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[en] The Standard Model (SM), actual fundamental theory for particle physics, provides a description of the elementary particles and the fundamental interactions: the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. Extensively tested by many world-wide experiments. Questions still remains to be answered for the completeness of this theory. New experiments have been designed and built to create and explore particle interactions at a new high energy scale. The data from those experiments will offer us a chance to test deeper our understanding of the SM and to search for physics beyond the SM. At the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), physicists and engineers from all over the world are searching to understand the fundamental laws of the universe. It is at CERN that the world's largest and most sophisticated experimental instruments have been built, to accelerate particles at the energy of 3.5-4 TeV with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and collide them at the center of detectors. In this way physicists may be able to find hint on how particles interact, and further on the laws of nature. A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS), one of the four main detectors at LHC, aims at a wide range of physics studies, including the precision measurement of the SM processes, the search for the Higgs bosons and hint of new physics. The CMS experiment is aiming at a similar program. In ATLAS, di-boson production is one of the most important electro-weak processes. Among the massive vector boson pair production processes, W+W- production has a larger cross section compared to the WZ and ZZ ones. The electro-weak sector of the SM, as well as the strong interactions, can be tested through the precision measurements of the W+W- production cross section. A measurement of the W+W- production cross section in 8 TeV center of mass proton-proton collisions is presented here from data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC for a total integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1. The W+W- events are selected with 3 final states: ee, eμ, and μμ. In order to suppress the background contamination, mainly from the Drell-Yan and tt processes, a cut on missing transverse energy is applied and events with hadronic jets satisfying appropriate selection criteria are rejected. The major backgrounds, mainly including W+jets, top and Z+jets, are estimated by data driven technique. These background estimations are cross-checked by independent methods. The measured cross section is [71.0+1.1-1.1(stat)+5.7-5.0(syst)+2.1-2.0(lumi)] pb, which is consistent with SM Next-to-Next-Leading-Order prediction of 63.2+2.0-1.8 pb. The normalized differential W+W- cross section 1/σ dσ/dX is determined as a function of six kinematic variables. The unfolded distributions for these variables are given. The possible deviation from the SM can be parameterized with operators of higher order dimensions. The operators of lowest dimension introduce anomalous triple gauge couplings (ATGC). The distribution of the leading lepton pT is used to constrain the anomalous coupling constants. Therefore, the measurement of the coupling constants provides an indirect search for new physics at mass scales not accessible at the LHC. In our study, no evidence for anomalous WWZ and WWγ triple gauge-boson couplings is found, and limits on their coupling parameters are set. The limits are better by a factor of almost four compared to the limits previously published by the ATLAS collaboration. (author)
Le Modele Standard (MS), actuelle theorie fondamentale de la physique des particules, fournit une description des particules elmentaires et de plusieurs interactions fondamentales: les forces electromagnetique, forte et faible. Cette theorie a ete testee par de nombreuses experiences mais des questions demeurent, temoignant de la necessite de disposer d'une theorie plus complete. De nouvelles experiences ont ete concues pour etudier les interactions entre particules a une nouvelle echelle d'energie. Les donnees obtenues offrent la possibilite de tester plus profondement le Modele Standard, ainsi que de chercher des signes de physique au-dela du MS. Au Centre Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN), des scientifiques du monde entier cherchent a comprendre les lois fondamentales regissant l'Univers. Pour cela, les instruments experimentaux les plus imposants et les plus sophistiques ont ete construits, accelerant des faisceaux