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[en] Local and global correlations for condensing energy transfer in the presence of noncondensable gases in a containment facility have been evaluated. The database employed stems from the E11.2 and E11.4 tests conducted at the German HDR facility. The HDR containment is a 11060-ml, 60-m-high decommissioned light water reactor. The tests simulated long-term (up to 56 h) accident conditions. Numerous instrumented structural blocks (concrete and lead) were located throughout the containment to provide detailed local heat transfer measurements. These data represent what is probably the most extensive database of integral energy transfer measurements available. It is well established that the major resistance to condensation heat transfer in the presence of noncondensable gases is a gaseous boundary layer that builds up in front of the condensing surface. Correlations that seek to model heat transfer for these conditions should depend on parameters that most strongly determine the buildup and thickness of this boundary layer. Two of the most important parameters are the vapor/noncondensable concentration ratio and the local atmospheric motion. Secondary parameters include the atmosphere-to-surface temperature difference, the pressure, and condensing surface properties. The HDR tests are unique in terms of the quantity and variety of instrumentation employed. However, one of the most important parameters, the local bulk atmospheric velocity, is inherently difficult to measure, and only fragmentary measurements are available even in the HDR data-base. A detailed analysis of these data is presented by Green. This study uses statistical methods to evaluate local and global empirical correlations that do not include the atmospheric velocity. The magnitude of the differences between the correlations emphasizes the importance of the local atmospheric velocity and serves to illustrate the accuracy limits of correlations that neglect this essential parameter
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Annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS); Philadelphia, PA (United States); 25-29 Jun 1995; CONF-950601--
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Sehgal, B.R.; Green, J.A.; Dinh, T.N.
Proceedings of fifth international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety1997
Proceedings of fifth international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety1997
[en] The author presents experimental results, and subsequent analyses, of scaled reactor pressure vessel (RPV) failure site ablation tests conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology Division of Nuclear Power Safety (RIT/NPS). The goal of the test program is to reduce the uncertainty level associated with the phase-change-ablation process, and, thus, improve the characterization of the melt discharge loading on the containment. In a series of moderate temperature experiments, the corium melt is simulated by the binary oxide CaO-B2O3, while the RPV head steel is represented by a Pb plate. A complementary set of experiments was conducted at lower temperatures, using water as melt and salted ice as plate material. These experiments scale well to the postulated prototypical conditions. The multidimensional code HAMISA, developed at RIT/NPS, is employed to analyze the experiments with good pre- and post-test predictions. The effects of melt viscosity and crust surface roughness, along with failure site entrance and exit frictional losses on the ablation characteristics are investigated
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Chinese Nuclear Society, BJ (China); American Nuclear Society (United States); Atomic Energy Society of Japan (Japan); American Society of Mechanical Engineers (United States); Canadian Nuclear Society (Canada); Korean Nuclear Society (Korea, Republic of); Mexican Nuclear Society (Mexico); Nuclear Society of Slovenia (Slovenia); Spanish Nuclear Society (Spain); 1493 p; 1997; p. V6.1-V6.7; 5. international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety; Beijing (China); 14-18 Apr 1997; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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Conference; Numerical Data
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Sehgal, B.R.; Green, J.A.; Dinh, T.N.; Dong, W.
Proceedings of fifth international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety1997
Proceedings of fifth international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety1997
[en] Relocation of melt from the core region, during a nuclear reactor severe accident, presents the potential for erosion of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) wall as a result of melt jet impingement. The extent of vessel erosion will depend upon a variety of parameters, including jet diameter, velocity, composition, superheat, angle of inclination, and the presence of an overlying water or melt pool. Experiments have been conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology Division of Nuclear Power Safety (RIT/NPS) which employ a variety of melt and pressure vessel simulant materials, such as water, salt-ice, Cerrobend alloy and molten salt. These experiments have revealed that the erosion depth of the vessel simulant in the jet stagnation zone can be adequately predicted by the Saito correlation, which is based on turbulent heat transfer, while initial erosion rates are seen to be in line with the laminar-stagnation-zone model. A transition between the laminar and turbulent regimes was realized in most cases and is attributed to the roughness of the surface in the eroded cavity formed
Primary Subject
Chinese Nuclear Society, BJ (China); American Nuclear Society (United States); Atomic Energy Society of Japan (Japan); American Society of Mechanical Engineers (United States); Canadian Nuclear Society (Canada); Korean Nuclear Society (Korea, Republic of); Mexican Nuclear Society (Mexico); Nuclear Society of Slovenia (Slovenia); Spanish Nuclear Society (Spain); 1493 p; 1997; p. V4.1-V4.6; 5. international topical meeting on nuclear thermal hydraulics, operations and safety; Beijing (China); 14-18 Apr 1997; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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Sehgal, B.R.; Dinh, T.N.; Green, J.A.; Paladino, D.
Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden)1997
Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden)1997
[en] This report presents experimental results, and subsequent analyses, of scaled reactor pressure vessel (RPV) failure site ablation tests conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Nuclear Power Safety (RIT/NPS). The goal of the test program is to reduce the uncertainty level associated with the phase-change-ablation process, and, thus, improve the characterization of the melt discharge loading on the containment. In a series of moderate temperature experiments, the corium melt is simulated by the binary oxide CaO-B2O3 or the binary eutectic and non-eutectic salts NaNO3-KNO3, while the RPV head steel is represented by a Pb, Sn or metal alloys plate. A complementary set of experiments was conducted at lower temperatures, using water as melt and salted ice as plate material. These experiments scale well to the postulated prototypical conditions. The multidimensional code HAMISA, developed at RIT/NPS, is employed to analyze the experiments with good pre- and post-test predictions. The effects of melt viscosity and crust surface roughness, along with failure site entrance and exit frictional losses on the ablation characteristics are investigated. Theoretical concept was proposed to describe physical mechanisms which govern the vessel-hole ablation process during core melt discharge from RPV. Experimental data obtained from hole ablation tests and separate-effect tests performed at RIT/NPS were used to validate component physical models of the HAMISA code. It is believed that the hole ablation phenomenology is quite well understood. Detailed description of experiments and experimental data, as well as results of analyses are provided in the appendixes
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Dec 1997; 91 p; ISSN 1104-1374; ; PROJECT SKI-97212; 40 refs, 51 figs, 13 tabs.
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Dinh, T.N.; Bui, V.A.; Nourgaliev, R.R.; Green, J.A.; Sehgal, B.R.
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
[en] Instability and fragmentation of a core melt jet in water have been actively studied during the past ten years. Several models, and a few computer codes, have been developed. However, there are, still, large uncertainties, both, in interpreting experimental results and in predicting reactor-scale processes. Steam explosion and debris coolability, as reactor safety issues, are related to the jet fragmentation process. A better understanding of the physics of jet instability and fragmentation is crucial for assessments of fuel-coolant interactions (FCIs). This paper presents research, conducted at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, Royal Institute of Technology (RIT/NPS), Stockholm, concerning molten jet-coolant interactions, as a precursor for premixing. First, observations were obtained from scoping experiments with simulant fluids. Second, the linear perturbation method was extended and applied to analyze the interfacial-instability characteristics. Third, two innovative approachs to CFD modeling of jet fragmentation were developed and employed for analysis. The focus of the studies was placed on (a) identifying potential factors, which may affect the jet instability, (b) determining the scaling laws, and (c) predicting the jet behavior for severe accidents conditions. In particular, the effects of melt physical properties, and the thermal hydraulics of the mixing zone, on jet fragmentation were investigated. Finally, with the insights gained from a synthesis of the experimental results and analysis results, a new phenomenological concept, named 'macrointeractions concept of jet fragmentation' is proposed. (author)
Primary Subject
Akiyama, Mamoru; Yamano, Norihiro; Sugimoto, Jun (eds.); Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo (Japan); 836 p; Jan 1998; p. 468-492; OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 19-21 May 1997
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[en] Instability and fragmentation of a core melt jet in water have been actively studied during the past 10 years. Several models, and a few computer codes, have been developed. However, there are, still, large uncertainties, both, in interpreting experimental results and in predicting reactor-scale processes. Steam explosion and debris coolability, as reactor safety issues, are related to the jet fragmentation process. A better understanding of the physics of jet instability and fragmentation is crucial for assessments of fuel-coolant interactions (FCIs). This paper presents research, conducted at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, Royal Institute of Technology (RIT/NPS), Stockholm, concerning molten jet-coolant interactions, as a precursor for premixing. First, observations were obtained from scoping experiments with simulant fluids. Second, the linear perturbation method was extended and applied to analyze the interfacial-instability characteristics. Third, two innovative approaches to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of jet fragmentation were developed and employed for analysis. The focus of the studies was placed on (a) identifying potential factors, which may affect the jet instability, (b) determining the scaling laws, and (c) predicting the jet behavior for severe accident conditions. In particular, the effects of melt physical properties, and the thermal hydraulics of the mixing zone, on jet fragmentation were investigated. Finally, with the insights gained from a synthesis of the experimental results and analysis results, a new phenomenological concept, named 'macrointeractions concept of jet fragmentation' is proposed. (orig.)
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39 refs.
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[en] Full text: The Centre for Medical Radiation Physics have undertaken the dcvelopment of a quality assurance tool, using silicon pixelated detectors, for the calibration of eye plaques prior to insertion. Dosimetric software to correlate the measured and predicted dose rates has been constructed. The dosimetric parameters within the software, for both 1-125 and Ru-I 06 based eye plaques, were optimised using the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit. Methods For 1-125 based plaques, an novel application was developed to generate TG-43 parameters for any seed input. TG-43 parameters were generated for an Oncura model 6711 seed, with data points every millimetre up to 25 mm in the radial direction, and every 5 degrees in polar angle, and correlated to published data. For the Ru106 based plaques, an application was developed to generate dose rates about a Bebig model CCD plaque. Toroids were used to score the deposited dose, taking advantage of the cylindrical symmetry of the plaque, with radii in millimetre increments up to 25 mm, and depth from the plaque surface in millimetre increments up to 25 mm. Results TheTG43 parameters generated for the 6711 seed correlate well with published TG43 data at the given intervals, with radial dose function within 3%, and anisotropy function within 5% for angles greater than 30 degrees. The Ru-l 06 plaque data correlated well with the Bebig protocol of measurement. Conclusion Geant4 is a useful Monte Carlo tool for the generation of dosimetric data for eye plaque dosimetry. which may improve the quality assurance of eye plaque treatment. (author)
Primary Subject
Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine and The Australian Biomedical Engineering College Conference, Melbourne, Australia (Australia). Funding organisation: Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (Australia); 62 p; 2010; p. 141; Conference abstract; Melbourne (Australia); 5-9 Dec 2010; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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Dinh, T.N.; Dong, W.G.; Green, J.A.; Nourgaliev, R.R.; Sehgal, B.R.
