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Dugast, Cesar; Bettin, Renaud; Bachelet, Luc; Amant, Stephane; Joly, Alexandre; Moneuse, Marion; Florentin, Alexandre; Girard, Theo; Aboukrat, Maxime; Baranna, Rodrigo; Vasselin, Zenon; Boucher, Olivier; Baron, Richard; Bringault, Anne; Leguet, Benoit; Grimault, Julia; Foucherot, Claudine; Cevallos, Gabriella; Colombier, Michel; Briand, Yann; Svensson, Johannes; Nikov, Dimitar; Verles, Marion; Cuong Le Quan, Minh; Grandjean, Alain; Jancovici, Jean-Marc; Faure-Fedigan, Christine; Brac de la Perriere, Thibaud; Tuzzolino, Philippe; Canet, Jean- Manuel; Durand, Marie-Therese; Tran, Dang; Garcia, Sophia; Menacer, Aurelia; Garreau, Francois; Bressaud, Elodie; Le Seach, Christian; Pons, Nathalie; Painchaud, Aurelien; Nunes, Sebastien; Dufrasne, Gilles; Fragniere, Augustin; Aubry, Emilie; Guillo-Lohan, Pascale; Delfeld, Christophe; Valade, Helene; Lechat, Yoann; Blais, Philippe; Griton, Juliette; Bouteloup, Bastien; Fleuriot, Fanny; Pernigotti, Daniele; Rambaud, Alexandre; Guyot, Jonathan; Goube, Cecile; Huet, Damien; Castagne, Manon; Fyson, Claire; Laurent, David; Jousset, Matthieu; Favrel, Adeline; Bultheel, Clement; Huet, Emmanuelle; Warnecke, Carsten; Day, Thomas; Cowie, Annette; Mitchell-Larson, Eli; Hale, Thomas; Cartal, Aurelien; Hallaire, Stephane; Broekhoff, Derik; Hegde, Gajanana; Naranjo Gonzalez, Miguel; Siyag, Panna; Rich, David; Ramlow, Matt; Badoche, Louise
Carbone 4, 54 rue de clichy, 75009 Paris (France)2020
Carbone 4, 54 rue de clichy, 75009 Paris (France)2020
[en] The Net Zero Initiative, led by Carbone 4 along with a dozen of pioneer companies and a high-level Scientific Committee, releases its guidelines for organizations to contribute to the global net-zero. The first document, the Net Zero Initiative reference framework, suggests adopting a common language to all the stakeholders willing to manage their climate action in a sincere, transparent and constructive way, with the aim of reaching net-zero emissions worldwide, while being consistent with the existing tools and methods. Now is the time for action; and to make a more efficient use of it, all the stakeholders need to agree on the same priorities, the same concepts, and the same time horizon. Since the only scientifically valid definition of net zero so far applies only to the planet, and possibly to state actors, the Net Zero Initiative has sought since its creation to think of the company not as an object that can be 'neutral' in itself, but as one that should contribute at the right level to the objective of global and national carbon neutrality. Consequently, the notion of a 'net zero' or 'neutral' company has been abandoned in favor of independent indicators that measure a company's climate performance against the global net zero requirement at any given time. The Net Zero Initiative framework can be seen as a generalization of the carbon footprint concept, since it integrates it (Pillar A) while enriching it with two additional indicators: the company's capacity to participate in the decarbonation of third parties (Pillar B), and its capacity to develop carbon removals (Pillar C). These three Pillars are strictly independent of each other and are not fungible. In 2020, the second season of the Net Zero Initiative wanted to explore two major issues: Measuring Pillar B (avoided emissions): what metrics and calculation rules should be applied to measure a company's ability to contribute to the decarbonation of its ecosystem? Setting objectives for Pillar C (carbon sinks): what is the right level of contribution to increasing carbon removals for a company? These two questions are developed in the 2020-2021 Final Report
Le projet Net Zero Initiative, initie en juin 2018 et porte par Carbone 4 en collaboration avec une dizaine d'entreprises pionnieres, et appuye par un conseil scientifique de haut niveau, publie son referentiel de contribution des organisations a la neutralite carbone. Un premier document, le referentiel Net Zero Initiative, propose un langage commun a tous les acteurs souhaitant piloter leur action climatique de maniere sincere, ambitieuse et transparente en vue de l'atteinte du zero emissions nettes mondial, et en coherence avec les instruments et methodologies existants. Le temps est a l'action; et pour agir le plus efficacement possible, l'alignement de tous les acteurs sur les memes priorites, les memes concepts, le meme horizon, est un imperatif. La seule definition scientifiquement valable du net zero ne s'appliquant aujourd'hui qu'a la planete, et eventuellement aux acteurs etatiques, Net Zero Initiative cherche depuis sa creation a penser l'entreprise non pas comme un objet pouvant etre 'neutre' en soi, mais devant avant tout contribuer au juste niveau a l'objectif de neutralite carbone mondial ou national. Des lors, la notion d'entreprise 'net zero' ou 'neutre' est abandonnee au profit d'indicateurs independants charges de mesurer, a tout instant, la performance climat d'une entreprise a l'aune de l'exigence du net zero mondial. La matrice Net Zero Initiative peut etre vue comme la generalisation du concept de bilan carbone, puisqu'il l'integre (Pilier A) tout en le completant par deux indicateurs supplementaires: la capacite de l'entreprise a participer a la decarbonation d'acteurs tiers (Pilier B), et sa capacite a developper des puits de carbone (Pilier C). Ces trois piliers sont strictement independants les uns vis-a-vis des autres, et non fongibles. En 2020, la seconde saison de Net Zero Initiative a souhaite creuser deux grandes problematiques: La mesure du pilier B (emissions evitees): quelle metrique, et quelles regles de calcul appliquer pour mesurer la capacite d'une entreprise a contribuer a la decarbonation de son ecosysteme? La fixation d'objectifs sur le pilier C (puits de carbone): quel est le juste niveau de contribution a l'augmentation des puits de carbone pour une entreprise? Ces deux questions sont traitees dans le Rapport final 2020-2021Original Title
Net zero initiative: un referentiel pour une neutralite carbone collective. Net zero initiative 2020-2021 Rapport final + Annexes + Webinaire
Primary Subject
Apr 2020; Jul 2021; 468 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue