[en] An automatic three-cascade impactor recording air α-radioactivity distributed on aerosol particles was proposed. Aerosol particles in the impactor were distributed in the ranges rsub(0.5) > 0.36 μm, 0.16μm < rsub(0.5) < 0.36 μm and rsub(0.5) < 0.16 μm. Where rsub(0.5) is an effective radius of the particles deposited with 50% probability on the impactor plates
Original Title
Avtomaticheskij trekhkaskadnyj impaktor
AN Litovskoj SSR, Vilnyus. Inst. Fiziki; p. 120-123; 1984; p. 120-123; Mokslas; Vil'nyus (USSR)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Girgzhdis, A.I.; Girgzhdene, R.V.; Shopauskas, K.K.
Chemical and radioactive pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. V. 41978
Chemical and radioactive pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. V. 41978
[en] The results of the experimental investigations on quantitative evaluation of the 218Po and 214Bi washout efficiency by fog in an aerosol chamber are presented. The radioactivity has been measured by means of α-spectrometric method. Comparison of eXperimental and calculated data is made. The 218Po and 214Bi washout efficiency ratio is found to be dependent mainly on the aerosol concentration. The change of 218Po concentration imitates the process of coagulation of free atoms of light ions, and that of 214Bi - of aerosol particles by fog droplets
Original Title
Ob ehffektivnosti udaleniya produktov raspada radona kaplyami tumana
Primary Subject
Styro, B.I. (ed.); AN Litovskoj SSR, Vilnyus. Inst. Fiziki i Matematiki; p. 111-117; 1978; p. 111-117; Mokslas; Vil'nyus; 6 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue