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Original Title
Stillegung des Siemens Brennelementewerks Hanau. Endlagergerechte Konditionierung von U- und Pu-haltigen Abfaellen und deren Zwischenlagerung am Standort
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany); 734 p; ISSN 0720-9207; ; 2001; p. 287-290; 2001 annual meeting on nuclear technology; Jahrestagung Kerntechnik (JK) 2001; Dresden (Germany); 15-17 May 2001; 3 refs.
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Original Title
Stillegung der Siemens MOX-Anlage Hanau - Leerfahren als erster Schritt
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bauer, G. (comp.); Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany); 791 p; ISSN 0720-9207; ; May 1998; p. 533-537; Annual meeting on nuclear technology; Jahrestagung Kerntechnik (JK '98); Munich (Germany); 26-28 May 1998
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[en] In the period since Germany's experimental final repository ASSE was closed in 1978, around 5000 drums of conditioned plutonium-bearing radioactive waste from mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication have accumulated in the interim storage facilities of siemens AG's MOX fuel fabrication plant in hanau, Germany - formerly ALKEM GmbH, now siemens decommissioning projects (siemens DP). Another 5000 drums will arise in the course of decommissioning and dismantling the MOX plant which has now been underway for some months. The German Federal Government estimates that a geologic repository will not be needed for at least another 30 years. Therefore siemens is taking the necessary steps to enable radwaste to be safely stored in aboveground interim storage facilities for a prolonged period of time. Conditioning of MOX waste by cementation in drums was started in 1984. Permission to keep the drums in interim storage for a longer period of time in their current form would be extremely difficult to obtain as their corrosion resistance would have to be demonstrated for a further 30 years. The present goal is therefore to create a waste form suitable for interim storage which needs no maintenance over a long-term period, incorporates state-of-the-art technology and satisfy the requirements currently specified for final storage at the ''konrad'' repository [1]. The goal can be attained by immobilizing the cemented waste drums in concrete inside steel ''konrad containers'' (KCs). The KCs themselves and the concrete backfill represent two further barriers which not only serve as radiation shielding but also protect the drums against corrosion as well as any possible release of radioactive materials in the event of accidents occurring during interim storage. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Odoj, R.; Baier, J.; Brennecke, P.; Kuehn, K. (eds.); Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Sicherheitsforschung und Reaktortechnik; Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Berlin (Germany); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); 420 p; ISBN 3-89336-335-1; ; 2003; p. 287-292; RADWAP 2002: 4. international seminar on radioactive waste products; Wuerzburg (Germany); 22-26 Sep 2002; ISSN 1433-5522; ; Available from TIB Hannover: RR 9347(27)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Rueckbau einer α-kontaminierten Wand. Stilllegung des Siemens Brennelementwerks Hanau
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany); 734 p; ISSN 0720-9207; ; 2001; p. 511-514; 2001 annual meeting on nuclear technology; Jahrestagung Kerntechnik (JK) 2001; Dresden (Germany); 15-17 May 2001
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Baumann, R.; Faber, P.
KONTEC 2003: 6. international symposium - Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning wastes, including 6. status report of BMBF 'Decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities'. Proceedings2003
KONTEC 2003: 6. international symposium - Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning wastes, including 6. status report of BMBF 'Decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities'. Proceedings2003
[en] At the mixed-oxide (MOX) processing facility formerly operated by ALKEM GmbH in Hanau, Germany - which was taken over to Siemens in 1988 and renamed Siemens' Hanau Fuel Fabrication Plant, MOX facility - around 8500 kg of plutonium were processed to make MOX fuel rods and fuel assemblies since production started in 1965. After shutdown of the facility by the authorities in mid-1991 for political reasons, the remaining nuclear fuel materials were processed during the subsequent ''cleanout'' phase starting in 1997 into rods and assemblies suitable for long-term storage. The last step in cleanout consisted of ''flushing'' the production equipment with depleted uranium and thoroughly cleaning the gloveboxes. During cleanout around 700 kg of plutonium were processed in the form of mixed oxides. The cleanout phase including the subsequent cleaning and flushing operations ended on schedule in September 2001 without any significant problems. Starting in mid-1999, the various glovebox dismantling techniques were tested using uncontaminated components while cleanout was still in progress and then, once these trials had been successfully completed, further qualified through use on actual components. The pilot-phase trials required four separate licenses under Section 7, Subsection (3) of the German Atomic Energy Act. Thanks to detailed advance planning and experience from the pilot trials the individual dismantling steps could be described in sufficient detail for the highly complex German licensing procedure. The first partial license for decommissioning the MOX facility under Sec. 7, Subsec. (3) of the Atomic Energy Act was issued on May 28, 2001. It mainly covers dismantling of the interior equipment inside the gloveboxes a well as the gloveboxes themselves. Actual decommissioning work inside the former production areas of the MOX facility started on a large scale in early September 2001. (orig.)
Original Title
Zerlegungstechniken fuer Pu-kontaminierte Handschuhkaesten: Erfahrungsbericht nach einem Jahr Rueckbau
Primary Subject
KONTEC Gesellschaft fuer technische Kommunikation mbH, Hamburg (Germany); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany). Fachgruppe Stillegung; 972 p; ISBN 3-9806415-6-2; ; 2003; p. 274-285; KONTEC 2003: 6. international symposium - Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning wastes, including 6. status report of BMBF 'Decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities'; KONTEC 2003: 6. internationales Symposium - Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stillegungsabfaelle, einschliesslich 6. Statusbericht des BMBF 'Stilllegung und Rueckbau kerntechnischer Anlagen'; Berlin (Germany); 19-21 Mar 2003; Available from TIB Hannover
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Brewitz, W.; Faber, P.; Fein, E.; Heemann, U.; Kuehle, T.; Zude, F.
GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Neuherberg (Germany); GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung. Funding organisation: Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1993
GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Neuherberg (Germany); GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Tieflagerung. Funding organisation: Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1993
[en] The framework plan gives an account of the current status and further, still necessary research and development work for the elaboration of scientific fundamentals and for the development of methods for the safety analysis of a future Federal radwaste repository for heat-releasing radioactive waste in salt formations. The framework plan is subdivided into a review of results and a part with project descriptions. The review of results covers the four subject areas: Scenarios and programs, chemical effects in the close-in area, geotechnical and physical effects in the close-in area, transport processes in the geosphere. (orig./HP)
Der Rahmenplan gibt einen Ueberblick ueber den derzeitigen Stand und die Notwendigkeiten noch zusaetzlicher Arbeiten zur Erarbeitung wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen sowie zur Methodenentwicklung fuer die Sicherheitsanalyse eines zukuenftigen Bundesendlagers fuer waermeerzeugende radioaktive Abfaelle in Salzformationen. Es ist in einen Ergebnisteil und einen Teil mit Vorhabensbeschreibungen gegliedert. Der Ergebnisteil umfasst hierbei die vier Themenbereiche: Szenarien und Programme, chemische Effekte im Nahbereich, geotechnische und physikalische Effekte im Nahbereich sowie Transportvorgaenge in der Geosphaere. (orig./HP)Original Title
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Endlagersicherheit in der Nachbetriebsphase eines Endlagers fuer hochradioaktive Abfallstoffe in einem Salzstock
Primary Subject
1993; 139 p; ISSN 0721-1694; ; FOERDERKENNZEICHEN BMFT KWA5901
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Progress Report
Report Number
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Fischer, S.F.; Faber, P.; Kronmueller, H.
Rare-earth magnets and their applications. Vol. 2. Proceedings1998
Rare-earth magnets and their applications. Vol. 2. Proceedings1998
[en] The effect of anisotropic thermal expansion of (1 anti 100)-oriented sapphire substrates has been investigated with respect to magnetostrictive anisotropy in sputter deposited (Tb0.27Dy0.73)1-xFex single layers and [(Tb0.27Dy0.73)0.27Fe0.73 + 2 at% Zr]/Nb multilayers. It is found that the thermally induced anisotropic film stress due to the anisotropic thermal expansion of sapphire can result in a magnetostrictive inplane transversal anisotropy. This may be of major interest for giant magnetostrictive thin film applications in microsystems where reversible magnetomechanical switching elements are required. Magnetic, magnetostrictive and microstructural (XRD) experiments have been performed. Magnetostriction has been measured at room temperature using the cantilever method with maximum inplane applied fields of 0.8 T. Ratios λ parallel /λ perpendicularto of magnetostrictions in fields applied parallel and transversal to the cantilever's longside ([0001]-substrate direction) are taken as a measure of the magnetostrictive inplane anisotropy. We found that λ parallel /λ perpendicularto (0.8 T) is varying with the microstructure (average grain sizes d) resulting from different heat treament. It is assumed that within the competition of magnetoelastic (favouring an inplane transversal anistropy) and magnetocrystalline interactions (favouring an inplane isotropy) the second will dominate for larger average grain sizes. This is indicated by comparison of nanocrystalline films on sapphire with different grain sizes d: amorphous or nanocrystalline (d < 25 nm) films exhibit a transversal magnetostrictive anisotropy (λ parallel /λ perpendicularto (0.8 T) >> 2) while stable crystalline films show magnetostrictive inplane isotropy (λ parallel /λ perpendicularto (0.8 T) ∝ 1). (orig.)
Primary Subject
Schultz, L.; Mueller, K.H. (eds.); Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); 529 p; ISBN 3-88355-264-X; ; 1998; p. 1087-1095; 15. international workshop on rare-earth magnets and their applications; Dresden (Germany); 30 Aug - 3 Sep 1998; Available from TIB Hannover; 15 refs.
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No abstract available
Original Title
SWR-Anlagen der 1,300 MWe Leistungsklasse
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (F.R. Germany); p. 728-730; 1972; ZAED; Leopoldshafen, F.R. Germany; Reactor meeting; Hamburg, F.R. Germany; 11 Apr 1972; 1 fig.; 4 tabs. Short communication only.
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[en] In the early and mid-1990s, a series of decisions had to be made - partially as a result of political requirements but also, in some cases, for economic reasons - to permanently shut down four facilities operated by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Division of Siemens' Power Generation Group (KWU). 1989 saw the closure of the hot cells in Karlstein in which Germany's most extensive post-irradiation examinations of fuel assemblies had been carried out since 1967. In 1994/95, manufacture of gadolinium-bearing uranium fuel assemblies was abandoned at the Siemens Karlstein Fuel Fabrication Plant which had been in operation since 1963. At the Siemens Hanau Fuel Fabrication Plant, the facilities for manufacturing mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies and uranium fuel assemblies were permanently shut down in 1991 and 1995, respectively. The uranium processing facility had been in operation since 1969, and the MOX processing facility since 1970. Shutdown and decommissioning of these four facilities have mainly been proceeding in the following stages. First of all the facilities are cleaned out and all process equipment is removed. Then the auxiliary and support systems are dismantled. Finally the buildings are decontaminated and, in some cases, demolished. Possibly contaminated soil will be removed and the site restorated, after which it is released for unrestricted use and is no longer subject to the licensing requirements of the German Atomic Energy Act. Nuclear fuel materials as well as a few of the process components have been given to other nuclear fuel manufacturers. (orig.)
Anfang und Mitte der 90-er Jahre mussten zum Teil auf Grund von politischen Rahmenbedingungen, aber auch auf Grund von wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten, Beschluesse gefasst werden, vier Anlagen des Kernbrennstoffkreislaufes der Siemens AG ausser Betrieb zu nehmen. 1989 wurden die Heissen Zellen in Karlstein geschlossen, in denen seit 1967 die umfangreichsten Brennelementnachuntersuchungen in Deutschland durchgefuehrt worden waren. 1994/95 gab man die Fertigung von uran-/gadoliniumhaltigen Brennelementen im Siemens Brennelementewerk Karlstein auf, das seit 1963 in Betrieb war. Im Jahre 1991 bzw. 1995 wurde die Fertigung von MOX-Brennelementen und Uran-Brennelementen im Siemens Brennelementewerk Hanau eingestellt. Der Betriebsteil Uranverarbeitung fertigte ab 1969, der Betriebsteil Mischoxidverarbeitung seit 1970. Die Stilllegung und der Rueckbau dieser vier Anlagen erfolgt generell in folgenden Schritten: Zuerst werden die Anlagen leergefahren, dann werden die Prozessanlagen entfernt, anschliessend die Hilfs- und Nebenanlagen zurueckgebaut und zuletzt die Gebaeude dekontaminiert und gegebenenfalls abgerissen. Das Gelaende wird, soweit erforderlich, saniert, danach erfolgt als letzter Schritt die Entlassung aus dem Atomgesetz. Kernbrennstoffe und einige wenige Prozesskomponenten wurden an andere Brennelementehersteller abgegeben. (orig.)Original Title
Der Rueckbau des Siemens Brennelementewerks Hanau und der Heissen Zellen
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie; ISSN 1431-5254; ; v. 44(10); p. 466-471
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Four Siemens-owned German fuel cycle facilities are being decommissioned at the Hanau and Karlstein sites. Decommissioning of one of these facilities has already been completed. The facilities comprise three fuel fabrication plants and a facility for post-irradiation investigations of fuel assemblies. In each case the actual decommissioning phase was preceded by cleanout. Extensive preparatory investigations and planning, including licensing procedures, had been necessary. In some cases new measuring techniques and systems had to be developed and waste processing systems erected. In addition to providing a general survey of the different conditions and procedures involved, the MOX facility is used in this paper as an example for presenting these activities in greater detail. This includes the concept of immediate conditioning of radwaste for maintenance-free long-term interim storage (storage for several decades until a repository is available) in such a way as to also meet the requirements for shipment and final disposal without any need for further actions. A number of lessons have been learned and recommendations derived from the many years of decommissioning work at the four facilities. (orig.)
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Journal Article
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