Linhardt, E.; Gebhardt, A.
Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Augsburg (Germany)2014
Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Augsburg (Germany)2014
[en] The increasing demand for rare earth elements (REE) in the field of ''green technologies'' on the one hand and the shortage of raw materials on the world markets on the other hand confronted also Bavaria as an industrial location with growing supply problems in these ''high tech raw materials''. The aim of exploration was the clarification of the feedstock REE potential of heavy mineral concentrates which are obtained in the industrial extraction and processing of sand and kaolin in existing extraction operations in northern Bavaria as by catch and are potentially winnable or marketable. The in-depth investigation enabled the potential of found rare earth elements and other high-tech metal oxides that can be classified as very likely find it in terms of an economic recovery.
Der zunehmende Bedarf an Selten Erd Elementen (SEE) im Bereich der ''Gruenen Technologien'' zum Einen sowie die Rohstoffverknappung auf den Weltmaerkten zum Anderen konfrontiert auch Bayern als Industriestandort mit wachsenden Versorgungsproblemen bei diesen ''high tech-Grundstoffen''. Ziel der Erkundung war die Klaerung des rohstofflichen SEE-Potenzials von Schwermineralkonzentraten, die bei der grosstechnischen Gewinnung und Aufbereitung von Sand und Kaolin in vorhandenen Gewinnungsbetrieben Nordbayerns als Beifang anfallen und potenziell gewinn- bzw. vermarktbar sind. Im Zuge der Untersuchung konnten nutzbare Potenziale von Selten Erd Elementen und anderen high-tech - Metalloxiden gefunden werden, die sehr wahrscheinlich als fuendig im Hinblick auf eine wirtschaftliche Gewinnung eingestuft werden koennen.Original Title
Selten Erd Elemente als Beifang sedimentaerer Lagerstaetten. Erkundungsprogramm Selten Erd Elemente
Primary Subject
UmweltSpezial; Feb 2014; 97 p; Available from:
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[en] By the use of a thin highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal (HOPG) bent to a high-performance ellipsoidal shape it was possible to focus monochromatic x-rays of 4.5 keV photon energy with an efficiency of 0.0033, which is 30 times larger than for previously used bent crystals. Isotropic TiKalpha radiation of a 150 μm source was focused onto a 450 μm spot. The size of the focal spot can be explained by broadening due to the mosaic crystal rocking curve. The rocking curve width (FWHM) of the thin graphite foil was determined to 0.11 deg. . The estimated temporal broadening of an ultrashort Kalpha pulse by the crystal is not larger than 300 fs. These properties make the x-ray optic very attractive for ultrafast time-resolved x-ray measurements
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Secondary Subject
(c) 2005 Optical Society of America; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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[en] 67Ga accumulates in various malignant tumors and parenchymatous tissues. It was found to be associated with the soluble fraction of lysosomes. The present work investigates the mechanism of 67Ga accumulation in normal liver cells. Lysosomes were isolated from rat liver after intravenous injection of carrier free 67Ga. The soluble lysosomal was obtained by sonication followed by centrifugation at 105,000 xg for 2 hrs. After staining with Coomassie blue 18 separated protein bands were apparent. 67Ga distribution within the gels was assessed by direct counting of radioactivity in gel slices. A considerable amount of the intralysosomal protein bound radioactivity migrated with a relative mobility of 0.36 corresponding to a protein band of molecular weight 85,000 - 90,000. This peak corresponded to the peak of 67Ga labelled purified transferrin in control gels. These data were confirmed by immunoelectrophoresis combined with autoradiography: within the soluble lysosomal fraction a slight transferrrin line could be identified. We conclude that 67Ga which is transported in the blood by transferrin and taken up by the hepatic cell through endocytosis is accumulated in the lysosomes associated with transferrin and its degraded fragments. (orig./GSE)
Traegerfreies 67Ga wird in verschiedenen malignen Tumoren sowie in parenchymatoesen Organen wie z.B. der Leber angereichert. Innerhalb der Zelle wird es in den Lysosomen gespeichert. Wir untersuchten den Mechanismus der 67Ga-Aufnahme in die normale Leberzelle. Nach i.v. Applikation des Isotopes wurden Leberlysosomen isoliert und der 67Ga-haltige loesliche Lysosomeninhalt durch Ultraschall freigesetzt und mit 105.000 xg abzentrifugiert. Mit Hilfe der Polyacrylamidgelelektrophorese konnte der 67Ga-haltige loesliche Lysosomeninhalt in 18 Proteinbanden aufgetrennt werden. Der ueberwiegende Teil der proteingebundenen 67Ga-Radioaktivitaet wanderte in einer Proteinbande mit einem Molekulargewicht von 85.000 - 90.000. Diese Bande entsprach der Eichbande von gereinigtem 67Ga-markierten Transferrin im Kontrollgel. Der Nachweis und die Identifizierung von intralysosomalem Transferrin gelang mit Hilfe der Immunoelektrophorese kombiniert mit der Autoradiographie. Wir folgern aus unseren Daten, dass 67Ga, das im Blut an Transferrin gekoppelt vorliegt, mit dem Transferrinmolekuel durch Endozytose in die Zelle aufgenommen und in die Lysosomen transportiert wird, wo es dann an Transferrin und seine Abbaubruchstuecke gebunden vorliegt. (orig./GSE)Primary Subject
9 figs.; 43 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Nucl.-Med; v. 15(4); p. 185-194
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] ESR dates obtained at Menez-Dregan 1 (Brittany, France) focus interest on this Lower Paleolithic site and demonstrate that the preserved anthropic combustion structures are among the oldest known in the world. It allows the dating not only of the little known 'Colombanian Group' (it is an 'archaic' original group characterized by many choppers and very few handaxes, different from the Acheulian), but also, for the first time, of the old beaches on the southern coast of Brittany. Preserved bone remains are also very infrequent in Palaeolithic sites of Western France. The dating of the paleolithic layer at the top of the third fossil beach can be connected with isotopic stage 11 or the beginning of isotopic stage 10; it shows that the age of the geological and archaeological layers of Menez-Dregan 1 is probably between 350.000 and 500.000 years
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Record Type
Journal Article
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie 2, Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes; ISSN 1251-8050; ; v. 319(1); p. 155-160
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue