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Filin, A.I.
Heavy liquid-metal coolants in the nuclear technologies. Collection of reports of the conference in two volumes. Volume 21999
Heavy liquid-metal coolants in the nuclear technologies. Collection of reports of the conference in two volumes. Volume 21999
[en] All experimental works on the neutron physics thermohydraulics, structural materials corrosion, safety as well as the basic results of these works, confirming the conception of the fast reactor with the lead coolant, are enumerated. The more exact definitions of the lead nuclear data are carried out. The possibility of applying the lead-bismuth coolant technology for the lead is shown. The performed investigations principally confirm the conception of the fast reactor NPP with the lead coolant
Перечислены все экспериментальные работы, проведенные в подтверждение концепции быстрых реакторов со свинцовым теплоносителем по нейтронной физике, теплогидравлике, коррозии конструкционных материалов, безопасности, а также полученные принципиальные результаты этих работ. Проведены уточнения ядерных данных для свинца. Показана возможность применения свинцово-висмутовой технологии теплоносителя для свинца. Проведенные исследования принципиально подтверждают предложенную концепцию АЭС с быстрым реактором со свинцовым теплоносителемOriginal Title
Ehksperimental'nye raboty v podtverzhdenie kontseptsii bystrykh reaktorov so svintsovym teplonositelem (BREST). Rezul'taty i plany
Primary Subject
Gromov, B.F. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii - Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. im. akademika A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 824 p; 1999; p. 436-439; Heavy liquid-metal coolants in the nuclear technologies; Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh; Obninsk (Russian Federation); 5-9 Oct 1998; Available from FSUE Atominform, Russian Federation, 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh., 2. E-mail:; 11 refs.
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[en] The status of the activities for the development of an NPP with a lead-cooled pilot and demonstration fast reactor with the electric power of 300 MW (BREST-OD-300) and with an on-site fuel cycle for the Beloyarsk NPP is reviewed. The pilot and demonstration reactor and the on-site fuel cycle are designed for optimizing all processes that help to confirm the implementation of requirements to large-scale nuclear power. Basic NPP, reactor, on-site fuel cycle and RW treatment designs are presented. Comparative economic estimates for NPPs with BREST, WWER and BN reactor facilities are presented. BREST nuclear technology is one of the directions in implementing the Initiative by RF President V.V. Putin. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo (Japan); American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York (United States); [3610 p.]; 2003; [9 p.]; ICONE-11: 11. international conference on nuclear engineering; Tokyo (Japan); 20-23 Apr 2003; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP, MACINTOSH; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, Track No. 06, Session 6-19, ICONE-36410; 2 figs., 2 tabs.
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Lopatkin, A.V.; Orlov, V.V.; Filin, A.I.
Actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation2001
Actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation2001
[en] Transmutation of long-lived nuclides produced as a result of nuclear generation, should be set up proceeding from the principle of reasonable sufficiency, expressed as radiation equivalence between the radwaste sent to disposal and source natural uranium. In this case, introduction of fast reactors of new generation (such as BREST or other reactors based on similar philosophy) will resolve transmutation problems even with the thermal-to-fast reactor capacity ratio of 2:1. The authors of the 'Strategy of nuclear power development in Russia' foresee, and substantiate their prediction, that fast reactors of the new generation will account for no less than 2/3 of nuclear capacity in future large-scale nuclear power sector. Fast reactors will be the basis of a transmutation fuel cycle, which will remove the need of creating additional transmutation facilities. (author)
Primary Subject
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); 958 p; ISBN 92-64-18466-X; ; 2001; p. 947-958; 6. information exchange meeting; Madrid (Spain); 11-13 Dec 2000; 5 refs.
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Gabaraev, B.A.; Filin, A.I.
Heavy liquid metal coolants in nuclear power engineering. Theses of conference reports2003
Heavy liquid metal coolants in nuclear power engineering. Theses of conference reports2003
No abstract available
Original Title
Razrabotka AEhS s RU BREST-OD-300, pristantsionnym toplivnym tsiklom dlya ploshchadki Beloyarskoj AEhS. Realizatsiya Initsiativy Presidenta RF V.V. Putina
Primary Subject
Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po atomnoj ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. im. A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 101 p; 2003; p. 15; Heavy liquid metal coolants in nuclear power engineering; Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh; Obninsk (Russian Federation); 11-12 Dec 2003; Available from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TSNIIATOMINFORM, Russian Federation, 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh., 2
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Orlov, V.V.; Filin, A.I.; Lopatkin, A.V.; Glazov, A.G.
Working management in the division on development of equipment for radiochemical industry, fuel fabrication and manipulations with radioactive wastes of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. Out-of-town meeting of the sections 2, 3 of NTS-4 of FAAEh. Collection of reports2005
Working management in the division on development of equipment for radiochemical industry, fuel fabrication and manipulations with radioactive wastes of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. Out-of-town meeting of the sections 2, 3 of NTS-4 of FAAEh. Collection of reports2005
[en] In creation of technological project of terminal nuclear fuel cycle BREST-OD-300 principle of natural safety is realized. Project developed is the first attempt to create remote-serviced automatized process for regeneration and refabrication of nuclear fuel with high degree of protection of nuclear material misappropriation. The automation degree of technological process is different through cycle stages: from full automatization at pellet fabrication section to per operation remote control at assembly one
При создании технического проекта пристанционного ядерного топливного цикла БРЕСТ-ОД-300 реализовывался принцип естественной безопасности. Разработанный проект является первой попыткой создания дистанционно обслуживаемого, автоматизированного производства регенерации и рефабрикации ядерного топлива с высокой степенью защиты от хищения ядерного материала. Степень автоматизации технологического процесса различна по участкам цикла: от полной автоматизации на участке производства таблеток до пооперационного управления на участке сборкиOriginal Title
Distantsionnoe avtomatizirovannoe izgotovlenie smeshannogo yadernogo topliva v PYaTTs BREST-OD-300
Primary Subject
Federal'noe Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Sverdlovskij Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Khimicheskogo Mashinostroeniya, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); 447 p; ISBN 5-900700-12-7; ; 2005; p. 58-60; Working management in the division on development of equipment for radiochemical industry, fuel fabrication and manipulations with radioactive wastes of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing; Organizatsiya rabot v otrasli po sozdaniyu oborudovaniya radiokhimicheskikh proizvodstv, izgotovleniyu topliva i obrashcheniya s RAO ot pererabotki OYaT; Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation); 7-9 Dec 2004
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[en] The analysis of major reactor accidents has lead to a new philosophy on inherent safety of nuclear power plants. Fast power reactors with lead coolant have been conceptually designed over the last 4 years. The attributes of the lead cooled fast reactor which contribute to it's safe operation are described
Primary Subject
3. annual Nuclear Society International (NSI) meeting: nuclear technology tomorrow; St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); 14-18 Sep 1992; CONF-920957--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; CODEN TANSAO; v. 67(Suppl.1); p. 111-113
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Orlov, V.V.; Smirnov, V.S.; Filin, A.I.
Summaries of the International scientific and technical conference 'Nuclear technologies in the XXI century: existence criteria and decisions'2001
Summaries of the International scientific and technical conference 'Nuclear technologies in the XXI century: existence criteria and decisions'2001
No abstract available
Original Title
Kriterii vybora novykh tekhnologij dlya shirokomasshtabnoj yadernoj ehnergetiki XXI veka
Primary Subject
Komitet po nauke pri Sovete ministrov Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Gosudarstvennyj kontsern 'Belehnergo', Minsk (Belarus); Belorusskoe yadernoe obshchestvo, Minsk (Belarus); Yadernoe obshchestvo Rossii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Belorusskij respublikanskij fond fundamental'nykh issledovanij, Minsk (Belarus); 74 p; Oct 2001; p. 4; International Scientific and Technical Conference Nuclear Technologies of the XXI Century: Criteria of the Existence and Decision; Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya 'Yadernye tekhnologii XXI veka: kriterii sushchestvovaniya i resheniya'; Minsk (Belarus); 24-26 Oct 2001; PDF format
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Orlov, V.V.; Smirnov, V.S.; Filin, A.I.
Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dechets Radioactifs, ANDRA, 92 - Chatenay Malabry (France); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); Cogema, 78 - Velizy-Villacoublay (France); Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France); FRAMATOME, 92 - Paris-La-Defence (France); Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)2001
Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dechets Radioactifs, ANDRA, 92 - Chatenay Malabry (France); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); Cogema, 78 - Velizy-Villacoublay (France); Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France); FRAMATOME, 92 - Paris-La-Defence (France); Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)2001
[en] The safety analysis of lead-cooled fast reactors has been performed for the well-developed concept of BREST-OD-300 reactor. The most severe accidents have been considered. An ultimate design-basis accident has been defined as an event resulting from an external impact and involving a loss of leak-tightness of the lead circuit, loss of forced circulation of lead and loss of heat sink to the secondary circuit, failure of controls and of reactor scram with resultant insertion of total reactivity margin, etc. It was assumed in accident analysis that the protective feature available for accident mitigation was only reactivity feedback on the changes in the temperatures of the reactor core elements and coolant flow rate, and in some cases also actuation of passive protections of threshold action in response to low flow rate and high coolant temperature at the core outlet. It should be noted that the majority of the analyzed accidents could be overcame even without initiation of the above protections. It has been demonstrated that a combination of inherent properties of lead coolant, nitride fuel, physical and design features of fast reactors will ensure natural safety of BREST and are instrumental for avoiding by a deterministic approach the accidents associated with a significant release of radioactivity and requiring evacuation of people in any credible initiating event and a combination of events. (author)
Primary Subject
2001; [2 p.]; Global 2001 international conference on: ''back-end of the fuel cycle: from research to solutions''; Paris (France); 9-13 Sep 2001
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Filin, A.I., E-mail:
Advisory group meeting on design and performance of reactor and subcritical blanket systems with lead and lead-bismuth as coolant and/or target material. Working material2001
Advisory group meeting on design and performance of reactor and subcritical blanket systems with lead and lead-bismuth as coolant and/or target material. Working material2001
[en] This paper summarizes detailed design documentation for the nuclear power plant with a pilot demonstration fast reactor with lead coolant of 300 MW(e) output (BREST-OD-300) and on-site fuel cycle at Beloyarsk NPP site, and commencement of R and D activities to justify the design. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate feasibility of designing NPP such as to meet the following main requirements: avoidance of severe accidents at the reactor facility and nuclear fuel cycle facilities associated with radiological hazard for public; radiation-equivalent disposal of radioactive waste and their temporary storage in the region; technological support of non-proliferation regime; competitiveness
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, International Working Group on Fast Reactors, Vienna (Austria); 367 p; 2001; p. 73-74; IAEA-IWGFR advisory group meeting on design and performance of reactor and subcritical blanket systems with lead and lead-bismuth as coolant and/or target material; Moscow (Russian Federation); 23-27 Oct 2000
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Adamov, E.O.; Filin, A.I.; Orlov, V.V.
International conference on innovative technologies for nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear power. Unedited proceedings2004
International conference on innovative technologies for nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear power. Unedited proceedings2004
[en] Much of the global demand for electricity and some demand for heat can be met by a nuclear technology that will comply with the safety, environmental and economic requirements of a large power industry. Nuclear power can grow on a large scale based primarily on big nuclear plants with fast reactors. The key requirements among those placed on the reactor and fuel cycle technologies include: efficient utilisation of accumulated Pu and reduction of specific U consumption by an order of magnitude or more; natural safety - deterministic exclusion of accidents involving large radioactive releases, balance between the radiation hazards of radioactive waste subject to burial and of uranium extracted from the earth; resistance to proliferation of nuclear weapons; reduction in the cost of new plants relative to modern LWRs. This presentation describes the work done on designing a plant with a demonstration lead-cooled 300 MWe reactor (BREST-OD-300) and on experimental validation of the adopted reactor and fuel cycle design. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Electric Utility Cost Group Inc. (United States); International Science and Technology Centre, Moscow (Russian Federation); World Energy Council, London (United Kingdom); World Nuclear Association, London (United Kingdom); 784 p; ISBN 92-0-110704-8; ; Sep 2004; p. 243-257; International conference on innovative technologies for nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear power; Vienna (Austria); 23-26 Jun 2003; IAEA-CN--108/32; ISSN 1563-0153; ; Also available on-line: and; For availability on CD-ROM, please contact IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit, E-mail:; Web site:; 12 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs
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