Grigoriev, V.P.; Koval, T.V.; Potashev, A.G.
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
[en] In this work there is presented the plasma channel forming model under the low-energy beam transporting in air with the pressure gradient along the beam motion in the external magnetic field. On the base of model there have been curried out the investigations of the effect of the gas pressure gradient and the magnetic field heterogeneity on the plasma channel forming and electron beam transporting
Представлена модель плазменного канала для транспортировки электронного пучка малой энергии в воздухе при градиенте давления вдоль оси пучка в магнитном поле. Эта модель используется для исследования влияния градиента давления и неоднородности магнитного поля на формирование плазменного канала и транспортировки электронного пучкаPrimary Subject
Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Engelko, V. (eds.); Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); 922 p; ISBN 5-87911-088-5; ; 2005; p. 151-154; 15. International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004; Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 18-23 Jul 2004; 3 refs., 7 figs.
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Grigoriev, V.P.; Koval, T.V.; Kozlovskih, A.V.
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
[en] In the paper the results of theoretical investigations of influence magnetic field of current branching-off systems on electron flow movement are represented. Investigation was carry our on example of two most typical devices: triode with virtual cathode, where current branching-off system is grid anode, and gas-filled systems of electron beam transporting to current-conducting target
Представлены результаты исследований влияния магнитного поля ответвленных токов на движение электронного пучка. Исследуются следующие устройства: триод с виртуальным катодом, где ответвленные токи образуются сеточным анодом, и газонаполненные системы для транспортировки электронного пучка к токопроводящей мишениPrimary Subject
Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Engelko, V. (eds.); Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); 922 p; ISBN 5-87911-088-5; ; 2005; p. 63-66; 15. International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004; Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 18-23 Jul 2004; 2 refs., 8 figs.
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Grigoriev, V.P.; Koval, T.V.; Kozlovskih, A.V.
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
[en] The results of theoretical investigations of influence magnetic field of current branching-off systems on electron beam movement are represented. Investigation was carried out for two most typical devices: triode with virtual cathode, where current branching-off system is grid anode, and gas-filled systems of electron beam transporting to current-conducting target with shunt
Представлены результаты теоретических исследований влияния магнитного поля систем токов ответвления на движение электронного пучка. Исследовались следующие наиболее типичные устройства: триод с виртуальным катодом, где токи замыкаются на сеточном аноде, и газонаполненные системы транспортировки электронного пучка к токопроводящей мишени с шунтомPrimary Subject
Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Engelko, V. (eds.); Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); 922 p; ISBN 5-87911-088-5; ; 2005; p. 422-425; 15. International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004; Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 18-23 Jul 2004; 2 refs., 8 figs.
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Grigoriev, V.P.; Koval, T.V.; Devjatkov, V.N.; Koval, N.N.; Schanin, P.M.
Proceedings of the third international symposium on pulsed power and plasma applications2002
Proceedings of the third international symposium on pulsed power and plasma applications2002
[en] The transport of a low-energy (up to 20 keV) electron beam of current ∼100A and pulse duration of 12 μs in a low (up to 0.015 T) magnetic field at a pressure of ∼10-2 Pa has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Estimates of the time it takes for the beam charge neutralization due to the ionization of the gas by accelerated ions are given. The dynamics of the particles moving in the drift tube has been investigated by the method of coarse particles
Primary Subject
China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang (China). Inst. of Fluid Phsyics; 448 p; 2002; p. 220-224; 3. international symposium on pulsed power and plasma applications; Mianyang, Sichuan (China); 22-26 Oct 2002; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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[en] The transport of a low-energy (up to 20 keV) electron beam of current ∼100 A and duration 12 ps in a low-intensity (up to 0.015 T) magnetic field at a pressure of ∼10-2 Pa has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Estimates of the time it takes for the beam charge neutralization due to the ionization of the gas by accelerated ions are given. The dynamics of the particles moving in the drift tube has been investigated by the method of coarse particles. (author)
Primary Subject
Plasma Physics Section, Committee of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland); 650 Megabytes; 2001; [4 p.]; PLASMA 2001 - Research and Application of Plasmas - International Symposium; Warsaw (Poland); 19-21 Sep 2001; Available on and on CD at Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw (PL); 1 ref., 7 figs
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