Arcelli, G.; Bozzoni, T.; Coluccio, G.; Gatti, S.; Gerevini, T.; Testa, G.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1977
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1977
[en] This paper summarizes the main activities carried out in Italy from the last Geneva Conference (1971) in the field of LWR fuel design, manufacturing, testing and management. In fuel design, large effort has been devoted both to the assimilation of the information resulting from the licensing agreement with the US suppliers and to the development of an independent know-how through adequate R and D programs as well as to fuel behavior modeling activities. Among these it is worthwhile to mention the studies carried out by CNEN on the in-pile behavior of gadolinia fuel rods, the critical heat flux (CHF) and void fraction experiments, the overpower ramp tests on pre-irradiated fuel rods, the measurements of the pellet-cladding thermal conductance vs. burn-up and the investigation on fission gas release kinetics. The experience acquired with the fuel of the two LWR ENEL power stations, Garigliano BWR and Trino PWR, and some fuel management problems are reviewed. In this framework mention is made to the effort devoted to the acquisition of a wider knowledge on fuel behavior through post irradiation examination (PIE) of power reactor fuel elements as well as of experimental rods. The Italian fuel manufacturing capabilities are illustrated: they consist of the FN (Fabbricazioni Nucleari) plant at Bosco Marengo, owned by AGIP Nucleare and AMN, which has produced up-to-now a reload for Garigliano BWR and the first core for Caorso BWR and of COREN (COmbustibili REattori Nucleari) at Saluggia, owned by Breda, FIAT and Westinghouse, which has fabricated reloads for Trino PWR, including 8 UO2-PuO2 fuel bundles, while fuel loading for the Otto Hahn nuclear ship and fuel mechanical components for some PWRs have been fabricated by FIAT
Cet article resume les principales activites menees en Italie depuis la derniere Conference de Geneve (1971) dans le domaine des etudes, de la fabrication, des essais et de la gestion du combustible LWR. En matiere de combustible, un grand effort a ete accompli, portant a la fois sur l'assimilation des informations, resultant de l'accord sur les licences de fabrication avec les fournisseurs des Etats-Unis, et au developpement d'une formulation independante d'instructions pratiques, grace a des programmes R et D appropries aussi bien qu'a des activites de recherche sur le comportement du combustible. Parmi ces dernieres, il convient de mentionner les etudes du CNEN sur le comportement en pile des combustibles de gadolinia en barres, sur le flux critique de chaleur (CHF), et les experiences du taux de permeabilite, les tests sur rampe de surpuissance sur barres de combustible pre-irradiees, les mesures de la conductance thermique gaine-combustible aux taux d'irradiation et l'enquete sur la cinetique de la detente des gaz de fission. L'experience acquise avec le combustible des deux centrales LWR de l'ENEL, Garigliano BWR et Trino PWR, et quelques problemes de gestion du combustible, sont egalement passes en revue. Dans ce cadre de travail, il est fait mention de l'effort consacre a l'acquisition d'une connaissance plus profonde du comportement du combustible, par examen post-irradiation (PIE) d'elements du combustible de reacteurs de puissance ainsi que de barres experimentales. On illustre les capacites de fabrication du combustible en Italie; ce sont les usines FN (Fabrications Nucleaires) de Bosco Marengo, propriete de l'AGIP Nucleaire, et AMN, qui a produit jusqu'a present une recharge pour le BWR de Garigliano et le premier noyau de reacteur pour Caorso BWR, ainsi que celle de COREN (Combustibili Reattori Nucleari) de Saluggia, propriete des recharges pour Trino PWR, comprenant 8 assemblages UO2-PuO2 de combustible, tandis que les charges de combustible pour le navire Otto Hahn et les composantes mecaniques du combustible pour certains PWR ont ete fabriquees par la FIATOriginal Title
Les progres Italiens dans l'etude, la fabrication, les essais et la gestion du combustible LWR
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1977; 10 p; International conference on nuclear power and its fuel cycles; Salzburg, Austria; 2 - 13 May 1977; 2.4.-.T.1./03.
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Arcelli, G.; Bozzoni, T.; Coluccio, G.; Gatti, S.; Gerevini, T.; Testa, G.
Nuclear power and its fuel cycle1977
Nuclear power and its fuel cycle1977
[en] The paper summarizes the main activities carried out in Italy since the 1971 Geneva Conference in light-water reactor fuel design, manufacture, testing and management. In fuel design, much effort has been devoted both to the assimilation of information resulting from the licensing agreement with the United States, suppliers, and to the development of an independent know-how through adequate research and development programmes as well as to fuel behaviour modelling activities. Of these it is worth while mentioning the studies carried out by Comitatio Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare (CNEN) on the in-pile behaviour of gadolinia fuel rods; the critical heat flux and void fraction experiments; the over-power ramp tests on pre-irradiated fuel rods; the measurements of the pellet-cladding thermal conductance versus burnup; and the investigation on fission-gas release kinetics. The experience acquired with the fuel of the two LWR ENEL power stations, Garigliano BWR and Trino PWR, and some fuel management problems, are reviewed. Mention is made of the effort devoted to acquiring a wider knowledge of fuel behaviour through the post-irradiation examination of power reactor fuel elements, and of experimental rods. Italian fuel manufacturing capabilities are illustrated - the FN (Fabbricazioni Nucleari) plant at Bosco Marengo, which has produced up-to-now a reload for Garigliano BWR and the first core for Caorso BWR; and COREN (Combustibili Reattori Nucleari) at Saluggia, which has fabricated reloads for Trino PWR, including eight UO2-PuO2 fuel bundles; while fuel loading for the Otto Hahn nuclear ship and fuel mechanical components for some PWRs have been made by Fiat. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; v. 2 p. 491-502; ISBN 92-0-050177-X; ; 1977; v. 2 p. 491-502; IAEA; Vienna; International conference on nuclear power and its fuel cycle; Salzburg, Austria; 2 - 13 May 1977; IAEA-CN--36/310
Record Type
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue