Falcon, S.; Marco, M.
40 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 1-3, 2014, Valencia, Spain2014
40 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 1-3, 2014, Valencia, Spain2014
[en] CIEMAT participates in the European project Matisse (Materials Innovations for a Safe and Sustainable nuclear in Europe) belonging to FP7, whose main objective is to promote the link between the respective national research programs through networking and integration of activities for innovation in materials for advanced nuclear systems, sharing among partners best practices and implementation of training tools and efficient communication. The draft four years, from 2013 to 2017, includes aspects such as the interaction between infrastructure, R and D programs and postgraduate education and training. (Author)
Original Title
Educacion y Formacion en Materiales Nucleares
Primary Subject
2500 p; 2014; 8 p; 40. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; 40. Reunion Anual Sociedad Nuclear Espanola; Valencia (Spain); 1-3 Oct 2014
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Falcon, S.; Marco, M.
38 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 17-19, 2012, Caceres, Spain2012
38 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 17-19, 2012, Caceres, Spain2012
[en] CIEMAT is participating in the European project, TIARA (Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area), whose main objective is to facilitate and optimize the effort in R + D in the field of science and technology of the accelerators in Europe.
Original Title
Educacion y formacion en Ciencia de Aceleradores
Primary Subject
2450 p; 2012; 1 p; Senda Editorial; Caceres (Spain); 38. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; Caceres (Spain); 17-19 Oct 2012
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Alonso, A.; Gallego, E.; Marco, M. L.; Falcon, S.
II International conference: Radiation Protection Training. Future Strategies. Ciemat, 17-19 September, 2003. Book of Papers and Proceedings2003
II International conference: Radiation Protection Training. Future Strategies. Ciemat, 17-19 September, 2003. Book of Papers and Proceedings2003
[en] The doctorate course on Radioactive Waste Management was initiated in February 1988, by initiative of the Chair of Nuclear Technology, under the sponsoring of the national radioactive waste management company (ENRESA), in a fruitful collaboration between the Institute Artigas of the Technical School of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Formation on Energy of the research centre CIEMAT. The course is also offered as a post-graduate through both institutes. After completion of fourteen consecutive editions in 2002, the course constituted a landmark in the field of nuclear education in Spain. The last edition offered, along 35 lessons published in two books, the general aspects of generation, treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes, the basic Safety and Radiological Protection criteria, the detailed technical questions of the management of both low-intermediate.activity and the high-activity level, together with the wastes generated during decommissioning and dismantling of installations, as well as the general and institutional aspects. Experts in each field, belonging either to ENRESA, CIEMAT, the Nuclear Safety Council, the UPM and the industry, present such wide programme. A technical visit to the low and intermediate radioactive waste repository of El Cabril was also offered to the participants as part of the course, as in previous years the visit to the dismantling workers of Vandellos I NPP. More than 500 engineers and graduates in different science branches have participated in the course along 14 years, with both students and professionals belonging to ENRESA, the Nuclear Safety Council, CIEMAT and other research centers, hospitals, civil protection at different levels, service and engineering companies related with the radioactive waste management. Altogether, it is possible to say, as the title is expressed, that the course has given in these 14 years a high-production yield. (Author)
Primary Subject
346 p; ISBN 84-7834-450-0; ; 2003; p. 143-146; Editorial ciemat; Madrid (Spain)
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[en] At present there are evident signs around the world of what has been called the Nuclear Renaissance. The anticipated nuclear revival is coinciding in time with the retirement of a generation of professionals who have been responsible for the design, construction and operation of the second generation nuclear power plants and, with them, a large part of the experience gained. Whatever its future energy strategy may be, Spain is already recognizing this reality through projects that national companies, engineering firms and institutions are undertaking beyond the country borders. Consequently, it is expected that the nuclear sector will be demanding competent human capital. National support for nuclear power would increase this need even more. In this national and international panorama, CIEMAT and the UAM have recognized the opportunity to adopt a new concept, as ambitious as it is stimulating, for training of nuclear professionals: the Masters in Nuclear Engineering and Applications (MINA). CIEMAT long tradition of training in nuclear technology and the background of collaboration between CIEMAT and the UAM have been the fundamental basis for defining MINA-2008. Born with a multi-institutional vocation, MINA aims to address the needs of the nuclear sector and promote the interest of young people in nuclear technology. (Author) 3 refs
Original Title
MINA 2008: una via de profesionalizacion en Ingenieria Nuclear
Primary Subject
Available http://www.ciemat.es
Record Type
Journal Article
Vertices; ISSN 1887-1461; ; v. 6; p. 28-32
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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External URLExternal URL
[en] Results from 91 patients submitted to hepatic gammagraphy are interpreted and the correlation with the clinic, the anatome-pathological exam and the laboratory is established. 22% were normal, 78% were not. Of the anomalous figures, 41% showed localized injuries, 37% were dispersed. When the anatome-pathological correlation was established, the sensibility was of 95%, the accuracy was 94% and the specificity 88% and when the correlation of the laboratory was made the gammagraphy showed 92% of good correlation meanwhile the alcaline phosphatase and the bilirubin were less appropriate (66 and 62% of good correlation, respectively)
Original Title
Gammagrafia hepatica en la practica hospitalaria
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Informe Nuclear; v.2(1); p. 18-29
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[en] Knowledge Management in nuclear industry is indespensable to ensure excellence in performance and safety of nuclear installations. The Master on Nuclear Engineering and Applications (MINA) is a Spanish education venture which foundations and evolution have meant and adaptation to the European Education system and to the domestic and international changes occured in the nuclear environment. This paper summarizes the most relevant aspects of such transformation, its motivation and the final outcome. Finally, it discusses the potential benefit of a closer collaboration among the existing national education ventures in the frame of Nuclear Engineering. (Author)
Original Title
Master en Ingenieria Nuclear y Aplicaciones (MINA): instrumento de gestion del conocimiento en el sector nuclear espanol
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 336; p. 13-17
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Herranz, L. E.; Garcia Cuesta, J. C.; Falcon, S.; Marco, M.; Casas, J. A.
37 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Sept 28-30 2011, Burgos, Spain2011
37 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Sept 28-30 2011, Burgos, Spain2011
[en] This article provides a summary of the comparative analysis between the first three editions of the Master MINA The first part is devoted to identifying trends between generations in terms of interest, qualifications and responses to the challenges of the Master. The second provides the assessment of students in the last edition and the measures that are to be adopted accordingly. Moreover, in the last part of the presentation includes an analysis of the effects that it has had the Fukushima accident.
Original Title
Logros y Desafios de la 3 edicion del Master en ingenieria nuclear y aplicaciones Mina-2010
Primary Subject
2380 p; 2011; 7 p; Senda Editorial; Burgos (Spain); 37. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; Burgos (Spain); 28-30 Sep 2011
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Inspired by the so-called nuclear renaissance, the challenge of preserving nuclear knowledge and expertise and on the basis of the European Education Area, the Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering and Applications (MINA) has been set up by CIEMAT, in close collaboration with Spanish Universities and the national nuclear industries, with a drastically renewed approach. The MINA, born as a professionalizing masters intends to build a bridge between University education and technical know-how demanded by todays nuclear industry and organizations. In short, an enabling training that will provide participants with the actual skills that nuclear sector needs. The five major MINA keystone become are professional orientation, full scope, integrating policy, excellence in mastering and plural academic acceptance. These principles as well as other major MINA features are described in detail in this paper. (Author)
Original Title
MINA-2008: una aproximacion renovada al Master de Ingenieria Nuclear y sus Aplicaciones en Espana
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 285; p. 33-36
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marco, M.; Rodriguez, M.; Hernando, E.; Falcon, S.; Rodriguez, M.; Villarroel, R.
II International Conference: Radiation Protection Training. Future Strategies, Ciemat, 17-19 September, 2003. Book of Papers and Proceedings2003
II International Conference: Radiation Protection Training. Future Strategies, Ciemat, 17-19 September, 2003. Book of Papers and Proceedings2003
[en] Radiation Protection Training (RPT) System in Spain are is well defined in the local local regulations related to radioactive facilities licensing and radiation protection. A system of personnel licenses is established considering two levels of required radiation protection training-supervisor and operator according to responsibilities assigned during the operation of the radioactive facilities. This paper present the major advances already done in the educational web site maintained on the CIEMAT server and accessible through the CSN web. The project includes training material for sixteen applied courses and the design of a educational web site to hold pedagogical material for developing distant learning courses. The main objective of this project is to provide training materials for course organisers, trainers and for professional participants and to promote the exchange of expertise between workers involved in all activities using radiation sources. The project also aims to provide necessary mechanism for standardisation of the radiation protection knowledge made available to the exposed workers, including theoretical and practical training. The developed training material included in the project will cover all uses of radioactive sources including medical diagnosis. The web site is being developed of provide educational material on a modular design and in Spanish. The paper presents the initial results of this useful tool for practitioners. Courses are based on core modules with basic and specific modules involving different targets groups, and the contents can be easily adapted for other target groups. For each one of the modules should be included in the web site: objectives, syllabus, lessons and practical sessions, demo and lab exercises, etc. The project includes training tools for sixteen courses based in the standard syllabus content in the Spanish legal framework. In the next future complete materials for trainers will be available to case courses performance. Special attention will be paid to the quality and presentation. In addition, changes, comments or suggestion will be incorporated in a further review. (Author) 6 refs
Primary Subject
346 p; ISBN 84-7834-450-0; ; 2003; p. 288-292; Editorial CIEMAT; Madrid (Spain)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue