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Wagner, L.K.; Johnston, D.A.; Felleman, D.J.
Texas Univ., Houston, TX (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1991
Texas Univ., Houston, TX (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1991
[en] A brain weight deficit of about 70 mg was induced at doses of approximately 75-mGy and a deficit of 60 mg was induced at 100 mGy. This confirms the effects projected and observed by Wanner and Edwards. Although the data do not demonstrate a clear dose-response relationship between the 75-mGy and 100-mGy groups, the data are statistically consistent with a dose-response effect because of the overlapping confidence intervals. The lack of a statistically significant observation is most likely related to the small difference in doses and the limited numbers of animals examined. There are several factors that can influence the brain weight of guinea pig pups, such as caging and housing conditions, the sex of the animal, and litter size. These should be taken into account for accurate analysis. Dam weight did not appear to have a significant effect. The confirmation of a micrencephalic effect induced x rays at doses of 75-mGy during this late embryonic stage of development is consistent with the findings of small head size induced in those exposed prior to the eight week of conception at Hiroshima. This implies a mechanism for micrencephaly different from those previously suggested and lends credence to a causal relation between radiation and small head size in humans at low doses as reported by Miller and Mulvihill. 16 refs., 13 tabs
Primary Subject
1991; 30 p; CONTRACT FG05-89ER60912; OSTI as DE92002574; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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