Gorskaya, E.A.; Samojlov, V.N.
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
[en] This work is describing the method of developing the computer-aided control system in integrated environment of LabVIEW. Using the object-oriented design of complex systems, the hypothetical model for methods of developing the software for computer-aided system for physical experiments control was constructed. Within the framework of that model architecture solutions and implementations of suggested method were described. (author)
Original Title
Metod postroeniya programmnogo obespecheniya mnogokanal'noj sistemy avtomatizirovannogo upravleniya fizicheskimi ehksperimentami na baze instrumental'nogo paketa National Instruments LabVIEW
Primary Subject
1999; 10 p; 9 refs., 1 fig. Submitted to the journal, Avtomatizatsiya Proektirovaniya
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gorskaya, E.A.; Samojlov, V.N.
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
[en] The software of computer-aided system for control of the ECR-ion source was described and intended for remote control over the heavy ions axial injection plant, automatic getting of ions spectrum from the ion source and ions spectrum processing. (author)
Original Title
Opisanie kompleksa programm avtomatizirovannoj sistemy upravleniya ECR-istochnikom ionov, realizovannogo v integrirovannoj programmnoj srede LabView
Primary Subject
1999; 18 p; 8 refs., 10 figs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gorskaya, E.A.; Loginov, V.N.; Samojlov, V.N.
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
[en] The set of functions (vi-programmes) was described in this work, resolving to build the I/Q subsystem for control of the devices plugged to one or several CAMAC crates working under the control of the communication controller KK011 and interface board PI021. (author)
Original Title
Opisanie biblioteki programm dlya raboty s modulyami KAMAK cherez posledovatel'nyj kontroller krejta KK011 i posledovatel'nyj interfejs PI021 (na baze instrumental'nogo paketa LabVIEW)
Primary Subject
1999; 30 p; 7 refs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Golovanova, Eh.Z.; Gorskaya, E.A.; Dobryanskij, V.M.; Makan'kin, A.M.; Puzynin, V.I.; Samojlov, V.N.; Cheker, A.V.
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Scientific Center for Applied Researches, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1999
[en] The programs complex for control over energetical delivery system for the elaborate physical experiments is described. Gauge system was implemented on the VME crate with the VM-40 (MC68040) processor. The programs, collecting the data about the system state and primary processing of parameters, were created in MicroWare C language and run in OS-9 system environment in VME crate. The programmes executing the displaying and saving the energetical delivery system state were created and run in LabView environment in Microsoft Windows NT system shell. TCP/IP protocol was used for communication between OS-9 and Lab View. (author)
Original Title
Kompleks programm kontrolya sistemy ehnergosnabzheniya slozhnogo fizicheskogo ehksperimenta
Primary Subject
1999; 15 p; 8 refs., 4 tabs., 3 figs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Alpatov, S.V.; Golovanova, Eh.Z.; Gorskaya, E.A.; Dobryanskij, V.M.; Makan'kin, A.M.; Puzynin, V.I.; Samojlov, V.N.; Cheker, A.V.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1996
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1996
[en] The substantiation of choice of the hardware and software for integration in program-technical complex is given. The complex is intended for automation of the physical experiments connected with chain nuclear reaction investigations. The subsystem for energy supplying control of experiment is considered in detail. For building the subsystem the 'client-server' architecture is used. The subsystem includes the work station and VMEbus measuring modules in the net. The description of the programs and result formats are given. 5 refs., 6 figs
Original Title
Programmno-technicheskij kompleks sbora, obrabotki i arkhivirovaniya fizicheskoj informatsii o tsepnoj yadernoj reaktsii na baze shiny VMEbus. I. Podsistema kontrolya ehnergosnabzheniya
Primary Subject
1996; 14 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue