sp0010>The application of best estimate approach with uncertainty analyses, the deterministic support of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) level 2, and calculations within emergency response require multiple calculations of SA scenarios, therefore the integral codes have to run pretty fast. For consideration of isotopic evolution both in the irradiated fuel and in chemical compounds released from the fuel a depletion model has to be regularly called during each calculation session. To fit the requirement of smaller runtime, the integral code has to be provided with a fast-running depletion model. The fast performance of such models is payed by the predictive accuracy; therefore, it is important to assess if the accuracy is acceptable for the mentioned issues of SA analyses. This paper presents the results of study of errors in the fast-running depletion model that is intended for use in integral code during multi-variant calculations of SA scenarios.
sp0015>The validated parameters are concentrations of actinides and FP in light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel. Additionally, calculations of the decay heat power are provided. The basis for validation consists of the out-of-pile measurement results provided in Nuclear Energy Agency of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) database SFCOMPO-2.0, and the ORIGEN-2 code calculation results obtained by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for Units 1–3 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP.