Beelmeon, Julie; Delporte, Vincent; Chatelet, Maxence; Desoindre, Agnes; Molinie, Lea; Peltret, Lea; Feix, Isabelle; Mehl, Celine; Marlot, Rodolphe; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Tonnet, Nicolas; Feix, Isabelle; Masafont, Joris; Saury, Claude; Bechoua, Hakima; Miquel, Simon; Berges, Nelsie; Buchet, Marie; Engelstein, Samy; Berghmans, Nicolas; Rudinger, Andreas; Billy, Veronique de; Bissonnais, Yves le; Cheviron, Bruno; Dupraz, Christian; Laroche, Bertrand; Bosq, Aime; Loyen, Richard; Botrel, Isabelle; Flament, Herve; Bournet, Pierre-Emmanuelle; Brasquies, Alice; Carluer, Regis le; Casnici, Enzo; Charpentier, Bruno; Charrier, Virginie; Chaussec, Pascal; Cocozza, Dorothee; Doreau, Aureline; Dupas, Jeanne; Godet, Lola; Gaillon, Claire; Grisey, Ariane; Gros, Raphael; Hamon, Jean-Marc; Jarrige, Leonard; Lauraire, Philippe; Laroche, Anne-Laure; Maillet, Christophe; Moury, Bernard; Petitpain, Luc; Servan, Anne-Sophie; Varchavsky, Marc
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
[en] The development of renewable energies in the agricultural sector is now a shared ambition in order to achieve the objectives set by the Energy Transition Act. However, this development, including photovoltaics, cannot be done without taking into account the need to preserve agricultural land. In response to these challenges, the notion of 'agrivoltaics', which qualifies the coupling of a secondary photovoltaic production to a main agricultural production with a demonstrable operating synergy, has emerged within the French photovoltaic sector. In view of the growing interest linked to this new market sector for photovoltaics, this study aims to characterize photovoltaic projects on agricultural land and to define precisely this notion of agrivoltaics. lt was based on a bibliographic review, interviews with farmers and photovoltaic developers, and the involvement of a committee of experts specifically set up to monitor this work. This report is one of four documents produced as part of the study, along with a bibliographic review, a collection of feedback and an executive summary. lt offers a classification framework for photovoltaic projects on agricultural land, based on a selection of criteria and detailed points of attention. On this basis, a definition of agrivoltaism has been formalized. Finally, this guide offers recommendations for public authorities and project leaders for the deployment of these photovoltaic projects on agricultural land, but also for the enrichment of knowledge on this subject and the sharing of good practices
Le developpement des energies renouvelables au sein du secteur agricole est aujourd'hui une ambition partagee pour permettre d'atteindre les objectifs fixes par la loi de transition energetique. Toutefois, ce developpement dans le secteur agricole, y compris celui du photovoltaique, ne peut se faire sans tenir compte de la necessite de preserver les sols agricoles. En reponse a ces enjeux, la notion 'd'agrivoltaisme', qui qualifie le couplage d'une production photovoltaique secondaire a une production agricole principale avec une synergie de fonctionnement demontrable, a emerge au sein de la filiere photovoltaique francaise. Au regard de l'interet croissant lie a ce nouveau secteur de marche pour le photovoltaique, cette etude vise a caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrain agricole et a definir precisement cette notion d'agrivoltaisme. Elle s'est basee sur un etat de l'art bibliographique, des entretiens avec des agriculteurs et developpeurs et l'expertise d'un comite d'experts, constitue specifiquement pour suivre ces travaux. Ce rapport est l'un des quatre documents produits dans le cadre de l'etude, avec un etat de l'art bibliographique, un recueil de retours d'experience et un resume executif. Il propose un cadre de classification de tous types de projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles, a partir d'une selection de criteres et de points d'attention detailles. Sur cette base, une definition de l'agrivoltaisme a pu etre formalisee. Enfin, ce guide propose des recommandations a destination des pouvoirs publics et des porteurs de projet pour le deploiement de ces projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles, mais egalement pour l'enrichissement des connaissances a ce sujet et le partage de bonnes pratiquesOriginal Title
Caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles et l'agrivoltaisme. Guide de classification des projets et definition de l'agrivoltaisme, Juillet 2021
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 2021; 67 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Beelmeon, Julie; Delporte, Vincent; Chatelet, Maxence; Desoindre, Agnes; Molinie, Lea; Peltret, Lea; Feix, Isabelle; Mehl, Celine; Marlot, Rodolphe; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Tonnet, Nicolas; Feix, Isabelle; Masafont, Joris; Saury, Claude; Bechoua, Hakima; Miquel, Simon; Berges, Nelsie; Buchet, Marie; Engelstein, Samy; Berghmans, Nicolas; Rudinger, Andreas; Billy, Veronique de; Bissonnais, Yves le; Cheviron, Bruno; Dupraz, Christian; Laroche, Bertrand; Bosq, Aime; Loyen, Richard; Botrel, Isabelle; Flament, Herve; Bournet, Pierre-Emmanuelle; Brasquies, Alice; Carluer, Regis le; Casnici, Enzo; Charpentier, Bruno; Charrier, Virginie; Chaussec, Pascal; Cocozza, Dorothee; Doreau, Aureline; Dupas, Jeanne; Godet, Lola; Gaillon, Claire; Grisey, Ariane; Gros, Raphael; Hamon, Jean-Marc; Jarrige, Leonard; Lauraire, Philippe; Laroche, Anne-Laure; Maillet, Christophe; Moury, Bernard; Petitpain, Luc; Servan, Anne-Sophie; Varchavsky, Marc
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
[en] The development of renewable energies in the agricultural sector is now a shared ambition in order to achieve the objectives set by the Energy Transition Act. However, this development, including photovoltaics, cannot be done without taking into account the need to preserve agricultural land. In response to these challenges, the notion of 'agrivoltaics' which qualifies the coupling of a secondary photovoltaic production to a main agricultural production with a demonstrable operating synergy, has emerged within the French photovoltaic sector. In view of the growing interest linked to this new market sector for photovoltaics, this study aims to characterize photovoltaic projects on agricultural land and to define precisely this notion of agrivoltaics. It was based on a bibliographic review, interviews with farmers and photovoltaic developers, and the involvement of a committee of experts specifically set up to monitor this work
Original Title
Caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles et l'agrivoltaisme - Resume executif de l'etude, Juil. 2021
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 2021; 28 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Beelmeon, Julie; Delporte, Vincent; Chatelet, Maxence; Desoindre, Agnes; Molinie, Lea; Peltret, Lea; Feix, Isabelle; Mehl, Celine; Marlot, Rodolphe; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Tonnet, Nicolas; Feix, Isabelle; Masafont, Joris; Saury, Claude; Bechoua, Hakima; Miquel, Simon; Berges, Nelsie; Buchet, Marie; Engelstein, Samy; Berghmans, Nicolas; Rudinger, Andreas; Billy, Veronique de; Bissonnais, Yves le; Cheviron, Bruno; Dupraz, Christian; Laroche, Bertrand; Bosq, Aime; Loyen, Richard; Botrel, Isabelle; Flament, Herve; Bournet, Pierre-Emmanuelle; Brasquies, Alice; Carluer, Regis le; Casnici, Enzo; Charpentier, Bruno; Charrier, Virginie; Chaussec, Pascal; Cocozza, Dorothee; Doreau, Aureline; Dupas, Jeanne; Godet, Lola; Gaillon, Claire; Grisey, Ariane; Gros, Raphael; Hamon, Jean-Marc; Jarrige, Leonard; Lauraire, Philippe; Laroche, Anne-Laure; Maillet, Christophe; Moury, Bernard; Petitpain, Luc; Servan, Anne-Sophie; Varchavsky, Marc
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
[en] The development of renewable energies in the agricultural sector is now a shared ambition in order to achieve the objectives set by the Energy Transition Act. However, this development, including photovoltaics, cannot be done without taking into account the need to preserve agricultural land. In response to these challenges, the notion of 'agrivoltaics' which qualifies the coupling of a secondary photovoltaic production to a main agricultural production with a demonstrable operating synergy, has emerged within the French photovoltaic sector. In view of the growing interest linked to this new market sector for photovoltaics, this study aims to characterize photovoltaic projects on agricultural land and to define precisely this notion of agrivoltaics. It was based on a bibliographic review, interviews with farmers and photovoltaic developers, and the involvement of a committee of experts specifically set up to monitor this work. This state of the art, first stage of this work, has shown that