Eighth international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics1997
Eighth international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics1997
[en] This paper considers the ablation process of a reactor pressure vessel due to core melt jet impingement upon it during the course of a severe core melt-down accident in a light water reactor. The major objective of the paper is to present a conceptual approach, developed by the authors, to describe and predict the relevant phenomena. In this paper, a heat transfer model for jet impingement heat transfer, with phase change at the impingement surface, is developed, based upon results of experimental and analytical investigations conducted at RIT/NPS division. It was found that the phase-change-induced surface roughness governs the flow and heat transfer mechanisms in the impingement zone. This heat transfer model is then applied to calculate ablation of a reactor pressure vessel lower head due to impingement of core melt jet in a prototypic severe accident scenario. It is shown that the use of Saito's turbulent heat transfer correlation, used in previous reactor safety studies, leads to a conservative assessment. The use of Epstein's laminar stagnation flow model provides underestimates of the reactor vessel wall ablation. (author)
Primary Subject
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1890 p; 1997; p. 612-619; NURETH-8: 8. international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics; Kyoto (Japan); 30 Sep - 4 Oct 1997
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[en] The use of positron emission tomography (PET) has been well documented as a relatively noninvasive method of measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF), both globally and regionally. The utility of readily detecting alterations in CBF is apparent, particularly when applied to the evaluation of therapeutic interventions thought to influence CBF. We report the effects of hypocapnia, an experimental condition of known cerebral vasoconstriction, in ten normal volunteers. Subjects had brain blood flow evaluated utilizing H215O as the positron emitter before and after approximately five minutes of hyperventilation. Baseline CBF was measured as a mean +/- SD of 61.2 +/- 16.3 mL/min/100 g of tissue. Mean baseline arterial blood gas values were PaO2 107.4 +/- 14 mm Hg, PaCO2 37.7 +/- 0.89 mm Hg, and pH 7.39 (calculated from mean [H+]). Post hyperventilation, global CBF was measured as 31.1 +/- 10.8 mL/min/100 g. Mean arterial blood gas values were PaO2 141.7 +/- 21 mm Hg, PaCO2 19.7 +/- 5 mm Hg, and pH 7.63 (calculated from mean [H+]). CBF decreased by a mean of 49.5 +/- 11 percent. Data analysis using the Student's t-test showed a significant change over baseline in PaCO2 (p less than 0.001) and CBF (p less than 0.001), in the hyperventilated state. Correlations were noted between the decrease in CBF and change in PaCO2 (r = 0.81) as well as between hyperventilation PaCO2 and the change in CBF (r = 0.97). We conclude that, as measured by PET, CBF decreases significantly during a state of artificial hyperventilation to a degree consistent with results seen using other methods. PET appears to be a valuable tool in the assessment of interventions that could influence CBF
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Sehgal, B.R.; Bui, V.A.; Dinh, T.N.; Green, J.A.; Kolb, G.
Proceedings of the Workshop on in-vessel core debris retention and coolability1999
Proceedings of the Workshop on in-vessel core debris retention and coolability1999
[en] This paper describes an experimental program performed at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, Royal Institute of Technology (RIT/NPS) on a facility named as SIMECO (Simulation of In-vessel Melt Coolability). The objectives of the experiments in the SIMECO facility are to investigate (i) the effect of boundary crusts and mushy layers on natural convection heat transfer; (ii) the effects of melt stratification on natural circulation; (iii) the amelioration of melt stratification by turbulent flow fields, and finally (iv) the multidimensional heat transfer in, and between, the melt pool, the top metallic layer and the vessel. Step by step integral experiments are planned. The SIMECO is a slice-type facility with a semicircular section and a vertical section. Diameter, height and width of the test section are, respectively, 530 x 620 x 90 mm. Binary salt mixtures are employed as oxide melt simulant, with appropriate molten metals as metal-layer simulants. Results of SIMECO tests performed are presented, and compared to existing correlations. Results of analyses performed with the MVITA code are compared to the data obtained. (authors)
Primary Subject
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency - OECD/NEA, Committee on the safety of nuclear installations - CSNI, Le Seine Saint-Germain, 12 boulevard des Iles, F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); 409 p; 25 Feb 1999; p. 198-206; Workshop on in-vessel core debris retention and coolability; Garching (Germany); 3-6 Mar 1998; 12efs.
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