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[en] As countries are not equal in front of the climate change issue (some contribute more than the others, some will be more heavily impacted, some are more dependent on fossil energies, some could be affected by population movements related to the degradation of their environment), and as countries are to adopt measures for a more sustainable development while facing huge geopolitical challenges which affect international negotiations, this book aims at describing and analysing these issues which illustrate serious imbalances between countries. These issues relate to the development of energy policies, to geographical and demographic constraints. The author describes how the climate has become an international political issue, and a field of complex interactions with international relationships. After having recalled the origins of greenhouse gas emissions and their main expected impacts, he analyses the various responsibilities, describes these different impacts, outlines how global warming is basically unfair: the less responsible countries will be more impacted than the responsible ones. He also discusses mechanisms of international cooperation which have been implemented to address this issue: adaptation and mitigation policies, associated negotiations. He notices that the strongest mitigation efforts are, the least necessary adaptation efforts will be. He discusses the issue of financing and necessary financial and technological transfers to help southern countries in reducing their emissions without compromising their development. He highlights the current status of negotiations, their organisation, the present actors and forces, and their main point of tension
Original Title
Geopolitique du climat. Negociations, strategies, impacts
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Secondary Subject
14 Oct 2015; 235 p; Editions Armand Colin; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-200-60234-5;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Climate change has become an international policy topic. Its stakes go beyond the simple ecological question to encompass the overall global equilibrium, and in particular the North-South relations. This book, with solid references and illustrated with a tenth of color maps, examines the geopolitical dimension of global warming. Who are the countries responsible or considered to be so? Who are those who will be the most impacted? What population migrations have already started or have to be foreseen? What are the international security risks? The author presents also the different international cooperation mechanisms already implemented and takes stock of the present day situation of negotiations. We are entering into the critical phase, and probably into the potentially dramatic phase as well. This book allows to understand its key aspects and driving forces
Original Title
Geopolitique du changement climatique
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18 Nov 2009; 256 p; Armand Colin; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-200-24711-9;
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Wanneau, Krystel; Gemenne, Francois
Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations Internationales - IDDRI, 41 Rue du Four, 75006 Paris (France)2012
Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations Internationales - IDDRI, 41 Rue du Four, 75006 Paris (France)2012
[en] This report summarises the key findings from a research and policy workshop on climate change and human security held in Paris on 3 and 4 May 2012. Drawing upon an extensive literature review and the expertise of its participants, the workshop identified emerging risks that remained little understood and insufficiently addressed. This report highlights a new research agenda and key policy recommendations. A common challenge for policymakers and researchers are the several ramifications of the potential and existing links between climate change and security. Opportunities of environmental peace-building exist within places vulnerable to climate change and affected by conflicts. They require, however, efforts to frame climate policies within a peace agenda. States affected by changing weather patterns, increasing societal vulnerabilities and shifting demographics are constrained to develop capacity-building to adapt to environmental changes. Finally, strategic issues, including water and energy resources, as well as critical infrastructure-roads, ports or airports-are also affected by climate change. Too often, simplistic assumptions are sketched out about water scarcity conflicts, risks for critical infrastructure and tensions between climate and energy security. There is clear evidence that the human impacts of climate change are being felt more quickly and profoundly than what societies are prepared for. At the same time that it poses risks for society at large, it also opens avenues for cooperation. The work of humanitarian, military and development agencies will need to evolve and be better coordinated to tackle environmental changes. However, policy responses to climate change will need to avoid an excessive focus on the security side of the issue in order to grasp changing risks. Indeed, security responses should not overshadow responses that address root causes of climate change and development. Currently, robust bodies of research already exist around the risk of violent conflict, forced migration and human security. More bridges, however, should be built between quantitative and qualitative research, so that the observed correlations between environmental changes and conflicts are better explained. Furthermore, some key themes have not yet been properly addressed by research and policy. These include the risks of climate change to security policies; the new geopolitics that will be induced by climate change; humanitarian crises and system resilience; the risks brought about by mitigation and adaptation projects; and the linkages between climate policies and peace-building efforts
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May 2012; 13 Jul 2013; 51 p; Workshop on Climate and Security: Evidence, Emerging Risks and a New Research Agenda; Paris (France); 3-4 May 2012; ISSN 2258-7071; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In an increasingly insistent tone, the voice of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is heard everywhere. No one can ignore the fact that concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising steadily, that the impacts of climate change are being felt on every continent, and that there are solutions for dealing with it. The legitimacy of this voice has been built up over time and at the cost of strong institutionalization. Far from the original vision of its founders, who conceived it in 1988 as an informal structure at the service of decision-makers, the IPCC today brings together thousands of people and fosters dialogue between scientists and diplomats at international level. This book opens its black box for the first time. It describes the rigorous assessment process and the bureaucratic red tape it entails. It describes how experts negotiate with governments on the main conclusions, and points out the risk of depoliticizing climate issues
Original Title
Giec - La voix du climat
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Secondary Subject
19 May 2022; 240 p; Editions Presses de Sciences Po; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-7246-3870-7;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This document proposes a brief presentation and the table of contents of a book in which the authors discuss the reasons of the denial of global warming, try to explain the massive diffusion of these doubts about a fact which is matter of scientific consensus, comment the role of media in the diffusion of these doubts, try to identify the lobbies and agendas who have interest in spreading these doubts. They discuss why and how these controversies emerge everywhere in the world, discuss the debated uncertainties. They identify and comment actors, speeches and strategies of climate change scepticism in France, in the USA and in China. Thus, this book addresses the relationships between sciences and policy
Original Title
Controverses climatiques, sciences et politique
Primary Subject
5 Apr 2012; 254 p; Les Presses de Sciences Po; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-7246-1239-4;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This book presents the issue of climate as not only an environmental one, but also as an issue in international relationships as well as an issue of democracy as illustrated by mobilisations of young people in many countries. The author shows how international collaboration, as imperfect and hard it could be, remains necessary to struggle against climate change, and outlines why stakes raised by climate redraw international relationships because of the importance of several issues such as development and migrations. In its different chapters, the book addresses the geography of emissions, the geography of their impacts, migrations and displacements of populations, safety issues, collaboration and negotiations, and solutions
Original Title
Geopolitique du climat - Les relations internationales dans un monde en surchauffe
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10 Nov 2021; 240 p; Editions Armand Colin; Malakoff (France); ISBN 978-2-200-63242-7;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Alex, Bastien; Gemenne, Francois
Observatoire des enjeux geopolitiques de la demographie, Direction generale des relations internationales et de la strategie - DGRIS, Ministere des Armees, 60 boulevard du general Martial Valin, 75509 Paris cedex 15 (France); Institut de relations internationales et strategiques - Iris, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France); Futuribles, 47, rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris (France)2016
Observatoire des enjeux geopolitiques de la demographie, Direction generale des relations internationales et de la strategie - DGRIS, Ministere des Armees, 60 boulevard du general Martial Valin, 75509 Paris cedex 15 (France); Institut de relations internationales et strategiques - Iris, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France); Futuribles, 47, rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris (France)2016
[en] The authors first define and discuss the relationship between migrations and climate change: characteristics and evolutions of environment-related migrations, how climate change generated migrations, main climate evolutions by 2030, and main impacts (uncertainties, impacts on human systems, natural disasters, sea level rise, hydric stress, adaptation as an adjustment variable). They discuss an assessment of concerned populations: demographic growth by 2030, vulnerability to climate changes, migration potential by 2030 (according to the different impacts). They address stakes related to the management of climate-related migrations: political context (development of political extremisms and of legal nationalism, 'environmentalization' of migrations), the taking of the climate-migrations relationship into account by regional and local authorities, management of environment-related migrations (crisis management, management of recurring hazards, proactive management). They report two case studies: Algeria-Morocco (how climate change can strengthen their status of transit countries), and Senegal (how climate change will impact mobility in West Africa). Some recommendations are finally stated
Original Title
Impacts du changement climatique sur les flux migratoires a l'horizon 2030 - Rapport no.1 - Mai 2016
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Secondary Subject
May 2016; 54 p; 6 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Heuraux, Christine; Guinebault, Alain; Auge, Benjamin; Ouedraogo, Lassane; Keita, Seydou; Gemenne, Francois
Institut Francais des Relations Internationales - Ifri, 27 rue de la Procession, 75740 Paris Cedex 15 (France); Ifri-Bruxelles, Rue Marie-Therese, 21, 1000 Bruxelles (Belgium)2010
Institut Francais des Relations Internationales - Ifri, 27 rue de la Procession, 75740 Paris Cedex 15 (France); Ifri-Bruxelles, Rue Marie-Therese, 21, 1000 Bruxelles (Belgium)2010
[en] A first contribution comments the situation of the African electricity sector by notably highlighting its paradoxes (huge available reserves but very low production capacities). The author proposes a brief overview and discussion of the present production capacities and supply, outlines production shortfalls and their main reasons, comments the situation of demand, consumption and markets by distinguishing three main geographical areas (Northern Africa, Southern Africa, and Central Africa) and indicating some data related to urban and rural electrification in different parts of Africa. He also addresses the issue of prices and costs. After having outlined these paradoxes and differences, he notices the weight of history, the fact that markets are too narrow and supported by too fragile economies, and the negative influence of political and economic failures. He proposes perspectives to introduce a sustainable growth of the African electricity sector. The second contribution proposes an analysis of the present situation in Sub-Saharan Africa and possibilities of action in the field of biomass. The author notably reports the case study of Bamako. The third contribution addresses the possibility of transformation of the African gas into electricity. He notably comments the leading and innovating projects in West-Africa: the West African Gas Pipeline (the first African gas project with a regional importance), the Mauritanian gas potential which could be a chance for the mining industry of this country and for neighbouring countries, the developments in Ivory Coast and Senegal. He gives an overview of projects in Central and Southern Africa: the Logbaba deposit in Cameroon, slow advances in the Republic of Congo, the challenge of methane development by the Kivu Lake, investments in Mozambique and Tanzania. The fourth contribution discusses challenges to be faced for energy projects (energy planning, hydrocarbons, renewable energies, electric energy) and for energy transition. The fifth contribution discusses access to services as a factor of poverty reduction, notably in the case of Mali and within the strategic framework for poverty reduction. The author discusses some specific features of the Malian energy system, how energy is taken into account in the strategic framework, is a factor of development of production activities, is related to basic social services (education, health, water). He also comments the strategy of development of rural electrification and the obtained results. The last contribution comments the role left to Africa in international negotiations on climate
Original Title
Energie, croissance et developpement durable. Une equation africaine. Programme Afrique subsaharienne
Primary Subject
17 Dec 2010; 75 p; The Sub-Saharan Africa programme. The Conference on energy, growth and sustainable development - An African equation; Programme Afrique subsaharienne. Conference Energie, croissance et developpement durable - Une equation africaine; Paris (France); 17 Dec 2010; ISBN 978-2-86592-927-6; ; ISSN 1962-610X; ; 8 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Tasse, Julia; Gemenne, Francois; Regaud, Nicolas; Delahais, Adrien; Pham, Huu An; Goussard, Anne-Marie; Lalam, Nacer; Schafferer, Frederic; Guglielmo Weber, Marine de; Maizi, Nadia
Institut de relations internationales et strategiques - Iris, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France); Observatoire Defense et Climat, Direction generale des relations internationales et de la strategie - DGRIS, Ministere des Armees, 60 boulevard du general Martial Valin, 75509 Paris cedex 15 (France)2023
Institut de relations internationales et strategiques - Iris, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France); Observatoire Defense et Climat, Direction generale des relations internationales et de la strategie - DGRIS, Ministere des Armees, 60 boulevard du general Martial Valin, 75509 Paris cedex 15 (France)2023
[en] Anticipating climate change impacts is a necessity. Better understanding and better knowing for a better adaptation: an unavoidable triptych for mitigating climate risks. This first event in the second cycle of the 'Observatoire Defense et Climat' brings together researchers, representatives of French institutions and the private sector to discuss the following questions: how will adaptation to the predicted impacts of climate change be deployed in France and in areas of interest to France? How can we build a vision of the future that is sufficiently systemic and solid to remain relevant in the face of political upheavals? What are the tools and thinking required for French foresight?
Original Title
Connaitre, anticiper, s'adapter aux changements climatiques: quels enjeux pour la France? Synthese du seminaire
Primary Subject
29 Mar 2023; 14 p; Knowing, anticipating and adapting to climate change: what are the challenges for France?; Connaitre, anticiper, s'adapter aux changements climatiques: quels enjeux pour la France?; Paris (France); 29 Mar 2023; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bourrier, Herve; Duchene, Patrice-Henry; Metcalf, Gerry; Deandreis, Celine; Hardelin, Julien; Vautard, Robert; Bailly, Boris; Gemenne, Francois; Peyrat, Olivier; Greppo, Fabien; Reysset, Bertrand; Beriot, Nicolas; Leonard, Damien; Colas, Julien; Tutenuit, Claire
Entreprises pour l'Environnement - EPE, 41 rue des Trois Fontanot, 92024 Nanterre Cedex (France); Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - ONERC, Ministere de l'Environnement, de l'energie et de la Mer, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2014
Entreprises pour l'Environnement - EPE, 41 rue des Trois Fontanot, 92024 Nanterre Cedex (France); Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - ONERC, Ministere de l'Environnement, de l'energie et de la Mer, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2014
[en] Whereas climate change will have significant consequences on various economic sectors (infrastructures, energy and water supply, agriculture, cities and buildings, and so on), population behaviours and uses will have to be deeply changed, and this is more particularly the case for enterprises and companies. This guide aims at presenting solutions to face the challenge of climate change for enterprises. In its first part, it outlines how our climate is already changing, gives an overview of main future climate trends in the World, indicates what will be the future climate in France, discusses the noticeable and brutal consequences for activities, resources and territories, outlines that adaptation to tomorrow's climate begins now, and discusses to which climate we'll have to adapt at the local level. In the second part, this publication explains why enterprises must adapt themselves to climate change: enterprises are in a changing environment, and must take a legal and standard framework into account, but this adaptation will have a cost. Adaptation also means uncertainty management, and enterprises are facing obstacles and brakes to adaptation. The last part describes how to implement a strategy of adaptation in an enterprise: resources for adaptation, integration of enterprise management, understanding needs to convince within the enterprise itself, assessment of vulnerability to climate change, how to define priorities for action, which options to choose to adapt the enterprise, how to implement the strategy and how to follow it up and assess it. Some sector-related sheets are provided in appendix. They indicate identified risks, potential impacts of national policies for enterprises, measures which can be freely implemented by enterprises, and identified opportunities for various sectors (health, agriculture, forest, coastal areas, fishery and aquaculture, energy and industry, transport infrastructure, town planning and built environment, tourism, finance and insurance)
Original Title
Les entreprises et l'adaptation au changement climatique
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 2014; 56 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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