there is a wide variety of photovoltaic installations on agricultural land, demonstrating different levels of development. In addition, the bibliography shows that these systems have overall neutral or negative effects on agricultural production, although these results vary greatly depending on the local pedoclimatic conditions, the species and varieties cultivated (whose sunshine and water requirements are variable) and the characteristics of the associated photovoltaic structures (coverage rate, orientation of the panels, height, etc.). This finding underscores the need for further knowledge on the subject. The regulatory state of the art also shows that few countries have a formal definition of agrivoltaics. Various stakeholders in Europe are also publishing good practice guidelines or definition proposals, as proposed in this study
Le developpement des energies renouvelables au sein du secteur agricole est aujourd'hui une ambition partagee pour permettre d'atteindre les objectifs fixes par la loi de transition energetique. Toutefois, ce developpement dans le secteur agricole, y compris celui du photovoltaique, ne peut se faire sans tenir compte de la necessite de preserver les sols agricoles. En reponse a ces enjeux, la notion 'd'agrivoltaisme', qui qualifie le couplage d'une production photovoltaique secondaire a une product ion agricole principale avec une synergie de fonctionnement demontrable, a emerge au sein de la filiere photovoltaique francaise. Au regard de l'interet croissant lie a ce nouveau secteur de marche pour le photovoltaique, cette etude vise a caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrain agricole et a definir precisement cette notion d'agrivoltaisme. Elle s'est basee sur un etat de l'art bibliogra phique, des entretiens avec des agriculteurs et developpeurs et l'expertise d'un comite d'experts, constitue specifiquement pour suivre ces travaux. Cet etat de l'art, premiere etape de ces travaux, a mis en evidence qu'il existe une grande variete d'installations photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles, demontrant des niveaux de developpement differents. De plus, la bibliographie montre que ces systemes ont globalement des effets neutres ou negatifs sur la production agricole, bien que ces resu ltats varient fortement en fonction des conditions pedoclimatiques locales, des especes et varietes cultivees (dont les besoins en ensoleillement et en eau sont variables) et des caracteristiques des structures photovoltaiques associees (taux de recouvrement, orientation des panneaux, hauteur ...). Cette constatation souligne le besoin d'un approfondissement des connaissances sur le sujet. L'etat de l'art reglementaire demontre egalement que rares sont les pays ayant une definition formelle de l'agrivoltaisme. Des guides de bonnes pratiques ou des propositions de definition, tels que proposes par cette etude, sont d'ailleurs en train d'etre publies par differents parties prenantes en EuropeOriginal Title
Caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles et l'agrivoltaisme - Etat de l'art bibliographique, sept. 2021
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 2021; 141 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Beelmeon, Julie; Delporte, Vincent; Chatelet, Maxence; Desoindre, Agnes; Molinie, Lea; Peltret, Lea; Feix, Isabelle; Mehl, Celine; Marlot, Rodolphe; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Tonnet, Nicolas; Feix, Isabelle; Masafont, Joris; Saury, Claude; Bechoua, Hakima; Miquel, Simon; Berges, Nelsie; Buchet, Marie; Engelstein, Samy; Berghmans, Nicolas; Rudinger, Andreas; Billy, Veronique de; Bissonnais, Yves le; Cheviron, Bruno; Dupraz, Christian; Laroche, Bertrand; Bosq, Aime; Loyen, Richard; Botrel, Isabelle; Flament, Herve; Bournet, Pierre-Emmanuelle; Brasquies, Alice; Carluer, Regis le; Casnici, Enzo; Charpentier, Bruno; Charrier, Virginie; Chaussec, Pascal; Cocozza, Dorothee; Doreau, Aureline; Dupas, Jeanne; Godet, Lola; Gaillon, Claire; Grisey, Ariane; Gros, Raphael; Hamon, Jean-Marc; Jarrige, Leonard; Lauraire, Philippe; Laroche, Anne-Laure; Maillet, Christophe; Moury, Bernard; Petitpain, Luc; Servan, Anne-Sophie; Varchavsky, Marc
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); I Care and Consult, 28 rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (France); Ceresco, 18 Rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France); Cetiac, 18 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon (France)2021
