of the arm in close association with the brightest H II regions.
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Egusa, Fumi; Kohno, Kotaro; Komugi, Shinya; Sofue, Yoshiaki; Nakanishi, Hiroyuki, E-mail: fegusa@astro.caltech.edu2009
[en] We present a revised method for simultaneous determination of the pattern speed (ΩP) and star formation timescale (t SF) of spiral galaxies, which is originally proposed in our previous work. As this method utilizes offsets between molecular and young-stellar arms, we refer to it as the 'Offset Method'. Details of the method, its application, and results for CO and Hα images of 13 nearby spiral galaxies are described here. CO data are from our observations with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array for two galaxies, and from the BIMA SONG for the rest. Out of 13 galaxies, we were able to derive ΩP and t SF for five galaxies. We categorize them as 'C' galaxies as their offsets are clear. Our findings from these galaxies are as follows. (1) The corotation radius calculated by the derived ΩP is close to the edge of the CO data, and is about half of the optical radius for three galaxies. (2) The derived t SF is roughly consistent with the free-fall time of typical molecular clouds, which indicates that the gravitational instability is the dominant mechanism triggering star formation in spiral arms. (3) The t SF is found to be almost independent of the surface density of molecular gas, metallicity, or spiral arm strengths. The number of 'C' galaxies and the quality of CO data, however, are not enough to confirm these relationships. We also find that two other galaxies show no offsets between CO and Hα, although their arms are clearly traced, and categorize them as 'N' galaxies. The presence of a bar could account for this feature, since these two galaxies are both barred. With one galaxy excluded from our analysis due to its poor rotation curve, offsets of the remaining five galaxies are found to be ambiguous. Either their dependence on the rotational frequency cannot be explained by our picture, or the number or quality of data is not sufficient for the analysis. We categorize them as 'A' galaxies. The possible reasons for this ambiguity are (1) the density wave is weaker, and/or (2) observational resolution and sensitivity are not enough to detect the spiral arms and their offsets clearly. The former is supported by our finding that the arm strengths of 'A' galaxies are slightly weaker than that of 'C' galaxies.
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Egusa, Fumi; Wada, Takehiko; Arimatsu, Ko; Matsuhara, Hideo; Sakon, Itsuki; Onaka, Takashi, E-mail: fegusa@ir.isas.jaxa.jp2013
[en] Using mid-infrared (MIR) images of four photometric bands of the Infrared Camera on board the AKARI satellite, S7 (7 μm), S11 (11 μm), L15 (15 μm), and L24 (24 μm), we investigate the interstellar dust properties of the nearby pair of galaxies M51 with respect to their spiral arm structure. The arm and interarm regions are defined based on a spatially filtered stellar component model image and we measure the arm/interarm contrast for each band. The contrast is lowest in the S11 image, which we interpret as meaning that among the four AKARI MIR bands, the S11 image best correlates with the spatial distribution of dust grains including colder components. On the other hand, the L24 image, with the highest contrast, traces warmer dust heated by star forming activity. The surface brightness ratio between the bands, i.e., color, is measured over the disk of the main galaxy, M51a, at 300 pc resolution. We find that the distribution of S7/S11 is smooth and traces the global spiral arm pattern well while L15/S11 and L24/S11 peak at individual H II regions. This result indicates that the ionization state of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is related to the spiral structure. Comparison with observational data and dust models also supports the importance of the variation in the PAH ionization state within the M51a disk. However, the mechanism driving this variation is not yet clear from the currently available datasets. Another suggestion from the comparison with the models is that the PAH fraction in the total dust mass is higher than previously estimated
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Louie, Melissa; Koda, Jin; Egusa, Fumi, E-mail: melissa.louie@stonybrook.edu2013
[en] We report measurements of geometric offsets between gas spiral arms and associated star-forming regions in the grand-design spiral galaxy M51. These offsets are a suggested measure of the star formation timescale after the compression of gas at spiral arm entry. A surprising discrepancy, by an order of magnitude, has been reported in recent offset measurements in nearby spiral galaxies. Measurements using CO and Hα emission find large and ordered offsets in M51. On the contrary, small or non-ordered offsets have been found using the H I 21 cm and 24 μm emissions, possible evidence against gas flow through spiral arms, and thus against the conventional density-wave theory with a stationary spiral pattern. The goal of this paper is to understand the cause of this discrepancy. We investigate potential causes by repeating those previous measurements using equivalent data, methods, and parameters. We find offsets consistent with the previous measurements and conclude that the difference of gas tracers, i.e., H I versus CO, is the primary cause. The H I emission is contaminated significantly by the gas photodissociated by recently formed stars and does not necessarily trace the compressed gas, the precursor of star formation. The H I gas and star-forming regions coincide spatially and tend to show small offsets. We find mostly positive offsets with substantial scatter between CO and Hα, suggesting that gas flow through spiral arms (i.e., density wave) though the spiral pattern may not necessarily be stationary.
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[en] We report the CO(J = 1-0) observations of the Whirlpool Galaxy M51 using both the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) and the Nobeyama 45 m telescope (NRO45). We describe a procedure for the combination of interferometer and single-dish data. In particular, we discuss (1) the joint imaging and deconvolution of heterogeneous data, (2) the weighting scheme based on the root-mean-square (rms) noise in the maps, (3) the sensitivity and uv coverage requirements, and (4) the flux recovery of a combined map. We generate visibilities from the single-dish map and calculate the noise of each visibility based on the rms noise. Our weighting scheme, though it is applied to discrete visibilities in this paper, should be applicable to grids in uv space, and this scheme may advance in future software development. For a realistic amount of observing time, the sensitivities of the NRO45 and CARMA visibility data sets are best matched by using the single-dish baselines only up to 4-6 kλ (about 1/4-1/3 of the dish diameter). The synthesized beam size is determined to conserve the flux between the synthesized beam and convolution beam. The superior uv coverage provided by the combination of CARMA long baseline data with 15 antennas and NRO45 short spacing data results in the high image fidelity, which is evidenced by the excellent overlap between even the faint CO emission and dust lanes in an optical Hubble Space Telescope image and polycyclicaromatichydrocarbon emission in a Spitzer 8 μm image. The total molecular gas masses of NGC 5194 and 5195 (d = 8.2 Mpc) are 4.9 x 109 M sun and 7.8 x 107 M sun, respectively, assuming the CO-to-H2 conversion factor of X CO = 1.8 x 1020 cm-2(K km s-1)-1. The presented images are an indication of the millimeter-wave images that will become standard in the next decade with CARMA and NRO45, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array.
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Gao, Yulong; Liu, Guilin; Kong, Xu; Egusa, Fumi; Kohno, Kotaro; Bao, Min; Morokuma-Matsui, Kana; Chen, Xiaoyang, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] High-resolution observations of ionized and molecular gas in the nuclear regions of galaxies are indispensable for delineating the interplay of star formation, gaseous inflows, stellar radiation, and feedback processes. Combining our new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array band 3 mapping and archival Very Large Telescope/MUSE data, we present a spatially resolved analysis of molecular and ionized gas in the central 5.4 kpc region of NGC 1365. We find the star formation rate/efficiency (SFR/SFE) in the inner circumnuclear ring is about 0.4/1.1 dex higher than in the outer regions. At a linear resolution of 180 pc, we obtain a superlinear Kennicutt–Schmidt law, demonstrating a steeper slope (1.96 ± 0.14) than previous results presumably based on lower-resolution observations. Compared to the northeastern counterpart, the southwestern dust lane shows lower SFE, but denser molecular gas and larger virial parameters. This is consistent with an interpretation of negative feedback from an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and/or starburst, in the sense that the radiation/winds can heat and interact with the molecular gas even in relatively dense regions. After subtracting the circular motion component of the molecular gas and the stellar rotation, we detect two prominent noncircular motion components of molecular and ionized hydrogen gas, reaching a line-of-sight velocity of up to 100 km s−1. We conclude that the winds or shocked gas from the central AGN may expel the low-density molecular gas and diffuse ionized gas on the surface of the rotating disk.
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Dobashi, Kazuhito; Egusa, Fumi; Bernard, Jean-Philippe; Paradis, Deborah; Kawamura, Akiko; Hughes, Annie; Bot, Caroline; Reach, William T., E-mail:
[en] In this paper, we present the first extinction map of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) constructed using the color excess at near-infrared wavelengths. Using a new technique named X percentile method, which we developed recently to measure the color excess of dark clouds embedded within a star distribution, we have derived an E(J - H) map based on the SIRIUS and 6X Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) star catalogs. Several dark clouds are detected in the map derived from the SIRIUS star catalog, which is deeper than the 6X 2MASS catalog. We have compared the E(J - H) map with a model calculation in order to infer the locations of the clouds along the line of sight, and found that many of them are likely to be located in or elongated toward the far side of the SMC. Most of the dark clouds found in the E(J - H) map have counterparts in the CO clouds detected by Mizuno et al. with the NANTEN telescope. A comparison of the E(J - H) map with the virial mass derived from the CO data indicates that the dust-to-gas ratio in the SMC varies in the range AV /N H = 1-2 x 10-22 mag H-1 cm2 with a mean value of ∼1.5 x 10-22 mag H-1 cm2. If the virial mass underestimates the true cloud mass by a factor of ∼2, as recently suggested by Bot et al., the mean value would decrease to ∼8x10-23 mag H-1 cm2, in good agreement with the value reported by Gordon et al., 7.59 x 10-23mag H-1 cm2.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Astronomical Journal (New York, N.Y. Online); ISSN 1538-3881; ; v. 137(6); p. 5099-5109
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[en] We present the largest sample to date of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in a substantial spiral galaxy other than the Milky Way. We map the distribution of molecular gas with high resolution and image fidelity within the central 5 kpc of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 in the 12CO (J = 1-0) transition. By combining observations from the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m single dish telescope and the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy interferometer, we are able to obtain high image fidelity and accurate measurements of LCO compared with previous purely interferometric studies. We resolve individual GMCs, measure their luminosities and virial masses, and derive XCO—the conversion factor from CO measurements to H2 masses—within individual clouds. On average, we find that XCO = 1.2 × 1020 cm–2 (K km s–1)–1, which is consistent within our uncertainties with previously derived Galactic values as well as the value we derive for Galactic GMCs above our mass sensitivity limit. The properties of our GMCs are largely consistent with the trends observed for molecular clouds detected in the Milky Way disk, with the exception of six clouds detected within ∼400 pc of the center of NGC 6946, which exhibit larger velocity dispersions for a given size and luminosity, as has also been observed at the Galactic center.
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[en] The H II region luminosity function (LF) is an important tool for deriving the birthrates and mass distribution of OB associations and is an excellent tracer of the newly formed massive stars and associations. To date, extensive work (predominantly in Hα) has been done from the ground, which is hindered by dust extinction and the severe blending of adjacent (spatially or in projection) H II regions. Reliably measuring the properties of H II regions requires a linear resolution <40 pc, but analyses satisfying this requirement have been done only in a handful of galaxies, so far. As the first space-based work using a galaxy sample, we have selected 12 galaxies from our HST/NICMOS Paα survey and studied the LF and size distribution of H II regions both in individual galaxies and cumulatively, using a virtually extinction-free tracer of the ionizing photon rate. The high angular resolution and low sensitivity to diffuse emission of NICMOS also offer an advantage over ground-based imaging by enabling a higher degree of de-blending of the H II regions. We do not confirm the broken power-law LFs found in ground-based studies. Instead, we find that the LFs, both individual and co-added, follow a single power law dN(L)/dln L∝L –1, are consistent with the mass function of star clusters in nearby galaxies, and are in agreement with the results of the existing analyses with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. The individual and co-added size distributions of H II regions are both roughly consistent with dN(D)/dln D∝D –3, but the power-law scaling is probably contaminated by blended regions or complexes
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[en] We resolve 182 individual giant molecular clouds (GMCs) larger than 2.5 × 105 M☉ in the inner disks of 5 large nearby spiral galaxies (NGC 2403, NGC 3031, NGC 4736, NGC 4826, and NGC 6946) to create the largest such sample of extragalactic GMCs within galaxies analogous to the Milky Way. Using a conservatively chosen sample of GMCs most likely to adhere to the virial assumption, we measure cloud sizes, velocity dispersions, and 12CO (J = 1-0) luminosities and calculate cloud virial masses. The average conversion factor from CO flux to H2 mass (or XCO) for each galaxy is 1-2 × 1020 cm–2 (K km s–1)–1, all within a factor of two of the Milky Way disk value (∼2 × 1020 cm–2 (K km s–1)–1). We find GMCs to be generally consistent within our errors between the galaxies and with Milky Way disk GMCs; the intrinsic scatter between clouds is of order a factor of two. Consistent with previous studies in the Local Group, we find a linear relationship between cloud virial mass and CO luminosity, supporting the assumption that the clouds in this GMC sample are gravitationally bound. We do not detect a significant population of GMCs with elevated velocity dispersions for their sizes, as has been detected in the Galactic center. Though the range of metallicities probed in this study is narrow, the average conversion factors of these galaxies will serve to anchor the high metallicity end of metallicity-XCO trends measured using conversion factors in resolved clouds; this has been previously possible primarily with Milky Way measurements
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