[en] This patent describes a shield against ionizing radiations that comprises at least one layer of an aggregate-containing cement-based conglomerate or an aggregate-containing cement-based mortar wherein the aggregate consists essentially of floated galena or mixtures thereof which at least one boron mineral
Primary Subject
23 Feb 1988; vp; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,727,257/A/; U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA, $.50
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Grifoni, S.; Lloret, R.; Pistella, F.
Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding, and structural materials1977
Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding, and structural materials1977
[en] In the framework of a BWR fuel study, an experimental program consisting of the irradiation of poisoned fuel pins was carried out in the reflector of a swimming-pool type reactor (SILOE). Different types of fuels (uranium oxide 2.5% enriched or uranium-plutonium oxide, with 1 and 2% of gadolinium oxide), placed in two devices (with NaK or boiling water), were irradiated under specified conditions. For some irradiations, a continuous measurement of total power vs. time was performed, until the complete burn-up of the poison. For the others, the aim was to produce fuel samples of different burn-up rates of the poison, for further examinations. In the paper, dosimetry of these irradiations is described, which is based on the continuous signals observed from ''collections'' (self powered neutron detectors), located outside the device
Primary Subject
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; p. 389-399; 1977; p. 389-399; 2. ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry: dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials; Palo Alto, CA, USA; 2 - 7 Oct 1977
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[en] Some problems are analized about the nuclear power stations built in cavern. The existent installations and the feasibility studies till today performed in Europe, North America and Japan are described and some remarks are made about costs. Finally a preliminary study is described relative to the cavern layout of a small size power station equipped with a LWR. This article is drawn from a work performed in the frame of the Safety Research Programm of ENEA TERM Department
Original Title
Problematiche relative alla sistemazione in caverna di centrali nucleari
Primary Subject
20 refs.
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Gandini, A.G.; Grifoni, S.; Labriola, F.
Proceedings of a specialists' meeting on the calculation of 3-dimensional rating distributions in operating reactors, Paris, 26-28 November 19791980
Proceedings of a specialists' meeting on the calculation of 3-dimensional rating distributions in operating reactors, Paris, 26-28 November 19791980
[en] A review of some activities performed in Italy on 3D simulators is given. Some of these activities contribute to the confirmation of methods currently used in core design and operation, through operating and experimental data at Garigliano and Caorso power plants. On the other hand, a few codes obtained from the MIT have been modified and applied both to the usual benchmark problems and to critical situations. Besides, some efforts have been devoted to the development of an essentially one-group coarse mesh model (COMETA, now embodied into the three-dimensional simulator CETHRA); spectral effects arising from the presence of great material heterogeneities are taken into account. Finally, the FEMSYN and SYNTH-C codes based on the synthesis method have been developed
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); p. 283-317; ISBN 92-64-02052-7; ; 1980; p. 283-317; OECD; Paris, France; Specialists' meeting on the calculation of 3-dimensional rating distributions in operating reactors; Paris, France; 26 - 28 Nov 1979
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Baldetti, S.; Doria, F.; Gabaglio, M.; Grifoni, S.
Peaceful uses of atomic energy. Proceedings of the fourth international conference, jointly sponsored by the UN and the IAEA and held in Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol. 91972
Peaceful uses of atomic energy. Proceedings of the fourth international conference, jointly sponsored by the UN and the IAEA and held in Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol. 91972
No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
United Nations, New York (USA); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 15 v.; v. 9 p. 255-269; 1972; IAEA/UN; Vienna; 4. international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy; Geneva, Switzerland; 6 Sep 1971; A/CONF.49/P--186; Microfiche of preprint available from INIS Clearinghouse.
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Bitelli, G.; Grifoni, S.; Martinelli, R.; Santandrea, E.