[en] The development of renewable energies in the agricultural sector is now a shared ambition in order to achieve the objectives set by the Energy Transition Act. However, this development, including photovoltaics, cannot be done without taking into account the need to preserve agricultural land. In response to these challenges, the notion of 'agrivoltaics', which qualifies the coupling of a secondary photovoltaic production to a main agricultural production with a demonstrable operating synergy, has emerged within the French photovoltaic sector. In view of the growing interest linked to this new market sector for photovoltaics, this study aims to characterize photovoltaic projects on agricultural land and to define precisely this notion of agrivoltaics. It was based on a bibliographic review, interviews with farmers and photovoltaic developers, and the involvement of a committee of experts specifically set up to monitor this work. This summary of feedback is one of four documents produced as part of the study with an executive summary, a bibliographic state of the art and a classification guide for photovoltaic projects on agricultural land. The latter proposes criteria for evaluating projects, a classification gradient, a definition of agrivoltaics and recommendations for public authorities. The collection of feedbacks has shown that access to agricultural structures at lower cost and access to protection against weather hazards are assets often reported by farmers. On the other hand, the effects of shading on crops don't seem to be sufficiently understood and it seems necessary to deepen agronomic knowledge on the subject. The questions of the insertion of the structures in the functioning of the farms (technical itineraries, outlets... ) as well as the chosen business models (contracts, provisions for dismantling... ) are the salient points of these returns of experience
Le developpement des energies renouvelables au sein du secteur agricole est aujourd'hui une ambition partagee pour permettre d'atteindre les objectifs fixes par la loi de transition energetique. Toutefois, ce developpement dans le secteur agricole, y compris celui du photovoltaique, ne peut se faire sans tenir compte de la necessite de preserver les sols agricoles. En reponse a ces enjeux, la notion 'd'agrivoltaisme', qui qualifie le couplage d'une production photovoltaique secondaire a une production agricole principale avec une synergie de fonctionnement demontrable, a emerge au sein de la filiere photovoltaique francaise. Au regard de l'interet croissant lie a ce nouveau secteur de marche pour le photovoltaique, cette etude vise a caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrain agricole et a definir precisement cette notion d'agrivoltaisme. Elle s'est basee sur un etat de l'art bibliographique, des entretiens avec des agriculteurs et developpeurs et l'expertise d'un comite d'experts, constitue specifiquement pour suivre ces travaux. Ce recueil de retours d'experience est l'un des quatre documents produits dans le cadre de l'etude avec un resume executif, un etat de l'art bibliographique et un guide de classification des projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles. Ce dernier propose des criteres d'evaluation des projets, un gradient de classification, une definition de l'agrivoltaisme et fait des recommandations a destination des pouvoirs publics. La collecte des retours d'experience a demontre que l'acces a des structures agricoles a moindre cout et l'acces a une protection contre les aleas meteorologiques sont des atouts souvent rapportes par les agriculteurs. A contrario, les effets de l'ombrage sur les cultures ne semblent pas suffisamment connus et il apparait necessaire d'approfondir les connaissances agronomiques sur le sujet. Les questions de l'insertion des structures dans le fonctionnement des exploitations (itineraires techniques, debouches... ) ainsi que les modeles d'affaires choisis (contrats, provisions du demantelement... ) sont des points saillants de ces retours d'experienceOriginal Title
Caracteriser les projets photovoltaiques sur terrains agricoles et l'agrivoltaisme. Recueil de retours d'experiences et fiches techniques recapitulatives, Juil. 2021
