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Flemming, D; Candler, J.E.
Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Black and Caspian region. Extended abstracts book2002
Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Black and Caspian region. Extended abstracts book2002
[en] Full text:Over the past several years, great progress has been made in understanding and reducing the environmental impacts of offshore drilling wastes. Our understanding of sea floor impacts has been helped along by new environmental assessment tools such us computer modeling of sea floor deposition of drilling discharges, sediment profile imaging, and in situ sediment toxicity bioassays. To further reduce environmental impacts, new pollution prevention technologies have been developed that can shrink the environmental footprint of offshore drilling. These technologies reduce the total amount of drilling wastes discharged and include cuttings dryers and centrifuges that can reduce the drilling fluid content of drill cuttings to below 10 percent. In conclusion, the oil and gas industry is adopting more environmentally compatible drilling fluids, new environmental assessment tools and pollution prevention technologies that dramatically reduce the amount of drilling wastes discharged. Together, all of these elements have the potential to reduce environmental impacts of offshore drilling
Primary Subject
Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists; European Association of Geoscientists and Endineers; National Committee of Azerbaijan Geologists; 420 p; Sep 2002; p. 276; International conference on petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Black and Caspian sea; Baku (Azerbaijan); 24-26 Sep 2002; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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