de particules a une energie de 3.5-4 TeV, grace au LHC (Large Hadron Collider), pour les faire entrer en collision au centre des detecteurs et obtenir des indications quant a la maniere dont les particules interagissent et ainsi apprehender les lois fondamentales de la nature. L'experience ATLAS (A Toroidal Lhc ApparatuS), un des quatre principaux detecteurs installes aupres du LHC, couvre un large spectre de mesures physiques, incluant des mesures de precision du MS, la recherche du boson de Higgs, ou de traces de nouvelle physique. L'experience CMS a un programme similaire. La production de paires de bosons est l'un des processus electrofaibles les plus interessants a etudier. Parmi les differents modes de production de paires de bosons vecteurs massifs, la section efficace pp → W+W- est la plus importante, comparee aux processus WZ ou ZZ. Le secteur electrofaible du MS, ainsi que les interactions fortes, peuvent etre testes par la mesure precise de la section efficace de production W+W-. Ce document presente une mesure de cette section efficace a partir de collisions proton-proton, a une energie au centre de masse de 8 TeV, et correspondant a une luminosite totale integree de 20.3 fb-1. Les evenements W+W- sont selectionnes a partir de trois etats finaux: ee, eμ, et μμ. Afin de reduire le bruit de fond, constitue principalement de processus Drell-Yan ou de paires tt, une coupure est appliquee sur l'energie transverse manquante, et les evenements contenant des jets hadroniques satisfaisant certains criteres de selection sont rejetes. Les principaux bruits de fonds residuels, essentiellement des processus W+jets, top, Z+jets, sont estimes a l'aide de modeles etablis a partir des donnees observees (methodes data driven). Ces methodes d'estimation sont validees en les comparants a d'autres methodes independantes. La section efficace mesuree est [71.0+1.1-1.1(stat)+5.7-5.0(syst)+2.1-2.0(lumi)] pb, en accord avec la prediction NNLO du MS de 63.2+2.0-1.8 pb. Les sections efficaces differentielles normalisees 1/σ dσ/dX sont obtenues pour six differentes variables cinematiques. Les distributions de ces variables, deconvoluees de l'efficacite de reconstruction du detecteur, sont presentees. Les eventuelles deviations de la section efficace mesuree par rapport a la prediction du MS peuvent etre parameteres par des operateurs de dimensions superieures. Les operateurs de dimension la plus basse induisent des couplages tribosons de jauge anomaux (ATGC). La distribution pT du lepton dominant est utilisee pour contraindre ces couplages anomaux. Ainsi, les mesures des constantes de couplage permettent une recherche indirecte de physique au-dela du MS, a une echelle de masse non accessible au LHC. L'etude presentee ici ne met pas en evidence de tels couplages anomaux WWZ ou WWγ, et donne des limites superieures sur la magnitude de ces couplages. Les limites sont ameliorees d'un facteur quatre par rapport aux limites prealablement publiees par la collaboration ATLAS. (auteur)Original Title
Mesure de la section efficace de production WW dans les collisions proton-proton a √(s) = 8 TeV avec le detecteur ATLAS
Primary Subject
30 Oct 2015; 158 p; CPPM-T--2015-06; CERN-THESIS--2015-218; 71 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These de doctorat, Discipline: Physique et Sciences de la Matiere, Specialite: Physique des Particules et Astroparticules
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[en] The Uranium atmospheric aerosols affect the Irradiation of workers in radioactive plant. Through the evaluation ,you can make an objective assessment of the safety of the plant. And it can guide the process control. This article evaluated the internal environment air quality of plant by analyzing a large number of inner uranium, fluoride atmospheric aerosols data. It studied why the uranium, fluoride atmospheric aerosols data of private container washing plant higher. And it analyzed the exclusion harm ability of local exhaust purification system in this plant. Then guide to find the problems on process control in container cleaning process. It improved the step of dissolving in container cleaning process. This Effective controlled the phenomenon of material dissipation. (authors)
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Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing (China); 333 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-5040-9; ; Nov 2010; p. 169-172; '09: academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Beijing (China); 18-20 Nov 2009; 7 figs., 1 tab., 5 refs.
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Gao Jun-Cheng
Techniques for high dose dosimetry in industry, agriculture and medicine. Proceedings of a symposium1999
Techniques for high dose dosimetry in industry, agriculture and medicine. Proceedings of a symposium1999
[en] In 1983, National Institute of Metrology (NIM) began to study alanine-EPR dosimetry system. From 1988 on, the system has been used as a transfer standard to launch into the National Dose Assurance Service (NDAS) programme for cobalt-60 facilities in China. In this paper, the eleven years implementation of NDAS programme are presented by statistics. In 1991, under an IAEA coordinated research programme, NIM had studied to extend the range of the system to therapy level. In recent years, the NIM in cooperation with other institutes has been developing film-alanine dosimeter for electron beam dosimetry. (author)
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 359 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Mar 1999; p. 313-317; Symposium on techniques for high dose dosimetry in industry, agriculture and medicine; Vienna (Austria); 2-5 Nov 1998; IAEA-SM--356/34; 11 refs, 2 tabs
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No abstract available
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(c) 2010 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] On the basis of the generalized invariant theory, the invariant-related unitary transformation method is developed and used to study the evolution of the third-quantized wave function of the universe. The expressions for the phases and the wave functions are obtained. Then, by means of the construction of the coherent state, the solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the quantum fluctuations caused by the third quantization are found
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[en] We present the calculations of the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to the inclusive total cross sections for the associated production of the W±H± through bb annihilation in the minimal supersymmetric standard model at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The NLO QCD corrections can either enhance or reduce the total cross sections, but they generally efficiently reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the renormalization/factorization scale. The magnitude of the NLO QCD corrections is about 10% in most of the parameter space and can reach 15% in some parameter regions. We also show the Monte Carlo simulation results for the 2j+τjet+peT signature from the W± and the H± decays including the NLO QCD effects, and find an observable signal at a 5σ level in some parameter region of the minimal supergravity model
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(c) 2008 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present a study on differentiating direct production mechanisms of the newly discovered Higgs-like boson at the LHC based on several inclusive observables. The ratios introduced reveal the parton constituents or initial state radiations involved in the production mechanisms, and are directly sensitive to fractions of contributions from different channels. We select three benchmark models, including the SM Higgs boson, to illustrate how the theoretical predictions of the above ratios are different for the gg, bb-bar(cc-bar), and qq-bar (flavor universal) initial states in the direct production. We study implications of current Tevatron and LHC measurements. We also show expectations from further LHC measurements with high luminosities
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Available from; Available from; PUBLISHER-ID: JHEP02(2014)094; OAI:; Copyright (c) OPEN ACCESS, © The Authors; This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal of High Energy Physics (Online); ISSN 1029-8479; ; v. 2014(02); p. 94
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[en] When the corrosion of wall-penetrated outlet pipeline of Sea water circulating pump which locate in sea water pumping room was detected, the cause of corrosion are analysed, the corresponding suggestions and improvement programme for corrosion prevention are presented in this paper. (authors)
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Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing (China); 460 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-5040-9; ; Nov 2010; p. 142-148; '09: academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Beijing (China); 18-20 Nov 2009; 6 figs., 2 tabs., 4 refs.
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[en] Highlights: • The measurement of density and viscosity for two fluoro alcohols were carried out. • The density and viscosity data were correlated and good agreement were obtained. • Isobaric VLE data of two fluoro alcohol systems were measured at 101.3 kPa. • The experimental VLE data were well correlated with the Wilson and NRTL model. • The excess Gibbs free energies GE were estimated in this work. - Abstract: The measurements of density, viscosity for 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol, 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoro-1-pentanol are reported at different temperatures and pressure of 101.3 kPa. The experimental values of densities and viscosities of the above two fluoro alcohols were correlated successfully by a second-order polynomial and by a Vogel–Tammann–Fulcher equation, respectively. Meanwhile, isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium results for two binary systems of (methanol + 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoro-1-pentanol) and (2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol + 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoro-1-pentanol were determined by a modified Rose type still. Both the Herington area method and the van Ness point to point test method were adopted to confirm the thermodynamic consistency of the experimental VLE findings, for which the test results showed good thermodynamic consistency. The Wilson and non-random two-liquid (NRTL) activity coefficient models were used to correlate the measured VLE values at different temperatures. The correlation results indicate good agreement with the experimental values. Also the binary interaction parameters of the two activity coefficients models were regressed. With the calculation of GE, the negative deviation behaviour was observed for the two binary systems.
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S0021-9614(16)30147-1; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Highlights: • LLE data of ethyl acetate/isopropyl acetate + 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol + water were determined. • The biphasic area decreased with the increasing of temperature. • LLE data were correlated by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. • Distribution coefficients and selectivities were calculated. • Isopropyl acetate shows higher extraction ability at the same composition range. - Abstract: The liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data for the ternary systems of ethyl acetate + 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol + water and isopropyl acetate + 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol + water were measured at T = 298.15 K and T = 318.15 K under 101.3 kPa. Bachman and Hand equations were selected to check and confirm the reliability of the measured tie-line data, and the correlation coefficient (R2) were all close to 1. Meanwhile, the distribution coefficient and separation factor were calculated and discussed in detail. In addition, the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) and universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) activity coefficient models were applied to correlate the experimental data, and the RMSD values for the two models obtained are 0.0104, 0.0104 correlated by NRTL, and 0.0077, 0.0128 by UNIQUAC, respectively, which indicate that the experimental LLE data can be successfully correlated by both the NRTL and the UNIQUAC models. Also, the corresponding binary interaction parameters were regressed. The correlated model parameters could be applied for the optimization and design of the separation process.
Primary Subject
S0021-9614(16)30404-9; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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