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jul 2021; 141 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Peyron, Jean Luc; Buitrago, Miriam; Departe, Alba; Eglin, Thomas; Feix, Isabelle; Gloaguen, Jeremy; Machefaux, Emilie; Mousset, Jerome; Fischer, Clarisse; Juillard, Melanie; Mathias, Etienne; Robert, Colas; Martel, Simon; Picard, Olivier; Vial, Estelle; Gabet, Silvere; Favrel, Adeline; Picard, Nicolas; Grimault, Julia; Colin, Antoine; Schmitt, Bertrand; Augusto, Laurent; Deleuze, Christine; Sardin, Thierry; Favrel, Pauline; Duhalde, Michel; Pagnac-Farbiaz, Elisabeth; Flajollet-Millan, Johanna; Legay, Myriam; Douzain-Didier, Nicolas; Lequien, Marie; Piveteau, Jean; Guittet, Mathilde; Faussurier, Sylvie; Cacot, Dominique
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, Avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, Avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
[en] In collaboration with representatives from public authorities, forest management and timber industries, as well as environmental associations, this guide addresses the challenges facing forests and the use of wood in the fight against climate change. It presents the forest carbon cycle (including its capture and storage) and the effects induced by the various uses of wood, such as storage in long-lasting products and the avoidance of fossil carbon emissions. It describes how these mechanisms interact, using the latest findings of research programs. This guide presents some levers for action and the tools available to integrate the challenges of combating climate change within the framework of the sustainable management of forests
En collaboration avec des representants de la recherche, des pouvoirs publics, des organismes de gestion forestiere et des filieres bois ainsi que des associations environnementales, ce guide aborde les enjeux des forets et des usages du bois dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Il presente ainsi le cycle du carbone en foret (dont son captage et son stockage) et les effets induits par les differents usages du bois comme le stockage dans les produits a longue duree de vie et l'evitement d'emissions de carbone d'origine fossile. Il decrit comment ces mecanismes interagissent en s'appuyant sur les derniers resultats des programmes de recherche. Ce guide expose ensuite des leviers d'action et les outils disponibles pour integrer les enjeux de la lutte contre le changement climatique dans le cadre d'une gestion durable et multifonctionnelle des foretsOriginal Title
Forets et usages du bois dans l'attenuation du changement climatique. Connaitre et agir: le carbone forestier
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 2021; 40 p; 46 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Roux, Alice; Dhote, Jean-Francois; Bastien, Jean-Charles; Breda, Nathalie; Caurla, Sylvain; Carnus, Jean-Michel; Gardiner, Barry; Jactel, Herve; Leban, Jean-Michel; Loustau, Denis; Marcais, Benoit; Meredieu, Celine; Paques, Luc; Rigolot, Eric; Saint-Andre, Laurent; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Dreyer, Erwin; Guehl, Jean-Marc; Bastick, Claire; Colin, Antoine; Bailly, Alain; Berthelot, Alain; Deroubaix, Gerard; Lobianco, Antonello; Fournier, Meriem; Alexandre, Sylvie; Duclerc, Yves; Thiery, Mickael; Buitrago, Miriam; Feix, Isabelle; Branger, Frederic; Claeys, Florian; Claquin, Pierre; Daniel, Pierrick; Wlerick, Lise; Chevalier, Jacques; Deleuze, Christine; Pagnac-Farbiaz, Elisabeth; Peyron, Jean-Luc; Picard, Olivier; Roman-Amat, Bernard; Vallance, Michel; Martel, Simon; Moisy, Christophe; Picart-Deshors, Delphine; Schmitt, Bertrand; Peyron, Jean-Luc
Institut national de la recherche agronomique - Inra, Delegation a l'Expertise Scientifique, a la Prospective et aux Etudes, 147, rue de l'Universite, 75338 Paris Cedex 07 (France); Ministere de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation - MAA, 78, rue de Varenne, 75349 Paris 07 SP (France)2017
Institut national de la recherche agronomique - Inra, Delegation a l'Expertise Scientifique, a la Prospective et aux Etudes, 147, rue de l'Universite, 75338 Paris Cedex 07 (France); Ministere de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation - MAA, 78, rue de Varenne, 75349 Paris 07 SP (France)2017
[en] Carbon sequestration and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as strategies to limit climate change, are objectives of the highest global importance, deserving close study by every nation. Forests and the forestry and wood sector are recognized as strategic elements in the question of climate change mitigation due to their large capacity for carbon storage and their potential to limit GHG emissions. The overall carbon impact of the forestry sector includes both the effects of carbon storage in forest ecosystems and forestry products, and a substitution effect that can result from the use of wood in place of other materials or energy sources that are greater emitters of GHG. In this context, the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food requested INRA and IGN to conduct a study of the GHG emissions mitigation potential of the forestry-wood sector in France through the year 2050. The scope of the study included all forests available for wood production in mainland France, all wood-processing industries, and all social actors contributing to the development of the bio-economy via this primary production and processing supply chain. Using simulations of the effects of three contrasting forest management scenarios through the year 2050, the study confirms the central role of the French forestry and wood sector in climate change mitigation. In addition to carbon storage in forest biomass, significant benefits could be gained through increased use of wood as an energy source and - more importantly - as a material. The latter strategy, which could be encouraged through proactive forestry management and tree-planting programs, is likely to become more important as climatic conditions deteriorate and as forests become increasingly subject to severe weather events and associated threats such as forest fires and pest outbreaks
Original Title
Quel role pour les forets et la filiere foret-bois francaises dans l'attenuation du changement climatique? Une etude des freins et leviers forestiers a l'horizon 2050
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 2017; Nov 2017; 352 p; 86 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Leroy, Arnaud; Boissier, Fabrice; Quiniou-Ramus, Valerie; Marchal, David; Vidalenc, Eric; Combet, Emmanuel; Bergey, Jean-Louis; Antoine, Loic; Arnaud, Brice; Barbusse, Stephane; Bellini, Robert; Bigo, Aurelien; Borde, Cyrielle; Briche, Elodie; Buitrago, Miriam; Callonnec, Gael; Cals, Guilain; Chateau, Laurent; Chony, Elsa; Daill, Guillaume; Desplats, Rafaelle; Duval, Agnes; Dueso, Nadine; Eglin, Thomas; El Khamlichi, Aicha; Garnero, Mathieu; Gaspard, Albane; Gouedard, Herve; Gueudet, Alice; Jolivet, Patrick; Louillat, Stefan; Mainsant, Arnaud; Minier, Quentin; Mousset, Jerome; Ougier, Lydie; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Phillips, Celine; Pierart, Antoine; Pineau, Anna; Sourisseau, Sylvain; Thiriot, Sarah; Trevisiol, Audrey; Varet, Anne; Vicard, Fanny; Villard, Camille; Vitel, Manon; Weberhaddad, Valerie; Benita, Denis; Berthomieu, Nadine; Bienvenu, Frederique; Bloquel, Marianne; Bodiguel, Aude; Bodineau, Luc; Bouxin, Alix; Caire, Jose; Cardona-Maestro, Astrid; Carpene, Lilian; Castel, Nicolas; Caudron, Jean-Charles; Caumont, Romuald; Cauneau, Philippe; Cheverry, Marc; Colomb, Lucie; Cottignies, Marc; Departe, Alba; Devries, Valentin; Dore, Nicolas; Deswaziere, Antoine; Ducreux, Bertrand-Olivier; Fautrad, Alice; Feix, Isabelle; Filmon, Karine; Gagnepain, Bruno; Gagnepain, Laurent; Genthon, Benedicte; Georges, Julie; Godefroy, Florence; Gourdon, Thomas; Gouardes, Eric; Guastavi, Raphael; Hebe, Isabelle; Kherrouf, Samira; Kreitz, Therese; Lafitte, Bruno; Laruelle, Celine; Latimier, Etienne; Lefranc, Anne; Leonardon, Philippe; Louis, Jonathan; Machefaux, Emilie; Mari, Elliot; Marion, Roland; Marry, Solene; Martin, Sarah; Martin, Solange; Moussard, Stephanie; Padilla, Sylvie; Pappalardo, Sidonie; Pasquier, Maxime; Pasquier, Sylvain; Peraudeau, Nicolas; Pillet, Adeline; Poirson, Maxence; Pouet, Jean-Christophe; Proharam, Florence; Ransquin, Johan; Rocci, Anais; Rosenstein, Frederic; Salvazet, Olivia; Sanna, Daniela; Choeffter, Marc; Taillant, Pierre; Theobald, Olivier; Tholance, Maeva; Thouin, Simon; Thual, Julien; Tonnet, Nicolas; Tremeac, Yann; Visier, Jean- Christophe; Wiart, Jacques; Ben Naceur, Kamel; Caquet, Thierry; Charrue, Herve; Delabroy, Olivier; Dubuisson-Quellier, Sophie; Dutertre, Christian; Giraudon, Gerard; Gohin, Carla; Haverkamp, Kristina; Jany-Catrice, Florence; Jullian, Sophie; Meda, Dominique; Salha, Bernard; Stephan, Ronan; Tubiana, Laurence; Abbadie, Luc; Bonnel, Alexis; Christmann, Patrice; Grandjean, Alain; Gueret, Thomas; Jacod, Anne; Leguet, Benoit; Momas, Isabelle; Montagne, Xavier
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 9040649004, Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 9040649004, Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
[en] This paper is a forecast that paints four coherent and contrasting paths to achieve carbon neutrality in France in 2050. They aim to articulate the technical and economic dimensions with reflections on the transformations of society that they imply or that they arouse. The following sectors are detailed: those relating to consumption (land use and planning, construction, mobility and food); those which constitute the productive system (agriculture, forest exploitation and industry), those which form the energy supply (gas, cold and heat, biomass, liquid fuels and hydrogen); those that constitute resources (biomass and waste) and carbon sinks. These sectors are also analyzed with regard to their impacts on water, soil, materials and air quality. This book is the result of more than two years of work carried out by the French organization ADEME, in interaction with external partners, in order to inform the decisions to be taken in the years to come. Because the goal is not to propose a political project nor 'the' right trajectory, but to bring together elements of technical, economic and environmental knowledge in order to make people aware of the implications of the societal and technical choices that will lead to the chosen paths
'Transition(s) 2050. Choisir maintenant. Agir pour le climat' est une prospective qui peint quatre chemins coherents et contrastes pour atteindre la neutralite carbone en France en 2050. Ils visent a articuler les dimensions technico-economiques avec des reflexions sur les transformations de la societe qu'elles supposent ou qu'elles suscitent. Les secteurs suivants y sont detailles: ceux qui relevent de la consommation (l'amenagement du territoire, le batiment, la mobilite et l'alimentation); ceux qui constituent le systeme productif (l'agriculture, l'exploitation des forets et l'industrie), ceux qui forment l'offre d'energie (le gaz, le froid et la chaleur, la biomasse, les carburants liquides et l'hydrogene); ceux qui constituent des ressources (la biomasse et les dechets) et les puits de carbone. Ces secteurs sont egalement analyses au regard de leurs impacts, lorsque cela a ete possible, sur l'eau, les sols, les materiaux et la qualite de l'air. Cet ouvrage est le resultat d'un travail de plus de deux ans mene par l'ADEME, en interaction avec des partenaires exterieurs, afin d'eclairer les decisions a prendre dans les annees a venir. Car le but n'est pas de proposer un projet politique ni 'la' bonne trajectoire, mais de rassembler des elements de connaissances techniques, economiques et environnementales afin de faire prendre conscience des implications des choix societaux et techniques qu'entraineront les chemins qui seront choisisOriginal Title
Transition(s) 2050 - Choisir maintenant, agir pour le climat. Rapport + Synthese + Resume executif + Infographies + Feuilleton 'Modes de vie' des scenarios de Transition(s) 2050 + Conference presse, 30 novembre 2021
Primary Subject
Nov 2021; 751 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pedro, Georges; Blanzat, Bernard; Albrecht, Pierre; Berthelin, Jacques; Boudot, Jean-Pierre; Munier-Lamy, Colette; Cossa, Daniel; Feix, Isabelle; Guillaumont, Robert; HUC, Alain Yves; Lavelle, Patrick; Lebrun, Michel; Lucas, Yves; Metivier, Henri; Ourisson, Guy; Raimbault, Patrick; Ranger, Jacques; Gerard, Frederic; Schmidt-Laine, Claudine; Dercourt, Jean; Gaillardet, Jerome; Bourrie, Guilhem; Trolard, Fabienne; Gerard, Frederic; Dambrine, Etienne; Meunier, Jean Dominique; Benoit, Marc; Breda, Nathalie; Dupouey, Jean-Luc; Granier, Andre; Franc, Alain; GARBAYE, Jean; Martin, Francis; Landmann, Guy; Loustau, Denis; Martinez, Jose; Crochon, Philippe; Gay, Jean-Didier; Peres, Jean-Marc; Tamponnet, Christian; Andreux, Francis; Tusseauvuillemin, Marie-Helene; Barker, Evelyne; Bouisset, Patrick; Germain, Pierre; Masson, Olivier; Boust, Dominique; Bailly du Bois, Pascal; Abdelouas, Abdesselam; Grambow, Bernd; Ansoborlo, Erich; Chiappini, Remo; Lobinski, Ryzsard; Montavon, Gilles; Moulin, Christophe; Moulin, Valerie; Ollivier, Bernard; Haeseler, Franck; Prieur, Daniel; Magot, Michel; Charmasson, Sabine; Poss, Roland; Grimaldi, Catherine; Grimaldi, Michel; Malet, Caroline
EDP Sciences, 17 avenue du Hoggar, PA de Courtaboeuf, 91944 Les Ulis cedex A (France); Academie des Sciences, 23 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris (France)2007
EDP Sciences, 17 avenue du Hoggar, PA de Courtaboeuf, 91944 Les Ulis cedex A (France); Academie des Sciences, 23 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris (France)2007
[en] The aim of this report is to demonstrate that the biogeochemical approach provides a uniting framework for managing the environment of our planet and in particular the environment of a planet reshaped by Man in the best possible way. This framework is based on the study of the biogeochemical cycles that characterize the biosphere (i.e. the place where life is present) and that are naturally linked to the Earth's overall geochemical cycles. The goal of this report is not to describe the biogeochemical cycles of all the chemical elements, but to show why and how these cycles have a significant role in the evolution of a planet shaped by man. In order to do so, the report is divided into two units and four parts: In the first unit, all the information that is directly linked to understanding geochemical cycles is brought together. It is divided in two parts. The first part concerns the description of the biogeochemical cycle of some of the elements that play a major role in the bio-geosphere. We have focused on: - carbon, because it is involved in all of the cycles, i.e. the atmospheric, ecological and geological cycles (chapter 1); - nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur because they are specific to the living world and because their role is likely to be primordial in the environment (chapter 2); - silicon, aluminum and iron because they allow us to make a bridge between the ecological and the geological systems (chapter 3); - finally, radionuclides (natural and artificial), due to their impact on the biological environment (chapter 4); The second part concerns the biogeochemical study of a number of representative environments of the natural and man-shaped planet. Regarding natural ecosystems, we have focused on: - forest ecosystems, which are highly characteristic of terrestrial environments and which are the site of often very efficient biogeochemical recycling (chapter 5.1); - oceanic environments. Although not part of our topic, the biogeochemistry of these environments is described very briefly to show that in this field everything at the surface of the planet is linked (chapter 5.2). In environments that are highly influenced by Man where the excess and overload of certain elements can lead to dysfunctions, we have focused on three types of environments: - the agricultural sector, where we looked at the practice of manuring using exogenous organic matter (EOM) which is found in areas of intensive breeding farms (chapter 6.1); - the industrial sector; we present a number of environments where certain elements are in excess, such as can happen in mining and metallurgy areas (chapter 6.2); - Finally, we looked at estuary environments because they are the collection point for numerous contaminants coming from the continents (chapter 6.3). The second unit proceeds from all we have learnt in the first, briefly that biogeochemical cycles are the consequence of complex systems that necessitate many scientific fields and numerous data. This consideration implies: a) further studies in certain scientific areas; b) a particular interest in data collection; c) the reliance on model building. Point a) constitutes the third part which stresses the development of all venues concerning the role of the soil as a living environment. Knowledge is still lacking in this area. Concerning this issue, two points are considered in particular: - research on micro-organisms that are crucial for transforming waste and other residues from living beings and their return to the mineral state (chapter 7); - research on soil organic matter, which plays a fundamental role because it is an intermediate between the mineral world and the living world (chapter 8). Points b) and c) are treated in the fourth part of the report which discusses model operations (chapter 9) and problems linked to a generalized collection of data (for instance, observatories, networks) (chapter 10)
Original Title
Cycles biogeochimiques et ecosystemes continentaux. Rapport sur la science et la technologie No. 27
Primary Subject
Nov 2007; 482 p; ISBN 978-2-86883-938-1; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue