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Fontaine, J.M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1983
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1983
[en] Electron bombardment can produce surface modifications of the analysed sample. The electron beam effects on solid surfaces which have been discussed in the published literature can be classified into the following four categories: (1) heating and its consequent effects, (2) charge accumulation in insulators and its consequent effects, (3) electron stimulated adsorption (ESA), and (4) electron stimulated desorption and/or decomposition (ESD). In order to understand the physico-chemical processes which take place under electron irradiation in an Al-O system, we have carried out experiments in which, effects, such as heating, charging and gas contamination, were absent. Our results point out the role of an enhanced surface diffusion of oxygen during electron bombardment of an Al (111) sample. The importance of this phenomenon and the contribution of near-elastic scattering of the primary electrons (5 keV) to the increase of the oxidation degree observed on Al (111) are discussed, compared to the generally studied effects
Primary Subject
Apr 1983; 50 p; Conference on scanning electron microscopy; Dearborn, MI (USA); 17-22 Apr 1983; 101 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Fontaine, J.M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Physique Nucleaire1975
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Physique Nucleaire1975
[en] The results presented are only at 90 deg c.m., for the isospin state T=1 and T=0 at 310, 430, 520 and 600MeV, and for the isospin state T=1 at 635 and 670MeV. A comparison with the up-to-date phase shift analysis is given
On presente seulement les resultats a 90 deg c.m. pour l'etat d'isospin T=1 et T=0 a 310, 430, 520 et 600MeV et pour l'etat d'isospin T=1 a 635 et 670MeV. On fait une comparaison avec les derniers resultats parus sur l'analyse de dephasagePrimary Subject
1975; 2 p; 4. International symposium on polarization phenomena in nuclear reactions; Zurich, Switzerland; 25 Aug 1975
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Courteix, D.; Fontaine, J.M.; Lozes, G.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France). Direction des Applications Militaires1986
CEA, 75 - Paris (France). Direction des Applications Militaires1986
[en] Results are reported on initial steps of plutonium alloys (stabilized in phase δ by few percents of gallium) oxidation by oxygen and water vapor. Kinetics observed with oxygen for exposures up to 500 Langmuir are presented. Results are compared with those obtained previously on pure plutonium. First results concerning water vapor adsorption are also presented. They evidence a different initial oxidation and in particular hydroxyl radicals are present in the oxide formed
On rapporte les resultats obtenus sur les etapes initiales de l'oxydation par l'oxygene et la vapeur d'eau d'alliages de plutonium stabilises en phase δ par un faible pourcentage de gallium. On nous presente les cinetiques observees avec l'oxygene sur ces alliages pour des expositions allant jusqu'a 500 Langmuir (500 10-6 torr.l.sec). On compare ces resultats notamment a ceux obtenus sur plutonium pur. On presente egalement des resultats preliminaires concernant l'adsorption de la vapeur d'eau sur ces alliages. Ces derniers mettent en evidence une oxydation initiale differente de celle observee avec l'oxygene et notamment la presence de radicaux hydroxyde dans l'oxyde formeOriginal Title
Etude par spectrometries Auger et ESCA des etapes initiales de l'absorption de l'oxygene et de vapeur d'eau sur des alliages de plutonium-gallium
Oct 1986; 12 p; Seminar on surface analysis; Cadarache (France); 14-17 Oct 1986
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pellerin, F.; Fontaine, J.M.; Le Gressus, C.; Duraud, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Service de Chimie-Physique1979
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Service de Chimie-Physique1979
[en] Elements of low atomic number can be studied by electron energy loss, secondary electron emission and Auger emission. Auger electron spectroscopy is correlated with the inner shell ionization mechanism and atomic relaxation. Electron energy loss spectrometry is related either to collective phenomena like plasmon excitations, or to the excitation of molecular electronic states. The secondary electron emission of contaminated layers results from the desexcitation of these excited states. Using these results, we characterized graphite, carbon segregated on aluminium and organic layers, by excitation of π (6 eV) and sigma (25 eV) orbitals. Molecular hydrogen, adsorbed on Pt, Ta and Al, produces a 13 eV electron energy loss. Adsorbed Oxygen on clean aluminium produces an electron energy loss at 7 eV. The cross section of sigma→sigma* orbital excitation is approximately 102 times higher than the inner K-level carbon ionization cross section. Molecular electronic level desexcitation produces a secondary electron emission at an energy equivalent to that of the electron energy loss value
Primary Subject
1979; 10 p; 14. Electron Microscopy Society and Microbeam Analysis Society combined annual meeting; San Antonio, TX, USA; 13 - 17 Aug 1979
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The understanding of the hydriding mechanism of the uranium 0.2 wt% vanadium alloy lead us to study the influence of temperature (from room temperature to about 2000C) and hydrogen pressure (up to 105Pa) on the reaction kinetic, using ultra-high vacuum technology to minimize the effect of gaseous impurities. After a short nucleation stage, the reaction rate remains constant and takes values higher than those already reported in the literature. The hydriding process cannot be described by a single activated mechanism. A complex hydrided zone is observed under the spall front of the reaction, displaying a double-layer structure: thin hydride precipitates are detected into the underlying metal up to a few microns depth
En vue de mieux comprendre les mecanismes d'hydruration de l'alliage uranium-vanadium 0.2% en poids nous avons etudie l'influence de la temperature (de l'ambiante a 2000C) et de la pression d'hydrogene (jusqu'a 105 Pa) sur la cinetique de reaction, en utilisant une technologie ultra-vide pour minimiser l'effet des impuretes gazeuses. Apres une etape de germination, la vitesse devient constante et prend des valeurs superieures a celles rapportees jusqu'ici dans la litterature. La reaction ne peut etre decrite par un mecanisme active unique. Derriere le front d'avancement, on met en evidence une zone hydruree complexe, formee de deux sous-couches et dans le metal sous-jacent, des precipites d'hydrure sur une profondeur de plusieurs micronsOriginal Title
Etude de l'hydruration d'un alliage uranium-vanadium a 0.2% en poids
Primary Subject
Sep 1985; 13 p; Actinides 85 conference; Aix-en-Provence (France); 2-6 Sep 1985
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Electron bombardment can produce surface modifications of the analysed sample. The electron beam effects on solid surfaces which have been discussed in the published litterature can be classified into the following four categories: (1) heating and its consequent effects, (2) charge accumulation in insulators and its consequent effects, (3) electron stimulated adsorption (ESA), and (4) electron stimulated desorption and/or decomposition (ESD). In order to understand the physico-chemical processes which take place under electron irradiation in an Al-O system, we have carried out experiments in which effects, such as heating, charging and gas contamination, were absent. Our results point out the role of an enhanced surface diffusion of oxygen during electron bombardment of an Al (111) sample. The importance of this phenomenon and the contribution of near-elastic scattering of the primary electrons (5 keV) to the increase of the oxidation degree observed on Al (111) are discussed, compared to the generally studied effects
Malgre des progres considerables et des resultats notables en analyse quantitative, la spectroscopie des electrons Auger (S.E.A.) se heurte a des difficultes dans le domaine de l'analyse quantitative. Parmi celles-ci les effets perturbateurs du bombardement electronique sur la surface analysee sont un obstacle important au progres de la technique. Ces effets ont fait l'objet de nombreuses etudes qui ont pu mettre en evidence un certain nombre de phenomenes responsables de la modification des surfaces sous bombardement electronique. Dans la premiere partie de cet expose, nous etudierons brievement les principaux effets recences dans le domaine de la spectroscopie des electrons Auger. Nous presenterons, dans une seconde partie, une etude des effets du bombardement electronique sur la surface d'un echantillon d'aluminium apres exposition a l'oxygene. Nous montrerons que les mecanismes decrits dans la litterature sont parfois insuffisants pour expliquer les effets observesOriginal Title
Les effets du bombardement electronique en spectroscopie des electrons Auger
Secondary Subject
Winter school on electron spectrometries; Les Arcs (France); 24-28 Jan 1983
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
6. International symposium on high energy spin physics; Marseille (France); 12-19 Sep 1984; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal de Physique. Colloque; ISSN 0449-1947; ; v. 46(C-2); p. 483-484
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Knowledge of the hydriding mechanism of the U-0.2 wt.% V alloy led us to study the influence of temperature (from room temperature to about 2000C) and hydrogen pressure up to 105 Pa on the reaction kinetics, using ultra-high vacuum technology to minimize the effect of gaseous impurities. After a short nucleation stage, the reaction rate remains constant and takes values higher than those already reported in the literature. The hydriding process cannot be described by a single activation mechanism. A complex hydrided zone is observed under the spall front of the reaction, displaying a double-layer structure; thin hydride precipitates are detected in the underlying metal up to a depth of a few microns. (orig.)
Original Title
Etude de l'hydruration d'un alliage uranium-vanadium a 0,2% en poids
Primary Subject
International conference on actinides (Actinides '85); Aix-en-Provence (France); 2-6 Sep 1985
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Perrot, F.; Fontaine, J.M.; Ball, J.
7. International symposium on high energy spin physics. Vol. 21987
7. International symposium on high energy spin physics. Vol. 21987
[en] The pp analyzing power was measured simultaneously with the spin correlation parameter Aoonn(pp) using polarized proton beam and the Saclay frozen spin polarized target. In the analysis Aoono=Aooon was assumed, as required, by TRI. The measurements at 0.88 and 1.1 GeV were carried out in the angular region 25 deg ≤ ΘCM ≤ 60 deg. These data complete previous measurements in the angular range of ΘCM from 45 deg to 90 deg. Between 1.3 and 2.7 GeV the measurements were performed in two overlapping angular region: 25deg ≤ ΘCM ≤ 55 deg and 50 deg ≤ ΘCM ≤ 95 deg. The shape of the angular distribution changes considerably with increasing energy. The evolution of the angular distribution Aoono=f(Θ) or Aoono=f(-t) is discussed in a separate contribution to this conference concerning the t-dependence of Aoono at all energies
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Serpukhov. Inst. Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij; p. 114-115; 1987; p. 114-115; 7. International symposium on high energy spin physics; Protvino (USSR); 22-27 Sep 1986; 1 fig.
Record Type
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Electron bombardement can produce surface modifications of the analysed sample. The main mecanisms, responsible for such effects, are reviewed (heating, electrical effect, electron stimulated desorption, electron stimulated adsorption). Their importance are discussed in the framework of scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. Results which point out the role of an enhanced diffusion of impurities during electron bombardment of silicon and aluminum samples are described. The importance of this phenomenon is discussed, compared to these generally studied
L'interaction d'un faisceau d'electrons avec une surface peut etre responsable d'une modification de celle-ci. Nous avons recense les principaux mecanismes a l'origine de ces effets (thermique, electrique, desorption stimulee, adsorption stimulee) et etudie leur importance relative en microscopie electronique a balyage et en spectrometrie Auger. Nous presentons des resultats mettant en evidence une diffusion d'impuretes (C et O) sur du silicium et sur l'aluminium pendant bombardement electronique. Nous montrons l'importance de ce phenomene par rapport a ceux generalement rapportes dans la litteratureOriginal Title
Les effets du bombardement electronique en spectroscopie d'electrons et en microscopie electronique a balayage
Primary Subject
Meeting on electron spectroscopy: ESCA, AES, SES, ELS; Les Arcs, France; 23 - 27 Feb 1981
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Vide. Couches Minces; ISSN 0042-5281; ; v. 36(205); p. 11-36
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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