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[en] The principles, variable parameters and potential information underlying experiments which involve the scattering of neutral particles with thermal kinetic energies at metal surfaces are briefly outlined. A few examples for the application of ground-state particles are presented: Diffractive scattering, studies on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption as well as reactive scattering. Scattering of electronically excited particles may give rise to electron emission as is demonstrated for metastable He-atoms impinging on clean and adsorbate covered Pd surfaces. Analysis of the electron density distributions yields information on the valence electron states of the outmost layers. (Auth.)
2. European conference on surface science; Cambridge, UK; 26 - 29 Mar 1979
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Surface Science; ISSN 0039-6028; ; v. 89(1-3); p. 525-539
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The oxidation of polycrystalline samples of Ni/Pd-alloys at 6000C and 2 x 10-5 Torr O2 has been investigated by means of Auger electron spectroscopy and soft X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy. The clean surfaces are enriched by Pd; and with increasing Pd content the binding energy of the Ni 2p-core levels was found to decrease continuously by 0.7 eV. After completion of the oxidation identical overlayers were formed on all samples (except on pure Pd) which were identified to consist of NiO. Within the depth probed by the applied techniques (approximately < 20 A) the rate of oxidation was found to increase with increasing Pd content, which is in contrast to the behaviour to be expected for the growth of thick oxide layers after the formation of a coherent NiO overlayer. (orig.)
Die Oxydation polykristalliner Proben von Ni-Pd-Legierungen wurde bei 6000C und bei einem O2-Partialdruck von 2 x 10-5 Torr mit Hilfe der Augerelektronen- und Roentgenfluoreszenzspektroskopie (appearance potential spectroscopy) untersucht. Die sauberen Oberflaechen werden mit Pd angereichert, und es wurde gefunden, dass die Bindungsenergie der 2p-core-Niveaus des Ni mit zunehmenden Pd-Gehalt kontinuierlich um 0,7 eV abnehmen. Nach vollstaendiger Oxydation werden bei allen Proben (ausgenommen reines Pd) identische Ueberzuege gebildet, die als NiO identifiziert wurden. Innerhalb der durch die angewandten Techniken untersuchten Tiefe (ca. < 20 A) wurde gefunden, dass die Oxydationsrate mit steigendem Pd-Gehalt zunimmt; dieses steht im Gegensatz zu dem Verhalten, das fuer das Wachstum dicker Oxidschichten nach der Bildung eines kohaerenten NiO-Ueberzuges zu erwarten waere. (GSCH)Primary Subject
7 figs.; 29 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Teil A, Physik, Physikalische Chemie, Kosmophysik; v. 31(2); p. 205-210
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[en] Theoretical analysis of Surface Penning Ionization (SPI) is reported and applied to the process Hesup(*) + CO → He + CO+ + e- for CO molecules adsorbed on a Pd(111) surface. Potential curves, ionization rates, and angular distributions of the emitted electrons are calculated. The results exhibit the extreme surface sensitivity of SPI and indicate its usefulness in studying the electronic and geometrical properties of adsorbates. (orig.)
Record Type
Journal Article
Surface Science; ISSN 0039-6028; ; v. 93(1); p. L75-L81
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this case of an 71 year old female patient the explantation of an infected pacemaker system was complicated by the fact that the infected electrode was not extracted at first but only shortened to an extent, which make further extraction along the original cephalical implantation route impossible. By combined use of a pigtail catheter and a wire loop with sheath the infected electrode was pulled into the inferior vena cava. By twisting the pigtail catheter counterclockwise the screw-in-electrode was screwed out and extracted consecutively. With this method the more perilous cardiovascular surgery including atriotomy could be avoided and the source of chronic infection could be removed permanently. (orig.)
Die Explanation eines infizierten Schrittmachersystems war in dem hier berichteten Fall einer 71jaehrigen Patientin dadurch kompliziert, dass die infizierte Elektrode nicht ueber ihren urspruenglichen Zugang extrahiert wurde und gekappt belassen worden war. Mittels kombinierter Anwendung eines Pigtailkatheters und einer fuer die endoskopische Polypabtragung benutzten Drahtschlinge mit Teflontubus konnte die infizierte Elektrode in die Vena cava gezogen, durch gleichzeitiges Drehen des Pigtailkatheters herausgeschraubt und anschliessend endgueltig extrahiert werden. Mit dieser speziellen Extraktion konnten der risikoreichere thorachirurgische Eingriff mit Atriotomie vermieden und die chronische Infektionsquelle endgueltig saniert werden. (orig.)Original Title
Extraktion einer chronisch-infizierten endokardialen Schrittmacherschraubelektrode mittels Pigtailkatheter und Drahtschlinge ueber die Vena femoralis
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Roentgen Berichte; ISSN 0302-7813; ; v. 13(1); p. 63-74
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The adsorption of CO and O2 on Pd(111) has been studied using the molecular beam technique. Absolute sticking coefficients have been measured for CO adsorption. The oxidation of CO is shown to proceed via a Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism: no evidence for an Eley-Rideal (ER) mechanism is seen. (Auth.)
Dobrozemsky, R.; Ruedenauer, F.; Viehboeck, F.P.; Breth, A. (eds.); p. 1365-1368; Sep 1977; p. 1365-1368; Oesterr. Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie G.m.b.H; Vienna, Austria; 7. international vacuum congress and 3. international conference on solid surfaces; Vienna, Austria; 12 - 16 Sep 1977
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Atomic hydrogen chemisorbed on a Ni(111) surface forms at coverage between 0.3 and 0.6 an ordered 2x1-structure as observed by low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The intensity of the fractional-order LEED spots was measured at different coverages as a function of temperature. continuous order-disorder transitions are found, the maximum transition temperature (270 K) being at Theta = 0.5. The phase diagram, however, is asymmetric with respect to this coverage and can therefore presumably not be explained on the basis of (independent) pairwise interactions. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Solid State Communications; ISSN 0038-1098; ; v. 25(10); p. 763-766
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Adsorption of K on Fe(110), (100) and (111) surfaces was studied by means of LEED, AES, thermal desorption and work function measurements. The monolayer capacity is about 5.5 x 1014 K-atoms/cm2 in all three cases. With Fe(111) an ordered 3 x 3 overlayer was found at fairly low coverages. The work function decreases to a minimum and the initial dipole moments were determined to μ0 = 7.0 Debye for Fe(110), μ0 = 4.4 Debye for K/Fe(100) and μ0 = 3.9 Debye for K/Fe(111). The heat of adsorption decreases from its initial value (Fe(110): 57; Fe(100): 54; Fe(111): 52 kcal/mole) continuously with increasing coverage which parallels the continuous decrease of the dipole moment of the adsorbate complex. (orig.)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Surface Science; ISSN 0039-6028; ; v. 108(2); p. 357-367
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Katalytischer Zerfall von Hydrazin an Palladium
Primary Subject
8 figs.; 13 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt); v. 93(1-6); p. 109-118
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Angular distributions of CO2, I(γsub(r)), formed by catalytic reaction between CO and O2 on a stepped Pt(111) surface, have been measured by means of molecular beam techniques as a function of CO and O coverages, in the presence of 'subsurface oxide', and at varying temperatures. The resulting data can well be fitted by I(γsub(r))=a cos γsub(r)+(1-a) cos7γsub(r) with a being an adjustable parameter which varies with the surface conditions. The cos γsub(r) part is ascribed to particles which were completely accommodated with their translational energy to the surface temperature before leaving the surface, while the cos7 γsub(r) channel corresponds to molecules carrying excess translational energy from crossing the activation barrier of the surface reaction. The fraction of thermally accommodated particles increases by the presence of steps or 'subsurface oxide', and decreases with O and CO coverage as well as with increasing temperature. The effect of coverage can qualitatively be attributed to the varying participation of defect sites in product formation, while the influence of surface temperature is well reproduced in the framework of a general theoretical model. Scattering experiments with CO2 revealed that the trapping probability for this molecule of the order of 0.5, thus confirming the conclusion of incomplete thermal accommodation of a CO2 molecule interacting with a Pt(111) surface. (orig./RK)
Primary Subject
With 41 refs.; CODEN: SUSCA.
Record Type
Journal Article
Surface Science; ISSN 0039-6028; ; v. 138(2/3); p. 505-523
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] There is some controversy whether or not nitroglycerin improves blood flow to the ischemic myocardial zone. One aspect of the study was to determine the effect of nitroglycerin on thallium-201 distribution in patients with myocardial infarction. The results suggest that nitroglycerin may improve blood flow to an ischemic zone and that thallium-201 myocardial imaging (TMI) before. and after nitroglycerin may thus indicate viability of the myocardium. It needs further investigation to prove whether this myocardial tissue may profit from bypass graft surgery. Second aspect of the study was to find a pharmacological tool to detect viable myocardium inside or around TMI defects
Primary Subject
Raynaud, C. (ed.); 1141 p; ISBN 0-08-027-090-5; ; 1982; v. 2 p. 1455-1457; Pergamon; Paris (France); 3. World congress of nuclear medicine and biology; Paris (France); 29 Aug - 2 Sep 1982
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