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Cochinal, R.; Grimont, B.; Mai, V.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1980
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1980
[en] Radiation control panels with programmed systems have developed at the CEA over the last few years. Each monitored location is provided with an monitoring station containing: - a radiation detector and associated electronics (the output signal is normalised calibrated pulses), - an alarm unit to warn personnal of any danger inside the detection zone covered
La generation de Tableau de Controle de Rayonnements a systemes programmes s'est developpee au CEA depuis quelques annees. A chaque poste de surveillance en local est disposee une balise comprenant: - un capteur de rayonnement et son electronique associee (signal de sortie en impulsions calibrees normalisees), - un coffret de signalisation pour prevenir d'un danger eventuel le personnel situe dans la zone de couverture du capteurOriginal Title
Utilisation de l'informatique dans les tableaux de controle des rayonnements
Mar 1980; 9 p; 5. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Jerusalem, Israel; 9 - 14 Mar 1980
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Cochinal, R.; Grimont, B.; Mai, V.
International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 5. Jerusalem, Israel, 9-14 March 19801980
International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 5. Jerusalem, Israel, 9-14 March 19801980
[en] Radiation control panels with programmed systems have been developed at the CEA. Each monitoring station contains a radiation detector and associated electronics and an alarm unit to warn personnel of any danger within the detection zone. The need to make the control panels more reliable and available and, at the same time, more flexible has led to the use of a microprocessor in each unit. The monitoring station thus became autonomous, processing the signal from its detector and translating it into dose equivalent rate or contamination level and triggering the light and sound signals. The central mini-computer, which formerly handled the alarm system, is given over to record-keeping tasks and may be dispensed with in small-scale facilities. (H.K.)
International Radiation Protection Association, Washington, DC (USA); v. 2 p. 319-321; 1980; v. 2 p. 319-321; 5. International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Jerusalem, Israel; 9 - 14 Mar 1980
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[en] The B.F.S.A. plutonium monitor (monitor with sequential filter to measure plutonium and other transuranium element aerosols) includes two units: the CFSA sampler with sequential filter for alpha aerosols, and the processing unit in conjunction with its signalling unit. The main parameters of the CFSA and its principle being presented, the description of the sampler is given
La balise plutonium B.F.S.A. (Balise a Filtre Sequentiel pour les Aerosols alpha) destinee a mesurer les aerosols de plutonium et d'autres transuraniens, est composee du capteur CFSA a filtre sequentiel pour aerosols alpha et de l'unite de traitement associee a son coffret de signalisation. Apres avoir donne les principaux parametres et le principe du CFSA, on en fait la descriptionOriginal Title
Description fonctionnelle du capteur pour aerosols de plutonium (C.F.S.A.)
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses; 481 p; ISBN 2-7272-0084-6; ; 1983; p. 273-286; Commisariat a l'Energie Atomique; Saclay (France); Congress on plutonium and radioprotection; Saclay (France); 14-16 Jun 1983
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Grimont, B.; Laureana, R.; Carossi, J.C.; Da Costa, D.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1981
[en] The problem of the ''alarm'' detection of radiative contamination by plutonium and other transuranic elements has not been satisfactorily solved with the equipment development over the last few years (EAR, MDPu, DFF.Pu ...): - inadequate detection sensitivity (flow rate, detectors, energy decay of particles in the filter element or in the detection space, influence of background); - problems of aerosol capture and collection with unsuitably designed instruments; - research and development too centred on Pu 239 detection alone. A more thorough approach to the requirements of reprocessing plants, plutonium recycling laboratories, CEA users with material to replace or new facilities to equip has shown up the need to develop a captor and an RC signal post for the measurement of atmospheric contamination by plutonium and other transuranic aerosols, especially Pu 238. Preliminary work has shown that such an apparatus must be designed with a new detection head by which a flow rate of 100 l/mn may be obtained under satisfactory sampling and collection conditions
Le probleme de la detection ''alarme'' de la contamination atmospherique par le plutonium et autres transuraniens n'a pas ete resolu de facon satisfaisante avec les materiels developpes ces dernieres annees (EAR, MDPu, DFF.Pu ...): - sensibilite de detection insuffisante (debit, detecteurs, degradation en energie des particules dans le support filtrant ou dans l'espace de detection, influence de bruit de fond naturel); - problemes de captation et de collection des aerosols au niveau des appareils mal apprehendes; - effort de recherches et de realisation trop axes sur la seule detection du Pu 239. Une approche plus approfondie des besoins des usines de retraitement, des laboratoires au cours du recyclage du plutonium, des utilisateurs du CEA qui ont a renouveler leur materiel ou a equiper de nouvelles installations, a montre la necessite de developper un capteur et une balise TCR pour la mesure de la contamination atmospherique par les aerosols du plutonium et autres transuriens, en particulier pour le Pu 238. Les travaux preliminaires accomplis ont mis en evidence la necessite de concevoir un tel type d'appareil en utilisant une nouvelle tete de detection qui permette d'obtenir un debit de 100 l/mn dans des conditions de prelevement et de collection satisfaisantesOriginal Title
Developpement d'un systeme de mesure de la contamination en plutonium: capteur et balise TCR pour aerosols du plutonium et autres transuraniens
May 1981; 5 p; Symposium on the development techniques used in nuclear energy worker radioprotection; Cadarache (France); 5 - 7 May 1981
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[en] The nuclear basic plants of the CEA group are very diversified: experimental reactors, hot laboratories, particle accelerators, fuel reprocessing plants, etc... These nuclear basic plants have always been highly controlled and monitored radiologically, with an instrumentation which has changed with the time. Instrumentation of the third generation is described here
Original Title
Instrumentation de radioprotection pour les installations experimentales et les usines
Techniques de l'ingenieur; v. 39(B120); 110 p; May 1987; p. B3455-1-B3455-4; Techniques de l'Ingenieur; Paris (France)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Le systeme SPAL 60. Surveillance et pilotage de l'accelerateur lineaire de 60MeV de Saclay
Primary Subject
published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Bull. Inf. Sci. Tech. (Paris); (no.194); p. 33-35
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Mamo, H.; Grimont, B.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1973
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Systeme en ligne pour la mesure par clairance isotopique du debit sanguin cerebral
Primary Subject
1973; 6 p; Information meeting on biomedical electronics; Saclay, France; 27 Nov 1973
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[en] Developments in radiation protection systems which have occurred within the CEA are described. Such systems enable irradiation and contamination risks to be quantitatively determined and monitored. A monitoring station is defined to be a suitable radiation detector (with its associated electronics) and audible and visible means of alerting personnel. The outputs from all the monitoring stations are fed to a central control station where they are recorded and acted upon. The practical experience obtained using microprocessors on the monitoring stations and a minicomputer in the central station is discussed; 30 units are connected to the central minicomputer in order to control an effluent treatment plant. (U.K.)
Original Title
On-line systems for radiation monitoring
International Radiation Protection Association, Washington, DC (USA); 1278 p; ISBN 0 08 025912 X; ; 1980; p. 736-738; Pergamon Press; Oxford; 5. congress of the International Radiation Protection Society on radiation protection; Jerusalem, Israel; Mar 1980
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Meric, P.; Mathis, S.; Seylaz, J.; Mamo, H.; Guillier, F.; Grimont, B.; Leproux, G.; Cosnac, B. de
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1974
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services d'Electronique1974
No abstract available
Original Title
Systeme de mesure par clairance isotopique du debit sanguin cerebral regional. Traitement automatique des resultats
Primary Subject
19 Feb 1974; 15 p; Meeting on the utilization of computers in medicine; Toulouse, France; 04 Mar 1974; CEA-SES-PUB-SERF--74-35
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[en] Short communication. 1 tab
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Journal Article
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