[en] The fine structure of the L-group of Roentgen lines and emission bands of tantalum in its metastable high-pressure nitrides in initial products is investigated. More considerable changes in relative integral intensity at transition from Ta to ε-TaN, τ-TaN and TaNcub are shown to be observed in the L-line corresponding to the 2p3/2 → 4f5/2,7/2 transition
Original Title
Issledovanie tonkoj struktury L-gruppy rentgenovskikh linij i polos ehmissii tantala v ego metastabil'nykh nitridakh vysokogo davleniya i iskhodnykh produktov
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ikeda, H.; Satpathy, A.; Ahn, B.S.; Aulchenko, V.M.; Bondar, A.E.; Cheon, B.G.; Chu, T.H.; Fukushima, M.; Garmash, A.Yu.; Hayashii, H.; Jang, H.K.; Kaneyuki, K.; Kazui, K.; Kezerashvili, G.Ya.; Kim, H.J.; Kremyanskaya, E.V.; Kuzmin, A.S.; Lee, M.H.; Miyabayashi, K.; Muchnoi, N.Yu.; Naumenkov, A.I.; Noguchi, S.; Park, C.S.; Popov, V.G.; Protopopov, I.Ya.; Pogorelov, Yu.A.; Romanov, L.V.; Root, N.I.; Sagawa, H.; Shatilov, D.N.; Sidorov, A.V.; Simonov, E.A.; Shwartz, B.A.; Tamai, K.; Tsukamoto, T.; Usov, Yu.V.; Watanabe, Y.; Zhilich, V.N., E-mail: hitomi@bmail.kek.jp2000
[en] The results of a beam test of a prototype of the BELLE CsI(Tl) calorimeter are reported. The test used beams of photons with energies spanning the range from 20 MeV to 5.4 GeV, produced at ROKK-1M facility of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The single-counter energy-equivalent noise was measured to be ∼200 keV. The design goals for the energy resolution, e.g. 4% at 20 MeV and 1.7% at 5.4 GeV, were achieved using the sum of energy deposits in a 5x5 crystal matrices with a single crystal energy threshold of 0.5 MeV; the summed energy deposit measured in the array corresponds to 97±2% of the incident photon energy over the entire energy range. The average position resolution for 470 MeV energy photons was measured to be 8 mm
Primary Subject
S0168900299009924; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 441(3); p. 401-426
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Aulchenko, V.M.; Bondar, A.E.; Garmash, A.Yu.; Ivanov, I.I.; Karnaev, S.E.; Kezerashvili, G.Ya.; Klimenko, S.G.; Kuzmin, A.S.; Milov, A.M.; Naumenkov, A.I.; Muchnoi, N.Yu.; Protopopov, I.Ya.; Purlatz, T.A.; Romanov, L.V.; Root, N.I.; Simonov, E.A.; Shubin, M.A.; Shwartz, B.A.; Usov, Yu.V.; Zhilich, V.N.; Fukushima, M.; Lee, M.H.; Sagawa, H.; Tamai, K.; Hayashii, H.; Ikeda, H.; Miayabayashi, K.; Kaneyuki, K.; Oshima, Y.1996
[en] The results of the BELLE barrel calorimeter prototype test with the tagged photon beam are presented. The prototype consisted of 36 CsI(Tl) counters with the same readout system as the BELLE calorimeter. The measurements were carried out at the VEPP-4 collider with the tagged photon beam provided by the ROKK-1M facility. The energy resolution for photons was measured in the energy range 40-800 MeV. The results are in good agreement with the Monte-Carlo simulation. (orig.)
6. international conference on instrumentation for experiments at e+e-colliders; Novosibirsk (Russian Federation); 29 Feb - 6 Mar 1996
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 379(3); p. 491-494
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue