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Matthes, Felix C.
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2009
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2009
[en] The discussion on the plant life extensions for German nuclear power plants beyond the residual quantity of electricity particularly focus on three aspects: Effects for the emission of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas; Development of the electricity price for which a reduction or attenuation is postulated due to a plant life extension; Skimming of additional profits at operating companies and their use in the safeguarding of the future (development of renewable energies, support of energy efficiency, promotion of the research, consolidation of the public budget, and so on). Under this aspect, the author of the contribution under consideration reports on the profit taking of nuclear power plant operators. The presented analysis considers three aspects: (a) Specification of the quantity structures for the investigated model of plant life extension; (b) The decisive parameter is the revenue situation and thus the price development for electricity at wholesale markets; (c) Determination and evaluation of the course in time of the profit taking.
Original Title
Laufzeitverlaengerungen fuer die deutschen Kernkaftwerke? Kurzanalyse zu den Gewinnmitnahmen der KKW-Betreiber
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Oct 2009; 30 p; Available from:
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Matthes, Felix C.
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2011
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2011
[en] The short study on the German model of nuclear phase-out evaluates the realization of the Governmental compromise from May 29, 2011 based on the residual electric power model and the implementation of the compromise based on an optimized model. The author demonstrates that the model based on residual amounts of current will jeopardize the planned nuclear phase-out in 2020/21. The alternative model is based on a stepwise phase-out with reduced residual amounts of current, which seems possible due to the recent profitable development.
Original Title
Analyse und Einordnung des Modells zum beschleunigten Auslaufen der deutschen Kernkraftwerke. Kurzanalyse
Primary Subject
May 2011; 16 p; Available from:
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Riek, Felix C.
Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Fachbereich Physik2007
Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Fachbereich Physik2007
[en] Experiments with heavy ion collisions, like the ones performed at the GSI, are a tool to gain insight in the structure of matter. One key point needed to understand the experimental data is the theoretical description of the in medium properties of mesons and baryons. In this thesis we first developed a self-consistent description for the light vector mesons, ρ and ω, and the pion at finite temperature and in a baryon free environment. A generalisation of these calculations towards finite densities mandatorily needs a reliable description for the pion and the Δ(1232) resonance. Here we extended the approaches discussed in literature by the inclusion of vertex corrections and a selfconsistent and completely relativistic description. Within these models we were able to show that even at high temperatures the ρ-meson properties are not changed dramatically when temperature effects are considered only. In contrast to this the behaviour of the pion and the Δ-isobar is dramatically changed a finite density. The isobar mass-shift is given by an appropriate choice of the mean-fields. Therefore we can not draw a final conclusion about such shifts within our model. In order to do so more calculations, especially of the photo absorption on the nucleus, have to be performed. A further aspect of the calculations presented is that due to a consistent consideration of vertex corrections we were able to achieve a description of the Δ-resonance without the usually used soft formfactor. This is especially important for the in-medium calculations because only in this way we can guarantee that soft modes of the spectrum are treated consistently. The techniques developed within this thesis allow for a straight forward generalisation of the presented models with respect to the consideration of more resonances or couplings. Doing so the here obtained description of the in-medium properties of the considered particles can be refined. (orig.)
Primary Subject
2007; 145 p; Diss. (Dr.rer.nat.)
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Matthes, Felix C.
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2018
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2018
[en] This statement is structured as follows. Section 2 contains the answers to the questionnaire submitted to the author in advance. Section 3 provides a compact assessment of the current status of the energy transformation in Germany, which is based on four generic strategies for deep decarbonisation targets. Section 4 lists some references for further reading and section 5 provides data and figures intended to be of use to those interested in more in-depth quantitative or structural information. Last but not least, it should be noted that parts of the information and analysis provided in this statement is based on research funded by German government institutions. However, the positions presented in this paper do not necessarily represent official German positions.
Primary Subject
5 Feb 2018; 26 p; Available from:
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Giboni, K.; Felix, C.
Societe de Prospection Electrique Schlumberger, 75 - Paris (France)1994
Societe de Prospection Electrique Schlumberger, 75 - Paris (France)1994
[en] Semiconductor detector X-rays to obtain energy selective answers including a semiconductor block, possessing two lateral faces, the first face being covered by an electrode succession with elongated strip shape having various widths, these electrodes being put away in order of increasing widths, the weakest width electrode being next to the X-ray receptive fore face, the second side face being covered with at least one electrode. Application to inspection, checking, monitoring or object characterization. 5 refs., 5 figs
Original Title
Detecteur de rayons X pour l'obtention de reponses selectives en energie
2 Dec 1994; 28 May 1993; 16 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2705791/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 9306450; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 28 May 1993
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Matthes, Felix C.; Hermann, Hauke
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2009
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2009
[en] The discussions on electricity price effects in case of the plant life extension of German nuclear power plants covers the following topics: (1) Introduction and methodology. (2) Electricity generation in nuclear power plants and electricity price based on an empirical view: electricity generation in nuclear power plants and final consumption price for households and industry in the European Union; electricity generation in nuclear power plants and electricity wholesale price in case of low availability of nuclear power plants in Germany; comparison of electricity wholesale prices in Germany and France. (3) Model considerations in relation to electricity prices and nuclear phase-out. (4) Concluding considerations.
Original Title
Laufzeitverlaengerungen fuer die deutschen Kernkraftwerke? Kurzanalyse zu den potenziellen Strompreiseffekten
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 2009; 32 p; Available from:
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Matthes, Felix C.; Flachsbarth, Franziska; Vogel, Moritz
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2018
Oeko-Institut e.V. - Institut fuer Angewandte Oekologie, Berlin (Germany)2018
[en] In the discourse about infrastructure expansion that is robust and for which public acceptance is assured, the relationship between decentralization and the future demands on power grid infrastructures is a critical issue. It includes the whole spectrum of applicable interrelationships, the myriad areas of tension and complexities of centrality, decentralization and so-called ''cellular'' approaches. The issue of decentralization - which is often handled very vaguely and (too) often features rather crude narratives - requires a nuanced, differentiated analysis. In a first step the present study reviews and analyzes the different dimensions and aspects of decentralization of electricity generation based on literature reviews. This finds, first of all, that a purely technical approach to the relationship between decentralization and grid expansion (small vs. large installations, connected voltage level) is not a viable approach. A crucial factor in the context of grid expansion is, firstly, the proximity of power generation plants to electricity customers. If a large share of the power generation is decentralized, the pressures on the electricity grid can naturally be reduced. Secondly, the proximity of the flexibility options (e.g. demand flexibility, storage, back-up capacities) to the electricity customers is of major importance, since such flexibility options will play a fundamental role in an electricity system based on renewable energies. In a second step, data analyses (with a high spatial resolution) were conducted on the limits of potentials for absolute solar and wind power generation and on the corresponding demand structures (in both cases on a district level). These analyses initially completely exclude the cost or availability issues of flexibility options and contain only quantity balances with a high spatial resolution. They show that, firstly, there is a substantial concentration of demand in the industrial regions in the west and south and in the metropolitan regions of Germany. In a third step, a comparative analysis is conducted for a wide range of models of the German electricity system that have different designs and use very different methodologies. Scenarios that calculate a 20% to 50% lower need for grid expansion have the following characteristics: 1. The scenarios assume or determine a strong expansion of onshore wind energy in the ''South'' zone. The scope of the additional grid expansion resulting for 2030 and 2035 is three to four times, and in extreme cases six times, higher than the values assumed in the network development plans. 2. A disproportionate expansion of onshore wind energy in the ''West'' zone is predominantly assumed or calculated. The additional grid expansion amounts to a factor of 2 to 3, and in two extreme cases to a factor of 7, higher than that assumed in the network development plans. 3. Largely, albeit not consistently, a very strong expansion of solar power generation is assumed in the ''South'' zone. The capacities of PV systems in the ''South'' zone exceed that of the network development plans for 2030 and 2035 by a factor of 2 to 3. (4.) For 2030 the relationships between the remaining coal-fired power plant capacities and the necessary grid expansion depend to a great extent on how (additional) renewable power generation is regionalized. For 2035 the amount of coal-fired power generation no longer shapes the dimensions of electricity grid expansion. Viewing the three steps of the analysis overall, a number of recommendations for action can be derived in addition to the above-mentioned conclusions. Firstly, a structured discourse is needed to clarify whether and in which model or at what times decentralized (''cellular'') control approaches - aside from optimization of self-consumption - could be implemented or considered as a variant for grid expansion planning. Secondly, the assumptions for expansion limits of renewable power generation need to be validated. This is the case for onshore and offshore wind power capacities as well as PV power generation in high spatial resolution, at least for the zones and particularly the ''South'' and ''West'' zones in Germany. The real land potentiality and acceptance should receive special attention. Thirdly, there is an urgent need to develop a uniform assessment criteria for calculating all the costs and land requirements (for electricity generation plants, flexibility options and infrastructures) in order to enable comparability in future analyses. Fourthly, to improve the comparability of future studies, it would be helpful to develop a pragmatic metric that can be used to compare the grid expansion needs and take into account the different modeling approaches. The present metastudy is the first comprehensive attempt to analyze the complex fields of tension between decentralization and grid expansion, which have been shaped by different narratives and present many conceptual and data challenges. Further research needs to be conducted on these aspects.
Im Diskurs um einen robusten und akzeptanzseitig abgesicherten Infrastrukturausbau bildet das Verhaeltnis zwischen Dezentralitaet und dem zukuenftigen Bedarf an Stromnetzinfrastrukturen einen kritischen Bereich. Dies betrifft sowohl die ganze Bandbreite der relevanten Zusammenhaenge als auch die vielfaeltigen Spannungsfelder und Abwaegungsfragen von Zentralitaet, Dezentralisierung und zellularen Ansaetzen. Das oft sehr vage und (zu) oft auf der Ebene von eher groben Narrativen bleibende Thema Dezentralitaet bedarf einer Abschichtung. Auf der ersten, qualitativen Untersuchungsebene der hier vorgelegten Studie werden die verschiedenen Dimensionen und Bewertungsaspekte von Dezentralitaet auf der Basis von Literaturauswertungen betrachtet. Dabei ergibt sich zunaechst, dass mit Blick auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Dezentralitaet und Netzausbau die rein technische Sicht (Klein- vs. Grossanlagen, angeschlossene Spannungsebene) keine tragfaehige Perspektive bildet. Einen entscheidenden Faktor hinsichtlich des Netzausbaus bildet erstens die Verbrauchsnaehe der Erzeugungsanlagen. Ein grosser Anteil von verbrauchsnahen Anlagen koennte den Netzbedarf naturgemaess verringern. Zweitens ist aber auch Verbrauchsnaehe der Flexibilitaetsoptionen (z.B. Nachfrageflexibilitaet, Speicher, Backup-Kapazitaeten) von erheblicher Bedeutung, da diese Flexibilitaetsoptionen in einem regenerativ gepraegten Stromsystem eine elementare Rolle spielen werden. Auf einer zweiten Untersuchungsebene wurden ergaenzende Datenanalysen zu den raeumlich hoch aufgeloesten Grenzen der Potenziale fuer die absolute Solar- und Windstromerzeugung sowie zu den entsprechenden raeumlichen Nachfragestrukturen (jeweils auf Ebene der Landkreise) durchgefuehrt. Diese Analysen blenden zunaechst Kosten- oder Verfuegbarkeitsfragen der Flexibilitaetsoptionen vollstaendig aus und umfassen allein raeumlich hoch aufgeloeste Mengenbilanzen. Sie zeigen, dass erstens eine erhebliche Konzentration der Nachfrage in den Industrieregionen im Westen und Sueden Deutschlands sowie in den Metropolregionen vorliegt. Auf einer dritten Untersuchungsebene wurde eine grosse Bandbreite von verschieden ausgerichteten und methodisch sehr unterschiedlich angelegten Modellierungen des deutschen Stromsystems einer vergleichenden Analyse unterzogen. Szenarien, die einen um 20 bis 50% geringeren Netzausbaubedarf errechnen, sind durch die folgenden Punkte charakterisiert. 1. Sie unterstellen oder ermitteln einen starken Ausbau der Onshore-Windenergie in der Zone Sued. Die Groessenordnungen dieses Mehrausbaus fuer den Zeithorizont 2030 und 2035 liegen beim Drei- bis Vierfachen, im Extremfall beim Sechsfachen der in den Netzentwicklungsplaenen angenommenen Werte. 2. Ganz ueberwiegend wird ein ebenfalls ueberproportionaler Ausbau der Onshore- Windenergie in den Zone West unterstellt oder errechnet. Hier liegt der Mehrausbau um den Faktor 2 bis 3, in zwei Extremfaellen um den Faktor 7 ueber den Annahmen der Netzentwicklungsplaene. 3. Ueberwiegend, wenn auch nicht durchgaengig, liegt ein sehr starker Ausbau der solaren Stromerzeugung in der Zone Sued zu Grunde. Das Kapazitaetsniveau der PVAnlagen in der Zone Sued uebertrifft das der Netzentwicklungsplaene fuer den Zeithorizont 2030 und 2035 um den Faktor 2 bis 3. (4.) Fuer den Zeithorizont 2030 haengen die Zusammenhaenge zwischen dem Umfang der verbliebenen Kohlekraftwerkskapazitaeten und dem notwendigen Netzausbau massgeblich davon ab, nach welchem Muster die (zusaetzliche) erneuerbare Stromerzeugung regionalisiert wird. Fuer den Zeithorizont 2035 hat der Umfang der Kohleverstromung keinen Erklaerungswert fuer die Dimensionierung des Netzausbaus mehr. In der Zusammenschau der drei Untersuchungsebenen laesst sich neben den genannten Erkenntnissen eine Reihe von Handlungsbedarfen und Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten. Diese betreffen erstens einen strukturierten Diskurs zur Klaerung der Frage, ob und in welchem Modell bzw. mit welchen Zeithorizonten dezentrale (zellulare) Steuerungsansaetze jenseits der Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung eingefuehrt bzw. als Variante fuer die Netzausbauplanung beruecksichtigt werden koennten. Zweitens beduerfen die Annahmen zu Ausbaugrenzen der regenerativen Stromerzeugung einer Validierung. Dies gilt fuer die Onshoreund Offshore-Windkraftkapazitaeten wie auch die PV-Stromerzeugung in hoher raeumlicher Aufloesung, zumindest aber auf Ebene der verschiedenen Zonen und insbesondere mit Blick auf die Zonen Sued und West. Die reale Flaechenerschliessbarkeit und Akzeptanz sollten hier in besonderem Masse Beruecksichtigung finden. Drittens sollten dringend einheitliche Bewertungsraster fuer die Bilanzierung aller Kosten und Flaechenbedarfe (jeweils fuer Erzeugungsanlagen, Flexibilitaetsoptionen und Infrastrukturen) entwickelt werden, um fuer zukuenftige Analysen auch hier Vergleichbarkeiten zu ermoeglichen. Viertens waere fuer bessere Vergleichbarkeit zukuenftiger Analysen die Entwicklung einer pragmatischen Metrik hilfreich, mit der unter Beruecksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Modellierungsansaetze der Umfang des Netzausbaubedarfs in vergleichbarer Weise beschrieben werden kann. Die hier vorgelegte Metastudie bildet einen ersten umfassenden Versuch, die komplexe, an vielen Stellen von Narrativen gepraegte sowie konzeptionell und datenseitig anspruchsvolle Materie im Spannungsfeld von Dezentralitaet und Netzausbau aufzuarbeiten. Eine Weiterfuehrung dieses Analysestrangs erscheint dringend geboten.Original Title
Dezentralitaet, Regionalisierung und Stromnetze. Meta-Studie ueber Annahmen, Erkenntnisse und Narrative fuer die Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI)
Primary Subject
11 Mar 2018; 87 p; Available from: g-und-Stromnetze.pdf
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Difilippo, Felix C., E-mail: pitagoras_km30@yahoo.com2015
[en] Highlights: • Coupled neutron kinetics with elastic equations. • Coupled neutron kinetics with thermal hydraulics transients. • Solve the system of coupled nonlinear first order differential equations. • Compute energy yield. • Compute thermodynamics conditions. - Abstract: A fatal critical accident in a compact, water moderated and highly enriched (90%) MTR facility is analyzed. A very detailed Monte Carlo model was used to define the initial conditions and the reactivity coefficients. The MCNP code was used to model all the heterogeneities of the facility. Once the reactivity parameters were calculated the kinetics equations were solved coupling them with the thermodynamics conditions of the core and the steady water. The power pulse was then calculated and compared with radiological data
Primary Subject
S0306-4549(15)00367-9; Available from; Copyright (c) 2015 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Procedures to produce light graphite foam (∼0.5 g/cm3) that exhibits heat conductivities similar to full density graphite have been developed at ORNL. The consequent substantial reduction in the thermal inertia might have a significant impact in standard designs of graphite system and it could make possible new concepts. We discuss two possible applications: (a) a modular, zero burnup reactivity swing, reactor and (b) the pebble bed accelerator-driven transmutator
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Secondary Subject
S0306454903002172; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Difilippo, Felix C., E-mail: pitagoras_km30@yahoo.com2014
[en] Highlights: • Radiation field inside an empty shell source. • Direct and inverse problem for this idealization. Analytical solution of the integral equation. • Zero collision flux when the shell source is filled with a material media. • Applications to medical physics and nondestructive assay. • Numerical algorithm and analytical results verified with Monte Carlo calculations of fluxes and doses. - Abstract: We present an integral equation that describes the uncollided particle flux for the case of an inward spherical shell source of radius R. This is a reasonable description, for example, of a point source that moves on a spherical surface located at distance R from the target of a radiation treatment. The additional assumption of conditions for radial symmetry allows the derivation of an integral equation that relates the scalar flux to the description of the beam source as function of the angle between the direction of the source particles and the normal to the sphere. Analytical and numerical solutions for this integral equation are successfully compared with, respectively, known analytical results and with Monte Carlo simulations. The integral equation can then be used for solutions of the inverse problem: given the flux obtain the source, i.e. the shape of the beam. A numerical algorithm was developed for this purpose as well as an analytical solutions based on the solution of the integral equation by the use of the Laplace transform. The optimal shape for the beam is then obtained based on the constraint that the source has to be positive and finite everywhere, allowing the design of appropriate collimators for the beams. Monte Carlo calculations as a function of the number of collisions show that the uncollided flux for the beam so determined behaves as expected and that penumbra effects due to multiple collisions are sufficiently small (∼20%) to consider the beam as a good first guess for an iterative procedure for the design, for example, of 3-D conformal radiotherapy treatment
Primary Subject
S0306-4549(13)00504-5; Available from; Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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