Carranza, R.M; Esquivel, C.M; Giordano, C.M
CONAMET/SAM 'Simposio materia 2002'. Proceedings of the congress2002
CONAMET/SAM 'Simposio materia 2002'. Proceedings of the congress2002
[en] The kinetics of the corrosion of A516 steel used as a material for storage tanks for highly active liquid nuclear wastes is studied here. Despite the complexity of the composition of the simulated wastes used, the technique of electrochemical impedance could be used to quantify the corrosion speed based on the high frequency resistance obtained from the test results of the parameters of an equivalent 2RC cascade circuit. The low frequency parameters are associated with the redox processes of the passive film. An approximate method is proposed to evaluate the corrosion speed in these systems with just a potential lineal sweeper since in these cases the slope of the potential/current curve cannot be assimilated to the load transfer resistance (CW)
Original Title
Influencia de la composicion de residuos nucleares liquidos en la corrosion de los tanques de almacenamiento
Primary Subject
Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas, Santiago (Chile); 995 p; Nov 2002; p. 447-452; CONAMET/SAM 'Simposio materia 2002'; CONAMET/SAM Simposio materia 2002; Santiago, Chile (Chile); 12-15 Nov 2002; Available from Library of CCHEN
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Zadorozne, N.S; Carranza, R. M.; Giordano, C.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
XXXVIII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2011)2011
XXXVIII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2011)2011
[en] Alloy 22 has been designed to resist corrosion in oxidizing and reducing conditions. Thanks to these properties it is considered a possible candidate for the fabrication of containers of high-level radioactive waste. Since the containers provide services in natural environments characterized by multi-ionic solutions, it is estimated they could suffer three types of deterioration: general corrosion, localized corrosion (specifically crevice corrosion) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It has been confirmed that the presence of bicarbonate and chloride ions is required in order to produce cracking. It has also been determined that the susceptibility to SCC could be related to the occurrence of an anodic peak in the polarization curves in these media potentials below trans-passivity. The aim of this work is to study the anodic behavior of Alloy 22 in different media containing bicarbonate and chloride ions in various concentrations and temperatures and compare the results with other alloys containing nickel, and relate them to the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in a future job. Polarization curves were made on alloy 22 (Ni-Cr-Mo), 600 (Ni- Cr-Fe), 800h (Ni-Fe- Cr) and 201 (Ni commercially pure) in the following environments: 1.148 mol/L NaHCO3, 1.148 mol/L NaHCO3 + 1 mol/L NaCl, 1.148 mol/L NaHCO3 + 0.1 mol/L NaCl. The tests were performed at the following temperatures: 90°C, 75°C, 60°C and 25°C. It was found that alloy 22 has a current peak in the anodic domain at potentials below trans-passivity between 200 and 300 m VECS, when the test temperature was 90°C. The potential, at which this peak occurred, increased with decreasing temperature. Also there was a variation of the peak with the composition of the solution. When bicarbonate ions were added to a solution containing chloride ions, the peak potential shifted to higher current densities, depending on the concentration of added chloride ions. It was found that diminishing the content of alloying elements, produced a decrease in the peak potential. No anodic peak was observed in the alloy with the lowest content of alloying elements. There was no dependence of current peak with the presence of alloying elements. (author)
La Aleación 22 ha sido diseñada para resistir a la corrosión en condiciones tanto oxidantes como reductoras. Gracias a estas propiedades es considerada como una de las candidatas para la fabricación de contenedores de residuos radiactivos de alto nivel. Dado que los contenedores prestarán servicios en ambientes naturales caracterizados por soluciones multiiónicas, se estima que podrían sufrir tres tipos de deterioro: corrosión general, corrosión localizada (específicamente corrosión en rendijas) y corrosión bajo tensión (CBT). Se ha confirmado que para que se produzca fisuración, es necesaria la presencia de iones bicarbonato y cloruros. Además se ha determinado que la susceptibilidad a la CBT podría estar relacionada con la aparición de un pico anódico en las curvas de polarización en estos medios a potenciales por debajo de la transpasividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento anódico de la Aleación 22 en distintos medios conteniendo iones bicarbonato y cloruro en distintas concentraciones y temperaturas y comparar su comportamiento con otras aleaciones conteniendo níquel para luego relacionarlo con la susceptibilidad a la corrosión bajo tensión en una etapa posterior de este trabajo Se realizaron curvas de polarización de las aleaciones 22 (Ni-Cr-Mo), 600 (Ni-Cr-Fe), 800H (Ni-Fe-Cr) y 201 (Ni comercialmente puro), en los siguientes medios: 1,148 mol/L NaHCO3, 1,148 mol/L NaHCO3 + 1 mol/L NaCl, 1,148 mol/L NaHCO3 + 0,1mol/L NaCl. Las temperaturas a las cuales se realizaron los ensayos fueron: 90 °C, 75 °C, 60 °C y 25°C. Se encontró que la Aleación 22 presenta un pico de corriente en la zona anódica, anterior a la transpasividad en el rango de potenciales entre 200 y 300 mVECS, cuando la temperatura de ensayo fue de 90°C. El potencial al cual se presentó este pico aumentó al disminuir la temperatura. También se produjo una variación del pico con la composición de la solución. Cuando a la solución de iones bicarbonato se le añadieron iones cloruros, el pico se desplazó hacia potenciales y densidades de corriente superiores, en función de la concentración de iones cloruros añadidos. Se encontró que cuando menor fue el contenido de aleantes, el potencial de pico disminuyó hasta al punto de no mostrarse en la Aleación con menor contenido de aleantes. No se observó dependencia de la corriente del pico con ningún aleante. (autor)Original Title
Comportamiento anódico de aleaciones base níquel en medios conteniendo bicarbonato
Primary Subject
Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear (Argentina); [vp.]; 2011; 17 p; AATN 2011: 38. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology: Strengthening the nuclear option for power generation; AATN 2011: 38. Reunion anual de la Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear: Fortalecimiento de la opcion nuclear para la generacion de energia; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 14-18 Nov 2011; 51refs., 23 figs., 1 tab.
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Giordano, C.M.; Farina, S.B.; Duffo, G.S.; Galvele, J.R., E-mail:
[en] The effect of steric hindrance in the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of Ag-15Pd (a/o) in AgI forming solutions was studied at room temperature. The solutions used were 1 M KI at a potential higher than that of AgI formation, and iodine dissolved in different n-alcohols. It was found that Ag-15Pd (a/o) is susceptible to intergranular stress corrosion cracking in those solutions. The SCC susceptibility measured as percentage of elongation to rupture and crack propagation rate is related to the size of the active species. While in KI aqueous solutions, as well as in iodine saturated benzene or iodine saturated toluene, the rate controlling step (RCS) was the reaction at the tip of the crack, in alcoholic-iodine solutions, the diffusion rate of the iodine containing molecules became the RCS
Primary Subject
S0010-938X(06)00423-9; Copyright (c) 2007 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Duffo, G.S.; Farina, S.B.; Arva, E.A.; Giordano, C.M.; Lafont, C.J.
CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); EDF, 75 - Paris (France)2006
CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); EDF, 75 - Paris (France)2006
[en] The Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) is responsible of the development of a management nuclear waste disposal programme. This programme contemplates the design and construction of a facility for the final disposal of intermediate-level radioactive waste. The proposed concept is the near-surface monolithic repository similar to those in operation in El Cabril, Spain. The design of this type of repository is based on the use of multiple, independent and redundant barriers. Since the vault and cover are major components of the engineered barriers, the durability of these concrete structures is an important aspect for the facilities integrity. This work presents a laboratory and field investigation performed for the last 6 years on reinforced concrete specimens, in order to predict the service life of the intermediate level radioactive waste disposal vaults from data obtained from electrochemical techniques. On the other hand, the development of sensors that allow on-line measurements of rebar corrosion potential and corrosion current density; incoming oxygen flow that reaches the metal surface; concrete electrical resistivity and chloride concentration is shown. Those sensors, properly embedded in a new full scale vault (nowadays in construction), will allow the monitoring of the corrosion process of the steel rebars embedded in the structure. (authors)
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Secondary Subject
2006; 8 p; NUCPERF 2006, EFC Event no 284 - Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Facilities; Cadarache (France); 27-30 Mar 2006; Available from: CEA Saclay, DEN/DANS/DPC/SCCME.LECBA, Bat. 158, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); 11 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab. Also published in: Journal de Physique IV - Proceedings, vol. 136 (issn: 1155-4339, doi:
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Zadorozne, N.S.; Giordano, C.M.; Rodríguez, M.A.; Carranza, R.M.; Rebak, R.B., E-mail: martinrz@gmail.com2012
[en] Highlights: ► The crevice corrosion resistance of the tested alloys increased with PREN, which is mainly affected by their Mo content. ► Crevice corrosion kinetics was controlled by ohmic drop only in the more dilute chloride solutions. ► Charge transfer control was observed in concentrated chloride solutions. ► A critical ohmic drop was not necessary for crevice corrosion to occur. ► Ohmic drop was a consequence of the crevice corrosion process in certain conditions. - Abstract: The crevice corrosion kinetics of alloys C-22, C-22HS and HYBRID-BC1 was studied in several chloride solutions at 90 °C. The crevice corrosion resistance of the alloys increased with PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number), which is mainly affected by the Mo content in the alloys. The crevice corrosion kinetics of the three alloys was analyzed at potentials slightly higher than the repassivation potential. Crevice propagation was controlled by ohmic drop in the more dilute chloride solutions, and by charge transfer in the more concentrated chloride solutions. Ohmic drop was not a necessary condition for crevice corrosion to occur.
Primary Subject
S0013-4686(12)00787-6; Available from; Copyright (c) 2012 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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