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[en] Presented and described are the fundamentals of SPECT and how it operates as an important diagnostic tool in nuclear medicine. (ELC)
Primary Subject
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, Diliman, Quezon City; 156 p; 1986; p. 131-135; PAEC; Quezon City (Philippines); 1985 Atomic Energy Week Celebration; Quezon City (Philippines); 10-12 Dec 1985
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[en] The objective of this work is the development of a modal neutronic code of diffusion in 2D and 3D steady using the finite volume method, from free codes and can be applied to reactors of any geometry. Currently, numerical methods most commonly used in the broadcasting codes provide good results in structured mesh, but its application to non-structured mesh is not easy and may present problems of convergence and stability of the solution. Regarding the non-structured mesh, its use is justified by their easy adaptation to complex geometries and the development of coupled Thermo-hydraulic-neutronic codes, as well as the development of codes fluid dynamic (CFD) that encourage the development of a neutronic code that has the same mesh as the codes of fluid dynamics, which in general tends to be unstructured. On the other hand, refining the mesh and its adaptation to complex geometries is another stimulus of face to learn more about what is happening at the core of the reactor. Finally, the code has been validated with a homogeneous reactor simulation and other heterogeneous for 2D and 3D. (Author)
Original Title
Desarrollo de un codigo neutronico de difusion 2D y 3D estacionario por el metodo de volumenes finitos
Primary Subject
2500 p; 2014; 11 p; 40. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; 40. Reunion Anual Sociedad Nuclear Espanola; Valencia (Spain); 1-3 Oct 2014
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[en] The second International Conference on Nuclear Security was held in Madrid between May 9th and 13th last. The acting Minister of the Interior announced that the number of officers of the Guardia Civil watching over the Spanish nuclear power plants will be doubled. (Author)
Original Title
El CSN acoge en Madrid la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Seguridad Fisica Nuclear
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Journal Article
Alfa. Revista de Seguridad Nuclear y Proteccion Radiologica; ISSN 1888-8925; ; v. 30; p. 31-32
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[en] The object of the article is to try to answer to the following question that can arise to the holder of a nuclear power station: What Administration of Industry must I myself direct to be able to support my complementary facilities of Industrial Security inside the in force legality?. The raised discussion arise between if the competent administration for the legal steps, is the Central Administration across his delegates and sub delegates of government, or is of the Territorial Services of Industry of Autonomous communities. (Author)
Original Title
Relaciones de las centrales nucleares con las administraciones de los Servicios de Industria
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Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 321; p. 14-16
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[en] Radioactive waste generation began in Spain during the 1950s, in association with the first applications of radioactive isotopes in industry, medicine and research. Spain's first nuclear power plant began its operations in 1968. At present, there are in operation some one thousand installations possessing the administrative authorization required to use radioactive isotopes (small producers), nine nuclear groups and a tenth is now entering the dismantling phase. There are also activities and installations pertaining to the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle (mining, milling and the manufacturing of fuel elements). Until 1985, the research centre Junta de Energia Nuclear (now CIEMAT) rendered radioactive waste removal, and subsequent conditioning and temporary storage services to the small producers. Since the beginning of their operations the nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities have had the capacity to condition and temporarily store their own radioactive wastes. ENRESA (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A.) began its operations in the second half of 1985. It is a state-owned company created by the Government in accordance with a previous parliamentary resolution and commissioned to establish a system for management of such wastes throughout Spain, being in charge also of the dismantling of nuclear power plants and other major installations at the end of their operating lifetimes. Possibly the most outstanding characteristic of ENRESA's evolution over these last seven years has been the need to bring about a compromise between solving the most immediate and pressing day-to-day problems of operation (the first wastes were removed at the beginning of 1986) and establishing the basic organization, resources, technology and installations required for ENRESA to operate efficiently in the long term
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 448 p; 1993; p. 220-231; Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire; Paris (France); SAFEWASTE 93: International Conference on Safe Management and Disposal of Nuclear Waste; Conference Internationale sur le Devenir des Dechets Nucleaires; Avignon (France); 13-18 Jun 1993
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[en] The safety of radioactive facilities is an essential part of the radiological protection of the more than 100,000 workers who are professionally exposed to ionising radiations. The Sub-directorate of Operational Radiological Protection is in charge of this task and of authorising the more than 1,340 radioactive facilities that are distributed across the country and ensuring their safety. (Author)
Original Title
La Subdireccion de Proteccion Radiologica Operacional, un area del CSN que vela por la Seguridad de los trabajadores
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Alfa. Revista de Seguridad Nuclear y Proteccion Radiologica; ISSN 1888-8925; ; v. 30; p. 28-30
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External URLExternal URL
[en] Between september 2006 and september 2007, the Foundation for Energy Studies carried out the study Radioactive Waste Management: Situation, Analysis and Perspectives. This study focuses specially on spent fuel and high level radioactive waste management. The different aspects covered in this study are as follows: -Description of the different applicable technologies -Analysis and comparison of the different options of spent fuel management, including the strategic and economic aspects. - Situation, strategies and forecasts in the main countries. -Analysis of the situation and alternatives for the spent fuel management in spain. Although the report focuses principally pn the technological and environmental aspects other issues related with the management of these materials were considered, such as the strategic, economic and institutional aspects as well as the social acceptation. In answer to the request of the SNE publication, the article enclosed is a summary of one of the chapters of this study, and more particularly the one dedicated to the situation of spent fuel and high level radioactive waste management in Spain. (Author)
Original Title
Situacion y perspectiva de la gestion del combustible gastado en Espana
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 299; p. 9-12
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Bernardez Garcia, A.
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
[en] Control agencies are companies dedicated to the verification of compliance with the safety of products and facilities as administrative regulation in industrial safety through certification activities, testing, inspection or audit.Changes have been made that will stimulate the increase of companies engaged in this sector.
Original Title
Nueva vision de los organismos de control en la seguridad industrial y mantenimiento en base al nuevo enfoque de equipos a presion
Primary Subject
1550 p; 2010; 4 p; Senda Editorial; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 36. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 6-8 Oct 2010
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[en] At the beginning of the year, both Units were connected to the grid and operating stably at 100% power. During 2003, 14,680 million kWh were generated. The year's accumulated unit capability factor for both units was greater than 87% (93.61% in Unit I and 81.81% in Unit II). The operating factor was 93.98% in Unit I and 84.54% in Unit II. Both units had refueling outages: the sixteenth in Unit I and the fourteenth in Unit II, having accumulated in their respective operating cycles 11,877 million kWh in Unit I and 12,085 million kWh in Unit II. Production during this last cycle of Unit II was the highest ever recorded in the plant. Unit I generated a total of 7,810 million kWh, which is this Unit's highest annual production in a year with a refueling outage. It was disconnected from the grid safety for the refueling after 392 days of interrupted operatic. (Author)
Original Title
Central Nuclear Almaraz I y II
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 240; p. 49-54
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Objected Oriented Programming is a new methodology which allows us to organize the code in a different way than the structured languages. This article describes the main characteristics of the Language C++, and advantages in physics computing and in building a graphic user interface. The solution of a classical exercise in one-dimensional Quantum Mechanics: to find out the energy levels and the wave functions of a potential well system, allows us to set a class hierarchy, use the concepts of overloading and polymorphism, and read or write data to disk through the input/output streams. (Author) 4 refs
Original Title
La programacion orientada a objetos: aplicacion al sistema de pozos de potencial
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Journal Article
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