Exponential and Critical Experiments. Vol. III. Proceedings of the Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments1964
Exponential and Critical Experiments. Vol. III. Proceedings of the Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments1964
[en] As a part of the Italian Project for an Organic Moderated Nuclear Power Plant, the National Commission for Nuclear Energy (CNEN) has installed a critical facility, known as ROSPO, planned to perform criticality studies of the nuclear characteristics of cores to be tested in a 60 MW(t) prototype reactor (PRO). The first core loading consists of MTR-type fuel elements, with flat, 90% enriched, stainless-steel clad plates; the main physical question to be answered concerns the possibility of obtaining, with this core, a proper reactivity excess, in order to compensate for temperature and poisoning effects, and to ensureta convenient lifetime to the power reactor. The variable parameter is the uranium/stainless steel ratio in the fuel element, and the experiments are performed by studying cores where some of the 16 active plates of each fuel element are substituted by dummy (stainless steel) plates. For three of these cores (0,3 and 5 dummy plates per element respectively), detailed calculations have been carried out to obtain flux plots, reactivity effects and keff versus number of elements. The calculation was based upon a modified two-group theory that accounts for fissions in the epithermal zone. The following codes were used: THESIS for thennal, and MUFT 4 for epithermal spectra; FLIP 1 (transport theory) and TUT-T5 (Monte Carlo) for fluxes in the unit cell; PDQ-O2 coupled to WANDA 4 (diffusion theory in xy and slab geometries) for reactivities and macroscopic fluxes. The results are shown and compared with those obtained for the same cores by AGIP Nucleare and by the CNEN Bologna Computation Centre; in spite of the analogy of the methods used, large discrepancies were observed, which are thought to derive from differences in the libraries of cross-sections. This seems to confirm the necessity of critical experiments as the most valid help in choosing and checking calculation methods, nuclear codes and libraries. The measurement of keff versus the number of fuel elements, performed for the three meritiohed uranium/stainless steel ratios in ROSPO allows a detailed analysis of these problems. (author)
Dans le cadre d'un projet de réacteur de puissance ralenti par un fluide organique, la Commission italienne de l'énergie atomique a installé un ensemble critique désigne par les lettres ROSTO; cet ensemble doit permettre d’étudier les caractéristiques nucléaires de coeurs qui doivent être mis à l'essai dans le prototype de réacteur de 60 MW(t) (PRO). La première charge du coeur consiste en éléments combustibles qui sont du type employé dans les réacteurs d'essai des matériaux, et se compose de plaques d'uranium enrichi à 90%, gainées d'acier inoxydable; au point de vue de la physique des réacteurs, la principale question est celle de savoir si ce coeur permet d'obtenir un excédent de réactivité suffisant pour neutraliser les effets de température et d'empoisonnement et pour garantir une durée normale de fonctionnement de la génératrice nucléaire. Le paramètre variable est le rapport uranium/acier inoxydable de l'élément combustible; aux fins des expériences, on remplace plusieurs des 16 plaques actives composant chaque élément du coeur par des plaques factices fén acier inoxydable). Trois de ces coeurs (zéro, trois et cinq plaques factices par élément combustible,, respectivement) ont fait l’objet de calculs détaillés en vue de déterminer les courbes du flux, les effets sur la réactivité et keff en fonction du nombre d'éléments. Ces calculs sont fondés sur une théorie à deux groupes modifiée dè'manière à tenir compte des fissions dans la zone épithermique. A cet effet, on s'est servi des codes suivants: THESIS’, pour le spectre des neutrons thermiques, et MUFT 4 pour celui des neutrons épithermiques; FLIP 1 (théorie du transport) et TUT-T5 (Monte-Carlo) pour les flux dans la cellule; PDQ-02 combiné avec WANDA 4 (theórie de la diffusion dans les geometries xy et les géométries de plaque pour les réactivités et les flux macroscopiques. L’esauteurs indiquent les résultats et les comparent à ceux qui ont été obtenus par ces mêmes coeurs par AGIP Nucleare et par le Centre de calcul électronique de la Commission italienne de l'énergie atomique à Bologne; malgré l'analogie des méthodes employées, on a observé des écarts importants qui'sont probablement dus à dès différences dans les bibliothèques de sections efficaces. Ces constatations semblent confirmer que les expériences critiques sont indispensables du fait qu'elles permettent mieux que tout autre moyen de choisir et de vérifier les méthodes de calcul, les codes nucléaires et les bibliothèques. Gráce aux mesures de keff en fonction du nombre d'éléments combustibles qui ont été faites dans ROSPO pour les trois rapports uranium/acier inoxydable mentionnés, il est possible de soumettre ces problèmes à une analyse détaillée. (author)[es]
Como parte del proyecto italiano de una central nucleoeléctrica con reactor de moderador orgánico, el Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare ha construido la instalación critica ROSPO, destinada a la realización de estudios de las características nucleares, en el estado crítico, de cuerpos de reactor que luego se ensayarán en un reactor prototipo de 60 MW(t), el PRO. La primera carga del cuerpo consta de elementos combustibles del tipo MTR (reactor de ensayo de materiales), con placas planas, enriquecidas al 90 por ciento y revestidas de acero inoxidable; la principal incógnita física se refiere a la posibilidad de obtener, con dicho cuerpo, un exceso de reactividad apropiado, a fin de compensar los efectos de temperatura y de envenenamiento y de asegurar que el reactor de potencia tenga una duración aceptable. El parámetro variable es la relación uranio/acero inoxidable en el elemento combustible; los experimentos se ajecutan estudiando cuerpos en los que algunas de las 16 placas activas de que consta cada elemento combustible se reemplazan con placas simuladas (de acero inoxidable). Para tres de estos cuerpos (de 3 y 5 placas simuladas por elemento, respectivamente) se efectuaron cálculos detallados a fin de obtener diagramas de flujo, de los efectos de reactividad y de kef en función del número de elementos. El cálculo se basó en una teoría de dos grupos modificada, que tiene en cuenta las fisiones en la zona epitér- mica. Se utilizaron las siguientes claves: THESIS para los espectros térmicos, y MUFT 4 para los epitérmiros; FLIP 1 (teoría del transporte) y TUT-T5 (Monte Cario) para los flujos en la celda unitaria; PDQ-O2 combinada con WANDA 4 (teoría de la difusión en geometrías xy y de placas) para las reactividades y los flujos macroscópicos. Los autores exponen los resultados y los comparan con los obtenidos para los mismos cuerpos por la AGIP Nucleare y por el Centro de cálculo del Comitato Nazionale, en Bolonia; a pesar de la analogía de los métodos utilizados, se observaron grandes discrepancias, que provienen aparentemente de diferencias en los valores catalogados de las secciones eficaces. Este hecho parece confirmar la necesidad de llevar a cabo los experimentos críticos, como medios auxiliares de gran valor para la elección y verificación de los métodos de cálculo, claves nucleares y catálogos de datos nucleares. La determinación de kef en función del número de elementos combustibles, realizada para los tres valores de la mencionada relación uranio/acero inoxidable con la instalación ROSPO, permite analizar detalladamente estos problemas. (author)[ru]
Kak chast' ital'janskogo proekta jadernoj silovoj ustanovki s organicheskim zamedlitelem Nacional'nyj komitet po atomnoj jenergii smontiroval kriticheskuju ustanovku, izvestnuju pod nazvaniem ROSPO, prednaznachennuju dlja provedenija kriticheskih issledovanij jadernyh harakteristik aktivnyh zon, podlezhashhih ispytaniju v prototipnom reaktore (PRO) moshhnost'ju 60 mgvt. Pervaja zagruzka aktivnoj zony sostoit iz toplivnyh jelementov tipa MTR s ploskimi plastinami 90%-nogo obogashhenija v obolochke iz nerzhavejushhej stali. Osnovnoj fizicheskij vopros, na kotoryj neobhodimo otvetit', svjazan s vozmozhnost'ju poluchenija v jetoj aktivnoj zone sootvetstvujushhego izbytka reaktivnosti v celjah kompensirovanija temperaturnogo jeffekta i jeffekta otravlenija i obespechenija podhodjashhej prodolzhitel'nosti kompanii jenergeticheskogo reaktora. Izmenjajushhimsja parametrom javljaetsja otnoshenie uran —nerzhavejushhaja stal' v toplivnom jelemente, i v nastojashhee vremja provodjatsja opyty putem izuchenija aktivnyh zon, v kotoryh nekotorye iz 16 aktivnyh plastin kazhdogo toplivnogo jelementa zameshhajutsja maketami (nerzhavejushhaja stal'). Dlja treh iz jetih aktivnyh zon (3 i 5 plastin-maketov na kazhdyj toplivnyj jelement sootvetstvenno) provedeny podrobnye raschety s cel'ju poluchenija grafikov potokov, izuchenija jeffektov reaktivnosti i KJef v zavisimosti ot kolichestva jelementov. Raschet byl osnovan na izmenennoj teorii dvuh grupp, kotoraja uchityvaet delenija v nadteplovoj zone. Primenjalis' sledujushhie kody rascheta: THESIS—dlja spektrov teplovyh nejtronov i MUFT 4 —dlja spektrov nadteplovyh nejtronov; FLIP-1 (teorija perenosa) i TUT-T5 (Monte Karlo) —dlja potokov v edinichnoj jachejke; PDQ-O2, svjazannaja s WANDA-4 (teorija diffuzii v geometricheskih formah hu i forme plastin) dlja izmerenija reaktivnosti i makroskopicheskih potokov. Privodjatsja rezul'taty, kotorye sravnivajutsja s rezul'tatami, poluchennymi dlja teh zhe aktivnyh zon institutom AGIP Nucleare i vychislitel'nym centrom v Bolon'ja. Nesmotrja na shodstvo primenennyh metodov, otmechalis' bol'shie rashozhdenija, kotorye, kak polagajut, voznikajut iz-za razlichij v dannyh o poperechnyh sechenijah. Jeto obstojatel'stvo, po-vidimomu, podtverzhdaet neobhodimost' kriticheskih opytov kak naibolee jeffektivnogo sredstva pri vybore i proverke metodov rascheta, jadernyh kodov i sobrannyh dannyh. Izmerenie Keff , zavisimogo ot kolichestva toplivnyh jelementov, vypolnennoe dlja treh upomjanutyh otnoshenij uran—nerzhavejushhaja stal' v ROSPO, daet vozmozhnost' provesti podrobnyj analiz jetih problem. (author)Original Title
L'Ensemble Critique A Ralentisseur Organique «Rospo»; ''ROSPO'' — Kriticheskaya ustanovka s organicheskim zamedlitelem; La Instalación Crítica «ROSPO» Con Moderador Organico
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 494 p; Apr 1964; p. 401-422; Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 2-6 Sep 1963; IAEA-SM--42/77; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 9 refs., 8 figs., 10 tabs.
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Federico, A.; Ragona, R.; Parmeggiani, C.; Grifoni, S.; Tricoli, C.
18th informal meeting on reactor noise1986
18th informal meeting on reactor noise1986
[en] Some problems are discussed of the dynamic model and of measuring the stability of BWR reactors. It is shown that the main sources of noise consist in voids and core coolant flow and pressure. The void noise cannot directly be measured. Briefly characterized are the algorithms and calculation methods for reactor stability, currently most commonly based on the multivariate autoregression modelling techniques. A design is described of a diagnostic system for reactor stability for the Italian nuclear power plant Caorso, operating on-line in real time. (Z.M.) 5 figs., 7 refs
Primary Subject
Dach, K. (ed.); Ceskoslovenska Komise pro Atomovou Energii, Prague; 288 p; 1986; p. 224-235; 18. informal meeting on reactor noise; Prague (Czechoslovakia); 10-12 Apr 1985
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[en] Chest pain (CP) represents a frequent reason for presentation at the emergency department (ED). A large proportion of patients have non-diagnostic ECG on presentation, and in many cases several hours have elapsed since onset of symptoms. Acute rest myocardial scintigraphy (rest SPET) has been shown to have a relevant role in the detection of patients at risk for coronary events, but its sensitivity and negative predictive value are optimal only within the first 3 h following onset of symptoms. In those with delayed presentation, exercise SPET alone, as a screening approach, appears more promising, but its feasibility and diagnostic role in the ED are still unresolved. A total of 231 consecutive patients with a recent-onset (<24 h) first episode of CP had a negative first-line work-up including ECG, troponins, creatine kinase-MB and echocardiography. These patients were considered at low risk for short-term coronary events. Patients were studied with rest SPET if they presented <3 h after onset of CP and exercise SPET if they presented after ≥3 h. The end-points of the study were detection of significant coronary artery disease (CAD) by angiography and major coronary events or cardiac death at 6 months. Eighty patients (35%) underwent rest SPET, while 151 (65%) underwent exercise SPET. Two of the 159 patients with negative SPET had evidence of critical CAD at 6-month follow-up (one patient in the rest SPET group and one in the exercise SPET group; P=NS). Of the 72 patients (31%) with a positive scan, 34 (15%) had documented CAD (16 patients in the rest SPET group and 18 in the exercise SPET group; P=NS). Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and predictive value were not statistically different between the two groups. In conclusion, the accuracy of exercise SPET in patients with CP and delayed presentation to the ED is comparable to that of validated rest SPET in patients with early presentation. Owing to the high negative predictive value (99%), exercise SPET is especially valuable as a screening tool for the exclusion of CAD in low-risk patients and implementation of early discharge. (orig.)
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